2015-11-19 12:38:20 -08:00

461 lines
12 KiB

package bitbucket
import (
log "github.com/Sirupsen/logrus"
type Bitbucket struct {
Client string
Secret string
Orgs []string
Open bool
func Load(env envconfig.Env) *Bitbucket {
config := env.String("REMOTE_CONFIG", "")
// parse the remote DSN configuration string
url_, err := url.Parse(config)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("unable to parse remote dsn. %s", err)
params := url_.Query()
url_.Path = ""
url_.RawQuery = ""
// create the Githbub remote using parameters from
// the parsed DSN configuration string.
bitbucket := Bitbucket{}
bitbucket.Client = params.Get("client_id")
bitbucket.Secret = params.Get("client_secret")
bitbucket.Orgs = params["orgs"]
bitbucket.Open, _ = strconv.ParseBool(params.Get("open"))
return &bitbucket
// Login authenticates the session and returns the
// remote user details.
func (bb *Bitbucket) Login(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (*model.User, bool, error) {
config := &oauth2.Config{
ClientID: bb.Client,
ClientSecret: bb.Secret,
Endpoint: bitbucket.Endpoint,
RedirectURL: fmt.Sprintf("%s/authorize", httputil.GetURL(req)),
// get the OAuth code
var code = req.FormValue("code")
if len(code) == 0 {
http.Redirect(res, req, config.AuthCodeURL("drone"), http.StatusSeeOther)
return nil, false, nil
var token, err = config.Exchange(oauth2.NoContext, code)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("Error exchanging token. %s", err)
client := NewClient(config.Client(oauth2.NoContext, token))
curr, err := client.FindCurrent()
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
// convers the current bitbucket user to the
// common drone user structure.
user := model.User{}
user.Login = curr.Login
user.Token = token.AccessToken
user.Secret = token.RefreshToken
user.Expiry = token.Expiry.UTC().Unix()
user.Avatar = curr.Links.Avatar.Href
// gets the primary, confirmed email from bitbucket
emails, err := client.ListEmail()
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
for _, email := range emails.Values {
if email.IsPrimary && email.IsConfirmed {
user.Email = email.Email
// if the installation is restricted to a subset
// of organizations, get the orgs and verify the
// user is a member.
if len(bb.Orgs) != 0 {
resp, err := client.ListTeams(&ListTeamOpts{Page: 1, PageLen: 100, Role: "member"})
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
var member bool
for _, team := range resp.Values {
for _, team_ := range bb.Orgs {
if team.Login == team_ {
member = true
if !member {
return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("User does not belong to correct org. Must belong to %v", bb.Orgs)
return &user, bb.Open, nil
// Auth authenticates the session and returns the remote user
// login for the given token and secret
func (bb *Bitbucket) Auth(token, secret string) (string, error) {
token_ := oauth2.Token{AccessToken: token, RefreshToken: secret}
client := NewClientToken(bb.Client, bb.Secret, &token_)
user, err := client.FindCurrent()
if err != nil {
return "", err
return user.Login, nil
// Refresh refreshes an oauth token and expiration for the given
// user. It returns true if the token was refreshed, false if the
// token was not refreshed, and error if it failed to refersh.
func (bb *Bitbucket) Refresh(user *model.User) (bool, error) {
config := &oauth2.Config{
ClientID: bb.Client,
ClientSecret: bb.Secret,
Endpoint: bitbucket.Endpoint,
// creates a token source with just the refresh token.
