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Organize articles
To be able to find more easily your articles, several methods are available.
Assign a tag
When saving an article
To tag an article when saving it, just click on the tag icon next to the URL field before hitting the Save button. At the moment, it is possible only to do this from the web interface, but it could come to some apps or extensions.
From the article
To tag an already-saved article, go to the reading page of the article. There is a part tags
followed with a pencil. Click on the pencil.
Input in the box the tags you want to assign. Add as many tags as you want. They need to be separated by commas and not spaces. Auto-completion is available here: when you type the first letters of an existing tag, it is not necessary to type the whole word. Select it in the drop-down list. Once all your tags are inputted, click on the button Tag.
Then, you can go back to your article and read it.
From the search
A full chapter on search is available. Here, we will describe only how to assign a tag from your search.
When your search displays results, there is a link Apply the tag ABCD to this search
at the bottom of the page. Click on it: a tad depending on your search (here ABCD
) will be assigned to all the articles found.
Find all the articles with a given tag
In the wallabag menu, click on Tags. Then, all the tags you have created are displayed, sorted by the number of articles for each tag. Click on one of these tags to find all the articles with this tag.
Preferred articles
When you wish to set aside an article, you can mark it as preferred.
Set an article as favorite
From the reading page of an article, or from a list of articles (such as the list of unread articles), you can set an article as favorite simply by a click on the star which is displayed. Click again on the star will remove the favorite status of this article.
Find all the favorite articles
In the wallabag menu, click on Favorites to display the list of all the articles that you have set as favorite.
Archived articles
When you have read an article, you can archive it: hence it will not be displayed in your list of unread articles.
Archiving an article does not remove it from wallabag.
Archive an article
as the list of unread articles), you can archive an article simply by clicking on the icon ✓. | Click again on this icon will set back the unread status of the article.
Find all the archived articles
In the wallabag menu, click on Archive to find all the articles that you have archived.
Delete an article
Be cautious: the deletion of an article is definitive. It is deleted from the wallabag database.
To delete an article, a trash icon is displayed on the page of an article or of a list of articles (unread articles, favorites or archived, for example).
We trust you: that is why there is no confirmation message during the deletion.