Florian Märkl 4879e922c1
Avoid calling /bin/env in local backend (#1011)
/bin/env was used to resolve a command name against PATH and pass
additional environment variables.
All of this can also be achieved using functionality already provided by
go's exec lib, which will then internally pass the appropriate arguments
to e.g. execve.
2022-07-04 20:27:17 +02:00

120 lines
2.9 KiB

package local
import (
type local struct {
cmd *exec.Cmd
output io.ReadCloser
workingdir string
// make sure local implements Engine
var _ types.Engine = &local{}
// New returns a new local Engine.
func New() types.Engine {
return &local{}
func (e *local) Name() string {
return "local"
func (e *local) IsAvailable() bool {
return true
func (e *local) Load() error {
dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "woodpecker-local-*")
e.workingdir = dir
return err
// Setup the pipeline environment.
func (e *local) Setup(ctx context.Context, proc *types.Config) error {
return nil
// Exec the pipeline step.
func (e *local) Exec(ctx context.Context, proc *types.Step) error {
// Get environment variables
Env := os.Environ()
for a, b := range proc.Environment {
if a != "HOME" && a != "SHELL" { // Don't override $HOME and $SHELL
Env = append(Env, a+"="+b)
Command := []string{}
if proc.Image == constant.DefaultCloneImage {
// Default clone step
Env = append(Env, "CI_WORKSPACE="+e.workingdir+"/"+proc.Environment["CI_REPO"])
Command = append(Command, "plugin-git")
} else {
// Use "image name" as run command
Command = append(Command, proc.Image[18:len(proc.Image)-7])
Command = append(Command, "-c")
// Decode script and delete initial lines
// Deleting the initial lines removes netrc support but adds compatibility for more shells like fish
Script, _ := base64.RawStdEncoding.DecodeString(proc.Environment["CI_SCRIPT"])
Command = append(Command, string(Script)[strings.Index(string(Script), "\n\n")+2:])
// Prepare command
e.cmd = exec.CommandContext(ctx, Command[0], Command[1:]...)
e.cmd.Env = Env
// Prepare working directory
if proc.Image == constant.DefaultCloneImage {
e.cmd.Dir = e.workingdir + "/" + proc.Environment["CI_REPO_OWNER"]
} else {
e.cmd.Dir = e.workingdir + "/" + proc.Environment["CI_REPO"]
err := os.MkdirAll(e.cmd.Dir, 0o700)
if err != nil {
return err
// Get output and redirect Stderr to Stdout
e.output, _ = e.cmd.StdoutPipe()
e.cmd.Stderr = e.cmd.Stdout
return e.cmd.Start()
// Wait for the pipeline step to complete and returns
// the completion results.
func (e *local) Wait(context.Context, *types.Step) (*types.State, error) {
err := e.cmd.Wait()
ExitCode := 0
if eerr, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
ExitCode = eerr.ExitCode()
// Non-zero exit code is a build failure, but not an agent error.
err = nil
return &types.State{
Exited: true,
ExitCode: ExitCode,
}, err
// Tail the pipeline step logs.
func (e *local) Tail(context.Context, *types.Step) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
return e.output, nil
// Destroy the pipeline environment.
func (e *local) Destroy(context.Context, *types.Config) error {
return os.RemoveAll(e.cmd.Dir)