2016-11-22 17:32:24 +01:00

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Articles behind a paywall

wallabag can fetch articles from websites which use a paywall system.

Enable paywall authentication

In internal settings, in the Article section, enable authentication for websites with paywall (with the value 1).

Configure credentials in wallabag

Edit your app/config/parameters.yml file to edit credentials for each website with paywall. Here is an example for some french websites:

    mediapart.fr: {username: "myMediapartLogin", password: "mypassword"}
    arretsurimages.net: {username: "myASILogin", password: "mypassword"}


These credentials will be shared between each user of your wallabag instance.

Parsing configuration files


Read this part of the documentation to understand the configuration files.

Each parsing configuration file needs to be improved by adding requires_login, login_uri, login_username_field, login_password_field and not_logged_in_xpath.

Be careful, the login form must be in the page content when wallabag loads it. It's impossible for wallabag to be authenticated on a website where the login form is loaded after the page (by ajax for example).

login_uri is the action URL of the form (action attribute in the form). login_username_field is the name attribute of the login field. login_password_field is the name attribute of the password field.

For example:

body: //div[@class="contenu-html"]/div[@class="page-pane"]

requires_login: yes

login_uri: http://www.arretsurimages.net/forum/login.php
login_username_field: username
login_password_field: password

not_logged_in_xpath: //body[@class="not-logged-in"]