6543 56a854fe14
Update deps (#789)
* update github.com/docker/cli

* update github.com/docker/distribution

* update github.com/docker/docker

* update github.com/gin-gonic/gin

* update github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v4

* update github.com/golangci/golangci-lint

* update github.com/gorilla/securecookie

* update github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3

* update github.com/moby/moby

* update github.com/prometheus/client_golang

* update github.com/xanzy/go-gitlab
2022-02-24 17:33:24 +01:00

613 lines
20 KiB

package commands
import (
const defaultFileMode = 0644
func getDefaultIssueExcludeHelp() string {
parts := []string{"Use or not use default excludes:"}
for _, ep := range config.DefaultExcludePatterns {
parts = append(parts,
fmt.Sprintf(" # %s %s: %s", ep.ID, ep.Linter, ep.Why),
fmt.Sprintf(" - %s", color.YellowString(ep.Pattern)),
return strings.Join(parts, "\n")
func getDefaultDirectoryExcludeHelp() string {
parts := []string{"Use or not use default excluded directories:"}
for _, dir := range packages.StdExcludeDirRegexps {
parts = append(parts, fmt.Sprintf(" - %s", color.YellowString(dir)))
parts = append(parts, "")
return strings.Join(parts, "\n")
func wh(text string) string {
return color.GreenString(text)
const defaultTimeout = time.Minute
func initFlagSet(fs *pflag.FlagSet, cfg *config.Config, m *lintersdb.Manager, isFinalInit bool) {
hideFlag := func(name string) {
if err := fs.MarkHidden(name); err != nil {
// we run initFlagSet multiple times, but we wouldn't like to see deprecation message multiple times
if isFinalInit {
const deprecateMessage = "flag will be removed soon, please, use .golangci.yml config"
if err := fs.MarkDeprecated(name, deprecateMessage); err != nil {
// Output config
oc := &cfg.Output
fs.StringVar(&oc.Format, "out-format",
wh(fmt.Sprintf("Format of output: %s", strings.Join(config.OutFormats, "|"))))
fs.BoolVar(&oc.PrintIssuedLine, "print-issued-lines", true, wh("Print lines of code with issue"))
fs.BoolVar(&oc.PrintLinterName, "print-linter-name", true, wh("Print linter name in issue line"))
fs.BoolVar(&oc.UniqByLine, "uniq-by-line", true, wh("Make issues output unique by line"))
fs.BoolVar(&oc.SortResults, "sort-results", false, wh("Sort linter results"))
fs.BoolVar(&oc.PrintWelcomeMessage, "print-welcome", false, wh("Print welcome message"))
fs.StringVar(&oc.PathPrefix, "path-prefix", "", wh("Path prefix to add to output"))
hideFlag("print-welcome") // no longer used
fs.BoolVar(&cfg.InternalCmdTest, "internal-cmd-test", false, wh("Option is used only for testing golangci-lint command, don't use it"))
if err := fs.MarkHidden("internal-cmd-test"); err != nil {
// Run config
rc := &cfg.Run
fs.StringVar(&rc.ModulesDownloadMode, "modules-download-mode", "",
"Modules download mode. If not empty, passed as -mod=<mode> to go tools")
fs.IntVar(&rc.ExitCodeIfIssuesFound, "issues-exit-code",
exitcodes.IssuesFound, wh("Exit code when issues were found"))
fs.StringSliceVar(&rc.BuildTags, "build-tags", nil, wh("Build tags"))
fs.DurationVar(&rc.Timeout, "deadline", defaultTimeout, wh("Deadline for total work"))
if err := fs.MarkHidden("deadline"); err != nil {
fs.DurationVar(&rc.Timeout, "timeout", defaultTimeout, wh("Timeout for total work"))
fs.BoolVar(&rc.AnalyzeTests, "tests", true, wh("Analyze tests (*_test.go)"))
fs.BoolVar(&rc.PrintResourcesUsage, "print-resources-usage", false,
wh("Print avg and max memory usage of golangci-lint and total time"))
fs.StringVarP(&rc.Config, "config", "c", "", wh("Read config from file path `PATH`"))
fs.BoolVar(&rc.NoConfig, "no-config", false, wh("Don't read config"))
fs.StringSliceVar(&rc.SkipDirs, "skip-dirs", nil, wh("Regexps of directories to skip"))
fs.BoolVar(&rc.UseDefaultSkipDirs, "skip-dirs-use-default", true, getDefaultDirectoryExcludeHelp())
