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synced 2025-03-30 07:05:29 +00:00
New translations django.po (German)
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 37 additions and 37 deletions
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bookwyrm\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-29 18:24+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-29 20:00\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-08-02 16:08\n"
"Last-Translator: Mouse Reeve <mousereeve@riseup.net>\n"
"Language-Team: German\n"
"Language: de\n"
@ -2043,11 +2043,11 @@ msgstr "Verantwortlich"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:10
msgid "This is home page of a book. Let's see what you can do while you're here!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Dies ist die Startseite eines Buches. Lass uns sehen, was Du tun kannst, während Du hier bist!"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:11
msgid "Book page"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Buchseite"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:19
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/group.html:19
@ -2058,7 +2058,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:19
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:19
msgid "End Tour"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tour beenden"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:26
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:50
@ -2111,11 +2111,11 @@ msgstr "Weiter"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:31
msgid "This is where you can set a reading status for this book. You can press the button to move to the next stage, or use the drop down button to select the reading status you want to set."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Hier kannst Du einen Lesestatus für dieses Buch festlegen. Du kannst den Button drücken, um in die nächste Stufe zu wechseln oder den Dropdown-Button verwenden, um den Lesestatus auszuwählen, den Du setzen möchtest."
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:32
msgid "Reading status"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Lesestatus"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:55
msgid "You can also manually add reading dates here. Unlike changing the reading status using the previous method, adding dates manually will not automatically add them to your <strong>Read</strong> or <strong>Reading</strong> shelves."
@ -2123,59 +2123,59 @@ msgstr ""
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:55
msgid "Got a favourite you re-read every year? We've got you covered - you can add multiple read dates for the same book 😀"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Hast Du einen Favoriten, den Du jedes Jahr neu liest? Kein Problem - Du kannst mehrere Lesedaten für das gleiche Buch hinzufügen 😀"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:79
msgid "There can be multiple editions of a book, in various formats or languages. You can choose which edition you want to use."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Es kann mehrere Auflagen eines Buches in verschiedenen Formaten oder Sprachen geben. Du kannst wählen, welche Edition Du verwenden möchtest."
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:80
msgid "Other editions"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Andere Auflagen"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:102
msgid "You can post a review, comment, or quote here."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Hier kannst Du eine Rezension, einen Kommentar oder ein Zitat veröffentlichen."
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:103
msgid "Share your thoughts"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Teile mit, was Du denkst"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:127
msgid "If you have read this book you can post a review including an optional star rating"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Wenn Du dieses Buch gelesen hast, kannst Du eine Rezension mit einer optionalen Sternebewertung veröffentlichen"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:128
msgid "Post a review"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Bewertung schreiben"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:151
msgid "You can share your thoughts on this book generally with a simple comment"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Du kannst Deine Gedanken zu diesem Buch grundsätzlich mit einem einfachen Kommentar teilen"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:152
msgid "Post a comment"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Kommentieren"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:175
msgid "Just read some perfect prose? Let the world know by sharing a quote!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Du hast gerade einige perfekte Zeilen gelesen? Lass es die Welt wissen, indem Du ein Zitat teilst!"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:176
msgid "Share a quote"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ein Zitat teilen"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:199
msgid "If your review or comment might ruin the book for someone who hasn't read it yet, you can hide your post behind a <strong>spoiler alert</strong>"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Falls Deine Rezension oder Dein Kommentar das Buch für jemand anderen verderben würden, der*die es noch nicht gelesen hat, kannst Du diese hinter einer <strong>Spoiler-Warnung</strong> verstecken"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:200
msgid "Spoiler alerts"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Spoiler-Warnungen"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:224
msgid "Choose who can see your post here. Post privacy can be <strong>Public</strong> (everyone can see), <strong>Unlisted</strong> (everyone can see, but it doesn't appear in public feeds or discovery pages), <strong>Followers</strong> (only your followers can see), or <strong>Private</strong> (only you can see)"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Lege hier fest, wer Deinen Beitrag sehen kann. Die Privatsphäre eines Beitrags kann <strong>Öffentlich</strong> (jeder kann ihn sehen), <strong>Nicht gelistet</strong> (jeder kann ihn sehen, aber er erscheint nicht in öffentlichen Feeds oder Entdeckungsseiten), <strong>Follower</strong> (nur Deine Follower können ihn sehen) oder <strong>Private</strong> (nur Du kannst ihn sehen) sein"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:225
#: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/privacy_select.html:6
@ -2185,15 +2185,15 @@ msgstr "Beitragssichtbarkeit"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:248
msgid "Some ebooks can be downloaded for free from external sources. They will be shown here."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Einige E-Books können kostenlos von externen Quellen heruntergeladen werden. Sie werden hier angezeigt."
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:249
msgid "Download links"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Download-Links"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:273
msgid "Continue the tour by selecting <strong>Your books</strong> from the drop down menu."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Führe die Tour fort, indem Du <strong>Deine Bücher</strong> aus dem Dropdown-Menü auswählst."
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:296
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:50
@ -2203,15 +2203,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:116
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:141
msgid "Ok"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ok"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/group.html:10
msgid "Welcome to the page for your group! This is where you can add and remove users, create user-curated lists, and edit the group details."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Willkommen auf der Seite Deiner Gruppe! Hier kannst Du Benutzer*innen hinzufügen und entfernen, benutzerdefinierte Listen erstellen und die Gruppendetails bearbeiten."
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/group.html:11
msgid "Your group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Deine Gruppe"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/group.html:31
msgid "Use this search box to find users to join your group. Currently users must be members of the same Bookwyrm instance and be invited by the group owner."
@ -2219,7 +2219,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/group.html:32
msgid "Find users"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Benutzer*innen finden"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/group.html:54
msgid "Your group members will appear here. The group owner is marked with a star symbol."
@ -2243,37 +2243,37 @@ msgstr ""
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/group.html:115
msgid "End tour"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tour beenden"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:16
msgid "Welcome to Bookwyrm!<br><br>Would you like to take the guided tour to help you get started?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Willkommen bei Bookwyrm!<br><br>Möchtest Du die geführte Tour machen, um Dir den Einstieg zu erleichtern?"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:17
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:39
#: bookwyrm/templates/layout.html:194
msgid "Guided Tour"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Geführte Tour"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:25
msgid "No thanks"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Nein, danke"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:33
msgid "Yes please!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ja, bitte!"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:38
msgid "If you ever change your mind, just click on the Guided Tour link to start your tour"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Falls Du jemals Deine Meinung änderst, klicke einfach auf den Link \"Geführte Tour\", um Deine Tour zu starten"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:62
msgid "Search for books, users, or lists using this search box."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Suche mit diesem Suchfeld nach Büchern, Benutzer*innen oder Listen."
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:63
msgid "Search box"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Suchfeld"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:79
msgid "Search book records by scanning an ISBN barcode using your device's camera - great when you're in the bookstore or library!"
@ -2289,7 +2289,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:103
msgid "Navigation Bar"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Navigationsleiste"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:126
msgid "Books on your reading status shelves will be shown here."
@ -2305,7 +2305,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:176
msgid "The bell will light up when you have a new notification. When it does, click on it to find out what exciting thing has happened!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Die Glocke wird aufleuchten, wenn Du eine neue Benachrichtigung hast. Klicke auf sie, um herauszufinden, was Aufregendes passiert ist!"
#: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:177
#: bookwyrm/templates/layout.html:99 bookwyrm/templates/layout.html:100
Reference in a new issue