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Drone is a Continuous Integration platform built on Docker


Drone is tested on the following versions of Ubuntu:

  • Ubuntu Precise 12.04 (LTS) (64-bit)
  • Ubuntu Raring 13.04 (64 bit)

Drone's only external dependency is the latest version of Docker (0.8)


Drone is packaged and distributed as a debian file. You can download an install using the following commands:

$ wget http://downloads.drone.io/latest/drone.deb
$ dpkg -i drone.deb
$ sudo start drone

Once Drone is running (by default on :80) navigate to http://localhost:80/install and follow the steps in the setup wizard.

IMPORTANT You will also need a GitHub Client ID and Secret:

I'm working on a getting started video. Having issues with volume, but hopefully you can still get a feel for the steps:



Drone use a .drone.yml configuration file in the root of your repository to run your build:

image: mischief/docker-golang
  - GOPATH=/var/cache/drone
  - go build
  - go test -v
  - redis
      - brad@drone.io
      - burke@drone.io


In the above example we used a custom Docker image from index.docker.io mischief/docker-golang

Drone also provides official build images. These images are configured specifically for CI and have many common software packages pre-installed (git, xvfb, firefox, libsqlite, etc).

Official Drone images are referenced in the .drone.yml by an alias:

image: go1.2   # same as bradrydzewski/go:1.2

Here is a list of our official images:

# these are the base images for all Drone containers.
# these are BIG (~3GB) so make sure you have a FAST internet connection
docker pull bradrydzewski/ubuntu
docker pull bradrydzewski/base

# clojure images
docker pull bradrydzewski/lein             # image: lein

# dart images
docker pull bradrydzewski/dart:stable      # image: dart

# erlang images
docker pull bradrydzewski/erlang:R16B      # image: erlangR16B
docker pull bradrydzewski/erlang:R16B02    # image: erlangR16B02
docker pull bradrydzewski/erlang:R16B01    # image: erlangR16B01

# gcc images (c/c++)
docker pull bradrydzewski/gcc:4.6          # image: gcc4.6
docker pull bradrydzewski/gcc:4.8          # image: gcc4.8

# go images
docker pull bradrydzewski/go:1.0           # image: go1
docker pull bradrydzewski/go:1.1           # image: go1.1
docker pull bradrydzewski/go:1.2           # image: go1.2

# haskell images
docker pull bradrydzewski/haskell:7.4      # image: haskell

# java and jdk images
docker pull bradrydzewski/java:openjdk6    # image: openjdk6
docker pull bradrydzewski/java:openjdk7    # image: openjdk7
docker pull bradrydzewski/java:oraclejdk7  # image: oraclejdk7
docker pull bradrydzewski/java:oraclejdk8  # image: oraclejdk8

# node images
docker pull bradrydzewski/node:0.10        # image node0.10
docker pull bradrydzewski/node:0.8         # image node0.8

# php images
docker pull bradrydzewski/php:5.5          # image: php5.5
docker pull bradrydzewski/php:5.4          # image: php5.4

# python images
docker pull bradrydzewski/python:2.7       # image: python2.7
docker pull bradrydzewski/python:3.2       # image: python3.2
docker pull bradrydzewski/python:3.3       # image: python3.3
docker pull bradrydzewski/python:pypy      # image: pypy

# ruby images
docker pull bradrydzewski/ruby:2.0.0       # image: ruby2.0.0
docker pull bradrydzewski/ruby:1.9.3       # image: ruby1.9.3

# scala images
docker pull bradrydzewski/scala:2.10.3     # image: scala2.10.3
docker pull bradrydzewski/scala:2.9.3      # image: scala2.9.3


Drone clones your repository into a Docker container at the following location:


Please take this into consideration when setting up your build commands, or if you are using a custom Docker image.


Drone can launch database containers for your build:

  - cassandra
  - couchdb
  - elasticsearch
  - neo4j
  - mongodb
  - mysql
  - postgres
  - rabbitmq
  - redis
  - riak
  - zookeeper

NOTE: database and service containers are exposed over TCP connections and have their own local IP address. If the socat utility is installed inside your Docker image, Drone will automatically proxy localhost connections to the correct IP address.


Drone can trigger a deployment at the successful completion of your build:

    app: safe-island-6261

    acl: public-read
    region: us-east-1
    bucket: downloads.drone.io
    access_key: C24526974F365C3B
    secret_key: 2263c9751ed084a68df28fd2f658b127
    source: /tmp/drone.deb
    target: latest/


Drone can trigger email, hipchat and web hook notification at the completion of your build:

      - brad@drone.io
      - burke@drone.io

    - http://my-deploy-hook.com

    room: support
	token: 3028700e5466d375


Coming Soon to drone.readthedocs.org