fs.StringSliceVar(&rc.SkipFiles, "skip-files", nil, wh("Regexps of files to skip"))
const allowParallelDesc = "Allow multiple parallel golangci-lint instances running. " +
"If false (default) - golangci-lint acquires file lock on start."
fs.BoolVar(&rc.AllowParallelRunners, "allow-parallel-runners", false, wh(allowParallelDesc))
const allowSerialDesc = "Allow multiple golangci-lint instances running, but serialize them around a lock. " +
"If false (default) - golangci-lint exits with an error if it fails to acquire file lock on start."
fs.BoolVar(&rc.AllowSerialRunners, "allow-serial-runners", false, wh(allowSerialDesc))
// Linters settings config
lsc := &cfg.LintersSettings
// Hide all linters settings flags: they were initially visible,
// but when number of linters started to grow it became obvious that
// we can't fill 90% of flags by linters settings: common flags became hard to find.
// New linters settings should be done only through config file.
fs.BoolVar(&lsc.Errcheck.CheckTypeAssertions, "errcheck.check-type-assertions",
false, "Errcheck: check for ignored type assertion results")
fs.BoolVar(&lsc.Errcheck.CheckAssignToBlank, "errcheck.check-blank", false,
"Errcheck: check for errors assigned to blank identifier: _ = errFunc()")
fs.StringVar(&lsc.Errcheck.Exclude, "errcheck.exclude", "",
"Path to a file containing a list of functions to exclude from checking")
fs.StringVar(&lsc.Errcheck.Ignore, "errcheck.ignore", "fmt:.*",
`Comma-separated list of pairs of the form pkg:regex. The regex is used to ignore names within pkg`)
fs.BoolVar(&lsc.Govet.CheckShadowing, "govet.check-shadowing", false,
"Govet: check for shadowed variables")
fs.Float64Var(&lsc.Golint.MinConfidence, "golint.min-confidence", 0.8,
"Golint: minimum confidence of a problem to print it")
fs.BoolVar(&lsc.Gofmt.Simplify, "gofmt.simplify", true, "Gofmt: simplify code")
fs.IntVar(&lsc.Gocyclo.MinComplexity, "gocyclo.min-complexity",
30, "Minimal complexity of function to report it")
fs.BoolVar(&lsc.Maligned.SuggestNewOrder, "maligned.suggest-new", false,
"Maligned: print suggested more optimal struct fields ordering")
fs.IntVar(&lsc.Dupl.Threshold, "dupl.threshold",
150, "Dupl: Minimal threshold to detect copy-paste")
fs.BoolVar(&lsc.Goconst.MatchWithConstants, "goconst.match-constant",
true, "Goconst: look for existing constants matching the values")
fs.IntVar(&lsc.Goconst.MinStringLen, "goconst.min-len",
3, "Goconst: minimum constant string length")
fs.IntVar(&lsc.Goconst.MinOccurrencesCount, "goconst.min-occurrences",
3, "Goconst: minimum occurrences of constant string count to trigger issue")
fs.BoolVar(&lsc.Goconst.ParseNumbers, "goconst.numbers",
false, "Goconst: search also for duplicated numbers")
fs.IntVar(&lsc.Goconst.NumberMin, "goconst.min",
3, "minimum value, only works with goconst.numbers")
fs.IntVar(&lsc.Goconst.NumberMax, "goconst.max",
3, "maximum value, only works with goconst.numbers")
fs.BoolVar(&lsc.Goconst.IgnoreCalls, "goconst.ignore-calls",
true, "Goconst: ignore when constant is not used as function argument")
// (@dixonwille) These flag is only used for testing purposes.
fs.StringSliceVar(&lsc.Depguard.Packages, "depguard.packages", nil,
"Depguard: packages to add to the list")
fs.BoolVar(&lsc.Depguard.IncludeGoRoot, "depguard.include-go-root", false,
"Depguard: check list against standard lib")
fs.IntVar(&lsc.Lll.TabWidth, "lll.tab-width", 1,
"Lll: tab width in spaces")
// Linters config
lc := &cfg.Linters
fs.StringSliceVarP(&lc.Enable, "enable", "E", nil, wh("Enable specific linter"))
fs.StringSliceVarP(&lc.Disable, "disable", "D", nil, wh("Disable specific linter"))
fs.BoolVar(&lc.EnableAll, "enable-all", false, wh("Enable all linters"))
fs.BoolVar(&lc.DisableAll, "disable-all", false, wh("Disable all linters"))