// this will ensure an access token is automatically
// requested.
source := config.TokenSource(
oauth2.NoContext, &oauth2.Token{RefreshToken: user.Secret})
// requesting the token automatically refreshes and
// returns a new access token.
token, err := source.Token()
if err != nil || len(token.AccessToken) == 0 {
return false, err
// update the user to include tne new access token
user.Token = token.AccessToken
user.Secret = token.RefreshToken
user.Expiry = token.Expiry.UTC().Unix()
return true, nil
// Repo fetches the named repository from the remote system.
func (bb *Bitbucket) Repo(u *model.User, owner, name string) (*model.Repo, error) {
token := oauth2.Token{AccessToken: u.Token, RefreshToken: u.Secret}
client := NewClientToken(bb.Client, bb.Secret, &token)
repo, err := client.FindRepo(owner, name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return convertRepo(repo), nil
// Repos fetches a list of repos from the remote system.
func (bb *Bitbucket) Repos(u *model.User) ([]*model.RepoLite, error) {
token := oauth2.Token{AccessToken: u.Token, RefreshToken: u.Secret}
client := NewClientToken(bb.Client, bb.Secret, &token)
var repos []*model.RepoLite
// gets a list of all accounts to query, including the
// user's account and all team accounts.
logins := []string{u.Login}
resp, err := client.ListTeams(&ListTeamOpts{PageLen: 100, Role: "member"})
if err != nil {
return repos, err
for _, team := range resp.Values {
logins = append(logins, team.Login)
// for each account, get the list of repos
for _, login := range logins {
repos_, err := client.ListReposAll(login)
if err != nil {
return repos, err
for _, repo := range repos_ {
repos = append(repos, convertRepoLite(repo))
return repos, nil
// Perm fetches the named repository permissions from
// the remote system for the specified user.
func (bb *Bitbucket) Perm(u *model.User, owner, name string) (*model.Perm, error) {
token := oauth2.Token{AccessToken: u.Token, RefreshToken: u.Secret}
client := NewClientToken(bb.Client, bb.Secret, &token)
perms := new(model.Perm)
_, err := client.FindRepo(owner, name)
if err != nil {
return perms, err
// if we've gotten this far we know that the user at
// least has read access to the repository.
perms.Pull = true
// if the user has access to the repository hooks we
// can deduce that the user has push and admin access.
_, err = client.ListHooks(owner, name, &ListOpts{})
if err == nil {
perms.Push = true
perms.Admin = true
return perms, nil
// Script fetches the build script (.drone.yml) from the remote
// repository and returns in string format.
func (bb *Bitbucket) Script(u *model.User, r *model.Repo, b *model.Build) ([]byte, []byte, error) {
client := NewClientToken(
AccessToken: u.Token,
RefreshToken: u.Secret,
// fetches the .drone.yml for the specified revision. This file
// is required, and will error if not found
config, err := client.FindSource(r.Owner, r.Name, b.Commit, ".drone.yml")
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// fetches the .drone.sec for the specified revision. This file
// is completely optional, therefore we will not return a not
// found error
sec, _ := client.FindSource(r.Owner, r.Name, b.Commit, ".drone.sec")
return []byte(config.Data), []byte(sec.Data), err
// Status sends the commit status to the remote system.
// An example would be the GitHub pull request status.
func (bb *Bitbucket) Status(u *model.User, r *model.Repo, b *model.Build, link string) error {
return nil
// Netrc returns a .netrc file that can be used to clone
// private repositories from a remote system.
func (bb *Bitbucket) Netrc(u *model.User, r *model.Repo) (*model.Netrc, error) {
return &model.Netrc{
Machine: "bitbucket.org",
Login: "x-token-auth",
Password: u.Token,
}, nil
// Activate activates a repository by creating the post-commit hook and
// adding the SSH deploy key, if applicable.
func (bb *Bitbucket) Activate(u *model.User, r *model.Repo, k *model.Key, link string) error {
client := NewClientToken(
AccessToken: u.Token,
RefreshToken: u.Secret,
linkurl, err := url.Parse(link)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("malformed hook url %s. %s", link, err)
return err
// see if the hook already exists. If yes be sure to
// delete so that multiple messages aren't sent.
hooks, _ := client.ListHooks(r.Owner, r.Name, &ListOpts{})
for _, hook := range hooks.Values {
hookurl, err := url.Parse(hook.Url)
if err != nil {
if hookurl.Host == linkurl.Host {
err = client.DeleteHook(r.Owner, r.Name, hook.Uuid)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to delete hook %s. %s", hookurl.Host, err)
err = client.CreateHook(r.Owner, r.Name, &Hook{
Active: true,
Desc: linkurl.Host,
Events: []string{"repo:push"},
Url: link,
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to create hook %s. %s", link, err)
return err
// Deactivate removes a repository by removing all the post-commit hooks
// which are equal to link and removing the SSH deploy key.
