Add a pool creation function name as 2 for later use which will create
va pool for video memory in linux and keep system pool for windows.
This gst_msdkdec_create_buffer_pool2 will replace gst_msdkdec_create_buffer_pool
when all the memory allocation modifications are ready in the commits after.
Part-of: <>
Rewrite gst_msdk_frame_alloc and name it as xxx_2 before applying it.
It uses negotiated bufferpool stored in GstMsdkContext to allocate buffers
in the callback MfxFrameAllocator:Alloc, then extract VASurface from buffer,
wrap it as mfxMemIDs and pass these IDs to MediaSDK/oneVPL.
Part-of: <>
The dimension of the overlay texture directly corresponds to the size of the overlay **buffer** which is given by its video meta.
The dimension at which the overlay should be displayed directly correspond to the overlay `render_width`and `render_height`.
This match the behavior of glimagesink
Part-of: <>
Instead of creating new decoder instance per new sequence,
re-use configured decoder instance via cuvidReconfigureDecoder()
API. It will make output surface reusable without re-allocation.
Also, in order for application to be able to reserve higher resolution
output surface, "init-max-width" and "init-max-height" properties are
added to each decoder.
Part-of: <>
Call input resource map functions (i.e., nvEncRegisterResource,
nvEncUnregisterResource, nvEncMapInputResource, and
nvEncUnmapInputResource) only once and reuse the mapped resources,
instead of per input frame map/unmap
Part-of: <>
Wrap mapped decoder output surface using GstCudaMemory and
output without any copy operation. Also, for application to be able to
control the number of zero-copyable output surfaces,
"num-output-surfaces" property is added.
Part-of: <>
Passing ARGB64/RGBA64 to vtenc caused the encoding to fail
when running on M1 Pro/Max variants with macOS 12.x, so let's
remove these formats from caps when such scenario is detected.
This issue appears to have been fixed OS-side in macOS 13.0.
Part-of: <>
This was causing incorrect output when seeking, especially
when used with a multithreaded source like `videotestsrc n-threads=2`.
It should now correctly wait for frames still being processed by VT
while vtdec is flushing.
Part-of: <>
We are using std::isspace() with one parameter. That function is defined
in the cctype header.
win32ipcutils.cpp(34): error C2672: 'std::isspace': no matching overloaded function found
win32ipcutils.cpp(34): error C2780: 'bool std::isspace(_Elem,const std::locale &)': expects 2 arguments - 1 provided
Part-of: <>
Due to a bug in the VT API, attempting to encode interlaced content
with ProRes results in an error, halting the pipeline instead of
gracefully falling back to software encoding.
Should be removed in the future if Apple ever fixes this issue.
Part-of: <>
The VA API has not defined the scaling list entries for U/V planes
for the 4:4:4 stream. In fact, we do not meet the 4:4:4 format output
for H264 so far, and scaling list is not used frequently, so we just
print out some warning and ignore these scaling list values.
Part-of: <>
* Extend protocol so that client can notify of releasing shared memory
* Server will hold shared memory object until it's released by client
* Add allocator/buffer pool to reuse shared memory objects and buffers
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It is really difficult for people to figure out why nvcodec has
0 features. Even the debug log is cryptic. Also make sure the errors
go to the ERROR log level, which is more likely to be enabled by
Part-of: <>
_alloca CRT function is deprecated. Moreover, stack allocation
for string is not a good idea. We can use _malloca inline
function instead, but all use of _alloca in d3d11 library/plugin
are not performance critical path at all.
Part-of: <>
The VAAPI vaQueryVideoProcPipelineCaps() requires the context as the
parameter. So far, we always pass VA_INVALID_ID and it can succeed.
But the API does not say that and in theory, a valid context is required.
Now the new platform really needs a valid context and so we have to
delay that query until the context is created.
Part-of: <>
NVDEC launches CUDA kernel function (ConvertNV12BLtoNV12 or so)
when CuvidMapVideoFrame() is called. Which seems to be
NVDEC's internal post-processing kernel function, maybe
to convert tiled YUV to linear YUV format or something similar.
A problem if we don't pass CUDA stream to the CuvidMapVideoFrame()
call is that the NVDEC's internel kernel function will use default CUDA stream.
Then lots of the other CUDA API calls will be blocked/serialized.
To avoid the unnecessary blocking, we should pass our own
CUDA stream object to the CuvidMapVideoFrame() call
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... when rendering on external HWND. ShowWindow() will cause
synchronous message passing to window thread and then can be blocked.
At the same time, window thread can wait for GStreamer thread.
Instead of the synchronous call, queue the task to window message
and performs from the window thread.
