forked from mirrors/bookwyrm
Since we get all the results quickly now, this aggregates all the results that came back and sorts them by confidence, and returns the highest confidence result. The confidences aren't great on free text search, but conceptually that's how it should work at least. It may make sense to aggregate the search results in all contexts, but I'll propose that in a separate PR.
159 lines
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159 lines
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""" using a bookwyrm instance as a source of book data """
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass
from functools import reduce
import operator
from import SearchRank, SearchQuery
from django.db.models import OuterRef, Subquery, F, Q
from bookwyrm import models
from bookwyrm.settings import MEDIA_FULL_URL
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
def search(query, min_confidence=0, filters=None, return_first=False):
"""search your local database"""
filters = filters or []
if not query:
return []
# first, try searching unqiue identifiers
results = search_identifiers(query, *filters, return_first=return_first)
if not results:
# then try searching title/author
results = search_title_author(
query, min_confidence, *filters, return_first=return_first
return results
def isbn_search(query):
"""search your local database"""
if not query:
return []
filters = [{f: query} for f in ["isbn_10", "isbn_13"]]
results = models.Edition.objects.filter(
reduce(operator.or_, (Q(**f) for f in filters))
# when there are multiple editions of the same work, pick the default.
# it would be odd for this to happen.
default_editions = models.Edition.objects.filter(
results = (
or results
return results
def format_search_result(search_result):
"""convert a book object into a search result object"""
cover = None
if search_result.cover:
cover = f"{MEDIA_FULL_URL}{search_result.cover}"
return SearchResult(
if search_result.published_date
else None,
confidence=search_result.rank if hasattr(search_result, "rank") else 1,
def search_identifiers(query, *filters, return_first=False):
"""tries remote_id, isbn; defined as dedupe fields on the model"""
# pylint: disable=W0212
or_filters = [
{ query}
for f in models.Edition._meta.get_fields()
if hasattr(f, "deduplication_field") and f.deduplication_field
results = models.Edition.objects.filter(
*filters, reduce(operator.or_, (Q(**f) for f in or_filters))
if results.count() <= 1:
if return_first:
return results.first()
return results
# when there are multiple editions of the same work, pick the default.
# it would be odd for this to happen.
default_editions = models.Edition.objects.filter(
results = (
or results
if return_first:
return results.first()
return results
def search_title_author(query, min_confidence, *filters, return_first=False):
"""searches for title and author"""
query = SearchQuery(query, config="simple") | SearchQuery(query, config="english")
results = (
models.Edition.objects.filter(*filters, search_vector=query)
.annotate(rank=SearchRank(F("search_vector"), query))
# when there are multiple editions of the same work, pick the closest
editions_of_work = results.values("parent_work__id").values_list("parent_work__id")
# filter out multiple editions of the same work
list_results = []
for work_id in set(editions_of_work):
editions = results.filter(parent_work=work_id)
default = editions.order_by("-edition_rank").first()
default_rank = default.rank if default else 0
# if mutliple books have the top rank, pick the default edition
if default_rank == editions.first().rank:
result = default
result = editions.first()
if return_first:
return result
return list_results
class SearchResult:
"""standardized search result object"""
title: str
key: str
connector: object
view_link: str = None
author: str = None
year: str = None
cover: str = None
confidence: int = 1
def __repr__(self):
# pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string
return "<SearchResult key={!r} title={!r} author={!r} confidence={!r}>".format(
self.key, self.title,, self.confidence
def json(self):
"""serialize a connector for json response"""
serialized = asdict(self)
del serialized["connector"]
return serialized