Jonathan Pallant (Ferrous Systems) 5e6fb4ab06
Clean up slides.
2023-03-22 10:29:07 +00:00

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# The Peripheral Access Crate
## Introduction
This crate sits at the bottom of the 'stack'. It provides access to the memory-mapped peripherals in your MCU.
## Memory Mapped Peripherals
* e.g. a UART peripheral
* Has registers, represented by a memory address
* Registers are usually consecutive in memory (not always)
* Peripherals can have instances (same layout of registers, different start address)
* UART0, UART1, etc
## Registers
* *Registers* are comprised of one or more *fields*.
* Each field is at least 1 bit in length.
* Sometimes fields can only take from a limited set of values
* This is all in your datasheet!
## C Code!
Embedded Code in C often uses shifts and bitwise-AND to make up registers from fields.
#define UARTE_INTEN_CTS_MASK (0x00000001)
#define UARTE_INTEN_RXRDY_MASK (0x00000001)
// The other nine fields are skipped for brevity
uint32_t cts = 0;
uint32_t rxrdy = 1;
uint32_t inten_value = ((cts & UARTE_INTEN_CTS_MASK) << UARTE_INTEN_CTS_SHIFT)
*((volatile uint32_t*) 0x40002300) = inten_value;
## Rust Code
You *could* do this in Rust if you wanted...
const UARTE0_INTEN: *mut u32 = 0x4000_2300 as *mut u32;
unsafe { UARTE0_INTEN.write_volatile(0x0000_0003); }
But this still seems very error-prone. Nothing stops you putting the wrong value at the wrong address.
## Adding structure
In C, the various registers for a peripheral can also be grouped into a `struct`
typedef volatile struct uart0_reg_t {
uint32_t tasks_startrx; // @ 0x000
uint32_t tasks_stoprx; // @ 0x004
// ...
uint32_t inten; // @ 0x300
uint32_t _padding[79];
uint32_t baudrate; // @ 0x500
} uart0_reg_t
uart0_reg_t* const p_uart = (uart0_reg_t*) 0x40002000;
## Structures in Rust
We can do that too (and this is how our PAC works under the hood).
pub struct RegisterBlock {
pub tasks_startrx: VolatileCell<u32>, // @ 0x000
pub tasks_stoprx: VolatileCell<u32>, // @ 0x004
// ...
pub inten: VolatileCell<u32>, // @ 0x300
_reserved12: [u32; 79],
pub baudrate: VolatileCell<u32>, // @ 0x500
let p_uart: &RegisterBlock = unsafe { &*(0x40002000 as *const RegisterBlock) };
We use the [`VolatileCell`](https://docs.rs/vcell/0.1.3/vcell/struct.VolatileCell.html) to ensure reads/writes on the structure fields are always performed with volatile pointer read/writes.
## CMSIS-SVD Files
A CMSIS-SVD (or just SVD) file is an XML description of all the peripherals, registers and fields on an MCU.
We can use `svd2rust` to turn this into a Peripheral Access Crate.
graph LR
svd[(SVD XML)] --> svd2rust[<tt>svd2rust</tt>] --> rust[(Rust Source)]
## The `svd2rust` generated API
graph TB
Peripherals --> uarte1[.UARTE1: <b>UARTE1</b>]
uarte1 --> uart1_baudrate[.baudrate: <b>BAUDRATE</b>]
uarte1 --> uart1_inten[.inten: <b>INTEN</b>]
Peripherals --> uarte2[.UARTE2: <b>UARTE2</b>]
uarte2 --> uart2_baudrate[.baudrate: <b>BAUDRATE</b>]
uarte2 --> uart2_inten[.inten: <b>INTEN</b>]
* The crate has a top-level `struct Peripherals` with members for each *Peripheral*
* Each *Peripheral* gets a `struct`, like `UARTE0`, `SPI1`, etc.
* Each *Peripheral* `struct` has members for each *Register*
* Each *Register* gets a `struct`, like `BAUDRATE`, `INTEN`, etc.
* Each *Register* `struct` has `read()`, `write()` and `modify()` methods
## The `svd2rust` generated API (2)
* The `read()` method returns a special proxy object, with methods for each *Field*
* The `write()` method takes a closure, which is given a special 'proxy' object, with methods for each *Field*
* All the *Field* changes are batched together and written in one go
* Any un-written *Fields* are set to a default value
* The `modify()` method gives you both
* Any un-written *Fields* are left alone
## Using a PAC
// nrf52840 is the PAC
let p = nrf52840::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
// Reading the 'baudrate' field
let current_baud_rate = p.UARTE1.baudrate.read().baudrate();
// Modifying multiple fields in one go
p.UARTE1.inten.modify(|_r, w| {
## Wait, what's a closure?
* It's an anonymous function, declared in-line with your other code
* It can 'capture' local variables (although we don't use that feature here)
* It enables a very powerful Rust idiom, that you can't easily do in C...
## Let's take it in turns
- I, the callee, need to set some stuff up
- You, the caller, need to do a bit of work
- I, the callee, need to clean everything up
We can use a closure to insert the caller-provided code in the middle of our function. We see this used [all (1)](https://doc.rust-lang.org/core/iter/trait.Iterator.html#method.map) [over (2)](https://doc.rust-lang.org/core/primitive.str.html#method.matches) [the (3)](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/thread/fn.spawn.html) Rust standard library!
## You tell me...
What are the three steps here?
p.UARTE1.inten.modify(|_r, w| {
## Documentation
Docs can be generated from the source code.
See <https://docs.rs/nrf52840>
Note that `uarte0` is a *module* and `UARTE0` could mean either a `struct` type, or a field on the `Peripherals` struct.