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package handler
import (
. "github.com/drone/drone/pkg/model"
// Display a list of ALL users in the system
func AdminUserList(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, u *User) error {
users, err := database.ListUsers()
if err != nil {
return err
data := struct {
User *User
Users []*User
}{u, users}
return RenderTemplate(w, "admin_users.html", &data)
// Invite a user to join the system
func AdminUserAdd(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, u *User) error {
return RenderTemplate(w, "admin_users_add.html", &struct{ User *User }{u})
// Invite a user to join the system
func AdminUserInvite(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, u *User) error {
// generate the password reset token
email := r.FormValue("email")
token := authcookie.New(email, time.Now().Add(12*time.Hour), secret)
// get settings
hostname := database.SettingsMust().URL().String()
emailEnabled := database.SettingsMust().SmtpServer != ""
if !emailEnabled {
// Email is not enabled, so must let the user know the signup link
link := fmt.Sprintf("%v/register?token=%v", hostname, token)
return RenderText(w, link, http.StatusOK)
// send data to template
data := struct {
Host string
Email string
Token string
}{hostname, email, token}
// send the email message async
go func() {
if err := mail.SendActivation(email, data); err != nil {
log.Printf("error sending account activation email to %s. %s", email, err)
return RenderText(w, http.StatusText(http.StatusOK), http.StatusOK)
// Form to edit a user
func AdminUserEdit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, u *User) error {
idstr := r.FormValue("id")
id, err := strconv.Atoi(idstr)
if err != nil {
return err
// get the user from the database
user, err := database.GetUser(int64(id))
if err != nil {
return err
data := struct {
User *User
EditUser *User
}{u, user}
return RenderTemplate(w, "admin_users_edit.html", &data)
func AdminUserUpdate(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, u *User) error {
// get the ID from the URL parameter
idstr := r.FormValue("id")
id, err := strconv.Atoi(idstr)
if err != nil {
return err
// get the user from the database
user, err := database.GetUser(int64(id))
if err != nil {
return err
// update if user is administrator or not
switch r.FormValue("Admin") {
case "true":
user.Admin = true
case "false":
user.Admin = false
// saving user
if err := database.SaveUser(user); err != nil {
return err
return RenderText(w, http.StatusText(http.StatusOK), http.StatusOK)
func AdminUserDelete(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, u *User) error {
// get the ID from the URL parameter
idstr := r.FormValue("id")
id, err := strconv.Atoi(idstr)
if err != nil {
return err
// cannot delete self
if u.ID == int64(id) {
return RenderForbidden(w)
// delete the user
if err := database.DeleteUser(int64(id)); err != nil {
return err
http.Redirect(w, r, "/account/admin/users", http.StatusSeeOther)
return nil
// Return an HTML form for the User to update the site settings.
func AdminSettings(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, u *User) error {
// get settings from database
settings := database.SettingsMust()
data := struct {
User *User
Settings *Settings
}{u, settings}
return RenderTemplate(w, "admin_settings.html", &data)
func AdminSettingsUpdate(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, u *User) error {
// get settings from database
settings := database.SettingsMust()
// update smtp settings
settings.Domain = r.FormValue("Domain")
settings.Scheme = r.FormValue("Scheme")
// update bitbucket settings
settings.BitbucketKey = r.FormValue("BitbucketKey")
settings.BitbucketSecret = r.FormValue("BitbucketSecret")
// update github settings
settings.GitHubKey = r.FormValue("GitHubKey")
settings.GitHubSecret = r.FormValue("GitHubSecret")
// update smtp settings
settings.SmtpServer = r.FormValue("SmtpServer")
settings.SmtpPort = r.FormValue("SmtpPort")
settings.SmtpAddress = r.FormValue("SmtpAddress")
settings.SmtpUsername = r.FormValue("SmtpUsername")
settings.SmtpPassword = r.FormValue("SmtpPassword")
// persist changes
if err := database.SaveSettings(settings); err != nil {
return RenderError(w, err, http.StatusBadRequest)
// make sure the mail package is updated with the
// latest client information.
// Host: settings.SmtpServer,
// Port: settings.SmtpPort,
// User: settings.SmtpUsername,
// Pass: settings.SmtpPassword,
// From: settings.SmtpAddress,
return RenderText(w, http.StatusText(http.StatusOK), http.StatusOK)
func Install(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
// we can only perform the inital installation if no
// users exist in the system
if users, err := database.ListUsers(); err != nil {
return RenderError(w, err, http.StatusBadRequest)
} else if len(users) != 0 {
// if users exist in the systsem
// we should render a NotFound page
return RenderNotFound(w)
return RenderTemplate(w, "install.html", true)
func InstallPost(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
// we can only perform the inital installation if no
// users exist in the system
if users, err := database.ListUsers(); err != nil {
return RenderError(w, err, http.StatusBadRequest)
} else if len(users) != 0 {
// if users exist in the systsem
// we should render a NotFound page
return RenderNotFound(w)
// set the email and name
user := NewUser(r.FormValue("name"), r.FormValue("email"))
user.Admin = true
// set the new password
if err := user.SetPassword(r.FormValue("password")); err != nil {
return RenderError(w, err, http.StatusBadRequest)
// verify fields are correct
if err := user.Validate(); err != nil {
return RenderError(w, err, http.StatusBadRequest)
// save to the database
if err := database.SaveUser(user); err != nil {
return RenderError(w, err, http.StatusBadRequest)
// update settings
settings := Settings{}
settings.Domain = r.FormValue("Domain")
settings.Scheme = r.FormValue("Scheme")
// add the user to the session object
// so that he/she is loggedin
SetCookie(w, r, "_sess", user.Email)
// send the user to the settings page
// to complete the configuration.
http.Redirect(w, r, "/account/admin/settings", http.StatusSeeOther)
return nil