qwerty287 0970f35df5
Do not store inactive repos (#1658)
Do not sync repos with forge if the repo is not necessary in DB.

In the DB, only repos that were active once or repos that are currently
active are stored. When trying to enable new repos, the repos list is
fetched from the forge instead and displayed directly. In addition to
this, the forge func `Perm` was removed and is now merged with `Repo`.

Solves a TODO on RepoBatch.


Co-authored-by: Anbraten <anton@ju60.de>
2023-03-21 23:01:59 +01:00

192 lines
7 KiB

// Copyright 2018 Drone.IO Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package store
//go:generate go install github.com/vektra/mockery/v2@latest
//go:generate mockery --name Store --output mocks --case underscore
import (
// TODO: CreateX func should return new object to not indirect let storage change an existing object (alter ID etc...)
type Store interface {
// Users
// GetUser gets a user by unique ID.
GetUser(int64) (*model.User, error)
// GetUserLogin gets a user by unique Login name.
GetUserLogin(string) (*model.User, error)
// GetUserList gets a list of all users in the system.
// TODO: paginate
GetUserList() ([]*model.User, error)
// GetUserCount gets a count of all users in the system.
GetUserCount() (int64, error)
// CreateUser creates a new user account.
CreateUser(*model.User) error
// UpdateUser updates a user account.
UpdateUser(*model.User) error
// DeleteUser deletes a user account.
DeleteUser(*model.User) error
// Repos
// GetRepo gets a repo by unique ID.
GetRepo(int64) (*model.Repo, error)
// GetRepoForgeID gets a repo by its forge ID.
GetRepoForgeID(model.ForgeRemoteID) (*model.Repo, error)
// GetRepoNameFallback gets the repo by its forge ID and if this doesn't exist by its full name.
GetRepoNameFallback(remoteID model.ForgeRemoteID, fullName string) (*model.Repo, error)
// GetRepoName gets a repo by its full name.
GetRepoName(string) (*model.Repo, error)
// GetRepoCount gets a count of all repositories in the system.
GetRepoCount() (int64, error)
// CreateRepo creates a new repository.
CreateRepo(*model.Repo) error
// UpdateRepo updates a user repository.
UpdateRepo(*model.Repo) error
// DeleteRepo deletes a user repository.
DeleteRepo(*model.Repo) error
// Redirections
// GetRedirection returns the redirection for the given full repo name
GetRedirection(string) (*model.Redirection, error)
// CreateRedirection creates a redirection
CreateRedirection(redirection *model.Redirection) error
// HasRedirectionForRepo checks if there's a redirection for the given repo and full name
HasRedirectionForRepo(int64, string) (bool, error)
// Pipelines
// GetPipeline gets a pipeline by unique ID.
GetPipeline(int64) (*model.Pipeline, error)
// GetPipelineNumber gets a pipeline by number.
GetPipelineNumber(*model.Repo, int64) (*model.Pipeline, error)
// GetPipelineRef gets a pipeline by its ref.
GetPipelineRef(*model.Repo, string) (*model.Pipeline, error)
// GetPipelineCommit gets a pipeline by its commit sha.
GetPipelineCommit(*model.Repo, string, string) (*model.Pipeline, error)
// GetPipelineLast gets the last pipeline for the branch.
GetPipelineLast(*model.Repo, string) (*model.Pipeline, error)
// GetPipelineLastBefore gets the last pipeline before pipeline number N.
GetPipelineLastBefore(*model.Repo, string, int64) (*model.Pipeline, error)
// GetPipelineList gets a list of pipelines for the repository
// TODO: paginate
GetPipelineList(*model.Repo, int) ([]*model.Pipeline, error)
