2018-11-26 16:17:11 +01:00

88 KiB

The Assets in the GStreamer Editing Services represent the resources that can be used. You can create assets for any type that implements the Extractable interface, for example GESClips, Formatter, and TrackElement do implement it. This means that assets will represent for example a GESUriClips, BaseEffect etc, and then you can extract objects of those types with the appropriate parameters from the asset using the AssetExt::extract method:

GESAsset *effect_asset;
GESEffect *effect;

// You create an asset for an effect
effect_asset = ges_asset_request (GES_TYPE_EFFECT, "agingtv", NULL);

// And now you can extract an instance of GESEffect from that asset
effect = GES_EFFECT (ges_asset_extract (effect_asset));

In that example, the advantages of having a Asset are that you can know what effects you are working with and let your user know about the avalaible ones, you can add metadata to the Asset through the MetaContainer interface and you have a model for your custom effects. Note that Asset management is making easier thanks to the Project class.

Each asset is represented by a pair of extractable_type and id (string). Actually the extractable_type is the type that implements the Extractable interface, that means that for example for a UriClip, the type that implements the Extractable interface is Clip. The identifier represents different things depending on the extractable_type and you should check the documentation of each type to know what the ID of Asset actually represents for that type. By default, we only have one Asset per type, and the id is the name of the type, but this behaviour is overriden to be more useful. For example, for GESTransitionClips, the ID is the vtype of the transition you will extract from it (ie crossfade, box-wipe-rc etc..) For Effect the ID is the bin-description property of the extracted objects (ie the gst-launch style description of the bin that will be used).

Each and every Asset is cached into GES, and you can query those with the ges_list_assets function. Also the system will automatically register GESAssets for GESFormatters and GESTransitionClips and standard effects (actually not implemented yet) and you can simply query those calling:

   GList *formatter_assets, *tmp;

   //  List all  the transitions
   formatter_assets = ges_list_assets (GES_TYPE_FORMATTER);

   // Print some infos about the formatter GESAsset
   for (tmp = formatter_assets; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) {
     g_print ("Name of the formatter: %s, file extension it produces: %s",
       ges_meta_container_get_string (GES_META_CONTAINER (tmp->data), GES_META_FORMATTER_NAME),
       ges_meta_container_get_string (GES_META_CONTAINER (tmp->data), GES_META_FORMATTER_EXTENSION));

   g_list_free (transition_assets);

You can request the creation of GESAssets using either Asset::request or Asset::request_async. All the GESAssets are cached and thus any asset that has already been created can be requested again without overhead.


AssetExt, glib::object::ObjectExt

Trait containing all Asset methods.


Asset, Project

Sets an asset from the internal cache as needing reload. An asset needs reload in the case where, for example, we were missing a GstPlugin to use it and that plugin has been installed, or, that particular asset content as changed meanwhile (in the case of the usage of proxies).

Once an asset has been set as "needs reload", requesting that asset again will lead to it being re discovered, and reloaded as if it was not in the cache before.


The glib::Type of the object that can be extracted from the asset to be reloaded.


The identifier of the asset to mark as needing reload


true if the asset was in the cache and could be set as needing reload, false otherwise.

Create a Asset in the most simple cases, you should look at the extractable_type documentation to see if that constructor can be called for this particular type

As it is recommanded not to instanciate assets for GESUriClip synchronously, it will not work with this method, but you can instead use the specific UriClipAsset::request_sync method if you really want to.


The glib::Type of the object that can be extracted from the new asset.


The Identifier or None


A reference to the wanted Asset or None

Request a new Asset asyncronously, callback will be called when the materail is ready to be used or if an error occured.

Example of request of a GESAsset async:

// The request callback
static void
asset_loaded_cb (GESAsset * source, GAsyncResult * res, gpointer user_data)
  GESAsset *asset;
  GError *error = NULL;

  asset = ges_asset_request_finish (res, &error);
  if (asset) {
   g_print ("The file: %s is usable as a FileSource",
       ges_asset_get_id (asset));
  } else {
   g_print ("The file: %s is *not* usable as a FileSource because: %s",
       ges_asset_get_id (source), error->message);

  gst_object_unref (mfs);

// The request:
ges_asset_request_async (GES_TYPE_URI_CLIP, some_uri, NULL,
   (GAsyncReadyCallback) asset_loaded_cb, user_data);


The glib::Type of the object that can be extracted from the new asset. The class must implement the Extractable interface.


The Identifier of the asset we want to create. This identifier depends of the extractable, type you want. By default it is the name of the class itself (or None), but for example for a GESEffect, it will be the pipeline description, for a GESUriClip it will be the name of the file, etc... You should refer to the documentation of the Extractable type you want to create a Asset for.


optional gio::Cancellable object, None to ignore.


a GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the initialization is finished, Note that the source of the callback will be the Asset, but you need to make sure that the asset is properly loaded using the Asset::request_finish method. This asset can not be used as is.


The user data to pass when callback is called

Finalize the request of an async Asset


The gio::AsyncResult from which to get the newly created Asset


The Asset previously requested

Extracts a new gobject::Object from asset. The type of the object is defined by the extractable-type of asset, you can check what type will be extracted from asset using AssetExt::get_extractable_type


A newly created Extractable


The glib::Error of the asset or None if the asset was loaded without issue

Gets the type of object that can be extracted from self


the type of object that can be extracted from self

Gets the ID of a Asset


The ID of self


The proxy in use for self


The Asset that is proxied by self


The list of proxies self has. Note that the default asset to be used is always the first in that list.

A proxying asset is an asset that can substitue the real self. For example if you have a full HD UriClipAsset you might want to set a lower resolution (HD version of the same file) as proxy. Note that when an asset is proxied, calling Asset::request will actually return the proxy asset.


The Asset that should be used as default proxy for self or None if you want to use the currently set proxy. Note that an asset can proxy one and only one other asset.


true if proxy has been set on self, false otherwise.

Removes proxy from the list of known proxies for self. If proxy was the current proxy for self, stop using it.


The Asset to stop considering as a proxy for self


true if proxy was a known proxy for self, false otherwise.


TrackElementExt, TimelineElementExt, glib::object::ObjectExt, ExtractableExt

A Clip is a 'natural' object which controls one or more TrackElement(s) in one or more Track(s).

Keeps a reference to the TrackElement(s) it created and sets/updates their properties.


ClipExt, GESContainerExt, TimelineElementExt, glib::object::ObjectExt, ExtractableExt

Trait containing all Clip methods.



