Anbraten 96828b16c1
Support recursive glob for path conditions (#327)
* Support glob with doublestar for path conditions

* Update docs and pipeline
2021-09-21 06:18:43 +02:00

395 lines
11 KiB

package doublestar
import (
// Glob returns the names of all files matching pattern or nil if there is no
// matching file. The syntax of pattern is the same as in Match(). The pattern
// may describe hierarchical names such as usr/*/bin/ed.
// Glob ignores file system errors such as I/O errors reading directories.
// The only possible returned error is ErrBadPattern, reporting that the
// pattern is malformed.
// Note: this is meant as a drop-in replacement for io/fs.Glob(). Like
// io/fs.Glob(), this function assumes that your pattern uses `/` as the path
// separator even if that's not correct for your OS (like Windows). If you
// aren't sure if that's the case, you can use filepath.ToSlash() on your
// pattern before calling Glob().
// Like `io/fs.Glob()`, patterns containing `/./`, `/../`, or starting with `/`
// will return no results and no errors. You can use SplitPattern to divide a
// pattern into a base path (to initialize an `FS` object) and pattern.
func Glob(fsys fs.FS, pattern string) ([]string, error) {
if !ValidatePattern(pattern) {
return nil, ErrBadPattern
if hasMidDoubleStar(pattern) {
// If the pattern has a `**` anywhere but the very end, GlobWalk is more
// performant because it can get away with less allocations. If the pattern
// ends in a `**`, both methods are pretty much the same, but Glob has a
// _very_ slight advantage because of lower function call overhead.
var matches []string
err := doGlobWalk(fsys, pattern, true, func(p string, d fs.DirEntry) error {
matches = append(matches, p)
return nil
return matches, err
return doGlob(fsys, pattern, nil, true)
// Does the actual globbin'
func doGlob(fsys fs.FS, pattern string, m []string, firstSegment bool) (matches []string, err error) {
matches = m
patternStart := indexMeta(pattern)
if patternStart == -1 {
// pattern doesn't contain any meta characters - does a file matching the
// pattern exist?
if exists(fsys, pattern) {
matches = append(matches, pattern)
} else {
dir := "."
splitIdx := lastIndexSlashOrAlt(pattern)
if splitIdx != -1 {
if pattern[splitIdx] == '}' {
openingIdx := indexMatchedOpeningAlt(pattern[:splitIdx])
if openingIdx == -1 {
// if there's no matching opening index, technically Match() will treat
// an unmatched `}` as nothing special, so... we will, too!
splitIdx = lastIndexSlash(pattern[:splitIdx])
} else {
// otherwise, we have to handle the alts:
return globAlts(fsys, pattern, openingIdx, splitIdx, matches, firstSegment)
dir = pattern[:splitIdx]
pattern = pattern[splitIdx+1:]
// if `splitIdx` is less than `patternStart`, we know `dir` has no meta
// characters. They would be equal if they are both -1, which means `dir`
// will be ".", and we know that doesn't have meta characters either.