fs.StringSliceVarP(&lc.Presets, "presets", "p", nil,
wh(fmt.Sprintf("Enable presets (%s) of linters. Run 'golangci-lint linters' to see "+
"them. This option implies option --disable-all", strings.Join(m.AllPresets(), "|"))))
fs.BoolVar(&lc.Fast, "fast", false, wh("Run only fast linters from enabled linters set (first run won't be fast)"))
// Issues config
ic := &cfg.Issues
fs.StringSliceVarP(&ic.ExcludePatterns, "exclude", "e", nil, wh("Exclude issue by regexp"))
fs.BoolVar(&ic.UseDefaultExcludes, "exclude-use-default", true, getDefaultIssueExcludeHelp())
fs.BoolVar(&ic.ExcludeCaseSensitive, "exclude-case-sensitive", false, wh("If set to true exclude "+
"and exclude rules regular expressions are case sensitive"))
fs.IntVar(&ic.MaxIssuesPerLinter, "max-issues-per-linter", 50,
wh("Maximum issues count per one linter. Set to 0 to disable"))
fs.IntVar(&ic.MaxSameIssues, "max-same-issues", 3,
wh("Maximum count of issues with the same text. Set to 0 to disable"))
fs.BoolVarP(&ic.Diff, "new", "n", false,
wh("Show only new issues: if there are unstaged changes or untracked files, only those changes "+
"are analyzed, else only changes in HEAD~ are analyzed.\nIt's a super-useful option for integration "+
"of golangci-lint into existing large codebase.\nIt's not practical to fix all existing issues at "+
"the moment of integration: much better to not allow issues in new code.\nFor CI setups, prefer "+
"--new-from-rev=HEAD~, as --new can skip linting the current patch if any scripts generate "+
"unstaged files before golangci-lint runs."))
fs.StringVar(&ic.DiffFromRevision, "new-from-rev", "",
wh("Show only new issues created after git revision `REV`"))
fs.StringVar(&ic.DiffPatchFilePath, "new-from-patch", "",
wh("Show only new issues created in git patch with file path `PATH`"))
fs.BoolVar(&ic.WholeFiles, "whole-files", false,
wh("Show issues in any part of update files (requires new-from-rev or new-from-patch)"))
fs.BoolVar(&ic.NeedFix, "fix", false, "Fix found issues (if it's supported by the linter)")
func (e *Executor) initRunConfiguration(cmd *cobra.Command) {
fs := cmd.Flags()
fs.SortFlags = false // sort them as they are defined here
initFlagSet(fs, e.cfg, e.DBManager, true)
func (e *Executor) getConfigForCommandLine() (*config.Config, error) {
// We use another pflag.FlagSet here to not set `changed` flag
// on cmd.Flags() options. Otherwise, string slice options will be duplicated.
fs := pflag.NewFlagSet("config flag set", pflag.ContinueOnError)
var cfg config.Config
// Don't do `fs.AddFlagSet(cmd.Flags())` because it shares flags representations:
// `changed` variable inside string slice vars will be shared.
// Use another config variable here, not e.cfg, to not
// affect main parsing by this parsing of only config option.
initFlagSet(fs, &cfg, e.DBManager, false)
initVersionFlagSet(fs, &cfg)
// Parse max options, even force version option: don't want
// to get access to Executor here: it's error-prone to use
// cfg vs e.cfg.
initRootFlagSet(fs, &cfg, true)
fs.Usage = func() {} // otherwise, help text will be printed twice
if err := fs.Parse(os.Args); err != nil {
if err == pflag.ErrHelp {
return nil, err
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't parse args: %s", err)
return &cfg, nil
func (e *Executor) initRun() {
e.runCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "run",
Short: "Run the linters",
Run: e.executeRun,
PreRun: func(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) {
if ok := e.acquireFileLock(); !ok {
e.log.Fatalf("Parallel golangci-lint is running")
PostRun: func(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) {
e.runCmd.SetOut(logutils.StdOut) // use custom output to properly color it in Windows terminals
func fixSlicesFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
// It's a dirty hack to set flag.Changed to true for every string slice flag.
