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431 lines
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431 lines
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package ruleguard
import (
type rulesRunner struct {
state *engineState
bgContext context.Context
ctx *RunContext
rules *goRuleSet
reportData ReportData
gogrepState gogrep.MatcherState
importer *goImporter
filename string
src []byte
// nodePath is a stack of ast.Nodes we visited to this point.
// When we enter a new node, it's placed on the top of the stack.
// When we leave that node, it's popped.
// The stack is a slice that is allocated only once and reused
// for the lifetime of the runner.
// The only overhead it has is a slice append and pop operations
// that are quire cheap.
// Note: we need this path to get a Node.Parent() for `$$` matches.
// So it's used to climb up the tree there.
// For named submatches we can't use it as the node can be located
// deeper into the tree than the current node.
// In those cases we need a more complicated algorithm.
nodePath nodePath
filterParams filterParams
func newRulesRunner(ctx *RunContext, buildContext *build.Context, state *engineState, rules *goRuleSet) *rulesRunner {
importer := newGoImporter(state, goImporterConfig{
fset: ctx.Fset,
debugImports: ctx.DebugImports,
debugPrint: ctx.DebugPrint,
buildContext: buildContext,
gogrepState := gogrep.NewMatcherState()
gogrepState.Types = ctx.Types
rr := &rulesRunner{
bgContext: context.Background(),
ctx: ctx,
importer: importer,
rules: rules,
gogrepState: gogrepState,
nodePath: newNodePath(),
filterParams: filterParams{
env: state.env.GetEvalEnv(),
importer: importer,
ctx: ctx,
rr.filterParams.nodeText = rr.nodeText
rr.filterParams.nodePath = &rr.nodePath
return rr
func (rr *rulesRunner) nodeText(n ast.Node) []byte {
if gogrep.IsEmptyNodeSlice(n) {
return nil
from := rr.ctx.Fset.Position(n.Pos()).Offset
to := rr.ctx.Fset.Position(n.End()).Offset
src := rr.fileBytes()
if (from >= 0 && from < len(src)) && (to >= 0 && to < len(src)) {
return src[from:to]
// Go printer would panic on comments.
if n, ok := n.(*ast.Comment); ok {
return []byte(n.Text)
// Fallback to the printer.
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := printer.Fprint(&buf, rr.ctx.Fset, n); err != nil {
return buf.Bytes()
func (rr *rulesRunner) fileBytes() []byte {
if rr.src != nil {
return rr.src
// TODO(quasilyte): re-use src slice?
src, err := ioutil.ReadFile(rr.filename)
if err != nil || src == nil {
// Assign a zero-length slice so rr.src
// is never nil during the second fileBytes call.
rr.src = make([]byte, 0)
} else {
rr.src = src
return rr.src
func (rr *rulesRunner) run(f *ast.File) error {
// If it's not empty then we're leaking memory.
// For every Push() there should be a Pop() call.
if rr.nodePath.Len() != 0 {
panic("internal error: node path is not empty")
rr.filename = rr.ctx.Fset.Position(f.Pos()).Filename
rr.filterParams.filename = rr.filename
if rr.rules.universal.categorizedNum != 0 {
var inspector astWalker
inspector.nodePath = &rr.nodePath
inspector.filterParams = &rr.filterParams
inspector.Walk(f, func(n ast.Node, tag nodetag.Value) {
rr.runRules(n, tag)
if len(rr.rules.universal.commentRules) != 0 {
for _, commentGroup := range f.Comments {
for _, comment := range commentGroup.List {
return nil
func (rr *rulesRunner) runCommentRules(comment *ast.Comment) {
// We'll need that file to create a token.Pos from the artificial offset.
file := rr.ctx.Fset.File(comment.Pos())
for _, rule := range rr.rules.universal.commentRules {
var m commentMatchData
if rule.captureGroups {
result := rule.pat.FindStringSubmatchIndex(comment.Text)
if result == nil {
for i, name := range rule.pat.SubexpNames() {
if i == 0 || name == "" {
resultIndex := i * 2
beginPos := result[resultIndex+0]
endPos := result[resultIndex+1]
// Negative index a special case when named group captured nothing.
// Consider this pattern: `(?P<x>foo)|(bar)`.
// If we have `bar` input string, <x> will remain empty.
if beginPos < 0 || endPos < 0 {
m.capture = append(m.capture, gogrep.CapturedNode{
Name: name,
Node: &ast.Comment{Slash: comment.Pos()},
m.capture = append(m.capture, gogrep.CapturedNode{
Name: name,
Node: &ast.Comment{
Slash: file.Pos(beginPos + file.Offset(comment.Pos())),
Text: comment.Text[beginPos:endPos],
m.node = &ast.Comment{
Slash: file.Pos(result[0] + file.Offset(comment.Pos())),
Text: comment.Text[result[0]:result[1]],
} else {
// Fast path: no need to save any submatches.
result := rule.pat.FindStringIndex(comment.Text)
if result == nil {
m.node = &ast.Comment{
Slash: file.Pos(result[0] + file.Offset(comment.Pos())),
Text: comment.Text[result[0]:result[1]],
accept := rr.handleCommentMatch(rule, m)
if accept {
func (rr *rulesRunner) runRules(n ast.Node, tag nodetag.Value) {
// profiling.LabelsEnabled is constant, so labels-related
// code should be a no-op inside normal build.