if splitIdx <= patternStart{
return globDir(fsys, dir, pattern, matches, firstSegment)
var dirs []string
dirs, err = doGlob(fsys, dir, matches, false)
if err != nil {
for _, d := range dirs {
matches, err = globDir(fsys, d, pattern, matches, firstSegment)
if err != nil {
// handle alts in the glob pattern - `openingIdx` and `closingIdx` are the
// indexes of `{` and `}`, respectively
func globAlts(fsys fs.FS, pattern string, openingIdx, closingIdx int, m []string, firstSegment bool) (matches []string, err error) {
matches = m
var dirs []string
startIdx := 0
afterIdx := closingIdx + 1
splitIdx := lastIndexSlashOrAlt(pattern[:openingIdx])
if splitIdx == -1 || pattern[splitIdx] == '}' {
// no common prefix
dirs = []string{""}
} else {
// our alts have a common prefix that we can process first
dirs, err = doGlob(fsys, pattern[:splitIdx], matches, false)
if err != nil {
startIdx = splitIdx + 1
for _, d := range dirs {
patIdx := openingIdx + 1
altResultsStartIdx := len(matches)
thisResultStartIdx := altResultsStartIdx
for patIdx < closingIdx {
nextIdx := indexNextAlt(pattern[patIdx:closingIdx], true)
if nextIdx == -1 {
nextIdx = closingIdx
} else {
nextIdx += patIdx
alt := buildAlt(d, pattern, startIdx, openingIdx, patIdx, nextIdx, afterIdx)
matches, err = doGlob(fsys, alt, matches, firstSegment)
if err != nil {
matchesLen := len(matches)
if altResultsStartIdx != thisResultStartIdx && thisResultStartIdx != matchesLen {
// Alts can result in matches that aren't sorted, or, worse, duplicates
// (consider the trivial pattern `path/to/{a,*}`). Since doGlob returns
// sorted results, we can do a sort of in-place merge and remove
// duplicates. But, we only need to do this if this isn't the first alt
// (ie, `altResultsStartIdx != thisResultsStartIdx`) and if the latest
// alt actually added some matches (`thisResultStartIdx !=
// len(matches)`)
matches = sortAndRemoveDups(matches, altResultsStartIdx, thisResultStartIdx, matchesLen)
// length of matches may have changed
thisResultStartIdx = len(matches)
} else {
thisResultStartIdx = matchesLen
patIdx = nextIdx + 1
// find files/subdirectories in the given `dir` that match `pattern`
func globDir(fsys fs.FS, dir, pattern string, matches []string, canMatchFiles bool) (m []string, e error) {
m = matches
if pattern == "" {
// pattern can be an empty string if the original pattern ended in a slash,
// in which case, we should just return dir, but only if it actually exists
// and it's a directory (or a symlink to a directory)
if isPathDir(fsys, dir) {
m = append(m, dir)
if pattern == "**" {
m = globDoubleStar(fsys, dir, m, canMatchFiles)
dirs, err := fs.ReadDir(fsys, dir)
if err != nil {
// ignore IO errors
var matched bool
for _, info := range dirs {
name := info.Name()
if canMatchFiles || isDir(fsys, dir, name, info) {
matched, e = matchWithSeparator(pattern, name, '/', false)
if e != nil {
if matched {
m = append(m, path.Join(dir, name))
func globDoubleStar(fsys fs.FS, dir string, matches []string, canMatchFiles bool) []string {
dirs, err := fs.ReadDir(fsys, dir)
if err != nil {
// ignore IO errors
return matches
// `**` can match *this* dir, so add it
matches = append(matches, dir)
for _, info := range dirs {
name := info.Name()
if isDir(fsys, dir, name, info) {
matches = globDoubleStar(fsys, path.Join(dir, name), matches, canMatchFiles)
} else if canMatchFiles {
matches = append(matches, path.Join(dir, name))
return matches
// Returns true if the pattern has a doublestar in the middle of the pattern.
// In this case, GlobWalk is faster because it can get away with less
// allocations. However, Glob has a _very_ slight edge if the pattern ends in
// `**`.
func hasMidDoubleStar(p string) bool {
// subtract 3: 2 because we want to return false if the pattern ends in `**`
// (Glob is _very_ slightly faster in that case), and the extra 1 because our
// loop checks p[i] and p[i+1].
l := len(p) - 3
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
if p[i] == '\\' {
// escape next byte
} else if p[i] == '*' && p[i+1] == '*' {
return true
return false
// Returns the index of the first unescaped meta character, or negative 1.
func indexMeta(s string) int {
var c byte
l := len(s)
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
c = s[i]
if c == '*' || c == '?' || c == '[' || c == '{' {
return i
} else if c == '\\' {
// skip next byte
return -1
// Returns the index of the last unescaped slash or closing alt (`}`) in the
// string, or negative 1.