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Deadlock sequence:
* From a streaming thread, d3d11videosink sends synchronous message
to the parent window, so that internal (child) window can be
constructed on the parent window's thread
* App thread (parent window thread) is waiting for pipeline's
state change (to GST_STATE_NULL) but streaming thread is
blocked and waiting for app thread
To avoid the deadlock, GstD3D11WindowWin32 should send message
to the parent window asynchronously.
Part-of: <>
Starting with glib 2.75, `NULL` is `nullptr`, which cannot be
implicitly coerced to `0`, unlike `NULL`. So explicitly pass `0`.
[3206/4524] Compiling C++ object subprojects/gst-plugins-bad/sys/directshow/gstdirectshow.dll.p/dshowvideosink.cpp.obj
FAILED: subprojects/gst-plugins-bad/sys/directshow/gstdirectshow.dll.p/dshowvideosink.cpp.obj
"cl" "-Isubprojects\gst-plugins-bad\sys\directshow\gstdirectshow.dll.p" "-Isubprojects\gst-plugins-bad\sys\directshow" "-I..\subprojects\gst-plugins-bad\sys\directshow" "-Isubprojects\gst-plugins-bad" "-I..\subprojects\gst-plugins-bad" "-Isubprojects\gst-plugins-base\gst-libs" "-I..\subprojects\gst-plugins-base\gst-libs" "-Isubprojects\gstreamer\libs" "-I..\subprojects\gstreamer\libs" "-Isubprojects\gstreamer" "-I..\subprojects\gstreamer" "-Isubprojects\orc" "-I..\subprojects\orc" "-I..\subprojects\gst-plugins-bad\sys\directshow\strmbase\baseclasses" "-Isubprojects\gst-plugins-base\gst-libs\gst\video" "-Isubprojects\gstreamer\gst" "-Isubprojects\gst-plugins-base\gst-libs\gst\audio" "-Isubprojects\gst-plugins-base\gst-libs\gst\tag" "-IC:/gst-install/include/glib-2.0" "-IC:/gst-install/lib/glib-2.0/include" "-IC:/gst-install/include" "/MD" "/nologo" "/showIncludes" "/utf-8" "/W2" "/EHsc" "/O2" "/Zi" "/wd4018" "/wd4146" "/wd4244" "/wd4305" "/utf-8" "/we4002" "/we4003" "/we4013" "/we4020" "/we4027" "/we4029" "/we4033" "/we4045" "/we4047" "/we4053" "/we4062" "/we4098" "/we4101" "/we4189" "/utf-8" "-D_MBCS" "/wd4189" "/wd4456" "/wd4701" "/wd4703" "/wd4706" "/wd4996" "-DHAVE_CONFIG_H" "/Fdsubprojects\gst-plugins-bad\sys\directshow\gstdirectshow.dll.p\dshowvideosink.cpp.pdb" /Fosubprojects/gst-plugins-bad/sys/directshow/gstdirectshow.dll.p/dshowvideosink.cpp.obj "/c" ../subprojects/gst-plugins-bad/sys/directshow/dshowvideosink.cpp
../subprojects/gst-plugins-bad/sys/directshow/dshowvideosink.cpp(62): warning C5051: attribute 'noinline' requires at least '/std:c++20'; ignored
../subprojects/gst-plugins-bad/sys/directshow/dshowvideosink.cpp(123): error C2664: 'LRESULT SendMessageA(HWND,UINT,WPARAM,LPARAM)': cannot convert argument 3 from 'nullptr' to 'WPARAM'
../subprojects/gst-plugins-bad/sys/directshow/dshowvideosink.cpp(123): note: A native nullptr can only be converted to bool or, using reinterpret_cast, to an integral type
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.19041.0\um\winuser.h(3690): note: see declaration of 'SendMessageA'
../subprojects/gst-plugins-bad/sys/directshow/dshowvideosink.cpp(635): error C2664: 'BOOL SystemParametersInfoA(UINT,UINT,PVOID,UINT)': cannot convert argument 2 from 'nullptr' to 'UINT'
../subprojects/gst-plugins-bad/sys/directshow/dshowvideosink.cpp(635): note: A native nullptr can only be converted to bool or, using reinterpret_cast, to an integral type
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.19041.0\um\winuser.h(13153): note: see declaration of 'SystemParametersInfoA'
../subprojects/gst-plugins-bad/sys/directshow/dshowvideosink.cpp(1593): error C2664: 'LRESULT SendMessageA(HWND,UINT,WPARAM,LPARAM)': cannot convert argument 3 from 'nullptr' to 'WPARAM'
../subprojects/gst-plugins-bad/sys/directshow/dshowvideosink.cpp(1593): note: A native nullptr can only be converted to bool or, using reinterpret_cast, to an integral type
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.19041.0\um\winuser.h(3690): note: see declaration of 'SendMessageA'
Part-of: <>
And even that vaav1dec doesn't use vabasedec negotiate vmethod, it should align
with the new scheme of using base's width & height for surface size and
output_info structure for downstream display size negotiation.
