An application, using for example appsink, can hold buffers from any
va allocator after setting the pipeline to NULL. We need to destroy
the allocator when that memory is unrefed.
This patch juggles a bit with the allocator reference count in
memories in order to achieve this:
1. When memory is created no alloc ref is modified
2. When memory is released, alloc ref is decreased
3. When memory is reassiged to a buffer, alloc ref is increased
4. When memory is flushed, alloc ref is increased becase it is going
to be decreased in gst_memory_unref()
Also this patch moves the deallocation of member variables to
finalize() rather than dispose()
Part-of: <>
In case that "pic_order_cnt_type" is equal to zero, ref picture
list for B slice should not include non-existing picture
as per spec And, the second field is not needed
for the process of frame picture reference list construction
since it needs to be frame unit, not field picture in that case.
Part-of: <>
force_videometa should mean that the buffer must use video meta to
map correctly. When the stride or the offset of the alloc_info is
different from the src caps, the downstream must use video meta.
So this flag should not link with the RAW caps only. All kinds of
caps(memory:VAMemory, memory:DMABuf) should have this flag.
Part-of: <>
When the downstream element reports an ANY caps, and it also fails to
support VideoMeta, we should fallback to the system memory.
Note: the basetransform kind elements never return valid allocation
query before set_caps(). So, if a basetransform return an ANY sink
caps, we always fallback to system memory for it.
Part-of: <>
Allocate a GArray which is used to fill
VAPictureParameterBufferH264.ReferenceFrames (called per frame),
instead of alloc/free per frame.
Also this commit is to fix the condition where long-term reference
picture is needed for VAPictureParameterBufferH264.ReferenceFrames
Part-of: <>
We don't need to preserve input color range for transformed target
color space. Also some GPUs doesn't seem to be happy with 16-235
color range for RGB color space.
Also, since our default display target color space is
DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709, choosing full color range
would make more sense.
Part-of: <>
When gst_va_dmabuf_allocator_setup_buffer_full() receives info (not NULL) it is
supposed that this buffer is not part of the allocator pool, so it has to be
de-allocated as soon it is freed.
This patch sets the destroy notify of the assigned GstVaBufferSurface if info is
not NULL.
Part-of: <>
Managing reference picture type by using two variables
(ref and long_term) seems to be redundant and that can be
represented by using a single enum value.
This is to sync this implementation with gstreamer-vaapi so that
make comparison between this and gstreamer-vaapi easier and also
in order to minimize the change required for subclass to be able
to support interlaced.
Part-of: <>
As per spec 7.4.3 Slice header semantics, the flag value is derived as
MbaffFrameFlag = (mb_adaptive_frame_field_flag && !field_pic_flag)
and DXVA uses the value.
Regarding FrameNumList, in case of long-term ref, FrameNumList[i]
value should be long_term_frame_idx not long_term_pic_num.
Part-of: <>
This add HEVC decoding support into the new VA plugin. This implementation has
been tested using the ITU comformance test (through fluster). It fails all
MAIN10 tests, as this is not implemented yet along with the following:
CONFWIN_A_Sony_1 (looks fine, but md5sum is incorrect)
PICSIZE_A_Bossen_1 (height too high)
PICSIZE_B_Bossen_1 (same)
VPSSPSPPS_A_MainConcept_1 (parser issue)
Part-of: <>
This causes no changes to the profile but keeps the existing settings.
The profile can also be changed from e.g. the card's configuration
application and in that case probably should be left alone.
The default is the new value as it keeps the profile setting as it is,
which is consistent with the previous behaviour in 1.18.
Part-of: <>
In our va implemenation, we just use image's info to map the buffer.
The padding info just plays a role as a place holder to expand the
allocation size in caps when decoding size is bigger than display
size. So the padding_right or padding_left does not change the result.
But we find if using padding_left, it is hard to meet the requirement
of gst_video_meta_validate_alignment(), when the video meta's stride
is different from the allocation width.
Part-of: <>
We have already done the jobs in gst_va_base_dec_decide_allocation()
and no need to call base class' decide_allocation() again. The base
class' decide_allocation() will set_format() again and let use do the
image/surface testing again, which is low performance and no needed.
Part-of: <>
Use this standalone function to update the allocator info and make
all ensure_image() and mem_alloc() API clean.
We also change the default way of using image. We now set the non
derive manner as the default manner, and if it fails, then fallback
to the derived image manner.
On a lot of platforms, the derived image does not have caches, so the
read and write operations have very low performance.
Part-of: <>
Moving the parameters testing and setting from the allocator_alloc_full()
to the allocator_try(). The allocator_alloc_full() will be called every
time when we need to allocate a new memory. But all these parameters such
as the surface and the image format, rt_format, etc, are unchanged during
the whole allocator lifetime. Just setting them in set_format() is enough.
