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synced 2025-03-01 17:41:01 +00:00
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478 lines
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package github
import (
common "github.com/drone/drone/pkg/types"
const (
DefaultURL = "https://github.com"
DefaultAPI = "https://api.github.com"
DefaultScope = "repo,repo:status,user:email"
type GitHub struct {
URL string
API string
Client string
Secret string
AllowedOrgs []string
Open bool
PrivateMode bool
SkipVerify bool
cache *lru.Cache
func init() {
remote.Register("github", NewDriver)
func NewDriver(config string) (remote.Remote, error) {
url_, err := url.Parse(config)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
params := url_.Query()
url_.Path = ""
url_.RawQuery = ""
github := GitHub{}
github.URL = url_.String()
github.Client = params.Get("client_id")
github.Secret = params.Get("client_secret")
github.AllowedOrgs = params["orgs"]
github.PrivateMode, _ = strconv.ParseBool(params.Get("private_mode"))
github.SkipVerify, _ = strconv.ParseBool(params.Get("skip_verify"))
github.Open, _ = strconv.ParseBool(params.Get("open"))
if github.URL == DefaultURL {
github.API = DefaultAPI
} else {
github.API = github.URL + "/api/v3/"
// here we cache permissions to avoid too many api
// calls. this should really be moved outise the
// remote plugin into the app
github.cache, err = lru.New(1028)
return &github, err
func (g *GitHub) Login(token, secret string) (*common.User, error) {
client := NewClient(g.API, token, g.SkipVerify)
login, err := GetUserEmail(client)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
user := common.User{}
user.Login = *login.Login
user.Email = *login.Email
user.Token = token
user.Secret = secret
user.Avatar = *login.AvatarURL
return &user, nil
// Orgs fetches the organizations for the given user.
func (g *GitHub) Orgs(u *common.User) ([]string, error) {
client := NewClient(g.API, u.Token, g.SkipVerify)
orgs_ := []string{}
orgs, err := GetOrgs(client)
if err != nil {
return orgs_, err
for _, org := range orgs {
orgs_ = append(orgs_, *org.Login)
return orgs_, nil
// Accessor method, to allowed remote organizations field.
func (g *GitHub) GetOrgs() []string {
return g.AllowedOrgs
// Accessor method, to open field.
func (g *GitHub) GetOpen() bool {
return g.Open
// Repo fetches the named repository from the remote system.
func (g *GitHub) Repo(u *common.User, owner, name string) (*common.Repo, error) {
client := NewClient(g.API, u.Token, g.SkipVerify)
repo_, err := GetRepo(client, owner, name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
repo := &common.Repo{}
repo.Owner = owner
repo.Name = name
repo.FullName = *repo_.FullName
repo.Link = *repo_.HTMLURL
repo.Private = *repo_.Private
repo.Clone = *repo_.CloneURL
repo.Branch = "master"
repo.Avatar = *repo_.Owner.AvatarURL
if repo_.DefaultBranch != nil {
repo.Branch = *repo_.DefaultBranch
if g.PrivateMode {
repo.Private = true
return repo, err
// Perm fetches the named repository from the remote system.
func (g *GitHub) Perm(u *common.User, owner, name string) (*common.Perm, error) {
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s", u.Login, owner, name)
val, ok := g.cache.Get(key)
if ok {
return val.(*common.Perm), nil
client := NewClient(g.API, u.Token, g.SkipVerify)
repo, err := GetRepo(client, owner, name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
m := &common.Perm{}
m.Admin = (*repo.Permissions)["admin"]
m.Push = (*repo.Permissions)["push"]
m.Pull = (*repo.Permissions)["pull"]
g.cache.Add(key, m)
return m, nil
// Script fetches the build script (.drone.yml) from the remote
// repository and returns in string format.
func (g *GitHub) Script(u *common.User, r *common.Repo, b *common.Build) ([]byte, []byte, error) {
client := NewClient(g.API, u.Token, g.SkipVerify)
cfg, err := GetFile(client, r.Owner, r.Name, ".drone.yml", b.Commit.Sha)
sec, _ := GetFile(client, r.Owner, r.Name, ".drone.sec", b.Commit.Sha)
return cfg, sec, err
// Netrc returns a .netrc file that can be used to clone
// private repositories from a remote system.
