bcj 015d45ef99 Start cron on db service start
init.d isn't run when docker containers are run so we need to modify the entrypoint.
This commit makes the ugly choice of injecting the command in automatically in order to avoid the need to manually maintain the images entrypoint.
2021-03-08 23:09:54 -06:00

19 lines
926 B

FROM postgres:latest
# crontab
RUN mkdir /backups
COPY ./ /backups
COPY ./cronfile /etc/cron.d/cronfile
RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install cron
RUN chmod 0644 /etc/cron.d/cronfile
RUN crontab /etc/cron.d/cronfile
RUN touch /var/log/cron.log
# The postgres image's entrypoint expects the docker command to only contain flags to
# pass postgres. It runs the entrypoint twice, the second times as the postgres user.
# We need to start the cron service the first time it runs, when it's still being run
# as the root user. We're going to add a check that looks at the first argument and
# if it's 'cron', starts the service and then removes that argument.
RUN awk '$0 ~ /^\t_main "\$@"$/ { print "\tif [[ $1 == cron ]]; then\n\t\tservice cron start\n\t\tshift\n\tfi" }{ print }' >
RUN chown postgres /
RUN chmod u=rwx,go=r /