Extracts a TrackElement from asset and adds it to the self. Should only be called in order to add operations to a Clip, ni other cases TrackElement are added automatically when adding the Clip/Asset to a layer.

Takes a reference on track_element.


a Asset with GES_TYPE_TRACK_ELEMENT as extractable_type


Created TrackElement or NULL if an error happened

Finds the TrackElement controlled by self that is used in track. You may optionally specify a GType to further narrow search criteria.

Note: If many objects match, then the one with the highest priority will be returned.


a Track or NULL


a glib::Type indicating the type of track element you are looking for or G_TYPE_NONE if you do not care about the track type.


The TrackElement used by track, else None. Unref after usage

Finds all the TrackElement controlled by self that is used in track. You may optionally specify a GType to further narrow search criteria.


a Track or NULL


a TrackType indicating the type of tracks in which elements should be searched.


a glib::Type indicating the type of track element you are looking for or G_TYPE_NONE if you do not care about the track type.


a glib::List of the TrackElement contained in self. The refcount of the objects will be increased. The user will have to unref each TrackElement and free the glib::List.

Get the Layer to which this clip belongs.


The Layer where this self is being used, or None if it is not used on any layer. The caller should unref it usage.

Get the formats supported by self.


The formats supported by self.

Gets the index position of an effect.


The BaseEffect we want to get the top index from


The top index of the effect, -1 if something went wrong.

Get effects applied on self


a glib::List of the BaseEffect that are applied on self order by ascendant priorities. The refcount of the objects will be increased. The user will have to unref each BaseEffect and free the glib::List.

Moves self to layer. If self is not in any layer, it adds it to layer, else, it removes it from its current layer, and adds it to layer.


the new Layer


true if self could be moved false otherwize

Sets the formats supported by the file.


the TrackType defining formats supported by self

This is a convenience method that lets you set the index of a top effect.


The BaseEffect to move


the new index at which to move the effect inside this Clip


true if effect was successfuly moved, false otherwise.

The function modifies self, and creates another Clip so we have two clips at the end, splitted at the time specified by position, as a position in the timeline (not in the clip to be split). For example, if ges_clip_split is called on a 4-second clip playing from 0:01.00 until 0:05.00, with a split position of 0:02.00, this will result in one clip of 1 second and one clip of 3 seconds, not in two clips of 2 seconds.

The newly created clip will be added to the same layer as self is in. This implies that self must be in a Layer for the operation to be possible.

This method supports clips playing at a different tempo than one second per second. For example, splitting a clip with a Effect 'pitch tempo=1.5' four seconds after it starts, will set the inpoint of the new clip to six seconds after that of the clip to split. For this, the rate-changing property must be registered using EffectClass::register_rate_property; for the 'pitch' plugin, this is already done.


a gst::ClockTime representing the timeline position at which to split


The newly created Clip resulting from the splitting or None if the clip can't be split.

The GESLayer where this clip is being used. If you want to connect to its notify signal you should connect to it with g_signal_connect_after as the signal emission can be stop in the first fase.

The formats supported by the clip.

The formats supported by the clip.

The Container base class.


GESContainerExt, TimelineElementExt, glib::object::ObjectExt, ExtractableExt

Trait containing all Container methods.


Clip, Container, Group

Groups the Container-s provided in containers. It creates a subclass of Container, depending on the containers provided in containers. Basically, if all the containers in containers should be contained in a same clip (all the TrackElement they contain have the exact same start/inpoint/duration and are in the same layer), it will create a Clip otherwise a Group will be created


The Container to group, they must all be in a same Timeline


The Container (subclass) resulting of the grouping

Add the TimelineElement to the container.


the TimelineElement


true on success, false on failure.

Edit self in the different exisiting EditMode modes. In the case of slide, and roll, you need to specify a Edge


The layers you want the edit to happen in, None means that the edition is done in all the GESLayers contained in the current timeline.


The priority of the layer self should land in. If the layer you're trying to move the container to doesn't exist, it will be created automatically. -1 means no move.


The EditMode in which the editition will happen.


The Edge the edit should happen on.


The position at which to edit self (in nanosecond)


true if the container as been edited properly, false if an error occured

Get the list of TimelineElement contained in self The user is responsible for unreffing the contained objects and freeing the list.


Whether to recursively get children in self


The list of timeline element contained in self.

Release the child from the control of self.


the TimelineElement to release


true if the child was properly released, else false.

Ungroups the TimelineElement contained in this GESContainer, creating new Container containing those TimelineElement apropriately.


Wether to recursively ungroup self


The list of Container resulting from the ungrouping operation The user is responsible for unreffing the contained objects and freeing the list.

Will be emitted after a child was added to container. Usually you should connect with g_signal_connect_after as in the first emission stage, the signal emission might get stopped internally.


the TimelineElement that was added.

Will be emitted after a child was removed from container.


the TimelineElement that was removed.

The span of priorities which this container occupies.

The edges of an object contain in a Timeline or Track

Represents the start of an object.

Represents the end of an object.

Represent the fact we are not workin with any edge of an object.

You can also find more explanation about the behaviour of those modes at: trim, ripple and roll</ulink> and clip management</ulink>.

The object is edited the normal way (default).

The objects are edited in ripple mode. The Ripple mode allows you to modify the beginning/end of a clip and move the neighbours accordingly. This will change the overall timeline duration. In the case of ripple end, the duration of the clip being rippled can't be superior to its max_duration - inpoint otherwise the action won't be executed.

The object is edited in roll mode. The Roll mode allows you to modify the position of an editing point between two clips without modifying the inpoint of the first clip nor the out-point of the second clip. This will not change the overall timeline duration.

The object is edited in trim mode. The Trim mode allows you to modify the in-point/duration of a clip without modifying its position in the timeline.

The object is edited in slide mode. The Slide mode allows you to modify the position of a clip in a timeline without modifying its duration or its in-point, but will modify the duration of the previous clip and in-point of the following clip so does not modify the overall timeline duration. (not implemented yet)


EffectExt, BaseEffectExt, TrackElementExt, TimelineElementExt, glib::object::ObjectExt, ExtractableExt

Trait containing all Effect methods.



Creates a new Effect from the description of the bin. It should be possible to determine the type of the effect through the element 'klass' metadata of the GstElements that will be created. In that corner case, you should use: Asset::request (GES_TYPE_EFFECT, "audio your ! bin ! description", NULL); and extract that asset to be in full control.