func (g *GitHub) Netrc(u *common.User, r *common.Repo) (*common.Netrc, error) {
url_, err := url.Parse(g.URL)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
netrc := &common.Netrc{}
netrc.Login = u.Token
netrc.Password = "x-oauth-basic"
netrc.Machine = url_.Host
return netrc, nil
// Activate activates a repository by creating the post-commit hook and
// adding the SSH deploy key, if applicable.
func (g *GitHub) Activate(u *common.User, r *common.Repo, k *common.Keypair, link string) error {
client := NewClient(g.API, u.Token, g.SkipVerify)
title, err := GetKeyTitle(link)
if err != nil {
return err
// if the CloneURL is using the SSHURL then we know that
// we need to add an SSH key to GitHub.
if r.Private || g.PrivateMode {
_, err = CreateUpdateKey(client, r.Owner, r.Name, title, k.Public)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = CreateUpdateHook(client, r.Owner, r.Name, link)
return err
// Deactivate removes a repository by removing all the post-commit hooks
// which are equal to link and removing the SSH deploy key.
func (g *GitHub) Deactivate(u *common.User, r *common.Repo, link string) error {
client := NewClient(g.API, u.Token, g.SkipVerify)
title, err := GetKeyTitle(link)
if err != nil {
return err
// remove the deploy-key if it is installed remote.
if r.Private || g.PrivateMode {
if err := DeleteKey(client, r.Owner, r.Name, title); err != nil {
return err
return DeleteHook(client, r.Owner, r.Name, link)
func (g *GitHub) Status(u *common.User, r *common.Repo, b *common.Build) error {
client := NewClient(g.API, u.Token, g.SkipVerify)
link := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%v", r.Self, b.Number)
status := getStatus(b.Status)
desc := getDesc(b.Status)
data := github.RepoStatus{
Context: github.String("Drone"),
State: github.String(status),
Description: github.String(desc),
TargetURL: github.String(link),
_, _, err := client.Repositories.CreateStatus(r.Owner, r.Name, b.Commit.Sha, &data)
return err
// Hook parses the post-commit hook from the Request body
// and returns the required data in a standard format.
func (g *GitHub) Hook(r *http.Request) (*common.Hook, error) {
switch r.Header.Get("X-Github-Event") {
case "pull_request":
return g.pullRequest(r)
case "push":
return g.push(r)
return nil, nil
// return default scope for GitHub
func (g *GitHub) Scope() string {
return DefaultScope
// push parses a hook with event type `push` and returns
// the commit data.
func (g *GitHub) push(r *http.Request) (*common.Hook, error) {
payload := GetPayload(r)
hook := &pushHook{}
err := json.Unmarshal(payload, hook)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if hook.Deleted {
return nil, nil
repo := &common.Repo{}
repo.Owner = hook.Repo.Owner.Login
if len(repo.Owner) == 0 {
repo.Owner = hook.Repo.Owner.Name
repo.Name = hook.Repo.Name
// Generating rather than using hook.Repo.FullName as it's
// not always present
repo.FullName = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", repo.Owner, repo.Name)
repo.Link = hook.Repo.HTMLURL
repo.Private = hook.Repo.Private
repo.Clone = hook.Repo.CloneURL
repo.Branch = hook.Repo.DefaultBranch
commit := &common.Commit{}
commit.Sha = hook.Head.ID
commit.Ref = hook.Ref
commit.Link = hook.Head.URL
commit.Branch = strings.Replace(commit.Ref, "refs/heads/", "", -1)
commit.Message = hook.Head.Message
commit.Timestamp = hook.Head.Timestamp
commit.Author = &common.Author{}
commit.Author.Email = hook.Head.Author.Email
commit.Author.Login = hook.Head.Author.Username
commit.Remote = hook.Repo.CloneURL
// we should ignore github pages
if commit.Ref == "refs/heads/gh-pages" {
return nil, nil
return &common.Hook{Event: "push", Repo: repo, Commit: commit}, nil
// ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
func (g *GitHub) Oauth2Transport(r *http.Request) *oauth2.Transport {
return &oauth2.Transport{
Config: &oauth2.Config{
ClientId: g.Client,
ClientSecret: g.Secret,
Scope: DefaultScope,
AuthURL: fmt.Sprintf("%s/login/oauth/authorize", g.URL),
TokenURL: fmt.Sprintf("%s/login/oauth/access_token", g.URL),
RedirectURL: fmt.Sprintf("%s/authorize", httputil.GetURL(r)),
//settings.Server.Scheme, settings.Server.Hostname),
Transport: &http.Transport{
Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment,
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: g.SkipVerify},
// pullRequest parses a hook with event type `pullRequest`
// and returns the commit data.
