2015-07-08 00:06:19 -07:00

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Drone uses the compose section of the .drone.yml to specify supporting containers (ie service containers) that should be started and linked to your build container. The compose section of the .drone.yml is modeled after docker-compose:

    image: [image_name]

Example configuration that composes a Postgres and Redis container:

    image: redis
    image: postgres
      - POSTGRES_USER=postgres
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword

Service linking

Service containers share the same network as the build container (using --net=<container>). This means that you can access your service container using localhost or

Service options

The service container configuration options:

  • image - any valid Docker image name
  • pull - if true, will always attempt to pull the latest image
  • environment - list of environment variables, declared in name=value format
  • privileged - if true, runs the container with extended privileges [1]
  • volumes - list of bind mounted volumes on the host machine [1]
  • net - sets the container network mode [1]

[1] Some build options are disabled for security reasons, including volumes, privileged and net. To enable these options, a system administrator must white-list your repository as trusted. This can be done via the repository settings screen.