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synced 2025-03-02 09:41:20 +00:00
New translations django.po (Basque)
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 17 additions and 17 deletions
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bookwyrm\n"
"Project-Id-Version: bookwyrm\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-16 20:50+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-16 20:50+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-12-21 11:18\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-12-21 12:31\n"
"Last-Translator: Mouse Reeve <mousereeve@riseup.net>\n"
"Last-Translator: Mouse Reeve <mousereeve@riseup.net>\n"
"Language-Team: Basque\n"
"Language-Team: Basque\n"
"Language: eu\n"
"Language: eu\n"
@ -2466,7 +2466,7 @@ msgstr "Zerrendari izen bat eman behar diozu eta, nahi izanez gero, deskribapen
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:81
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:81
msgid "Choose who can see your list here. List privacy options work just like we saw when posting book reviews. This is a common pattern throughout Bookwyrm."
msgid "Choose who can see your list here. List privacy options work just like we saw when posting book reviews. This is a common pattern throughout Bookwyrm."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Aukeratu hemen nork ikus dezakeen zure zerrenda. Pribatutasun-aukerek, liburu-aipamenak argitaratzean lehenago ikusi genuen bezala funtzionatzen dute. Bookwyrm osoan darabilen eredua da."
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:82
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:82
msgid "List privacy"
msgid "List privacy"
@ -2474,7 +2474,7 @@ msgstr "Zerrendaren pribatutasuna"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:105
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:105
msgid "You can also decide how your list is to be curated - only by you, by anyone, or by a group."
msgid "You can also decide how your list is to be curated - only by you, by anyone, or by a group."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Zure zerrenda nola kudeatu ere erabaki dezakezu –zuk bakarrik, guztiok edo talde batek–."
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:106
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:106
msgid "List curation"
msgid "List curation"
@ -2580,7 +2580,7 @@ msgstr "Klik egin <strong>Zerrendak</strong> estekan bisitaldiarekin jarraitzeko
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:10
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:10
msgid "You can create or join a group with other users. Groups can share group-curated book lists, and in future will be able to do other things."
msgid "You can create or join a group with other users. Groups can share group-curated book lists, and in future will be able to do other things."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Talde bat sortu dezakezu edo beste erabiltzaile batzuekin elkartu zaitezke. Taldeek taldekideek kudeatu liburu-zerrendak parteka ditzakete, eta etorkizunean beste gauza batzuk egin ahal izango dituzte."
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:11
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:11
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:55
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:55
@ -2594,11 +2594,11 @@ msgstr "Sor dezagun talde berri bat!"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:31
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:31
msgid "Click the <strong>Create group</strong> button, then <strong>Next</strong> to continue the tour"
msgid "Click the <strong>Create group</strong> button, then <strong>Next</strong> to continue the tour"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Egin klik <strong>Sortu taldea</strong> botoian, eta ondotik <strong>Hurrengoa</strong> bisita jarraitzeko"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:55
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:55
msgid "Give your group a name and describe what it is about. You can make user groups for any purpose - a reading group, a bunch of friends, whatever!"
msgid "Give your group a name and describe what it is about. You can make user groups for any purpose - a reading group, a bunch of friends, whatever!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ezarri zure taldeari izen bat, eta deskribatu zer den. Erabiltzaile-taldeak egin ditzakezu edozein helburutarako - irakurketa-talde bat, lagun pila bat, edozer dela ere!"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:56
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:56
msgid "Creating a group"
msgid "Creating a group"
@ -2626,7 +2626,7 @@ msgstr "Gorde zure taldea"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:10
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:10
msgid "This is your user profile. All your latest activities will be listed here. Other Bookwyrm users can see parts of this page too - what they can see depends on your privacy settings."
msgid "This is your user profile. All your latest activities will be listed here. Other Bookwyrm users can see parts of this page too - what they can see depends on your privacy settings."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Hau da zure erabiltzaile-profila. Azken jarduera guztiak hemen zerrendatuko dira. Bookwyrm-en beste erabiltzaile batzuek ere ikus ditzakete orri honen zatiak - ikus dezaketena pribatutasun-konfigurazioaren araberakoa da."
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:11
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:11
#: bookwyrm/templates/user/layout.html:19 bookwyrm/templates/user/user.html:10
#: bookwyrm/templates/user/layout.html:19 bookwyrm/templates/user/user.html:10
@ -2635,7 +2635,7 @@ msgstr "Erabiltzailearen profila"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:31
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:31
msgid "This tab shows everything you have read towards your annual reading goal, or allows you to set one. You don't have to set a reading goal if that's not your thing!"
msgid "This tab shows everything you have read towards your annual reading goal, or allows you to set one. You don't have to set a reading goal if that's not your thing!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Fitxa honetan erakusten da irakurri duzun guztia urteko irakurketa-helburuari begira, edo irakurketa-helburu bat ezartzeko aukera ematen dizu. Ez duzu irakurketa-helbururik ezarri behar hori ez bada zure asmoetan!"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:32
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:32
#: bookwyrm/templates/user/layout.html:77
#: bookwyrm/templates/user/layout.html:77
@ -2674,7 +2674,7 @@ msgstr "Inportatu liburuak"
#: bookwyrm/templates/import/import.html:13
#: bookwyrm/templates/import/import.html:13
msgid "Not a valid CSV file"
msgid "Not a valid CSV file"
msgstr ""
msgstr "CSV fitxategia ez da baliozkoa"
#: bookwyrm/templates/import/import.html:22
#: bookwyrm/templates/import/import.html:22
#, python-format
#, python-format
@ -2861,7 +2861,7 @@ msgstr "Inportazioaren aurretiko bista ez dago eskuragarri."