func (g *GitHub) pullRequest(r *http.Request) (*common.Hook, error) {
payload := GetPayload(r)
hook := &struct {
Action string `json:"action"`
PullRequest *github.PullRequest `json:"pull_request"`
Repo *github.Repository `json:"repository"`
err := json.Unmarshal(payload, hook)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// ignore these
if hook.Action != "opened" && hook.Action != "synchronize" {
return nil, nil
if *hook.PullRequest.State != "open" {
return nil, nil
repo := &common.Repo{}
repo.Owner = *hook.Repo.Owner.Login
repo.Name = *hook.Repo.Name
repo.FullName = *hook.Repo.FullName
repo.Link = *hook.Repo.HTMLURL
repo.Private = *hook.Repo.Private
repo.Clone = *hook.Repo.CloneURL
repo.Branch = "master"
if hook.Repo.DefaultBranch != nil {
repo.Branch = *hook.Repo.DefaultBranch
c := &common.Commit{}
c.Sha = *hook.PullRequest.Head.SHA
c.Ref = *hook.PullRequest.Head.Ref
c.Ref = fmt.Sprintf("refs/pull/%d/merge", *hook.PullRequest.Number)
c.Branch = *hook.PullRequest.Head.Ref
c.Timestamp = time.Now().UTC().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05.000000000 +0000 MST")
c.Remote = *hook.PullRequest.Head.Repo.CloneURL
c.Author = &common.Author{}
c.Author.Login = *hook.PullRequest.Head.User.Login
// Author.Email
// Message
pr := &common.PullRequest{}
pr.Number = *hook.PullRequest.Number
pr.Title = *hook.PullRequest.Title
pr.Base = &common.Commit{}
pr.Base.Sha = *hook.PullRequest.Base.SHA
pr.Base.Ref = *hook.PullRequest.Base.Ref
pr.Base.Remote = *hook.PullRequest.Base.Repo.CloneURL
pr.Link = *hook.PullRequest.HTMLURL
// Branch
// Message
// Timestamp
// Author.Login
// Author.Email
return &common.Hook{Event: "pull_request", Repo: repo, Commit: c, PullRequest: pr}, nil
type pushHook struct {
Ref string `json:"ref"`
Deleted bool `json:"deleted"`
Head struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
URL string `json:"url"`
Message string `json:"message"`
Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"`
Author struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Email string `json:"name"`
Username string `json:"username"`
} `json:"author"`
Committer struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Email string `json:"name"`
Username string `json:"username"`
} `json:"committer"`
} `json:"head_commit"`
Repo struct {
Owner struct {
Login string `json:"login"`
Name string `json:"name"`
} `json:"owner"`
Name string `json:"name"`
FullName string `json:"full_name"`
Language string `json:"language"`
Private bool `json:"private"`
HTMLURL string `json:"html_url"`
CloneURL string `json:"clone_url"`
DefaultBranch string `json:"default_branch"`
} `json:"repository"`
const (
StatusPending = "pending"
StatusSuccess = "success"
StatusFailure = "failure"
StatusError = "error"
const (
DescPending = "this build is pending"
DescSuccess = "the build was successful"
DescFailure = "the build failed"
DescError = "oops, something went wrong"
// getStatus is a helper functin that converts a Drone
// status to a GitHub status.
func getStatus(status string) string {
switch status {
case common.StatePending, common.StateRunning:
return StatusPending
case common.StateSuccess:
return StatusSuccess
case common.StateFailure:
return StatusFailure
case common.StateError, common.StateKilled:
return StatusError
return StatusError
// getDesc is a helper function that generates a description
// message for the build based on the status.
func getDesc(status string) string {
switch status {
case common.StatePending, common.StateRunning:
return DescPending
case common.StateSuccess:
return DescSuccess
case common.StateFailure:
return DescFailure
case common.StateError, common.StateKilled:
return DescError
return DescError