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This is a GStreamer plugin to read content from Spotify.

Make sure that your application follows Spotify's design guidelines to respect their legal/licensing restrictions.

Spotify Credentials

This plugin requires a Spotify Premium account. If your account is linked with Facebook, you'll need to setup a device username and password.

Those username and password are then set using the username and password properties.

You may also want to cache credentials and downloaded files, see the cache- properties on the element.


The spotifyaudiosrc element can be used to play a song from Spotify using its Spotify URI.

gst-launch-1.0 spotifyaudiosrc username=$USERNAME password=$PASSWORD track=spotify:track:3i3P1mGpV9eRlfKccjDjwi ! oggdemux ! vorbisdec ! audioconvert ! autoaudiosink

The element also implements an URI handler which accepts credentials and cache settings as URI parameters:

gst-launch-1.0 playbin3 uri=spotify:track:3i3P1mGpV9eRlfKccjDjwi?username=$USERNAME\&password=$PASSWORD\&cache-credentials=cache\&cache-files=cache