2021-02-23 13:37:16 -08:00

22 lines
646 B

{% load bookwyrm_tags %}
<div class="block">
{% with depth=depth|add:1 %}
{% if depth <= max_depth and status.reply_parent and direction <= 0 %}
{% with direction=-1 %}
{% include 'feed/thread.html' with status=status|parent is_root=False %}
{% endwith %}
{% endif %}
{% include 'snippets/status/status.html' with status=status main=is_root %}
{% if depth <= max_depth and direction >= 0 %}
{% for reply in status|replies %}
{% with direction=1 %}
{% include 'feed/thread.html' with status=reply is_root=False %}
{% endwith %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endwith %}