Dedupe now uses a three-level sharding directory structure to improve performance when many files are uploaded and stored on a filesystem instead of an object store. (note: Minio still affected as it still uses a traditional filesystem)
This does not help if you already have hundreds of thousands of files uploaded. The media URLs are permanently part of the activity so the files cannot be relocated. A motivated user could write a tool to move the files and perhaps write an Nginx or equivalent redirect to make the files still accessible, but that is beyond the scope of this change.
The previous pictures were labeled as public domain, but are actually a collage of pictures under other licenses.
I now replaced them with a jpeg of simply a white pixel.
During attachment upload Pleroma returns a "description" field. Pleroma-fe has an MR to use that to pre-fill the image description field, <>
* This MR allows Pleroma to read the EXIF data during upload and return the description to the FE
* If a description is already present (e.g. because a previous module added it), it will use that
* Otherwise it will read from the EXIF data. First it will check -ImageDescription, if that's empty, it will check -iptc:Caption-Abstract
* If no description is found, it will simply return nil, just like before
* When people set up a new instance, they will be asked if they want to read metadata and this module will be activated if so
This was taken from an MR i did on Pleroma and isn't finished yet.
In general, tests that match these criteria can be made async:
- Doesn't use real Cachex.
- Doesn't write to the Config / Application Environment.
- Uses Mock. Using Mox is fine.
- Uses the streamer.