2015-04-12 23:08:55 -07:00

143 lines
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package datastore
import (
type Datastore interface {
// GetUser gets a user by user login.
GetUser(string) (*common.User, error)
// GetUserTokens gets a list of all tokens for
// the given user login.
GetUserTokens(string) ([]*common.Token, error)
// GetUserRepos gets a list of repositories for the
// given user account.
GetUserRepos(string) ([]*common.Repo, error)
// GetUserCount gets a count of all registered users
// in the system.
GetUserCount() (int, error)
// GetUserList gets a list of all registered users.
GetUserList() ([]*common.User, error)
// UpdateUser updates an existing user. If the user
// does not exists an error is returned.
UpdateUser(*common.User) error
// InsertUser inserts a new user into the datastore. If
// the user login already exists an error is returned.
InsertUser(*common.User) error
// DeleteUser deletes the user.
DeleteUser(*common.User) error
// GetToken gets a token by sha value.
GetToken(string, string) (*common.Token, error)
// InsertToken inserts a new user token in the datastore.
// If the token already exists and error is returned.
InsertToken(*common.Token) error
// DeleteUser deletes the token.
DeleteToken(*common.Token) error
// // GetSubscriber gets the subscriber by login for the
// // named repository.
// GetSubscriber(string, string) (*common.Subscriber, error)
// // InsertSubscriber inserts a subscriber for the named
// // repository.
// InsertSubscriber(string, *common.Subscriber) error
// // DeleteSubscriber removes the subscriber by login for the
// // named repository.
// DeleteSubscriber(string, *common.Subscriber) error
// GetRepo gets the repository by name.
GetRepo(string) (*common.Repo, error)
// GetRepoParams gets the private environment parameters
// for the given repository.
GetRepoParams(string) (map[string]string, error)
// GetRepoParams gets the private and public rsa keys
// for the given repository.
GetRepoKeys(string) (*common.Keypair, error)
// UpdateRepos updates a repository. If the repository
// does not exist an error is returned.
UpdateRepo(*common.Repo) error
// InsertRepo inserts a repository in the datastore and
// subscribes the user to that repository.
InsertRepo(*common.User, *common.Repo) error
// UpsertRepoParams inserts or updates the private
// environment parameters for the named repository.
UpsertRepoParams(string, map[string]string) error
// UpsertRepoKeys inserts or updates the private and
// public keypair for the named repository.
UpsertRepoKeys(string, *common.Keypair) error
// DeleteRepo deletes the repository.
DeleteRepo(*common.Repo) error
// GetBuild gets the specified build number for the
// named repository and build number
GetBuild(string, int) (*common.Build, error)
// GetBuildList gets a list of recent builds for the
// named repository.
GetBuildList(string) ([]*common.Build, error)
// GetBuildLast gets the last executed build for the
// named repository.
GetBuildLast(string) (*common.Build, error)
// GetBuildStatus gets the named build status for the
// named repository and build number.
GetBuildStatus(string, int, string) (*common.Status, error)
// GetBuildStatusList gets a list of all build statues for
// the named repository and build number.
GetBuildStatusList(string, int) ([]*common.Status, error)
// InsertBuild inserts a new build for the named repository
InsertBuild(string, *common.Build) error
// InsertBuildStatus inserts a new build status for the
// named repository and build number. If the status already
// exists an error is returned.
InsertBuildStatus(string, int, *common.Status) error
// UpdateBuild updates an existing build for the named
// repository. If the build already exists and error is
// returned.
UpdateBuild(string, *common.Build) error
// GetTask gets the task at index N for the named
// repository and build number.
GetTask(string, int, int) (*common.Task, error)
// GetTaskLogs gets the task logs at index N for
// the named repository and build number.
GetTaskLogs(string, int, int) (io.Reader, error)
// GetTaskList gets all tasks for the named repository
// and build number.
GetTaskList(string, int) ([]*common.Task, error)
// UpsertTask inserts or updates a task for the named
// repository and build number.
UpsertTask(string, int, *common.Task) error
// UpsertTaskLogs inserts or updates a task logs for the
// named repository and build number.
UpsertTaskLogs(string, int, int, []byte) error