Anbraten f13ffc2c8f
Save agent-id for tasks and add endpoint to get agent tasks (#1631)
Save which agent is running a task. This is now visible in the admin UI
in the queue and in the agent details screen.

# changes
- [x] save id of agent executing a task
- [x] add endpoint to get tasks of an agent for #999 
- [x] show assigned agent-id in queue
- [x] (offtopic) use same colors for queue stats and icons (similar to
the ones used by pipelines)
- [x] (offtopic) use badges for queue labels & dependencies

2023-03-21 15:10:43 +02:00

160 lines
4.8 KiB

<div v-if="queueInfo" class="flex flex-row border-b mb-4 pb-4 items-center dark:border-gray-600">
<div class="ml-2">
<h1 class="text-xl text-color">{{ $t('admin.settings.queue.queue') }}</h1>
<p class="text-sm text-color-alt">{{ $t('admin.settings.queue.desc') }}</p>
<div class="ml-auto flex items-center gap-2">
:name="queueInfo.paused ? 'pause' : 'play'"
'text-red-400': queueInfo.paused,
'text-lime-400': !queueInfo.paused,
<div class="flex flex-col">
<AdminQueueStats :stats="queueInfo?.stats" />
<div v-if="tasks.length > 0" class="flex flex-col">
<p class="mt-6 mb-2 text-xl">{{ $t('admin.settings.queue.tasks') }}</p>
<ListItem v-for="task in tasks" :key="task.id" class="items-center mb-2">
class="flex items-center"
task.status === 'pending'
? $t('admin.settings.queue.task_pending')
: task.status === 'running'
? $t('admin.settings.queue.task_running')
: $t('admin.settings.queue.task_waiting_on_deps')
task.status === 'pending'
? 'status-pending'
: task.status === 'running'
? 'status-running'
: 'status-declined'
'text-red-400': task.status === 'waiting_on_deps',
'text-blue-400': task.status === 'running',
'text-gray-400': task.status === 'pending',
<span class="ml-2">{{ task.id }}</span>
<span class="flex ml-auto gap-2">
<Badge v-if="task.agent_id !== 0" :label="$t('admin.settings.queue.agent')" :value="task.agent_id" />
v-for="(value, label) in task.labels"
:value="value || '???'"
:value="task.dependencies.join(', ')"
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { computed, onBeforeUnmount, onMounted, ref } from 'vue';
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n';
import Badge from '~/components/atomic/Badge.vue';
import Button from '~/components/atomic/Button.vue';
import Icon from '~/components/atomic/Icon.vue';
import ListItem from '~/components/atomic/ListItem.vue';
import Panel from '~/components/layout/Panel.vue';
import useApiClient from '~/compositions/useApiClient';
import useNotifications from '~/compositions/useNotifications';
import { QueueInfo } from '~/lib/api/types/queue';
import AdminQueueStats from './queue/AdminQueueStats.vue';
const apiClient = useApiClient();
const notifications = useNotifications();
const { t } = useI18n();
const queueInfo = ref<QueueInfo>();
const tasks = computed(() => {
const _tasks = [];
if (queueInfo.value?.running) {
_tasks.push(...queueInfo.value.running.map((task) => ({ ...task, status: 'running' })));
if (queueInfo.value?.pending) {
_tasks.push(...queueInfo.value.pending.map((task) => ({ ...task, status: 'pending' })));
if (queueInfo.value?.waiting_on_deps) {
_tasks.push(...queueInfo.value.waiting_on_deps.map((task) => ({ ...task, status: 'waiting_on_deps' })));
return _tasks.sort((a, b) => a.id - b.id);
async function loadQueueInfo() {
queueInfo.value = await apiClient.getQueueInfo();
async function pauseQueue() {
await apiClient.pauseQueue();
await loadQueueInfo();
title: t('admin.settings.queue.paused'),
type: 'success',
async function resumeQueue() {
await apiClient.resumeQueue();
await loadQueueInfo();
title: t('admin.settings.queue.resumed'),
type: 'success',
const reloadInterval = ref<number>();
onMounted(async () => {
await loadQueueInfo();
reloadInterval.value = window.setInterval(async () => {
await loadQueueInfo();
}, 5000);
onBeforeUnmount(() => {
if (reloadInterval.value) {