#: bookwyrm/templates/import/import_status.html:150
#: bookwyrm/templates/import/import_status.html:150
msgid "No items currently need review"
msgid "No items currently need review"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ez da oraingoz berrikusi beharreko artikulurik"
#: bookwyrm/templates/import/import_status.html:186
#: bookwyrm/templates/import/import_status.html:186
msgid "View imported review"
msgid "View imported review"
@ -2933,7 +2933,7 @@ msgstr "Inportazio hau egin eta gero, BookWyrm eguneratua izan da erroreen zuzen
#: bookwyrm/templates/import/troubleshoot.html:28
#: bookwyrm/templates/import/troubleshoot.html:28
msgid "Contact your admin or <a href='https://github.com/bookwyrm-social/bookwyrm/issues'>open an issue</a> if you are seeing unexpected failed items."
msgid "Contact your admin or <a href='https://github.com/bookwyrm-social/bookwyrm/issues'>open an issue</a> if you are seeing unexpected failed items."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Jar zaitez harremanetan zure administratzailearekin edo <a href='https://github.com/bookwyrm-social/bookwyrm/issues'>arazo bat seinalatu</a> porrot egin duten ustegabeko elementuak ikusten badituzu."
#: bookwyrm/templates/landing/invite.html:4
#: bookwyrm/templates/landing/invite.html:4
#: bookwyrm/templates/landing/invite.html:8
#: bookwyrm/templates/landing/invite.html:8
@ -2978,7 +2978,7 @@ msgstr "Eskatu gonbidapen bat"
#: bookwyrm/templates/landing/layout.html:50
#: bookwyrm/templates/landing/layout.html:50
#, python-format
#, python-format
msgid "%(name)s registration is closed"
msgid "%(name)s registration is closed"
msgstr ""
msgstr "%(name)s -(r)en izen-ematea itxita dago"
#: bookwyrm/templates/landing/layout.html:61
#: bookwyrm/templates/landing/layout.html:61
msgid "Thank you! Your request has been received."
msgid "Thank you! Your request has been received."
@ -3170,7 +3170,7 @@ msgstr "%(list_name)s, %(owner)s(e)k osatutako zerrenda bat"
#: bookwyrm/templates/lists/embed-list.html:20
#: bookwyrm/templates/lists/embed-list.html:20
#, python-format
#, python-format
msgid "on <a href=\"/\">%(site_name)s</a>"
msgid "on <a href=\"/\">%(site_name)s</a>"
msgstr ""
msgstr "<a href=\"/\">%(site_name)s</a> webgunean"
#: bookwyrm/templates/lists/embed-list.html:29
#: bookwyrm/templates/lists/embed-list.html:29
msgid "This list is currently empty"
msgid "This list is currently empty"
@ -3256,7 +3256,7 @@ msgstr "Arrakastaz gehitu diozu liburu bat zerrenda honi!"
#: bookwyrm/templates/lists/list.html:54
#: bookwyrm/templates/lists/list.html:54
msgid "This list is currently empty."
msgid "This list is currently empty."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Une honetan zerrenda hutsik dago."
#: bookwyrm/templates/lists/list.html:104
#: bookwyrm/templates/lists/list.html:104
msgid "Edit notes"
msgid "Edit notes"
@ -3347,17 +3347,17 @@ msgstr "Gordetako zerrendak"
#: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/accept.html:18
#: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/accept.html:18
#, python-format
#, python-format
msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> accepted your invitation to join group \"<a href=\"%(group_path)s\">%(group_name)s</a>\""
msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> accepted your invitation to join group \"<a href=\"%(group_path)s\">%(group_name)s</a>\""
msgstr ""
msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a>(e)k zure <a href=\"%(group_path)s\">%(group_name)s</a>\" taldera batzeko gonbita onartu du"
#: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/accept.html:26
#: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/accept.html:26
#, python-format
#, python-format
msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> and <a href=\"%(second_user_link)s\">%(second_user)s</a> accepted your invitation to join group \"<a href=\"%(group_path)s\">%(group_name)s</a>\""
msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> and <a href=\"%(second_user_link)s\">%(second_user)s</a> accepted your invitation to join group \"<a href=\"%(group_path)s\">%(group_name)s</a>\""
msgstr ""
msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a>(e)k eta <a href=\"%(second_user_link)s\">%(second_user)s</a>(e)k zure <a href=\"%(group_path)s\">%(group_name)s</a>\" taldera batzeko gonbita onartu dute"
#: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/accept.html:36
#: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/accept.html:36
#, python-format
#, python-format
msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> and %(other_user_display_count)s others accepted your invitation to join group \"<a href=\"%(group_path)s\">%(group_name)s</a>\""
msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> and %(other_user_display_count)s others accepted your invitation to join group \"<a href=\"%(group_path)s\">%(group_name)s</a>\""
msgstr ""
msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a>(e)k eta %(other_user_display_count)s(e)k zure <a href=\"%(group_path)s\">%(group_name)s</a>\" taldera batzeko gonbita onartu dute"
#: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/add.html:33
#: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/add.html:33
#, python-format
#, python-format
Reference in a new issue