Add pitch tests with different forward and backward playback rates.
Those tests depend on the libSoundTouch version to validate the buffers
checksums. The actual version uses libSoundTouch 2.3.2, use the
`--force-fallback-for=soundtouch` meson option to build using the same
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Since we don't want to expose video decoding API outside of GStreamer, the
header is removed from installation and both source files are renamed as
The header must remain in gst-libs because is referred by GstVulkanQueue,
which's the decoder factory.
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Adding new property in order to notify users of device removed status.
Once device removed status is detected, application should release
all ID3D12Device objects corresponding to the adapter, including
GstD3D12Device object. Otherwise D3D12CreateDevice() call for the
adapter will fail.
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It seems that when D3D11CreateDevice collides in time
with other D3D11 calls, in particular the proccess of
creating a shader, it can corrupt the memory in the driver.
D3D11 spec doesn't seem to require any thread safety from
D3D11CreateDevice. Following MSDN, it is supposed to be called
in the beginning of the proccess, while GStreamer calls it with each
new pipeline.
Such crashes in the driver were frequently reproducing on the
Intel UHD 630 machine.
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We suspect that it's not thread safe to just create and
destroy the device from any thread, particularly because
of D3D11CreateDevice, that is not documented as thread-safe.
While D3D11CreateDevice is usually protected from outside
by the gst_d3d11_ensure_element_data, it still can cross
with the Release() method of another device.
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fatal error: gst/mpegts/gstmpegts-enumtypes.h: No such file or directory
Could only pass the needed deps to the libscpp test, but gets
messier to maintain, so let's at it for consistency.
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There was a potential busy loop occuring because when we were taking
data from the internal ccbuffer, we were not resetting which field had
written data. This would mean that the next time data was retrieved
from ccbuffer, it was always from field 0 and never from field 1.
This only affects usage of cc_buffer_take_separated() which is only used
by cdp->raw cea608.
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Cea608 (valid) padding removal is available on the input side of ccconverter
or configurable on cccombiner. cccombiner can now configure whether
valid or invalid cea608 padding is used and for valid padding, how long
after valid non-padding to keep sending valid padding.
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The pool currently defaults to performing a layout transition to
VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_DST_OPTIMAL, with some special exceptions for
video usages. This may not be a legal transition depending on the usage.
Provide an API to explicitly control the initial image layout.
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Interlaced MJPEG is a big hack. Most of the streams we've found are from old
AVID tools. There are two methods to detect interlaced stream: the container
offers a height bigger (or double) than the image's height in SOF. The other
is from a APP0 marker.
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Serialize every GstMeta that supports serialization into the NEW_BUFFER
payload. This is especially important for GstVideoMeta in the case of
multiplanar buffers, or if stride!=width.
Sponsored-by: Netflix Inc.
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- GstAnalyticRelationMeta is a base class for analytics
meta. It's able to store analytics results (GstAnalyticRelatableMtd)
and describe the relation between each analysis results.
- GstAnalysisRelationMeta also contain an algorithm able to explore
analysis results relation using a bfs.
- Relation(edge) between analysis results (vertice) are stored in an adjacency-matrix
that allow to quickly identify if two analysis results are related and by
which relation they related. It also work for indirect relation
and can provide the path of analysis results by which two
analysis results are related.
- One allocation per buffer to store analysis results. Here we rely on
the application to guess how much space will be required to store all
analysis results. This is something that could be improved
significantly but it's a starting point.
- Define common analysis results, classification, object-detection,
tracking that are subclass of GstAnalyticRelatableMtd. The also
provide exemple of how to extend GstAnalyticRelatableMtd to have them
benefit for the mechanim to express relation with other analysis
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A payload of 0x80 0x80 means that it's padding. It's not a good idea to
throw this away though, because of the cc_valid field.
According to CEA 10-B section 25.2.1, if cc_valid is zero, the run-in
clock and start bit should not be generated. In practice, this means
that any closed captions will be erased and the end-user TV will show
that captions are not available for this stream. This might have
undesired consequences, e.g. we were just showing a long line of
captions and we disable it before the user has had time to read it, or
you can't enable closed captions during silence/music intervals.
We cannot reliably detect whether there's a currently-silent closed
caption stream or just nothing, but we have this information coming from
upstream, so we can at least not discard it.
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This pair of elements, inspired from shmsink/shmsrc, send unix file
descriptors (e.g. memfd, dmabuf) from one sink to multiple source
elements in other processes.
The unixfdsink proposes a memfd/shm allocator, which causes for example
videotestsrc to write directly into memories that can be transfered to
other processes without copying.