Part-of: <>
Output texture of d3d11 decoder cannot have the bind flag
D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE (meaning that it cannot be used for shader
input resource). So d3d11convert (and it's subclasses) was copying
texture into another internal texture to use d3d11 shader.
It's obviously overhead and we can avoid texture copy for
colorspace conversion or resizing via ID3D11VideoProcessor
as it supports decoder output texture.
This commit would be a visible optimization for d3d11 decoder with
d3d11compositor use case because we can avoid texture copy per frame.
Part-of: <>
GstMemory object could be disposed if GstBuffer is not allocated
by GstD3D11BufferPool such as via gst_buffer_copy() and/or
gst_buffer_make_writable(). So attaching qdata on GstMemory
object would cause unnecessary view alloc/free.
By using view pool which is implemented in GstD3D11Allocator,
we can avoid redundant view alloc/free.
Part-of: <>
In order to know the chroma format, besides profile, subsampling_x and
subsampling_y are needed (Spec 7.2.2 Color config semantics). These values are
in GstVp9Parser but not in GstVp9Framehdr.
Also, bit_depth is available in parser but not frame header. Evenmore, those
values are copied to picture structure later.
In case of VA-API, to configure the pipeline, it is require to know the chroma
format and depth.
It is possible to know chroma and depth through caps coming from vp9parser, but
it requires string parsing. It would be less error prone to get these values
through the parser structure at new_sequence() virtual method.
Part-of: <>
Add new video composition element which is equivalent to compositor
and glvideomixer elements. When d3d11 decoder elements are used,
d3d11compositor can do efficient graphics memory handling
(zero copying or at least copying memory on GPU memory space).
Part-of: <>
New d3d11colorconvert and d3d11scale elements will perform only
colorspace conversion and rescale, respectively. Those new elements
would be useful when only colorspace conversion or rescale is required
and the other part should be done by another elements.
Part-of: <>
Add util functions for runtime CUDA kernel source compilation
using NVRTC library. Like other nvcodec dependent libraries,
NVRTC library will be loaded via g_module_open.
Note that the NVRTC library naming is not g_module_open friendly
on Windows.
(i.e., nvrtc64_{CUDA major version}{CUDA minor version}.dll).
So users can specify the dll name using GST_NVCODEC_NVRTC_LIBNAME
Part-of: <>
Introducing CUDA buffer pool with generic CUDA memory support.
Likewise GL memory, any elements which are able to access CUDA device
memory directly can map this CUDA memory without upload/download
overhead via the "GST_MAP_CUDA" map flag.
Also usual GstMemory map/unmap is also possible with internal staging memory.
For staging, CUDA Host allocated memory is used (see CuMemAllocHost API).
The memory is allowing system access but has lower overhead
during GPU upload/download than normal system memory.
Part-of: <>
Fix a bug in _create_other_pool(). The old way of checking the
base->other_pool make that other_pool never be changed until the
gst_va_base_dec_stop() to stop the current decoding context.
But in some stream, the resolution may change during the decoding
process, and we need to re-negotiate the buffer pool. Then, the
old other_pool can not be clean correctly and the new correct one
can not be created.
Part-of: <>
The current bufferpool wastes all pre-allocate buffers when the
buffer pool is actived.
The pool->priv->size is 0 for va buffer pool. And every time, the
reset_buffer() will clean all mem and make the buffer size 0, that
can cache the gst_buffer in the buffer pool.
But when the buffer pool is activing, the default_start() just
allocate the buffer and release_buffer() immediately, all the pre
allocated buffers and surfaces are destroyed because of
gst_buffer_get_size (buffer) != pool->priv->size.
We need to use release_buffer() to do the clean job at the pool
start time.
Part-of: <>
Since allocators keep an available memory queue to reuse, video format and usage
hint are now persistant while allocator's memories are around.
This patch adds _set_format() and _get_format() for both VA allocators.
_set_format() validates if given format can be used or reused. If no allocated
surface previously it creates a dummy one to fetch its offsets and
strides. Updated info is returned to callee.
GstVaPool uses _set_format() at config to verify the allocator capacity and to
get the surfaces offsets and strides, which are going to be used by the video
Allocator extracted caps are compared with caps from config and if they have
different strides or offsets, force_videometa is set.
A new bufferpool method gst_va_pool_requires_video_meta() is added return the
value of force_videometa. This value is checked in order to know if decoders
need to copy the surface if downstream doesn't announce video meta support.