// To enable labels, use "-tags pproflabels" build tag.
for _, rule := range rr.rules.universal.rulesByTag[tag] {
if profiling.LabelsEnabled {
profiling.EnterWithLabels(rr.bgContext, rule.group.Name)
matched := false
rule.pat.MatchNode(&rr.gogrepState, n, func(m gogrep.MatchData) {
matched = rr.handleMatch(rule, m)
if profiling.LabelsEnabled {
if matched && !multiMatchTags[tag] {
func (rr *rulesRunner) reject(rule goRule, reason string, m matchData) {
if rule.group.Name != rr.ctx.Debug {
return // This rule is not being debugged
pos := rr.ctx.Fset.Position(m.Node().Pos())
rr.ctx.DebugPrint(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d: [%s:%d] rejected by %s",
pos.Filename, pos.Line, filepath.Base(rule.group.Filename), rule.line, reason))
values := make([]gogrep.CapturedNode, len(m.CaptureList()))
copy(values, m.CaptureList())
sort.Slice(values, func(i, j int) bool {
return values[i].Name < values[j].Name
for _, v := range values {
name := v.Name
node := v.Node
if comment, ok := node.(*ast.Comment); ok {
s := strings.ReplaceAll(comment.Text, "\n", `\n`)
rr.ctx.DebugPrint(fmt.Sprintf(" $%s: %s", name, s))
var expr ast.Expr
switch node := node.(type) {
case ast.Expr:
expr = node
case *ast.ExprStmt:
expr = node.X
typ := rr.ctx.Types.TypeOf(expr)
typeString := "<unknown>"
if typ != nil {
typeString = typ.String()
s := strings.ReplaceAll(goutil.SprintNode(rr.ctx.Fset, expr), "\n", `\n`)
rr.ctx.DebugPrint(fmt.Sprintf(" $%s %s: %s", name, typeString, s))
func (rr *rulesRunner) handleCommentMatch(rule goCommentRule, m commentMatchData) bool {
if rule.base.filter.fn != nil {
rr.filterParams.match = m
filterResult := rule.base.filter.fn(&rr.filterParams)
if !filterResult.Matched() {
rr.reject(rule.base, filterResult.RejectReason(), m)
return false
message := rr.renderMessage(rule.base.msg, m, true)
node := m.Node()
if rule.base.location != "" {
node, _ = m.CapturedByName(rule.base.location)
var suggestion *Suggestion
if rule.base.suggestion != "" {
suggestion = &Suggestion{
Replacement: []byte(rr.renderMessage(rule.base.suggestion, m, false)),
From: node.Pos(),
To: node.End(),
info := GoRuleInfo{
Group: rule.base.group,
Line: rule.base.line,
rr.reportData.RuleInfo = info
rr.reportData.Node = node
rr.reportData.Message = message
rr.reportData.Suggestion = suggestion
return true
func (rr *rulesRunner) handleMatch(rule goRule, m gogrep.MatchData) bool {
if rule.filter.fn != nil {
rr.filterParams.match = astMatchData{match: m}
filterResult := rule.filter.fn(&rr.filterParams)
if !filterResult.Matched() {
rr.reject(rule, filterResult.RejectReason(), astMatchData{match: m})
return false
message := rr.renderMessage(rule.msg, astMatchData{match: m}, true)
node := m.Node
if rule.location != "" {
node, _ = m.CapturedByName(rule.location)
var suggestion *Suggestion
if rule.suggestion != "" {
suggestion = &Suggestion{
Replacement: []byte(rr.renderMessage(rule.suggestion, astMatchData{match: m}, false)),
From: node.Pos(),
To: node.End(),
info := GoRuleInfo{
Group: rule.group,
Line: rule.line,
rr.reportData.RuleInfo = info
rr.reportData.Node = node
rr.reportData.Message = message
rr.reportData.Suggestion = suggestion
rr.reportData.Func = rr.filterParams.currentFunc
return true
func (rr *rulesRunner) collectImports(f *ast.File) {
rr.filterParams.imports = make(map[string]struct{}, len(f.Imports))
for _, spec := range f.Imports {
s, err := strconv.Unquote(spec.Path.Value)
if err != nil {
rr.filterParams.imports[s] = struct{}{}
func (rr *rulesRunner) renderMessage(msg string, m matchData, truncate bool) string {
var buf strings.Builder
if strings.Contains(msg, "$$") {
msg = strings.ReplaceAll(msg, "$$", buf.String())
if len(m.CaptureList()) == 0 {
return msg
capture := make([]gogrep.CapturedNode, len(m.CaptureList()))
copy(capture, m.CaptureList())
sort.Slice(capture, func(i, j int) bool {
return len(capture[i].Name) > len(capture[j].Name)
for _, c := range capture {
n := c.Node
// Some captured nodes are typed, but nil.
// We can't really get their text, so skip them here.
// For example, pattern `func $_() $results { $*_ }` may
// match a nil *ast.FieldList for $results if executed
// against a function with no results.
if reflect.ValueOf(n).IsNil() && !gogrep.IsEmptyNodeSlice(n) {
key := "$" + c.Name
if !strings.Contains(msg, key) {
replacement := buf.String()
if truncate {
replacement = truncateText(replacement, 60)
msg = strings.ReplaceAll(msg, key, replacement)
return msg
func truncateText(s string, maxLen int) string {
const placeholder = "<...>"
if len(s) <= maxLen-len(placeholder) {
return s
maxLen -= len(placeholder)
leftLen := maxLen / 2
rightLen := (maxLen % 2) + leftLen
left := s[:leftLen]
right := s[len(s)-rightLen:]
return left + placeholder + right
var multiMatchTags = [nodetag.NumBuckets]bool{
nodetag.BlockStmt: true,
nodetag.CaseClause: true,
nodetag.CommClause: true,
nodetag.File: true,