Currently float and int are supported by default. vec2, vec3, vec4
and mat4 are supported if graphene is used. Of course if one wants
to set custom uniforms they can also be set using the create-shader
We know that the gchar arrays contain at least one string. Furthermore,
g_strfreev() checks if the array is NULL and simply returns if it is.
Hence, there is no need to check if the array is empty before using
CID 1327412-1327415
In order to ensure the sequence_position will always be consistently updated,
store the current file duration.
This way, when we advance, we can always increment the position based on what
was previously outputted.
One may not have an GstGLContext available or current in the thread where one
would need to update the shader. Support this by signalling create-shader
whenever the one-shot 'update-shader' is set to TRUE.
A GstGLShader is now simply a collection of stages that are
compiled and linked together into a program. The uniform/attribute
interface has remained the same.
Allows playlists that are missing the mediasequence information to
be correctly parsed. If the playlist was updated without reseting
the mediasequence it would constantly increase over subsequent updates,
leading to issues during playback.
For live streams, we want to make sure there's a certain distance
between the sequence to play and the last (earliest) fragment.
The problem is that it assumes there are at least 3 fragments in
the playlist, which might not always be the case (like in the case
of a server restarting and gradually adding fragments).
In order to avoid ending up with negative sequence numbers (which
will just loop forever), limit the new target sequence number to
the highest of:
* either the first sequence number of the playlist (fallback)
* or 3 fragments from the last one (standard behaviour)
Change the gstcvdilate.c file extension to cpp and add it into Makefile for
consistency with other elements of opencv and because Opencv not support C
language in new API 2.4.11.
Change the file extension to cpp and add it into Makefile for consistency
with other elements of opencv and because Opencv not support C language in
new API 2.4.11.
Change the file extension to cpp and add it into Makefile for consistency
with other elements of opencv and because Opencv not support C language in
new API 2.4.11.
Change the gstretinex.c file to cpp and add it into Makefile.
It is necessary to migrate the retinex element to C++,
because new Opencv API leaves obsolete functions like cvSmooth.
This element uses this function.
You can see in this link:
highlight=cvsmooth#void cvSmooth(const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
int smoothtype, int size1, int size2, double sigma1, double sigma2)
The cascade classifier changes its structure on new version of OpenCV 2.4.11.
It is need to migrate to C++ to utilize the new load method of OpenCV which
allows to load the old and new classifiers.
Change the gsthanddetect.c file to cpp and add it into Makefile.
It is necessary to migrate the handdetect plugin to C++,
in order to load new and old classifiers, to make handdetect work
with newer versions of Opencv.
This is mostly a copy/paste of the negotiation function in
basetextoverlay, which was improved recently to handle many more cases.
This will allow us to negotiate a window size with downstream.
Doing the contrary has no effect and the consequence is that playback
will start with the lowest bitrate even if we can already handle
higher bitrate.
Not doing this can lead the demuxer to attempt downloading fragments
for an invalid start time. The server would then send a HTTP
Precondition failed error, the demuxer would try some more times to
download the invalid fragment and eventually error out.
Move the TAG defines directly into the code, not sure what
their purposes is, these are printf format strings so having
them directly as literals in the code where they're used
makes the code easier to follow.
Remove playlist_str GString variable from GstM3U8Playlist struct,
since it's only used temporarily in playlist_render(). Might just
as well keep it local then.
Transform is set to be done in place in gstcvdilateerode.c, so the in-place
transform function is always used and the other is redundant. Removing it.
Transform is set to be done in place in gstcvdilateerode.c, so the in-place
transform function is always used and the other is redundant. Removing it.
When running GStreamer from uninstalled sources, the location of the haar
cascade files will be local. Check if running in uninstalled and set the
file paths accordingly.
Move handling of a GstSample in a separate function, and unref the
sample after calling it. libass copies the font data so we don't need to
keep it around.
Ignore the normal gap threshold for laggy streams and
immediately catch all streams up to the end of the segment
when processing gap updates for a segment during a
still frame sequence.
Create src pads for Representations that contain timed-text subtitles,
both when the subtitles are encapsulated in ISO BMFF (i.e., the
Representation has mimeType "application/mp4") and when they are
unencapsulated (i.e., the Representation has mimeType
The same has to be done for AdaptationSet and SegmentList nodes still.