Part-of: <>
Without preallocating buffers and memories a deadlock in pool allocator is
highly probably since it might hit the case were buffer is returned to the pool
but their memories are still hold by a copy downstream, without other
preallocated buffers available.
This kind of a hack, where buffer_reset() follow the normal path if it's called
from start().
Part-of: <>
Every time a new surface is created the counter increases by one, and when it is
destroyed (or will be destroyed in case of GstVaAllocator), the counter is
decreased. Then, at allocator dispose, it is warning if the counter is not zero.
This counter will be also used to check if the allocator can change its
configuration if the counter is zero or can not.
Part-of: <>
Updated Decklink SDK to version 11.2 in order to support newer cards like the Decklink 8K Pro.
This required to replace the duplex property by a profile property.
Profile values can be the following:
- bmdProfileOneSubDeviceFullDuplex
- bmdProfileOneSubDeviceHalfDuplex
- bmdProfileTwoSubDevicesFullDuplex
- bmdProfileTwoSubDevicesHalfDuplex
- bmdProfileFourSubDevicesHalfDuplex
Part-of: <>
1. Allocators don't implement memory free() methods since all the memories will
implement dispose() returning FALSE
2. Memory/miniobject dispose() will act as memory release, enqueueing the
release memory
3. A new allocator's method prepare_buffer() which queries the released memory
queue and will add the requiered memories to the buffer.
4. Allocators added a GCond to synchronize dispose() and prepare_buffer()
5. A new allocator's method flush() which will free for real the memories.
While the bufferpool will
1. Remove all the memories at reset_buffer()
2. Implement acquire_buffer() calling allocator's prepare_buffer()
3. Implement flush_start() calling allocator's flush()
4. start() is disabled since it pre-allocs buffers but also calls
our reset_buffer() which will drop the memories and later the
buffers are ditched, something we don't want. This approach avoids
buffer pre-allocation.
Part-of: <>
Renamed the first variable member of GstVaMemory from parent to mem in
order to avoid confusion with GstMemory's parent.
When freeing the structure, memory's parent is check in order to
decide if surfaces has to be destroyed or not, since only the parent
class have to destroy it.
Removed GST_MEMORY_FLAG_NO_SHARE in memory initialization, since it is
Implemented allocator's share virtual method which creates a new
shallow GstVaMemory structure based on the passed one which will be
it's parent.
Part-of: <>
Staging texture is used for memory transfer between system and
gpu memory. Apart from d3d11{upload,download} elements, however,
it should happen very rarely.
Before this commit, d3d11bufferpool was allocating at least one
staging texture in order to calculate cpu accessible memory size,
and it wasn't freed for later use of the texture unconditionally.
But it will increase system memory usage. Although GstD3D11memory
object is implemented so that support CPU access, most memory
transfer will happen in d3d11{upload,download} elements.
By this commit, the initial staging texture will be freed immediately
once cpu accessible memory size is calculated.
Part-of: <>
These function were repeated in the different implemented
elements. This patch centralize them.
The side effect is dmabuf memory type is no longer checked with the
current VAContext, but assuming that dmabuf is a consequence of caps
negotiation from dynamic generated caps templates, where the context's
memory types are validated, there's no need to validate them twice.
Part-of: <>
An oddness of wasapi loopback feature is that capture client will not
produce any data if there's no outputting sound to corresponding
render client. In other words, if there's no sound to render,
capture task will stall. As an option to solve such issue, we can
add timeout to wake up from capture thread if there's no incoming data
within given time interval. But it seems to be glitch prone.
Another approach is that we can keep pushing silence data into
render client so that capture client can keep capturing data
(even if it's just silence).
This patch will choose the latter one because it's more straightforward
way and it's likely produce glitchless sound than former approach.
A bonus point of this approach is that loopback capture on Windows7/8
will work with this patch. Note that there's an OS bug prior to Windows10
when loopback capture client is running with event-driven mode.
To work around the bug, event signalling should be handled manually
for read thread to wake up.
Part-of: <>
Add a global mutex to exclusive access to shared stream buffers, such
as DMABufs or VASurfaces after a tee:
gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src ! tee name=t t. ! queue ! \
vapostproc skin-tone=9 ! xvimagesink \
t. ! queue ! vapostproc ! xvimagesink
Part-of: <>
This function will take an array of DMABuf GstMemory and an array of
fd, and create a VASurfaceID with those fds. Later that VASurfaceID is
attached to each DMABuf through GstVaBufferSurface.
In order to free the surface GstVaBufferSurface now have GstVaDisplay
member, and _buffer_surface_unref() were added.
