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MCH2022 template app

This repository contains a template app for the MCH2022 badge. It is intended to be used as the basis for developing your own native ESP32 apps. See Getting Started


The source code contained in the main folder of this example is public domain / CC0 licensed, use it as you please.

Source code included as submodules is licensed separately, please check the following table for details.

Submodule License Author
esp-idf Apache License 2.0 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
components/appfs THE BEER-WARE LICENSE Revision 42 Jeroen Domburg
components/bus-i2c MIT Nicolai Electronics
components/i2c-bno055 MIT Nicolai Electronics
components/mch2022-rp2040 MIT Renze Nicolai
components/pax-graphics MIT Julian Scheffers
components/pax-keyboard MIT Julian Scheffers
components/sdcard MIT Nicolai Electronics
components/spi-ice40 MIT Nicolai Electronics
components/spi-ili9341 MIT Nicolai Electronics
components/ws2812 Unlicense / Public domain None

How to make

git clone --recursive
cd mch2022-template-app
make prepare