The gst-launch like bin description of the effect


a newly created Effect, or None if something went wrong.

The description of the effect bin with a gst-launch-style pipeline description.

Example: "videobalance saturation=1.5 hue=+0.5"

The description of the effect bin with a gst-launch-style pipeline description.

Example: "videobalance saturation=1.5 hue=+0.5"

FIXME: Long description needed


ExtractableExt, glib::object::ObjectExt

Trait containing all Extractable methods.


BaseEffect, Clip, Container, Effect, Extractable, Group, Layer, TimelineElement, Timeline, TrackElement, UriClip

Method for getting an asset from a Extractable


The Asset or None if none has been set


The id of the associated Asset, free with g_free

Method to set the asset which instantiated the specified object


The Asset to set


true if asset could be set false otherwize

A Group is an object which controls one or more GESClips in one or more Layer(s).

To instanciate a group, you should use the ges_container_group method, this will be responsible for deciding what subclass of Container should be instaciated to group the various TimelineElement passed in parametter.


GroupExt, GESContainerExt, TimelineElementExt, glib::object::ObjectExt, ExtractableExt

Trait containing all Group methods.



Created a new empty Group, if you want to group several container together, it is recommanded to use the Container::group method so the proper subclass is selected.


The new empty group.

The duration (in nanoseconds) which will be used in the container

The duration (in nanoseconds) which will be used in the container

The in-point at which this Group will start outputting data from its contents (in nanoseconds).

Ex : an in-point of 5 seconds means that the first outputted buffer will be the one located 5 seconds in the controlled resource.

The in-point at which this Group will start outputting data from its contents (in nanoseconds).

Ex : an in-point of 5 seconds means that the first outputted buffer will be the one located 5 seconds in the controlled resource.

The maximum duration (in nanoseconds) of the Group.

The maximum duration (in nanoseconds) of the Group.

The position of the object in its container (in nanoseconds).

The position of the object in its container (in nanoseconds).

Responsible for the ordering of the various contained Clip(s). A timeline layer has a "priority" property, which is used to manage the priorities of individual Clips. Two layers should not have the same priority within a given timeline.


LayerExt, glib::object::ObjectExt, ExtractableExt

Trait containing all Layer methods.



Creates a new Layer.


A new Layer

Creates Clip from asset, adds it to layer and returns a reference to it.


The asset to add to


The start value to set on the new Clip, if start == GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE, it will be set to the current duration of self


The inpoint value to set on the new Clip


The duration value to set on the new Clip


The TrackType to set on the the new Clip


Created Clip

Adds the given clip to the layer. Sets the clip's parent, and thus takes ownership of the clip.

An clip can only be added to one layer.

Calling this method will construct and properly set all the media related elements on clip. If you need to know when those objects (actually TrackElement) are constructed, you should connect to the container::child-added signal which is emited right after those elements are ready to be used.


the Clip to add.


true if the clip was properly added to the layer, or false if the self refuses to add the clip.

Gets whether transitions are automatically added when objects overlap or not.


true if transitions are automatically added, else false.

Get the clips this layer contains.


a glib::List of clips. The user is responsible for unreffing the contained objects and freeing the list.

Gets the clips which appear between start and end on self.


start of the interval


end of the interval


a glib::List of clips intersecting [start, end) interval on self.

Lets you retrieve the duration of the layer, which means the end time of the last clip inside it


The duration of a layer

Get the priority of self within the timeline.


The priority of the self within the timeline.

Get the Timeline in which Layer currently is.


the Timeline in which Layer currently is or None if not in any timeline yet.

Convenience method to check if self is empty (doesn't contain any clip), or not.


true if self is empty, false if it already contains at least one Clip

Removes the given clip from the self and unparents it. Unparenting it means the reference owned by self on the clip will be removed. If you wish to use the clip after this function, make sure you call gst::ObjectExt::ref before removing it from the self.


the Clip to remove


true if the clip could be removed, false if the layer does not want to remove the clip.

Sets the layer to the given auto_transition. See the documentation of the property auto_transition for more information.


whether the auto_transition is active

Sets the layer to the given priority. See the documentation of the priority property for more information.

Deprecated since 1.16

use TimelineExt::move_layer instead. This deprecation means that you will not need to handle layer priorities at all yourself, GES will make sure there is never 'gaps' between layer priorities.


the priority to set

Will be emitted after the clip was added to the layer.


the Clip that was added.

Will be emitted after the clip was removed from the layer.


the Clip that was removed

Sets whether transitions are added automagically when clips overlap.

Sets whether transitions are added automagically when clips overlap.

The priority of the layer in the Timeline. 0 is the highest priority. Conceptually, a Timeline is a stack of GESLayers, and the priority of the layer represents its position in the stack. Two layers should not have the same priority within a given GESTimeline.

Note that the timeline needs to be commited (with TimelineExt::commit) for the change to be taken into account.

Deprecated since 1.16

use TimelineExt::move_layer instead. This deprecation means that you will not need to handle layer priorities at all yourself, GES will make sure there is never 'gaps' between layer priorities.

The priority of the layer in the Timeline. 0 is the highest priority. Conceptually, a Timeline is a stack of GESLayers, and the priority of the layer represents its position in the stack. Two layers should not have the same priority within a given GESTimeline.

Note that the timeline needs to be commited (with TimelineExt::commit) for the change to be taken into account.

Deprecated since 1.16

use TimelineExt::move_layer instead. This deprecation means that you will not need to handle layer priorities at all yourself, GES will make sure there is never 'gaps' between layer priorities.

Pipeline allows developers to view and render Timeline in a simple fashion. Its usage is inspired by the 'playbin' element from gst-plugins-base.


GESPipelineExt, gst::PipelineExt, gst::ElementExt, gst::ObjectExt, glib::object::ObjectExt

Trait containing all Pipeline methods.



Creates a new conveninence Pipeline.


the new Pipeline.


the PipelineFlags currently in use.

Returns a gst::Sample with the currently playing image in the format specified by caps. The caller should free the sample with gst_sample_unref when finished. If ANY caps are specified, the information will be returned in the whatever format is currently used by the sink. This information can be retrieve from caps associated with the buffer.


caps specifying current format. Use GST_CAPS_ANY for native size.


a gst::Sample or None

A convenience method for GESPipelineExt::get_thumbnail which returns a buffer in 24-bit RGB, optionally scaled to the specified width and height. If -1 is specified for either dimension, it will be left at native size. You can retreive this information from the caps associated with the buffer.