Part-of: <>
There are, in VPP, surfaces that doesn't support 4:2:2 fourccs but it
supports the chroma. So this patch gives that opportunity to the
This patch also simplifiies
gst_va_video_surface_format_from_image_format() to just an iterator
for surfaces available formats.
Part-of: <>
Add a new parameter to _create_surfaces(): a pointer to
If it's defined the memory type is changed to DRM_PRIME, also a new item is
added to the VASurfaceAttrib array with
Also, the VASurfaceAttrib for pixel format is not mandatory anymore. If fourcc
parameter is 0, is not added in the array, relying on the chroma. This is
useful when creating surfaces for uploading or downloading images.
Part-of: <>
The width/height from the video meta can be padded width, height. But when
sourcing from padded buffer, we only want to use the valid pixels. This
rectangle is from the crop meta, orther it is deduces from the caps. The width
and height from the caps is save in the parent class, use these instead of the
GstVideoInfo when settting the src rectangle.
This fixes an issue with 1080p video displaying repeated or green at the
padded bottom 8 lines (seen with v4l2codecs).
Part-of: <>
Note that newly added formats (YUY2, UYVY, and VYUY) are not supported
render target view formats. So such formats can be only input of d3d11convert
or d3d11videosink. Another note is that YUY2 format is a very common
format for hardware en/decoders on Windows.
Part-of: <>
Add custom IMFMediaBuffer and IMF2DBuffer implementation in order to
keep track of lifecycle of Media Foundation memory object.
By this new implementation, we can pass raw memory of upstream buffer
to Media Foundation without copy.
Part-of: <>
The min latency is calculated with the maximum number of frames that
precede any frame, if available, and it is lower than the maximum
number of frames in DBP.
The max latency is calculated with the maxium size of frames in DBP.
Part-of: <>
For the allocator to create surfaces with the correct chroma an
fourcc, it should use a surface format, not necessarily the negotiated
Instead of the previous arbitrary extra formats list, the decoder
extracts the valid pixel formats from the given VA config, and pass
that list to the allocator which stores it (full transfer).
Then, when the allocator allocates a new surface, it looks for a
surface color format chroma-compatible with the negotiated image color
Part-of: <>
Instead of adding a list of ad-hoc formats for raw caps (I420 and
YV12), the display queries the available image formats and we assume
that driver can download frames in that available format with same
chroma of the config surfaces chroma.
Part-of: <>
Some devices (e.g., Surface Book 2, Surface Pro X) will expose
both MediaStreamType_VideoPreview and MediaStreamType_VideoRecord types
for a logical device. And for some reason, MediaStreamType_VideoPreview
seems to be selected between them while initiailzing device.
But I cannot find any documentation for the decision rule.
To be safe, we will select common formats between them.
Part-of: <>
Microsoft defines two I420 formats, one is I420, and the other is
IYUV (but both are same, just names are different).
Since both will be converted to GST_VIDEO_FORMAT_I420,
we should check both I420 and IYUV subtypes during
GstVideoFormat to Microsoft's format conversion.
Part-of: <>
In case of UWP, documentation from MS is saying that
ActivateAudioInterfaceAsync() method should be called from UI thread.
And the resulting callback might not happen until user interaction
has been made.
So we cannot wait the activation result on constructed() method.
and therefore we should return gst_wasapi2_client_new()
immediately without waiting the result if wasapi2 elements are
running on UWP application.
In addition to async operation fix, this commit includes COM object
reference counting issue around ActivateAudioInterfaceAsync() call.
Part-of: <>
Since the commit c29c71ae9d,
device activation method will be called from an internal thread.
A problem is that, CoreApplication::GetCurrentView()
method will return nullptr if it was called from non-UI thread,
and as a result, currently implemented method for accessing ICoreDispatcher
will not work in any case. There seems to be no robust way for
accessing ICoreDispatcher other then setting it by user.
Part-of: <>
If the run_async() method is expected to be called from streaming
thread and not from application thread, use INFINITE as timeout value
so that d3d11window can wait UI dispatcher thread in any case.
There is no way to get a robust timeout value from library side.
So the fixed timeout value might not be optimal and therefore
we should avoid it as much as possible.
Rule whether a timeout value can be INFINITE or not is,
* If the waiting can be cancelled by GstBaseSink:unlock(), use INFINITE.
GstD3D11Window:on_resize() is one case for example.
* Otherwise, use timeout value
Some details are, GstBaseSink:start() and GstBaseSink:stop() will be called
when NULL to READY or READY to NULL state change, so there will be no
chance for GstBaseSink:unlock() and GstBaseSink:unlock_stop()
to be called around them. So there is no other way then timeout way.
GstD3D11Window:consturcted() and GstD3D11Window:unprepare() are the case.
Part-of: <>