// It's necessary to merge config and command-line slices: otherwise command-line
// flags will always overwrite ones from the config.
fs.VisitAll(func(f *pflag.Flag) {
if f.Value.Type() != "stringSlice" {
s, err := fs.GetStringSlice(f.Name)
if err != nil {
if s == nil { // assume that every string slice flag has nil as the default
var safe []string
for _, v := range s {
// add quotes to escape comma because spf13/pflag use a CSV parser:
// https://github.com/spf13/pflag/blob/85dd5c8bc61cfa382fecd072378089d4e856579d/string_slice.go#L43
safe = append(safe, `"`+v+`"`)
// calling Set sets Changed to true: next Set calls will append, not overwrite
_ = f.Value.Set(strings.Join(safe, ","))
// runAnalysis executes the linters that have been enabled in the configuration.
func (e *Executor) runAnalysis(ctx context.Context, args []string) ([]result.Issue, error) {
e.cfg.Run.Args = args
lintersToRun, err := e.EnabledLintersSet.GetOptimizedLinters()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
enabledLintersMap, err := e.EnabledLintersSet.GetEnabledLintersMap()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, lc := range e.DBManager.GetAllSupportedLinterConfigs() {
isEnabled := enabledLintersMap[lc.Name()] != nil
e.reportData.AddLinter(lc.Name(), isEnabled, lc.EnabledByDefault)
lintCtx, err := e.contextLoader.Load(ctx, lintersToRun)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "context loading failed")
lintCtx.Log = e.log.Child("linters context")
runner, err := lint.NewRunner(e.cfg, e.log.Child("runner"),
e.goenv, e.EnabledLintersSet, e.lineCache, e.DBManager, lintCtx.Packages)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
issues, err := runner.Run(ctx, lintersToRun, lintCtx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fixer := processors.NewFixer(e.cfg, e.log, e.fileCache)
return fixer.Process(issues), nil
func (e *Executor) setOutputToDevNull() (savedStdout, savedStderr *os.File) {
savedStdout, savedStderr = os.Stdout, os.Stderr
devNull, err := os.Open(os.DevNull)
if err != nil {
e.log.Warnf("Can't open null device %q: %s", os.DevNull, err)
os.Stdout, os.Stderr = devNull, devNull
func (e *Executor) setExitCodeIfIssuesFound(issues []result.Issue) {
if len(issues) != 0 {
e.exitCode = e.cfg.Run.ExitCodeIfIssuesFound
func (e *Executor) runAndPrint(ctx context.Context, args []string) error {
if err := e.goenv.Discover(ctx); err != nil {
e.log.Warnf("Failed to discover go env: %s", err)
if !logutils.HaveDebugTag("linters_output") {
// Don't allow linters and loader to print anything
savedStdout, savedStderr := e.setOutputToDevNull()
defer func() {
os.Stdout, os.Stderr = savedStdout, savedStderr
issues, err := e.runAnalysis(ctx, args)
if err != nil {
return err // XXX: don't loose type
formats := strings.Split(e.cfg.Output.Format, ",")
for _, format := range formats {
out := strings.SplitN(format, ":", 2)
if len(out) < 2 {
out = append(out, "")
err := e.printReports(ctx, issues, out[1], out[0])
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (e *Executor) printReports(ctx context.Context, issues []result.Issue, path, format string) error {
w, shouldClose, err := e.createWriter(path)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't create output for %s: %w", path, err)
p, err := e.createPrinter(format, w)
if err != nil {
if file, ok := w.(io.Closer); shouldClose && ok {
_ = file.Close()
return err
if err = p.Print(ctx, issues); err != nil {
if file, ok := w.(io.Closer); shouldClose && ok {
_ = file.Close()
return fmt.Errorf("can't print %d issues: %s", len(issues), err)
if file, ok := w.(io.Closer); shouldClose && ok {
_ = file.Close()
return nil
func (e *Executor) createWriter(path string) (io.Writer, bool, error) {
if path == "" || path == "stdout" {
return logutils.StdOut, false, nil
