Fork the Lifeline plugin to raise Lazarus

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Mark Felder 2024-07-12 13:46:52 -04:00
parent 0ea63d824e
commit 83286a1d9f

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@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
# Oban is originally Apache licensed which is where this came from
# It needs to go into a separate repo and be its own project
# and continue using the Apache license
defmodule Pleroma.Oban.Plugins.Lazarus do
@moduledoc """
Naively transition jobs stuck `executing` back to `available`.
The `Lazarus` plugin periodically rescues orphaned jobs, i.e. jobs that are stuck in the
`executing` state because the node was shut down before the job could finish. Rescuing is
purely based on time, rather than any heuristic about the job's expected execution time or
whether the node is still alive.
If an executing job has exhausted all attempts and max_attempts > 1, the Lazarus plugin
will mark it `discarded` rather than `available`.
## Using the Plugin
Rescue orphaned jobs that are still `executing` after the default of 60 minutes:
config :my_app, Oban,
plugins: [Pleroma.Oban.Plugins.Lazarus],
Override the default period to rescue orphans after a more aggressive period of 5 minutes:
config :my_app, Oban,
plugins: [{Pleroma.Oban.Plugins.Lazarus, rescue_after: :timer.minutes(5)}],
## Options
* `:interval` the number of milliseconds between rescue attempts. The default is `60_000ms`.
* `:rescue_after` the maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, that a job may execute before
being rescued. 60 minutes by default, and rescuing is performed once a minute.
## Instrumenting with Telemetry
The `Oban.Plugins.Lifeline` plugin adds the following metadata to the `[:oban, :plugin, :stop]`
* `:rescued_jobs` a list of jobs transitioned back to `available`
* `:discarded_jobs` a list of jobs transitioned to `discarded`
_Note: jobs only include `id`, `queue`, `state` fields._
@behaviour Oban.Plugin
use GenServer
import Ecto.Query, only: [select: 3, where: 3]
alias Oban.{Job, Peer, Plugin, Repo, Validation}
alias __MODULE__, as: State
@type option ::
| {:interval, timeout()}
| {:rescue_after, pos_integer()}
defstruct [
interval: :timer.minutes(1),
rescue_after: :timer.minutes(60)
@doc false
@spec child_spec(Keyword.t()) :: Supervisor.child_spec()
def child_spec(opts), do: super(opts)
@impl Plugin
@spec start_link([option()]) :: GenServer.on_start()
def start_link(opts) do
{name, opts} = Keyword.pop(opts, :name)
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, struct!(State, opts), name: name)
@impl Plugin
def validate(opts) do
conf: :any,
name: :any,
interval: :pos_integer,
rescue_after: :pos_integer
@impl GenServer
def init(state) do
:telemetry.execute([:oban, :plugin, :init], %{}, %{conf: state.conf, plugin: __MODULE__})
{:ok, schedule_rescue(state)}
@impl GenServer
def terminate(_reason, %State{timer: timer}) do
if is_reference(timer), do: Process.cancel_timer(timer)
@impl GenServer
def handle_info(:rescue, %State{} = state) do
meta = %{conf: state.conf, plugin: __MODULE__}
:telemetry.span([:oban, :plugin], meta, fn ->
case check_leadership_and_rescue_jobs(state) do
{:ok, extra} when is_map(extra) ->
{:ok, Map.merge(meta, extra)}
error ->
{:error, Map.put(meta, :error, error)}
{:noreply, schedule_rescue(state)}
# Scheduling
defp schedule_rescue(state) do
timer = Process.send_after(self(), :rescue, state.interval)
%{state | timer: timer}
# Rescuing
defp check_leadership_and_rescue_jobs(state) do
if Peer.leader?(state.conf) do
Repo.transaction(state.conf, fn ->
time = DateTime.add(DateTime.utc_now(), -state.rescue_after, :millisecond)
base = where(Job, [j], j.state == "executing" and j.attempted_at < ^time)
{rescued_count, rescued} = transition_available(base, state)
{discard_count, discard} = transition_discarded(base, state)
discarded_count: discard_count,
discarded_jobs: discard,
rescued_count: rescued_count,
rescued_jobs: rescued
{:ok, %{}}
# Rescue stuck max_attempts: 1 jobs from the dead and try again
# until it gives us a clear error
# Others that have tried multiple times can be discarded.
defp transition_available(base, state) do
query =
|> where([j], j.max_attempts == 1)
|> where([j], j.attempt == j.max_attempts)
|> select([j], map(j, [:id, :queue, :state]))
{resurrected_count, resurrected} =
Repo.update_all(state.conf, query, set: [state: "available", attempt: 0])
query =
|> where([j], j.attempt < j.max_attempts)
|> select([j], map(j, [:id, :queue, :state]))
{rescued_count, rescued} =
Repo.update_all(state.conf, query, set: [state: "available"])
{resurrected_count + rescued_count, resurrected ++ rescued}
defp transition_discarded(base, state) do
query =
|> where([j], j.attempt >= j.max_attempts)
|> select([j], map(j, [:id, :queue, :state]))
Repo.update_all(state.conf, query,
set: [state: "discarded", discarded_at: DateTime.utc_now()]