Part-of: <>
This vmethod can be used by decoders with the same VA decoder reopen logic:
same profile, chroma, width and height.
Also a new public method called gst_va_base_dec_set_output_state() with the
common GStreamer code for setting the output state, which is always called by
the negotiate vmethod.
In order to do this refactoring, new variables in vabasedec have to be populated
by the decoders:
* width and height define the resolution set in VA decoder. In the case of H264
would be de coded_width and codec_height, or max_width and max_height in AV1.
* output_info is the downstream video info used for negotiation in
* input_state, from codec parent class shall be also held by vabasedec
Part-of: <>
There could be multi-GPU setups where the non-first has more
entrypoints than the first one, and the elements names are not
homogeneous, leading to pipeline building error.
This patch add the render node in the elements names when they belong
to the non-first device.
Part-of: <>
To fix the warning on Alderlake
vafilter gstvafilter.c:534:gst_va_filter_ensure_filters:<vafilter0>
vaQueryVideoProcFiltersCaps: list argument exceeds maximum number
Increase the number of caps to 16 as vadumpcaps does.
Part-of: <>
Windows supports various IPC methods but that's completely
different form that of *nix from implementation point of view.
So, instead of adding shared memory functionality to existing
shm plugin, new WIN32 shared memory source/sink elements
are implemented in this commit.
Each videosink (server) and videosrc (client) pair will communicate
using WIN32 named pipe and thus user should configure unique/proper
pipe name to them (e.g., \\.\pipe\MyPipeName).
Once connection is established, videosink will create named shared memory
object per frame and client will be able to consume the object
(i.e., memory mapped file handle) without additional copy operation.
Note that implementations under "protocol" directory are almost
pure C/C++ with WIN32 APIs except for a few defines and debug functions.
So, applications can take only the protocol part so that the application
can send/receive shared-memory object from/to the other end
even if it's not an actual GStreamer element.
Part-of: <>
There was a drm/drm_mode.h included added recently, drm/ is usually
referencing the linux kernel header, but we only requires the libdrm
headers to be installed. On top of this, including drm_mode.h is never
needed as its already included by drm.h.
Part-of: <>
The legacy emulation in DRM/KMS drivers badly interact with GStreamer and
may cause the framerate to be halved. With this property, users can disable
vsync (which is handled internally by the emulation) in order to regain the
full framerate.
Part-of: <>
In current tile representation, only tiles with power of two
width and height in bytes are supported. This limitation
prevents adding more complex tiles formats.
In this patch, we deprecate tile_ws and tile_hs from GstVideoFormatInfo and
replace if with an array of GstVideoTileInfo. Each plane tiles are then
described with their pixels width/height, line stride and total size.
The helper gst_video_format_info_get_tile_sizes() that depends on the
deprecated API is also being removed. This can simply be removed as it wasn't
in any stable release yet.
Part-of: <>
This change allow output caps to be updated even though we stay in
streaming state. This is needed so that any upstream updated to fields
like framerate, hdr data, etc. can result in a downstream caps event
being pushed.
Previously, any of these changes was being ignored and the downstream
caps would not reflect it.
Part-of: <>
Rewriting GstCudaConverter object, since the old implementation was not
well organized and it's hard to add new features.
Moreover, the conversion operations were not very optimized.
Major change of this implementation:
* Remove redundant intermediate conversion operations such as
any RGB -> ARGB(64) conversion or any YUV -> Y444 (or 16bits Y444).
That's not required most of cases. The only required case is
converting 24bits (such as RGB/BGR) packed format to 32bits format
because CUDA texture object does not support sampling 24bits format
* Use normalized sample fetching (i.e., [0, 1] range float value)
and also normalized coordinates system for CUDA texture.
It's consistent with the other graphics APIs such as Direct3D
and OpenGL, that makes sampling operations much easier.
* Support a kind of viewport and adopt math for colorspace conversion
from GstD3D11 implementation
Part-of: <>
GstCudaConverter object can do colorspace conversion and scale at once.
Adding new element "cudaconvertscale" to do that, this can
save unnecessary GPU operation if colorspace conversion and
rescale is required for given input stream format.
Most of codes are taken from d3d11convert element
Part-of: <>
Replace video_copy with memcpy to fix the issue when the sizes of the
src frame and dst frame don't match. Moreover, for Windows, you have to
do the copy first and call gst_msdk_import_to_msdk_surface later.
Part-of: <>
Replace video_copy with memcpy to fix the issue when the sizes of the
src frame and dst frame don't match. Moreover, for Windows, you have to
do the copy first and call gst_msdk_import_to_msdk_surface later.
Part-of: <>