forked from mirrors/bookwyrm
38 lines
1.7 KiB
38 lines
1.7 KiB
{% load i18n %}
{% load utilities %}
{% load humanize %}
<div class="columns is-mobile scroll-x mb-0">
{% for user in suggested_users %}
<div class="column is-flex is-flex-grow-0">
<div class="box has-text-centered is-shadowless has-background-white-bis m-0">
<a href="{{ user.local_path }}" class="has-text-black">
{% include 'snippets/avatar.html' with user=user large=True %}
<span title="{{ user.display_name }}" class="is-block is-6 has-text-weight-bold">{{ user.display_name|truncatechars:10 }}</span>
<span title="@{{ user|username }}" class="is-block pb-3">@{{ user|username|truncatechars:8 }}</span>
{% include 'snippets/follow_button.html' with user=user minimal=True %}
{% if user.mutuals %}
<p class="help">
{% blocktrans trimmed with mutuals=user.mutuals|intcomma count counter=user.mutuals %}
{{ mutuals }} follower you follow
{% plural %}
{{ mutuals }} followers you follow{% endblocktrans %}
{% elif user.shared_books %}
<p class="help">
{% blocktrans trimmed with shared_books=user.shared_books|intcomma count counter=user.shared_books %}
{{ shared_books }} book on your shelves
{% plural %}
{{ shared_books }} books on your shelves
{% endblocktrans %}
{% elif request.user in user.following.all %}
<p class="help">
{% trans "Follows you" %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}