The caller is responsible for unreffing the returned sample with gst_sample_unref.


the requested width or -1 for native size


the requested height or -1 for native size


a gst::Sample or None

Obtains a pointer to playsink's audio sink element that is used for displaying audio when the Pipeline is in PipelineFlags::FullPreview

The caller is responsible for unreffing the returned element with gst::ObjectExt::unref.


a pointer to the playsink audio sink gst::Element

Obtains a pointer to playsink's video sink element that is used for displaying video when the Pipeline is in PipelineFlags::FullPreview

The caller is responsible for unreffing the returned element with gst::ObjectExt::unref.


a pointer to the playsink video sink gst::Element

Sets playsink's audio sink element that is used for displaying audio when the Pipeline is in PipelineFlags::FullPreview


a audio sink gst::Element

Sets playsink's video sink element that is used for displaying video when the Pipeline is in PipelineFlags::FullPreview


a video sink gst::Element

Saves the current frame to the specified location.


the requested width or -1 for native size


the requested height or -1 for native size


a string specifying the desired mime type (for example, image/jpeg)


the path to save the thumbnail


true if the thumbnail was properly save, else false.

switches the self to the specified mode. The default mode when creating a Pipeline is PipelineFlags::FullPreview.

Note: The self will be set to gst::State::Null during this call due to the internal changes that happen. The caller will therefore have to set the self to the requested state after calling this method.


the PipelineFlags to use


true if the mode was properly set, else false.

Specify where the pipeline shall be rendered and with what settings.

A copy of profile and output_uri will be done internally, the caller can safely free those values afterwards.

This method must be called before setting the pipeline mode to PipelineFlags::Render


the URI to which the timeline will be rendered


the gst_pbutils::EncodingProfile to use to render the timeline.


true if the settings were aknowledged properly, else false

Sets the timeline to use in this pipeline.

The reference to the timeline will be stolen by the self.


the Timeline to set on the self.


true if the timeline could be successfully set on the self, else false.

Audio sink for the preview.

Audio sink for the preview.

Pipeline mode. See GESPipelineExt::set_mode for more info.

Pipeline mode. See GESPipelineExt::set_mode for more info.

Timeline to use in this pipeline. See also GESPipelineExt::set_timeline for more info.

Timeline to use in this pipeline. See also GESPipelineExt::set_timeline for more info.

Video sink for the preview.

Video sink for the preview.

The Project is used to control a set of Asset and is a Asset with GES_TYPE_TIMELINE as extractable_type itself. That means that you can extract Timeline from a project as followed:

 GESProject *project;
 GESTimeline *timeline;

 project = ges_project_new ("file:///path/to/a/valid/project/uri");

 // Here you can connect to the various signal to get more infos about
 // what is happening and recover from errors if possible

 timeline = ges_asset_extract (GES_ASSET (project));

The Project class offers a higher level API to handle Asset-s. It lets you request new asset, and it informs you about new assets through a set of signals. Also it handles problem such as missing files/missing gst::Element and lets you try to recover from those.


ProjectExt, AssetExt, glib::object::ObjectExt

Trait containing all Project methods.



Creates a new Project and sets its uri to uri if provided. Note that if uri is not valid or None, the uri of the project will then be set the first time you save the project. If you then save the project to other locations, it will never be updated again and the first valid URI is the URI it will keep refering to.


The uri to be set after creating the project.


A newly created Project

Adds a Asset to self, the project will keep a reference on asset.


A Asset to add to self


true if the asset could be added false it was already in the project

Adds profile to the project. It lets you save in what format the project has been renders and keep a reference to those formats. Also, those formats will be saves to the project file when possible.


A gst_pbutils::EncodingProfile to add to the project. If a profile with the same name already exists, it will be replaced


true if profile could be added, false otherwize

Create and add a Asset to self. You should connect to the "asset-added" signal to get the asset when it finally gets added to self


The id of the asset to create and add to self


The glib::Type of the asset to create


true if the asset started to be added false it was already in the project

Create and add a Asset to self. You should connect to the "asset-added" signal to get the asset when it finally gets added to self


The id of the asset to create and add to self


The glib::Type of the asset to create


The newly created Asset or None.


The id of the asset to retrieve


The extractable_type of the asset to retrieve from object


The Asset with id or None if no asset with id as an ID

Get the assets that are being loaded


A set of loading asset that will be added to self. Note that those Asset are not loaded yet, and thus can not be used

Retrieve the uri that is currently set on self


a newly allocated string representing uri.

List all asset contained in self filtering per extractable_type as defined by filter. It copies the asset and thus will not be updated in time.


Type of assets to list, GES_TYPE_EXTRACTABLE will list all assets


The list of Asset the object contains

Lists the encoding profile that have been set to self. The first one is the latest added.


The list of gst_pbutils::EncodingProfile used in self

Loads self into timeline


A blank timeline to load self into


true if the project could be loaded false otherwize.

remove a asset to from self.


A Asset to remove from self


true if the asset could be removed false otherwise

Save the timeline of self to uri. You should make sure that timeline is one of the timelines that have been extracted from self (using ges_asset_extract (self);)


The Timeline to save, it must have been extracted from self


The uri where to save self and timeline


The formatter asset to use or None. If None, will try to save in the same format as the one from which the timeline as been loaded or default to the formatter with highest rank


true to overwrite file if it exists


true if the project could be save, false otherwize


The Asset that has been added to project


The Asset that started loading


The Asset that has been removed from project

Informs you that a Asset could not be created. In case of missing GStreamer plugins, the error will be set to GST_CORE_ERROR gst::CoreError::MissingPlugin


The glib::Error defining the error that accured, might be None


The id of the asset that failed loading


The extractable_type of the asset that failed loading


The Timeline that complete loading

static gchar
source_moved_cb (GESProject *project, GError *error, GESAsset *asset_with_error)
  return g_strdup ("file:///the/new/uri.ogg");

static int
main (int argc, gchar ** argv)
  GESTimeline *timeline;
  GESProject *project = ges_project_new ("file:///some/uri.xges");

  g_signal_connect (project, "missing-uri", source_moved_cb, NULL);
  timeline = ges_asset_extract (GES_ASSET (project));


The error that happened


The asset with the wrong ID, you should us it and its content only to find out what the new location is.


The new URI of wrong_asset

Timeline is the central object for any multimedia timeline.

Contains a list of Layer which users should use to arrange the various clips through time.

The output type is determined by the Track that are set on the Timeline.

