Thomas Citharel 5ecdfcd041 manage assets through npm
first draft

remote assetic totally


nearly there

use at least nodejs > 0.12

use proper version of grunt

bump nodejs version for travis

update npm

workaround for materialize

install node 5.0

add grunt-cli

baggy theme & cache node modules

cache bower & npm

make travis build assets on php7 only

exclude installing node & npm if not needed & use bash

clean & try to make icomoon work on baggy


config for travis


make travis work

more travis work

impove travis & update deps

add missing pixrem deps

add module through oddly lost

ui updates

install latest nodejs

add install_dev.sh, link local binaries for npm/bower/grunt

ui improvements (mostly baggy)

fix travis build

no need to install on travis

Add unread filter to entries pages

Add the ability to filter for unread pages in the filters menu.

Add unread filter test to EntryControllerTest

Add a new test to the EntryControllerTest collection which checks that
only entries which have not been archived (and are treated as "unread")
are retrieved.

Improve English translation

Update FAQ

-Fix grammar
-Add notes about MTA, firewall, and SELinux

Update installation instructions

-Fix grammar
-Add SELinux section

add screenshots of android docu in English

Fix the deletion of Tags/Entries relation when delete an entry
Fix #2121

Move fixtures to the right place

Display a message when saving an entry failed

When saving an entry fail because of database error we previously just returned `false`.
Now we got an error in the log and the displayed notice to the user is updated too.

Change ManyToMany between entry & tag

Following https://gist.github.com/Ocramius/3121916

Be sure to remove the related entity when removing an entity.

Let say you have Entry -> EntryTag -> Tag.
If you remove the entry:

 - before that commit, the EntryTag will stay (at least using SQLite).
 - with that commit, the related entity is removed

Prepare wallabag 2.0.5

enforce older materialize version
2016-06-09 17:12:51 +02:00

4.2 KiB

Android App

Purpose of this document

This document describes how you can setup your Android application to work with your wallabag instance. There is no difference in this procedure for wallabag v1 or v2.

Steps to configure your app

When you first start the app, you see the welcome screen, where you are adviced to configure the app for your wallabag instance at first.

Welcome screen

Just confirm that message and you get redirected to the settings screen.

Settings screen

Fill in your wallabag data. You need to enter your wallabag address. It is important that this URL does not end with a slash. Also add your wallabag credentials to the user name and password field.

Filled in settings

After you have filled in your data, push the button Connection test and wait for the test to finish.

Connection test with your wallabag data

The connection test shall finish with success. If not, you need to fix this first until you proceed.

Connection test successful

After the connection test was successful, you can push the button to get your feed credentials. The app now tries to login to your wallabag instance and get the user id and the corresponding token for the feeds.

Getting the feed credentials

When the process of getting your feed credentials finishes with success you see a toast message that the user id and the token were automatically filled in to the form.

Getting feed credentials successful

Now you need to scroll to the bottom of the settings menu. Of course you can adjust the given settings to your needs. Finish the configuration of your app with pushing the save button.

Bottom of the settings screen

After hitting the save button, you get the following screen. The app proposes to initiate a syncronisation process to update your feeds of articles. It is recommended to acknowledge this action and press Yes.

Settings saved the first time

Finally after the syncronisation finished successfully, you are presented the list of unread articles.

Filled article list cause feeds successfully syncronized

Known limitations ----


Currently the does not support two-factor authentication. You should disable that to get the app working.

Limited amount of articles with wallabag v2

In your wallabag web instance you can configure how many items are part of the RSS feed. This option did not exist in wallabag v1, where all articles were part of the feed. So if you set the amount of articles being displayed greater than the number of items being content of your RSS feed, you will only see the number of items in your RSS feed.

SSL/TLS encryption

If you can reach your wallabag web instance via HTTPS, you should use that. Especially if your HTTP URL redirects you to the HTTPS one. Currently, the app cannot handle that redirect properly.


Source code of the Android application

Android Application on F-Droid

Android Application on Google Play

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