if path == "stderr" {
return logutils.StdErr, false, nil
f, err := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC|os.O_WRONLY, defaultFileMode)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
return f, true, nil
func (e *Executor) createPrinter(format string, w io.Writer) (printers.Printer, error) {
var p printers.Printer
switch format {
case config.OutFormatJSON:
p = printers.NewJSON(&e.reportData, w)
case config.OutFormatColoredLineNumber, config.OutFormatLineNumber:
p = printers.NewText(e.cfg.Output.PrintIssuedLine,
format == config.OutFormatColoredLineNumber, e.cfg.Output.PrintLinterName,
e.log.Child("text_printer"), w)
case config.OutFormatTab:
p = printers.NewTab(e.cfg.Output.PrintLinterName, e.log.Child("tab_printer"), w)
case config.OutFormatCheckstyle:
p = printers.NewCheckstyle(w)
case config.OutFormatCodeClimate:
p = printers.NewCodeClimate(w)
case config.OutFormatHTML:
p = printers.NewHTML(w)
case config.OutFormatJunitXML:
p = printers.NewJunitXML(w)
case config.OutFormatGithubActions:
p = printers.NewGithub(w)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown output format %s", format)
return p, nil
// executeRun executes the 'run' CLI command, which runs the linters.
func (e *Executor) executeRun(_ *cobra.Command, args []string) {
needTrackResources := e.cfg.Run.IsVerbose || e.cfg.Run.PrintResourcesUsage
trackResourcesEndCh := make(chan struct{})
defer func() { // XXX: this defer must be before ctx.cancel defer
if needTrackResources { // wait until resource tracking finished to print properly
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), e.cfg.Run.Timeout)
defer cancel()
if needTrackResources {
go watchResources(ctx, trackResourcesEndCh, e.log, e.debugf)
if err := e.runAndPrint(ctx, args); err != nil {
e.log.Errorf("Running error: %s", err)
if e.exitCode == exitcodes.Success {
if exitErr, ok := errors.Cause(err).(*exitcodes.ExitError); ok {
e.exitCode = exitErr.Code
} else {
e.exitCode = exitcodes.Failure
// to be removed when deadline is finally decommissioned
func (e *Executor) setTimeoutToDeadlineIfOnlyDeadlineIsSet() {
deadlineValue := e.cfg.Run.Deadline
if deadlineValue != 0 && e.cfg.Run.Timeout == defaultTimeout {
e.cfg.Run.Timeout = deadlineValue
func (e *Executor) setupExitCode(ctx context.Context) {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
e.exitCode = exitcodes.Timeout
e.log.Errorf("Timeout exceeded: try increasing it by passing --timeout option")
if e.exitCode != exitcodes.Success {
needFailOnWarnings := os.Getenv("GL_TEST_RUN") == "1" || os.Getenv("FAIL_ON_WARNINGS") == "1"
if needFailOnWarnings && len(e.reportData.Warnings) != 0 {
e.exitCode = exitcodes.WarningInTest
if e.reportData.Error != "" {
// it's a case e.g. when typecheck linter couldn't parse and error and just logged it
e.exitCode = exitcodes.ErrorWasLogged
func watchResources(ctx context.Context, done chan struct{}, logger logutils.Log, debugf logutils.DebugFunc) {
startedAt := time.Now()
debugf("Started tracking time")
var maxRSSMB, totalRSSMB float64
var iterationsCount int
const intervalMS = 100
ticker := time.NewTicker(intervalMS * time.Millisecond)
defer ticker.Stop()
logEveryRecord := os.Getenv("GL_MEM_LOG_EVERY") == "1"
const MB = 1024 * 1024
track := func() {
var m runtime.MemStats
if logEveryRecord {
debugf("Stopping memory tracing iteration, printing ...")
printMemStats(&m, logger)
rssMB := float64(m.Sys) / MB
if rssMB > maxRSSMB {
maxRSSMB = rssMB
totalRSSMB += rssMB
for {
stop := false
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
stop = true
debugf("Stopped resources tracking")
case <-ticker.C:
if stop {
avgRSSMB := totalRSSMB / float64(iterationsCount)
logger.Infof("Memory: %d samples, avg is %.1fMB, max is %.1fMB",
iterationsCount, avgRSSMB, maxRSSMB)
logger.Infof("Execution took %s", time.Since(startedAt))