Sponsored-by: Netflix Inc.
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Sending an EOS event is actually really bad because rtpbin doesn't
handle that very well. It was only being used as a way to notify
webrtcbin to check if re-negotiation is needed.
We don't need that anymore, since changing the direction is enough to
notify webrtcbin to check for re-negotiation.
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There's no reason to release GstMemory manually at all.
If we do release GstMemory, corresponding GstBuffer will be
discarded by GstBufferPool baseclass because the size is changed
to zero.
Actual cause of heavy CPU usage in case of fixed-size pool
(i.e., decoder output buffer pool) and if we remove GstMemory from
GstBuffer is that GstBufferPool baseclass is doing busy wait in acquire_buffer()
for some reason. That needs to be investigated though, discarding
and re-alloc every GstBuffer is not ideal already.
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Adding Direct3D11 backend Qt6 QML videosink element, qml6d3d11sink.
Implementation details are similar to the qt6 plugin in -good
but there are a few notable differences.
* qml6d3d11sink accepts all GstD3D11 supported video formats (e.g., NV12).
* Scene graph (owned by qml6d3d11sink) will hold dedicated and sharable
RGBA texture which belongs to Qt6's Direct3D11 device, instead of sharing
GStreamer's own texture with Qt6.
* All rendering operations will be done by using GStreamer's Direct3D11 device.
Specifically, upstream texture will be copied (in case of RGBA)
or converted to the above mentioned Qt6's sharable texture.
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Allow a project to use gstreamer-full as a static library
and link to create a binary without dependencies.
Introduce the option 'gst-full-target-type' to
select the build type, dynamic(default) or static.
In gstreamer-full/static build configuration gstreamer (gst.c)
needs the symbol gst_init_static_plugins which is defined
in gstreamer-full.
All the tests and examples are linking with gstreamer but the
symbol gst_init_static_plugins is only defined in the gstreamer-full
library. gstreamer-full can not be built first as it needs to know what plugins
will be built.
One option would be to build all the examples and tests after
gstreamer-full as the tools.
Disable tools build in subprojects too as it will be built at the end of
build process.
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Depending on the exact output format, 0x00 may be a better default for
padding than 0x80. 0x00 is the recommended padding value when used in
CDP (and cc_data) but is not when used in s334-1a. See CTA-708-E 4.3.5
amd SMPTE 334-1-2007 5.3.2.
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On MacOS with homebrew, the openssl library is not
properly detected with pkg-config.
So disable the test compilation if openssl
is not properly detected along with libcrypto.
libcrypto is detected but it uses the system one
which leads to the error:
your binary is not an allowed client of /usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib for
architecture x86_64
See more details from Apple:
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Similar to cairooverlay element but this element emits "draw"
signal with Direct3D11 render target view, so that an application
can render/overlay/blend on the given render target view
without any copy operation
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Running tests with Vulkan Validation enabled show an error on vkimage tests:
Code 0 : Validation Error: [ VUID-VkImageViewCreateInfo-image-04441 ]
Object 0: VK_NULL_HANDLE, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_COMMAND_BUFFER; Object 1: handle
= 0x50000000005, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_IMAGE;
| MessageID = 0xb75da543
| Invalid usage flag for VkImage 0x50000000005[] used by vkCreateImageView(). In
this case, VkImage should have VK_IMAGE_USAGE_SAMPLED_BIT |
The Vulkan spec states: image must have been created with a usage value
containing at least one of the usages defined in the valid image usage list for
image views
This patch adds VK_IMAGE_USAGE_SAMPLED_BIT to the usage bits in test.
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H.265 NAL always have 2 bytes of headers. Unlike the H.264 parser, this parser
will simply return that there is NO_NAL if some of these bytes are missing.
This is then properly special cased by parsers and decoders. Add a test to
ensure we don't break this in the future.
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The appropriate return value for incomplete NAL header should be
GST_H264_PARSER_NO_NAL_END. This tells the parser element to
gather more data. Previously, it would assume the NAL is corrupted
and would drop the data, potentially causing stream corruption.
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As specified in EIA/CEA-608-B section 8.4:
When closed captioning is used on line 21, field 2, it shall conform
to all of the applicable specifications and recommended practices as
defined for field 1 services with the following differences:
a) The non-printing character of the miscellaneous control-character pairs
that fall in the range of 14h, 20h to 14h, 2Fh in field 1, shall be replaced
with 15h, 20h to 15h, 2Fh when used in field 2.
b) The non-printing character of the miscellaneous control-character pairs
that fall in the range of 1Ch, 20h to 1Ch, 2Fh in field 1, shall be replaced
with 1Dh, 20h to 1Dh, 2Fh when used in field 2.
