Dessalines 5c6258390c
Isomorphic docker (#1124)
* Adding a way to GetComments for a community given its name only.

* Adding getcomments to api docs.

* A first pass at locally working isomorphic integration.

* Testing out cargo-husky.

* Testing a fail hook.

* Revert "Testing a fail hook."

This reverts commit 0941cf1736.

* Moving server to top level, now that UI is gone.

* Running cargo fmt using old way.

* Adding nginx, fixing up docker-compose files, fixing docs.

* Trying to re-add API tests.

* Fixing prod dockerfile.

* Redoing nightly fmt

* Trying to fix private message api test.

* Adding CommunityJoin, PostJoin instead of joins from GetComments, etc.

- Fixes #1122

* Fixing fmt.

* Fixing up docs.

* Removing translations.

* Adding apps / clients to readme.

* Fixing main image.

* Using new lemmy-isomorphic-ui with better javascript disabled.

* Try to fix image uploads in federation test

* Revert "Try to fix image uploads in federation test"

This reverts commit a2ddf2a90b.

* Fix post url federation

* Adding some more tests, some still broken.

* Don't need gitattributes anymore.

* Update local federation test setup

* Fixing tests.

* Fixing travis build.

* Fixing travis build, again.

* Changing lemmy-isomorphic-ui to lemmy-ui

* Error in travis build again.

Co-authored-by: Felix Ableitner <me@nutomic.com>
2020-09-15 15:26:47 -04:00

25 lines
1.1 KiB

# Configuration
The configuration is based on the file
This file also contains documentation for all the available options. To override the defaults, you
can copy the options you want to change into your local `config.hjson` file.
To use a different `config.hjson` location than the current directory, set the environment variable `LEMMY_CONFIG_LOCATION`. Make sure you copy the `defaults.hjson` if you do this, otherwise you will be missing settings.
Additionally, you can override any config files with environment variables. These have the same
name as the config options, and are prefixed with `LEMMY_`. For example, you can override the
`database.password` with `LEMMY_DATABASE__POOL_SIZE=10`.
An additional option `LEMMY_DATABASE_URL` is available, which can be used with a PostgreSQL
connection string like `postgres://lemmy:password@lemmy_db:5432/lemmy`, passing all connection
details at once.
If the Docker container is not used, manually create the database specified above by running the
following commands:
cd server