func (bb *Bitbucket) Deactivate(u *model.User, r *model.Repo, link string) error {
client := NewClientToken(
AccessToken: u.Token,
RefreshToken: u.Secret,
linkurl, err := url.Parse(link)
if err != nil {
return err
// see if the hook already exists. If yes be sure to
// delete so that multiple messages aren't sent.
hooks, _ := client.ListHooks(r.Owner, r.Name, &ListOpts{})
for _, hook := range hooks.Values {
hookurl, err := url.Parse(hook.Url)
if err != nil {
return err
if hookurl.Host == linkurl.Host {
client.DeleteHook(r.Owner, r.Name, hook.Uuid)
return nil
// Hook parses the post-commit hook from the Request body
// and returns the required data in a standard format.
func (bb *Bitbucket) Hook(r *http.Request) (*model.Repo, *model.Build, error) {
switch r.Header.Get("X-Event-Key") {
case "repo:push":
return bb.pushHook(r)
case "pullrequest:created", "pullrequest:updated":
return bb.pullHook(r)
return nil, nil, nil
func (bb *Bitbucket) String() string {
return "bitbucket"
func (bb *Bitbucket) pushHook(r *http.Request) (*model.Repo, *model.Build, error) {
payload := []byte(r.FormValue("payload"))
if len(payload) == 0 {
defer r.Body.Close()
payload, _ = ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
hook := PushHook{}
err := json.Unmarshal(payload, &hook)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// the hook can container one or many changes. Since I don't
// fully understand this yet, we will just pick the first
// change that has branch information.
for _, change := range hook.Push.Changes {
// must have sha information
if change.New.Target.Hash == "" {
// we only support tag and branch pushes for now
buildEventType := model.EventPush
buildRef := fmt.Sprintf("refs/heads/%s", change.New.Name)
if change.New.Type == "tag" || change.New.Type == "annotated_tag" {
buildEventType = model.EventTag
buildRef = fmt.Sprintf("refs/tags/%s", change.New.Name)
} else if change.New.Type != "branch" {
// return the updated repository information and the
// build information.
return convertRepo(&hook.Repo), &model.Build{
Event: buildEventType,
Commit: change.New.Target.Hash,
Ref: buildRef,
Link: change.New.Target.Links.Html.Href,
Branch: change.New.Name,
Message: change.New.Target.Message,
Avatar: hook.Actor.Links.Avatar.Href,
Author: hook.Actor.Login,
Timestamp: change.New.Target.Date.UTC().Unix(),
}, nil
return nil, nil, nil
func (bb *Bitbucket) pullHook(r *http.Request) (*model.Repo, *model.Build, error) {
payload := []byte(r.FormValue("payload"))
if len(payload) == 0 {
defer r.Body.Close()
payload, _ = ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
hook := PullRequestHook{}
err := json.Unmarshal(payload, &hook)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if hook.PullRequest.State != "OPEN" {
return nil, nil, nil
return convertRepo(&hook.Repo), &model.Build{
Event: model.EventPull,
Commit: hook.PullRequest.Dest.Commit.Hash,
Ref: fmt.Sprintf("refs/heads/%s", hook.PullRequest.Dest.Branch.Name),
Refspec: fmt.Sprintf("https://bitbucket.org/%s.git", hook.PullRequest.Source.Repo.FullName),
Remote: cloneLink(hook.PullRequest.Dest.Repo),
Link: hook.PullRequest.Links.Html.Href,
Branch: hook.PullRequest.Dest.Branch.Name,
Message: hook.PullRequest.Desc,
Avatar: hook.Actor.Links.Avatar.Href,
Author: hook.Actor.Login,
Timestamp: hook.PullRequest.Updated.UTC().Unix(),
}, nil