This means simply switching the "field" field in the caps isn't enough for
converting raw 608 from one field to another, some control codes also
need to be amended.
+ Adds simple test
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The previous implementation was a bit primitive, assuming the subclass
had registered a template name starting with sink_ . Instead make
the effort of parsing the actual template name, and use that to generate
the final pad name.
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Raw 608 caps can now contain a "field" field. On the input side it
signifies that the input raw 608 is attached to either field 0 or 1,
on the output side it allows selecting whether to extract the raw 608
data for field 0 or 1 for field-aware formats.
In addition, it is also allowed to use ccconverter to "convert" 608
field 0 to 608 field 1 (and conversely), this is passthrough as the
change only needs to happen in the caps.
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Systems like musl libc don't support ISO 6937 in iconv. This ensures
that the MPEG-TS plugin can cope with that. There is existing support
in the plugin for other methods, so it seems to have been the original
intent anyway.
Fixes: #1314
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If an input is malformed (only produces cea608 field 1 cc_data) then
when in passthrough we would effectively be dropping every second cea608
on output as we would not store any unused cea608 data.
Fix by having all code paths go through the framerate conversion code
which will store and retrieve any relevant data across buffers.
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In fact, all the h264 bit writer have byte aligned output except
the slice header. So we change the API from bit size in unit to
byte size, which is easy to use. For slice header, we add a extra
"trail_bits_num" to return the unaligned bits number.
Part-of: <>
According to W3C
specification ( we
should return InvalidStateError exception when trying to send when the
channel is not open. In the world of C/glib/gstreamer we don't have
exceptions but have to rely on gboolean/GError instead. Introducing
these calls for a change in function signature of the action signals
used to send data on the datachannel. Changing the signature of the
existing "send-string" and "send-data" signals would mean an immediate
breaking change so instead we deprecate them. Furthermore, there is no
way to express GError** as an argument to an action signal in a way
that fits language bindings (pointer-to-pointer simply does not work)
and we have to use regular functions instead.
Therefore we introduce gst_webrtc_data_channel_send_data_full() and
gst_webrtc_data_channel_send_string_full() while deprecating the old
functions and corresponding signals.
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doesn't align on 20 millisecond frame size.
The AMR-WB codec imposes a fixed 20 millisecond frame size. In its current
form, the `voamrwbenc` plugin deals with this limitation by discarding any
audio at the end of the stream that falls short of 20 milliseconds. This patch
keeps the audio data, and appends silence to the end to preserve frame size
The patch also adds tests to check for the updated behavior. I noticed that
tests weren't being built, so I changed the build to allow for building the
tests when the `tests` and `voamrwbenc` options are set.
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This avoids getting in a bunch of corner cases. We'd have to insert
a "rejected" line from the start as a place-holder to get around this,
but the rest of the code just becomes more complicated, so just
disallow it for now.
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Add an example to show the usage of present singal.
In this example, a text overlay with alpha blended background
will be rendered on swapchain's backbuffer by using
Direct3D11, Direct2D, and DirectWrite APIs.
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This is based on gtksink, but similar to waylandsink uses Wayland APIs
directly instead of rendering with Gtk/Cairo primitives.
Note that the long term plan is to move this into the existing extension
in `-good`, which requires the Wayland library to move the as well.
For this reason several files like `gstgtkutils.*` and `gtkgstbasewidget.*`
are straight copies and should be kept in sync.
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There might be a sequence of event and buffer flow:
- Got stream-start/caps/segment events
- Got flush events
- And then buffers with a new segment event
In the above case, stream-start and caps event might not be reached to
peer proxysrc if peer proxysrc is not ready to receive them.
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This example code demonstrates D3D11 device sharing between
application and GStreamer. Application can access texture
using appsink and it can be rendered on application's window without
any copy operation.
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This new signal allows data-channel consumers to configure signal handlers on a
newly created data-channel, before any data or state change has been notified.
The webrtcin unit-tests were refactored to make use of this new signal.
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In preparation for the new element `GstGtkWaylandSink`, move reusable
parts out of `GstWaylandSink` into the already exisiting but very
barebone library.
Notable changes include:
- the `GstWaylandVideo` interface was dropped
- support for `wl-shell` was dropped
- lots of renaming in order to match established naming patterns
- lots of code modernisations, reducing boilerplate
- members were made private wherever possible
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