To save/load a timeline, you can use the TimelineExt::load_from_uri and TimelineExt::save_to_uri methods to use the default format. If you wish

Note that any change you make in the timeline will not actually be taken into account until you call the TimelineExt::commit method.


TimelineExt, gst::ElementExt, gst::ObjectExt, glib::object::ObjectExt, ExtractableExt

Trait containing all Timeline methods.



Creates a new empty Timeline.


The new timeline.

Creates a new Timeline containing a raw audio and a raw video track.


The newly created Timeline.

Creates a timeline from the given URI.


the URI to load from


A new timeline if the uri was loaded successfully, or None if the uri could not be loaded.

Add the layer to the timeline. The reference to the layer will be stolen by the self.


the Layer to add


true if the layer was properly added, else false.

Add a track to the timeline. The reference to the track will be stolen by the pipeline.


the Track to add


true if the track was properly added, else false.

Append a newly created Layer to self Note that you do not own any reference to the returned layer.


The newly created Layer, or the last (empty) Layer of self.

Commit all the pending changes of the clips contained in the self.

When changes happen in a timeline, they are not directly executed in the non-linear engine. Call this method once you are done with a set of changes and want it to be executed.

The Timeline::commited signal will be emitted when the (possibly updated) gst::Pipeline is ready to output data again, except if the state of the timeline was gst::State::Ready or gst::State::Null.

Note that all the pending changes will automatically be executed when the timeline goes from gst::State::Ready to gst::State::Paused, which usually is triggered by corresponding state changes in a containing Pipeline.

You should not try to change the state of the timeline, seek it or add tracks to it during a commit operation, that is between a call to this function and after receiving the Timeline::commited signal.

See TimelineExt::commit_sync if you don't want to bother with waiting for the signal.


true if pending changes were commited or false if nothing needed to be commited

Commit all the pending changes of the GESClips contained in the self.

Will return once the update is complete, that is when the (possibly updated) gst::Pipeline is ready to output data again, or if the state of the timeline was gst::State::Ready or gst::State::Null.

This function will wait for any pending state change of the timeline by calling gst::ElementExt::get_state with a GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE timeout, you should not try to change the state from another thread before this function has returned.

See TimelineExt::commit for more information.


true if pending changes were commited or false if nothing needed to be commited

Gets whether transitions are automatically added when objects overlap or not.


true if transitions are automatically added, else false.

Get the current duration of self


The current duration of self

Gets a TimelineElement contained in the timeline


The TimelineElement or None if not found.

Get the list of Group present in the Timeline.


the list of Group that contain clips present in the timeline's layers. Must not be changed.

Retrieve the layer with priority as a priority


The priority of the layer to find


A Layer or None if no layer with priority was found

Since 1.6

Get the list of Layer present in the Timeline.


the list of Layer present in the Timeline sorted by priority. The caller should unref each Layer once he is done with them.

Search the gst::Pad corresponding to the given self's track.


The Track


The corresponding gst::Pad if it is found, or None if there is an error.

Gets the configured snapping distance of the timeline. See the documentation of the property snapping_distance for more information.


The snapping_distance property of the timeline

Search the Track corresponding to the given self's pad.


The gst::Pad


The corresponding Track if it is found, or None if there is an error.

Returns the list of Track used by the Timeline.


A list of Track. The caller should unref each track once he is done with them.

Check whether a Timeline is empty or not


true if the timeline is empty false otherwize

Loads the contents of URI into the given timeline.


The URI to load from


true if the timeline was loaded successfully, or false if the uri could not be loaded.

Moves layer at new_layer_priority meaning that layer we land at that position in the stack of layers inside the timeline. If new_layer_priority is superior than the number of layers present in the time, it will move to the end of the stack of layers.


The layer to move at new_layer_priority


The index at which layer should land

Paste element inside the timeline. element must have been created using ges_timeline_element_copy with deep=TRUE set, i.e. it must be a deep copy, otherwise it will fail.


The TimelineElement to paste


The position in the timeline the element should be pasted to, meaning it will become the start of element


The Layer to which the element should be pasted to. -1 means paste to the same layer from which the element has been copied from.


Shallow copy of the element pasted

Removes the layer from the timeline. The reference that the self holds on the layer will be dropped. If you wish to use the layer after calling this method, you need to take a reference before calling.


the Layer to remove


true if the layer was properly removed, else false.

Remove the track from the self. The reference stolen when adding the track will be removed. If you wish to use the track after calling this function you must ensure that you have a reference to it.


the Track to remove


true if the track was properly removed, else false.

Saves the timeline to the given location


The location to save to


The formatter asset to use or None. If None, will try to save in the same format as the one from which the timeline as been loaded or default to the formatter with highest rank


true to overwrite file if it exists


true if the timeline was successfully saved to the given location, else false.

Sets the layer to the given auto_transition. See the documentation of the property auto_transition for more information.


whether the auto_transition is active

Sets the snapping_distance of the timeline. See the documentation of the property snapping_distance for more information.


whether the snapping_distance is active

This signal will be emitted once the changes initiated by TimelineExt::commit have been executed in the backend. Use TimelineExt::commit_sync if you don't need to do anything in the meantime.

Will be emitted after a new group is added to to the timeline.


the Group

Will be emitted after a group has been removed from the timeline.


the Group


a list of Container

Will be emitted after a new layer is added to the timeline.


the Layer that was added to the timeline

Will be emitted after the layer was removed from the timeline.


the Layer that was removed from the timeline


The Clip on which track_element will land


The TrackElement for which to choose the tracks it should land into


a glib::PtrArray of Track-s where that object should be added

Will be emitted after the track was added to the timeline.


the Track that was added to the timeline

Will be emitted after the track was removed from the timeline.


the Track that was removed from the timeline

Sets whether transitions are added automagically when clips overlap.

Sets whether transitions are added automagically when clips overlap.

Current duration (in nanoseconds) of the Timeline

Distance (in nanoseconds) from which a moving object will snap with it neighboors. 0 means no snapping.

Distance (in nanoseconds) from which a moving object will snap with it neighboors. 0 means no snapping.

The GESTimelineElement base class implements the notion of timing as well as priority. A GESTimelineElement can have a parent object which will be responsible for controlling its timing properties.


TimelineElementExt, glib::object::ObjectExt, ExtractableExt

Trait containing all TimelineElement methods.


Container, TimelineElement, TrackElement

Copies self


whether we want to create the elements self contains or not


The newly create TimelineElement, copied from self

Gets properties of a child of self.