// GetPipelineList gets a list of the active pipelines for the repository
GetActivePipelineList(repo *model.Repo, page int) ([]*model.Pipeline, error)
// GetPipelineQueue gets a list of pipelines in queue.
GetPipelineQueue() ([]*model.Feed, error)
// GetPipelineCount gets a count of all pipelines in the system.
GetPipelineCount() (int64, error)
// CreatePipeline creates a new pipeline and steps.
CreatePipeline(*model.Pipeline, ...*model.Step) error
// UpdatePipeline updates a pipeline.
UpdatePipeline(*model.Pipeline) error
// Feeds
UserFeed(*model.User) ([]*model.Feed, error)
// Repositories
// RepoList TODO: paginate
RepoList(user *model.User, owned bool) ([]*model.Repo, error)
RepoListLatest(*model.User) ([]*model.Feed, error)
// Permissions
PermFind(user *model.User, repo *model.Repo) (*model.Perm, error)
PermUpsert(perm *model.Perm) error
PermDelete(perm *model.Perm) error
PermFlush(user *model.User, before int64) error
// Configs
ConfigsForPipeline(pipelineID int64) ([]*model.Config, error)
ConfigFindIdentical(repoID int64, hash string) (*model.Config, error)
ConfigFindApproved(*model.Config) (bool, error)
ConfigCreate(*model.Config) error
PipelineConfigCreate(*model.PipelineConfig) error
// Secrets
SecretFind(*model.Repo, string) (*model.Secret, error)
SecretList(*model.Repo, bool) ([]*model.Secret, error)
SecretListAll() ([]*model.Secret, error)
SecretCreate(*model.Secret) error
SecretUpdate(*model.Secret) error
SecretDelete(*model.Secret) error
OrgSecretFind(string, string) (*model.Secret, error)
OrgSecretList(string) ([]*model.Secret, error)
GlobalSecretFind(string) (*model.Secret, error)
GlobalSecretList() ([]*model.Secret, error)
// Registries
RegistryFind(*model.Repo, string) (*model.Registry, error)
RegistryList(*model.Repo) ([]*model.Registry, error)
RegistryCreate(*model.Registry) error
RegistryUpdate(*model.Registry) error
RegistryDelete(repo *model.Repo, addr string) error
// Steps
StepLoad(int64) (*model.Step, error)
StepFind(*model.Pipeline, int) (*model.Step, error)
StepChild(*model.Pipeline, int, string) (*model.Step, error)
StepList(*model.Pipeline) ([]*model.Step, error)
StepCreate([]*model.Step) error
StepUpdate(*model.Step) error
StepClear(*model.Pipeline) error
// Logs
LogFind(*model.Step) (io.ReadCloser, error)
// TODO: since we do ReadAll in any case a ioReader is not the best idea
// so either find a way to write log in chunks by xorm ...
LogSave(*model.Step, io.Reader) error
// Files
FileList(*model.Pipeline) ([]*model.File, error)
FileFind(*model.Step, string) (*model.File, error)
FileRead(*model.Step, string) (io.ReadCloser, error)
FileCreate(*model.File, io.Reader) error
// Tasks
// TaskList TODO: paginate & opt filter
TaskList() ([]*model.Task, error)
TaskInsert(*model.Task) error
TaskDelete(string) error
// ServerConfig
ServerConfigGet(string) (string, error)
ServerConfigSet(string, string) error
ServerConfigDelete(string) error
// Cron
CronCreate(*model.Cron) error
CronFind(*model.Repo, int64) (*model.Cron, error)
CronList(*model.Repo) ([]*model.Cron, error)
CronUpdate(*model.Repo, *model.Cron) error
CronDelete(*model.Repo, int64) error
CronListNextExecute(int64, int64) ([]*model.Cron, error)
CronGetLock(*model.Cron, int64) (bool, error)
// Agent
AgentCreate(*model.Agent) error
AgentFind(int64) (*model.Agent, error)
AgentFindByToken(string) (*model.Agent, error)
AgentList() ([]*model.Agent, error)
AgentUpdate(*model.Agent) error
AgentDelete(*model.Agent) error
// Store operations
Ping() error
Close() error
Migrate() error