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package dockerclient
import (
type Callback func(*Event, chan error, ...interface{})
type StatCallback func(string, *Stats, chan error, ...interface{})
type Client interface {
Info() (*Info, error)
ListContainers(all, size bool, filters string) ([]Container, error)
InspectContainer(id string) (*ContainerInfo, error)
InspectImage(id string) (*ImageInfo, error)
CreateContainer(config *ContainerConfig, name string) (string, error)
ContainerLogs(id string, options *LogOptions) (io.ReadCloser, error)
ContainerChanges(id string) ([]*ContainerChanges, error)
Exec(config *ExecConfig) (string, error)
StartContainer(id string, config *HostConfig) error
StopContainer(id string, timeout int) error
RestartContainer(id string, timeout int) error
KillContainer(id, signal string) error
Wait(id string) <-chan WaitResult
// MonitorEvents takes options and an optional stop channel, and returns
// an EventOrError channel. If an error is ever sent, then no more
// events will be sent. If a stop channel is provided, events will stop
// being monitored after the stop channel is closed.
MonitorEvents(options *MonitorEventsOptions, stopChan <-chan struct{}) (<-chan EventOrError, error)
StartMonitorEvents(cb Callback, ec chan error, args ...interface{})
StartMonitorStats(id string, cb StatCallback, ec chan error, args ...interface{})
TagImage(nameOrID string, repo string, tag string, force bool) error
Version() (*Version, error)
PullImage(name string, auth *AuthConfig) error
LoadImage(reader io.Reader) error
RemoveContainer(id string, force, volumes bool) error
ListImages(all bool) ([]*Image, error)
RemoveImage(name string) ([]*ImageDelete, error)
PauseContainer(name string) error
UnpauseContainer(name string) error
RenameContainer(oldName string, newName string) error
ImportImage(source string, repository string, tag string, tar io.Reader) (io.ReadCloser, error)
BuildImage(image *BuildImage) (io.ReadCloser, error)