The name of the first property to get

In general, a copy is made of the property contents and the caller is responsible for freeing the memory by calling gobject::Value::unset.

Gets a property of a GstElement contained in object.

Note that TimelineElementExt::get_child_property is really intended for language bindings, TimelineElementExt::get_child_properties is much more convenient for C programming.


The name of the property


return location for the property value, it will be initialized if it is initialized with 0


true if the property was found, false otherwize

Gets a property of a child of self.


The gobject::ParamSpec that specifies the property you want to get


return location for the value

Gets a property of a child of self. If there are various child elements that have the same property name, you can distinguish them using the following syntax: 'ClasseName::property_name' as property name. If you don't, the corresponding property of the first element found will be set.


The name of the first property to get


value for the first property, followed optionally by more name/return location pairs, followed by NULL


The duration of self


The inpoint of self


The maxduration of self

Returns a copy of the name of self. Caller should g_free the return value after usage.


The name of self

Returns the parent of self. This function increases the refcount of the parent object so you should gst::ObjectExt::unref it after usage.


parent of self, this can be None if self has no parent. unref after usage.


The priority of self


The start of self

Returns the timeline of self. This function increases the refcount of the timeline so you should gst::ObjectExt::unref it after usage.


timeline of self, this can be None if self has no timeline. unref after usage.

Gets the toplevel TimelineElement controlling self


The toplevel controlling parent of self

Gets all the TrackTypes self will interact with

Gets an array of gobject::ParamSpec* for all configurable properties of the children of self.


return location for the length of the returned array


an array of gobject::ParamSpec* which should be freed after use or None if something went wrong

Looks up which element and pspec would be effected by the given name. If various contained elements have this property name you will get the first one, unless you specify the class name in name.


name of the property to look up. You can specify the name of the class as such: "ClassName::property-name", to guarantee that you get the proper GParamSpec in case various GstElement-s contain the same property name. If you don't do so, you will get the first element found, having this property and the and the corresponding GParamSpec.


pointer to a gst::Element that takes the real object to set property on


pointer to take the gobject::ParamSpec describing the property


TRUE if element and pspec could be found. FALSE otherwise. In that case the values for pspec and element are not modified. Unref element after usage.

Paste self inside the timeline. self must have been created using ges_timeline_element_copy with recurse=TRUE set, otherwise it will fail.


The position in the timeline the element should be copied to, meaning it will become the start of self


Paste self copying the element

Edits self in ripple mode. It allows you to modify the start of self and move the following neighbours accordingly. This will change the overall timeline duration.


The new start of self in ripple mode.


true if the self as been rippled properly, false if an error occured

Edits self in ripple mode. It allows you to modify the duration of a self and move the following neighbours accordingly. This will change the overall timeline duration.


The new end (start + duration) of self in ripple mode. It will basically only change the duration of self.


true if the self as been rippled properly, false if an error occured

Edits self in roll mode. It allows you to modify the duration of a self and trim (basicly change the start + inpoint in this case) the following neighbours accordingly. This will not change the overall timeline duration.


The new end (start + duration) of self in roll mode


true if the self as been rolled properly, false if an error occured

Edits self in roll mode. It allows you to modify the start and inpoint of a self and "resize" (basicly change the duration in this case) of the previous neighbours accordingly. This will not change the overall timeline duration.


The new start of self in roll mode, it will also adapat the in-point of self according


true if the self as been roll properly, false if an error occured

Sets a property of a child of self. If there are various child elements that have the same property name, you can distinguish them using the following syntax: 'ClasseName::property_name' as property name. If you don't, the corresponding property of the first element found will be set.


The name of the first property to set

Sets a property of a child of self

Note that TimelineElementExt::set_child_property is really intended for language bindings, TimelineElementExt::set_child_properties is much more convenient for C programming.


The name of the property


the value


true if the property was set, false otherwize

Sets a property of a child of self.


The gobject::ParamSpec that specifies the property you want to set


the value

Sets a property of a child of self. If there are various child elements that have the same property name, you can distinguish them using the following syntax: 'ClasseName::property_name' as property name. If you don't, the corresponding property of the first element found will be set.


The name of the first property to set


value for the first property, followed optionally by more name/return location pairs, followed by NULL

Set the duration of the object

Note that if the timeline snap-distance property of the timeline containing self is set, self will properly snap to its neighboors.


the duration in gst::ClockTime

Set the in-point, that is the moment at which the self will start outputting data from its contents.


the in-point in gst::ClockTime

Set the maximun duration of the object


the maximum duration in gst::ClockTime

Sets the name of object, or gives self a guaranteed unique name (if name is NULL). This function makes a copy of the provided name, so the caller retains ownership of the name it sent.


The name self should take (if avalaible<)

Sets the parent of self to parent. The parents needs to already own a hard reference on self.


new parent of self


true if parent could be set or false when self already had a parent or self and parent are the same.

Sets the priority of the object within the containing layer


All priority management is done by GES itself now. To set Effect priorities ClipExt::set_top_effect_index should be used.


the priority

Set the position of the object in its containing layer.

Note that if the snapping-distance property of the timeline containing self is set, self will properly snap to the edges around start.


the position in gst::ClockTime

Sets the timeline of self to timeline.


The Timeline self is in


true if timeline could be set or false when timeline already had a timeline.

Edits self in trim mode. It allows you to modify the inpoint and start of self. This will not change the overall timeline duration.

Note that to trim the end of an self you can just set its duration. The same way as this method, it will take into account the snapping-distance property of the timeline in which self is.


The new start of self in trim mode, will adapt the inpoint of self accordingly


true if the self as been trimmed properly, false if an error occured

The deep notify signal is used to be notified of property changes of all the childs of timeline_element


the object that originated the signal


the property that changed

The duration (in nanoseconds) which will be used in the container

The duration (in nanoseconds) which will be used in the container

The in-point at which this TimelineElement will start outputting data from its contents (in nanoseconds).

Ex : an in-point of 5 seconds means that the first outputted buffer will be the one located 5 seconds in the controlled resource.

The in-point at which this TimelineElement will start outputting data from its contents (in nanoseconds).

Ex : an in-point of 5 seconds means that the first outputted buffer will be the one located 5 seconds in the controlled resource.

The maximum duration (in nanoseconds) of the TimelineElement.

The maximum duration (in nanoseconds) of the TimelineElement.

The name of the object

The name of the object

The parent container of the object

The parent container of the object

The priority of the object.

Setting GESTimelineElement priorities is deprecated as all priority management is done by GES itself now.

