2020-02-17 20:54:45 -05:00

1.5 KiB

Lemmy Guide

Start typing...

  • @a_user_name to get a list of usernames.
  • #a_community to get a list of communities.
  • :emoji to get a list of emojis.

Markdown Guide

Type Or … to Get
*Italic* _Italic_ Italic
**Bold** __Bold__ Bold
# Heading 1 Heading 1

Heading 1

## Heading 2 Heading 2
Heading 2

![Image](http://url/a.png) | ![Image][1]

[1]: http://url/b.jpg | Markdown > Blockquote | |

* List
* List
* List | - List
- List
- List
| * List
* List
* List
1. One
2. Two
3. Three | 1) One
2) Two
3) Three | 1. One
2. Two
3. Three Horizontal Rule
--- | Horizontal Rule
*** | Horizontal Rule

`Inline code` with backticks | |Inline code with backticks ```
# code block
print '3 backticks or'
print 'indent 4 spaces'
``` | ····# code block
····print '3 backticks or'
····print 'indent 4 spaces' | # code block
print '3 backticks or'
print 'indent 4 spaces' ::: spoiler hidden or nsfw stuff
a bunch of spoilers here
::: | |
hidden or nsfw stuff

a bunch of spoilers here

CommonMark Tutorial