func lastIndexSlashOrAlt(s string) int {
for i := len(s) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if (s[i] == '/' || s[i] == '}') && (i == 0 || s[i-1] != '\\') {
return i
return -1
// Returns the index of the last unescaped slash in the string, or negative 1.
func lastIndexSlash(s string) int {
for i := len(s) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if s[i] == '/' && (i == 0 || s[i-1] != '\\') {
return i
return -1
// Assuming the byte after the end of `s` is a closing `}`, this function will
// find the index of the matching `{`. That is, it'll skip over any nested `{}`
// and account for escaping.
func indexMatchedOpeningAlt(s string) int {
alts := 1
for i := len(s) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if s[i] == '}' && (i == 0 || s[i-1] != '\\') {
} else if s[i] == '{' && (i == 0 || s[i-1] != '\\') {
if alts--; alts == 0 {
return i
return -1
// Returns true if the path exists
func exists(fsys fs.FS, name string) bool {
if _, err := fs.Stat(fsys, name); err != nil {
return false
return true
// Returns true if the path is a directory, or a symlink to a directory
func isPathDir(fsys fs.FS, name string) bool {
info, err := fs.Stat(fsys, name)
if err != nil {
return false
return info.IsDir()
// Returns whether or not the given DirEntry is a directory. If the DirEntry
// represents a symbolic link, the link is followed by running fs.Stat() on
// `path.Join(dir, name)`
func isDir(fsys fs.FS, dir string, name string, info fs.DirEntry) bool {
if (info.Type() & fs.ModeSymlink) > 0 {
finfo, err := fs.Stat(fsys, path.Join(dir, name))
if err != nil {
return false
return finfo.IsDir()
return info.IsDir()
// Builds a string from an alt
func buildAlt(prefix, pattern string, startIdx, openingIdx, currentIdx, nextIdx, afterIdx int) string {
// pattern:
// ignored/start{alts,go,here}remaining - len = 36
// | | | | ^--- afterIdx = 27
// | | | \--------- nextIdx = 21
// | | \----------- currentIdx = 19
// | \----------------- openingIdx = 13
// \---------------------- startIdx = 8
// result:
// prefix/startgoremaining - len = 7 + 5 + 2 + 9 = 23
var buf []byte
patLen := len(pattern)
size := (openingIdx - startIdx) + (nextIdx - currentIdx) + (patLen - afterIdx)
if prefix != "" {
buf = make([]byte, 0, size + len(prefix) + 1)
buf = append(buf, prefix...)
buf = append(buf, '/')
} else {
buf = make([]byte, 0, size)
buf = append(buf, pattern[startIdx:openingIdx]...)
buf = append(buf, pattern[currentIdx:nextIdx]...)
if afterIdx < patLen {
buf = append(buf, pattern[afterIdx:]...)
return string(buf)
// Running alts can produce results that are not sorted, and, worse, can cause
// duplicates (consider the trivial pattern `path/to/{a,*}`). Since we know
// each run of doGlob is sorted, we can basically do the "merge" step of a
// merge sort in-place.
func sortAndRemoveDups(matches []string, idx1, idx2, l int) []string {
var tmp string
for ; idx1 < idx2; idx1++ {
if matches[idx1] < matches[idx2] {
// order is correct
} else if matches[idx1] > matches[idx2] {
// need to swap and then re-sort matches above idx2
tmp = matches[idx1]
matches[idx1] = matches[idx2]
shft := idx2 + 1
for ; shft < l && matches[shft] < tmp; shft++ {
matches[shft - 1] = matches[shft]
matches[shft - 1] = tmp
} else {
// duplicate - shift matches above idx2 down one and decrement l
for shft := idx2 + 1; shft < l; shft++ {
matches[shft - 1] = matches[shft]
if l--; idx2 == l {
// nothing left to do... matches[idx2:] must have been full of dups
return matches[:l]