The priority of the object.

Setting GESTimelineElement priorities is deprecated as all priority management is done by GES itself now.

Whether the element should be serialized.

Whether the element should be serialized.

The position of the object in its container (in nanoseconds).

The position of the object in its container (in nanoseconds).

The timeline in which element is

The timeline in which element is

Corresponds to one output format (i.e. audio OR video).

Contains the compatible TrackElement(s).


GESTrackExt, gst::ElementExt, gst::ObjectExt, glib::object::ObjectExt

Trait containing all Track methods.



Creates a new Track with the given type_ and caps.

The newly created track will steal a reference to the caps. If you wish to use those caps elsewhere, you will have to take an extra reference.


The type of track


The caps to restrict the output of the track to.


A new Track.

Adds the given object to the track. Sets the object's controlling track, and thus takes ownership of the object.

An object can only be added to one track.


the TrackElement to add


true if the object was properly added. false if the track does not want to accept the object.

Commits all the pending changes of the TrackElement contained in the track.

When timing changes happen in a timeline, the changes are not directly done inside NLE. This method needs to be called so any changes on a clip contained in the timeline actually happen at the media processing level.


true if something as been commited false if nothing needed to be commited

Get the gst::Caps this track is configured to output.


The gst::Caps this track is configured to output.

Gets the TrackElement contained in self


the list of TrackElement present in the Track sorted by priority and start.

Gets if the underlying NleComposition contains an expandable mixer.


True if there is a mixer, False otherwise.

Get the Timeline this track belongs to. Can be None.


The Timeline this track belongs to. Can be None.

Removes the object from the track and unparents it. Unparenting it means the reference owned by self on the object will be removed. If you wish to use the object after this function, make sure you call gst::ObjectExt::ref before removing it from the self.


the TrackElement to remove


true if the object was removed, else false if the track could not remove the object (like if it didn't belong to the track).

Sets the function that should be used to create the GstElement used to fill gaps. To avoid to provide such a function we advice you to use the AudioTrack::new and VideoTrack::new constructor when possible.


The GESCreateElementForGapFunc that will be used to create gst::Element to fill gaps

Sets if the Track should be mixing.


TRUE if the track should be mixing, FALSE otherwise.

Sets the given caps as the caps the track has to output.


the gst::Caps to set

Sets timeline as the timeline controlling self.


a Timeline

Updates the restriction caps by modifying all the fields present in caps in the original restriction caps. If for example the current restriction caps are video/x-raw, format=I420, width=360 and caps is video/x-raw, format=RGB, the restriction caps will be updated to video/x-raw, format=RGB, width=360.

Modification happens for each structure in the new caps, and one can add new fields or structures through that function.


the gst::Caps to update with

Will be emitted after a track element was added to the track.


the TrackElement that was added.

Will be emitted after a track element was removed from the track.


the TrackElement that was removed.

Caps used to filter/choose the output stream. This is generally set to a generic set of caps like 'video/x-raw' for raw video.

Default value: GST_CAPS_ANY.

Caps used to filter/choose the output stream. This is generally set to a generic set of caps like 'video/x-raw' for raw video.

Default value: GST_CAPS_ANY.

Current duration of the track

Default value: O

Whether layer mixing is activated or not on the track.

Whether layer mixing is activated or not on the track.

Caps used to filter/choose the output stream.

Default value: GST_CAPS_ANY.

Caps used to filter/choose the output stream.

Default value: GST_CAPS_ANY.

Type of stream the track outputs. This is used when creating the Track to specify in generic terms what type of content will be outputted.

It also serves as a 'fast' way to check what type of data will be outputted from the Track without having to actually check the Track's caps property.

Type of stream the track outputs. This is used when creating the Track to specify in generic terms what type of content will be outputted.

It also serves as a 'fast' way to check what type of data will be outputted from the Track without having to actually check the Track's caps property.

TrackElement is the Base Class for any object that can be contained in a Track.

It contains the basic information as to the location of the object within its container, like the start position, the inpoint, the duration and the priority.


TrackElementExt, TimelineElementExt, glib::object::ObjectExt, ExtractableExt

Trait containing all TrackElement methods.



Looks for the properties defines with the various parametters and add them to the hashtable of children properties.

To be used by subclasses only


The GstElement to retrieve properties from


An array of categories of GstElement to take into account (as defined in the factory meta "klass" field)


A blacklist of elements factory names to not take into account


A list of propery names to add as children properties

Edit self in the different exisiting EditMode modes. In the case of slide, and roll, you need to specify a Edge


The layers you want the edit to happen in, None means that the edition is done in all the GESLayers contained in the current timeline. FIXME: This is not implemented yet.


The EditMode in which the edition will happen.


The Edge the edit should happen on.


The position at which to edit self (in nanosecond)


true if the object as been edited properly, false if an error occured


A glib::HashTable containing all property_name: GstControlBinding

Gets properties of a child of self.


Use TimelineElementExt::get_child_properties


The name of the first property to get

In general, a copy is made of the property contents and the caller is responsible for freeing the memory by calling gobject::Value::unset.

Gets a property of a GstElement contained in self.

Note that TrackElement::get_child_property is really intended for language bindings, TrackElement::get_child_properties is much more convenient for C programming.


Use TimelineElementExt::get_child_property


The name of the property


return location for the property value, it will be initialized if it is initialized with 0


true if the property was found, false otherwize

Gets a property of a child of self.


Use TimelineElementExt::get_child_property_by_pspec


The gobject::ParamSpec that specifies the property you want to get


return location for the value

Gets a property of a child of self. If there are various child elements that have the same property name, you can distinguish them using the following syntax: 'ClasseName::property_name' as property name. If you don't, the corresponding property of the first element found will be set.


Use TimelineElementExt::get_child_property_valist


The name of the first property to get


value for the first property, followed optionally by more name/return location pairs, followed by NULL

Looks up the various controlled properties for that TrackElement, and returns the gst::ControlBinding which controls property_name.


The property_name to which the binding is associated.


the gst::ControlBinding associated with property_name, or None if that property is not controlled.

Get the gst::Element this track element is controlling within GNonLin.


the gst::Element this track element is controlling within GNonLin.

Get the NleObject object this object is controlling.


use TrackElementExt::get_nleobject instead.


the NleObject object this object is controlling.

Get the GNonLin object this object is controlling.


the GNonLin object this object is controlling.

Get the Track to which this object belongs.