Also this does not correctly implement the semantics: by default Period (and
other nodes) should only be loaded when needed, not in the very beginning. We
need to implement lazy loading for them, which means adjusting
gst_uri_join_strings() will return the second parameter if it is an absolute
URI. No need to do a (wrong) check if the URI is absolute or not beforehand.
In case the format changed fast and the pending format is different
than the currently set but the currently set is equal to the pending
one we could end up having mismatch between the finally set format
and the data stream format.
The spec defines these as signed in
Since we don't support this behavior, warn and default to 0
(non repeating), which is the spec's default when the value
is not present.
Even if it doesn't actually advance the subfragment in the default way
for streams that have subfragments, it can help the base class to return
EOS when there is no more fragments instead of signaling it that it should
continue downloading.
This reverts commit 626a8f0a74.
This allows us to get the plain presentation offset and the period start time
separately. We have to adjust the timestamp by the presentation offset, but
the period start time should only adjust the stream time and running time.
This reverts commit e671ad25a9.
The timestamps should restart at 0 again for each period, but we have to
adjust the segment to map those timestamps to the actual stream time and
running time of that period.
Otherwise we would have timestamps that conflict with the ones from the tfdt
inside the MP4 container, which are restarting at 0 for each period.
In dash isombff profile the fragment is split into subframents where
bitrate switching is possible. Also take that into consideration
when checking if a stream has next fragments.
This GstStreamPeriod start value is expressed in nanoseconds,
and the glib time addition function expects microseconds.
There seems to have been a confusion with GstPeriodNode's start
field, which is expressed in milliseconds.
Additionally, add a warning if the timestamp modification did
not succeed, and NULL was returned.
The cvSmooth cvNot functions and do not have the correct input parameters.
Furthermore, cvSmooth function is not necessary for edge detection,
because the Canny function makes the step of smoothing the image.
And cvNot function is useless because there aren't changes if this
function is eliminated.
The cascade classifier changes its structure on new version of OpenCV 2.4.11.
It is need to migrate to C++ to utilize the new load method of OpenCV which
allows to load the old and new classifiers.
For PROP_PROFILE case that exist inside gst_face_blur_set_property
function loads the new XML file in the CvHaarClassifierCascade property
without first checking that it is released because maybe there is an XML
file previously loaded.
Changes inside the gst_face_blur_load_profile function, the number of
input parameters and in lines where it is used due to it cannot be used
Change the gstfaceblur.c file to cpp and add it into Makefile.
It is necessary to migrate the faceblur plugin to C++,
in order to load new and old classifiers, to make faceblur work
with newer versions of Opencv.
Fix some very dubious code. The class methods should always
be set, and the instance-specific check should then be done
inside the method. For data_received that's there already, for
finish_fragment we need to add it.
Some live streams (eg youtube) don't remove fragments in order to allow
seeking back in time (live + vod).
When gst_m3u8_client_has_next_fragment is called, we are getting wrong fragment
because current_file points in first file of the fragments list resulting in
watching the stream from the beginning again.
This patch sets current_file to nth fragment for live streams, then on
gst_m3u8_client_has_next_fragment will keep up with the live stream.
This allow properly copying selected meta, like the composition
overlay. Note that output buffer need to be readable, but GlUpload
keeps a ref. For now, simply drop GlUpload ref after perform,
leaving that ref has no purpose. The method shall be removed
in the future.
Use base class default method instead of only copying flags and
timestamp. This way, selected meta's like compostion overlay will
be passed downstream as expected.
During allocation query, when this element is not passthrough, it must
relay the overlay compostion meta and it's parameters. Fortunatly, base
transform can do this for us.
Previous patch did not handle the case where an encoding (e.g. UTF-8) is
specified in the <xml ?> element. Added an extra test for with and without
When running on an STB, the function
gst_mpdparser_get_xml_node_as_string causes a segmentation fault. This
code works correctly on a Linux desktop.
Looking at the libxml documentation, the xmlNodeDump is deprecated.
Replacing the use of xmlNodeDump with xmlNodeDumpOutput fixes the
segfault on the STB and removes the use of the deprecated function.