instances when created and reuse
This patch improves performance when glimagesink uploads a GL texture.
It caches the GStVaapiTexture instances in GstVaapiDisplay{GLX,EGL}, using an
instance of GstVaapiTextureMap, so our internal texture structure can be found
by matching the GL texture id for each frame upload process, avoiding the
internal texture structure creation and its following destruction.
Signed-off-by: Víctor Manuel Jáquez Leal <>
Add a new generic helper function gst_vaapi_window_new() to create
a window without having the caller to check for the display type
himself. i.e. internally, there is now a GstVaapiDisplayClass hook
to create windows, and the actual backend implementation fills it in.
Add new generic helper functions gst_vaapi_texture_new_wrapped()
This is a simplification in view to supporting EGL.
Make gst_vaapi_display_get_display_type() return the actual VA display
type. Conversely, add a gst_vaapi_display_get_class_type() function to
return the type of the GstVaapiDisplay instance. The former is used to
identify the display server onto which the application is running, and
the latter to identify the original object class.
Add new generic helper functions gst_vaapi_texture_new_wrapped()
and gst_vaapi_texture_new() to create a texture without having
the caller to uselessly check for the display type himself. i.e.
internally, there is now a GstVaapiDisplayClass hook to create
textures, and the actual backend implementation fills it in.
This is a simplification in view to supporting EGL.
The VA/GLX interfaces are obsolete. They used to exist for XvBA, and
ease of use, but they had other caveats to deal with. It's now better
to move on to legacy mode, whereby VA/GLX interop is two be provided
through (i) X11 Pixmap, and (ii) other modern means of buffer sharing.
Make it possible to add extra an extra filter to most of display cache
lookup functions so that the GstVaapiDisplay instance can really match
a compatible and existing display by type, instead of relying on extra
string tags (e.g. "X11:" prefix, etc.).
Move display types from gstvaapipluginutil.* to gstvaapidisplay.* so that
we could simplify characterization of a GstVaapiDisplay. Also rename "auto"
type to "any", and add a "display-type" attribute.