The Track to which this object belongs. Can be None if it is not in any track

Lets you know if self will be used for playback and rendering, or not.


true if self is active, false otherwize

Gets an array of gobject::ParamSpec* for all configurable properties of the children of self.


Use TimelineElementExt::list_children_properties


return location for the length of the returned array


an array of gobject::ParamSpec* which should be freed after use or None if something went wrong

Looks up which element and pspec would be effected by the given name. If various contained elements have this property name you will get the first one, unless you specify the class name in name.


Use TimelineElementExt::lookup_child


name of the property to look up. You can specify the name of the class as such: "ClassName::property-name", to guarantee that you get the proper GParamSpec in case various GstElement-s contain the same property name. If you don't do so, you will get the first element found, having this property and the and the corresponding GParamSpec.


pointer to a gst::Element that takes the real object to set property on


pointer to take the gobject::ParamSpec describing the property


TRUE if element and pspec could be found. FALSE otherwise. In that case the values for pspec and element are not modified. Unref element after usage.

Removes a gst::ControlBinding from self.


The name of the property to control.


true if the binding could be removed, false if an error occured

Sets the usage of the self. If active is true, the object will be used for playback and rendering, else it will be ignored.




true if the property was toggled, else false

Sets a property of a child of self. If there are various child elements that have the same property name, you can distinguish them using the following syntax: 'ClasseName::property_name' as property name. If you don't, the corresponding property of the first element found will be set.


Use TimelineElementExt::set_child_properties


The name of the first property to set

Sets a property of a GstElement contained in self.

Note that TrackElement::set_child_property is really intended for language bindings, TrackElement::set_child_properties is much more convenient for C programming.


use TimelineElementExt::set_child_property instead


The name of the property


the value


true if the property was set, false otherwize

Sets a property of a child of self.


Use ges_timeline_element_set_child_property_by_spec


The gobject::ParamSpec that specifies the property you want to set


the value

Sets a property of a child of self. If there are various child elements that have the same property name, you can distinguish them using the following syntax: 'ClasseName::property_name' as property name. If you don't, the corresponding property of the first element found will be set.


Use TimelineElementExt::set_child_property_valist


The name of the first property to set


value for the first property, followed optionally by more name/return location pairs, followed by NULL

Creates a gst::ControlBinding and adds it to the gst::Element concerned by the property. Use the same syntax as TrackElementExt::lookup_child for the property name.


the gst::ControlSource to set on the binding.


The name of the property to control.


The type of binding to create. Only "direct" is available for now.


true if the binding could be created and added, false if an error occured

The control-binding-added signal is emitted each time a control binding is added for a child property of track_element


the gst::ControlBinding that has been added

The control-binding-removed signal is emitted each time a control binding is removed for a child property of track_element


the gst::ControlBinding that has been removed

Whether the object should be taken into account in the Track output. If false, then its contents will not be used in the resulting track.

Whether the object should be taken into account in the Track output. If false, then its contents will not be used in the resulting track.

Represents all the output streams from a particular uri. It is assumed that the URI points to a file of some type.


UriClipExt, ClipExt, GESContainerExt, TimelineElementExt, glib::object::ObjectExt, ExtractableExt

Trait containing all UriClip methods.



Creates a new UriClip for the provided uri.


the URI the source should control


The newly created UriClip, or None if there was an error.

Get the location of the resource.


The location of the resource.

Lets you know if self is an image or not.


true if self is a still image false otherwise.

Lets you know if the audio track of self is muted or not.


true if the audio track of self is muted, false otherwise.

Sets whether the clip is a still image or not.


true if self is a still image, false otherwise

Sets whether the audio track of this clip is muted or not.


true to mute self audio track, false to unmute it

Whether this uri clip represents a still image or not. This must be set before create_track_elements is called.

Whether this uri clip represents a still image or not. This must be set before create_track_elements is called.

Whether the sound will be played or not.

Whether the sound will be played or not.

The location of the file/resource to use.

The location of the file/resource to use.

The UriClipAsset is a special Asset that lets you handle the media file to use inside the GStreamer Editing Services. It has APIs that let you get information about the medias. Also, the tags found in the media file are set as Metadatas of the Asser.


UriClipAssetExt, AssetExt, glib::object::ObjectExt

Trait containing all UriClipAsset methods.



Creates a UriClipAsset for uri

Example of request of a GESUriClipAsset:

// The request callback
static void
filesource_asset_loaded_cb (GESAsset * source, GAsyncResult * res, gpointer user_data)
  GError *error = NULL;
  GESUriClipAsset *filesource_asset;

  filesource_asset = GES_URI_CLIP_ASSET (ges_asset_request_finish (res, &error));
  if (filesource_asset) {
   g_print ("The file: %s is usable as a FileSource, it is%s an image and lasts %" GST_TIME_FORMAT,
       ges_asset_get_id (GES_ASSET (filesource_asset))
       ges_uri_clip_asset_is_image (filesource_asset) ? "" : " not",
       GST_TIME_ARGS (ges_uri_clip_asset_get_duration (filesource_asset));
  } else {
   g_print ("The file: %s is *not* usable as a FileSource because: %s",
       ges_asset_get_id (source), error->message);

  gst_object_unref (mfs);

// The request:
ges_uri_clip_asset_new (uri, (GAsyncReadyCallback) filesource_asset_loaded_cb, user_data);


The URI of the file for which to create a UriClipAsset


optional gio::Cancellable object, None to ignore.


a GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the initialization is finished


The user data to pass when callback is called

Creates a UriClipAsset for uri syncronously. You should avoid to use it in application, and rather create UriClipAsset asynchronously


The URI of the file for which to create a UriClipAsset. You can also use multi file uris for MultiFileSource.


A reference to the requested asset or None if an error happened

Gets duration of the file represented by self


The duration of self

Gets gst_pbutils::DiscovererInfo about the file


gst_pbutils::DiscovererInfo of specified asset

Get the GESUriSourceAsset self containes


a glib::List of UriSourceAsset

Gets Whether the file represented by self is an image or not


Whether the file represented by self is an image or not

The duration (in nanoseconds) of the media file

The duration (in nanoseconds) of the media file

NOTE: You should never request such a Asset as they will be created automatically by UriClipAsset-s.


UriSourceAssetExt, AssetExt, glib::object::ObjectExt

Trait containing all UriSourceAsset methods.



Get the UriClipAsset self_ is contained in


a UriClipAsset

Get the gst_pbutils::DiscovererStreamInfo user by self


a UriClipAsset