Michael 2477d2e57f
Support .yaml as file-ending for workflow config too (#1388)
This implements #1073, adds .yaml to the accepted endings for woodpecker configs.

This currently adds some more lines to the duplication (tried to compensate by fixing the other duplication in the configFetcher) as the CLI and Server are still separate.
2022-11-03 19:12:40 +01:00

407 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright 2022 Woodpecker Authors
// Copyright 2018 Drone.IO Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package shared
import (
backend "github.com/woodpecker-ci/woodpecker/pipeline/backend/types"
// TODO(974) move to pipeline/*
// StepBuilder Takes the hook data and the yaml and returns in internal data model
type StepBuilder struct {
Repo *model.Repo
Curr *model.Pipeline
Last *model.Pipeline
Netrc *model.Netrc
Secs []*model.Secret
Regs []*model.Registry
Link string
Yamls []*remote.FileMeta
Envs map[string]string
type PipelineItem struct {
Step *model.Step
Platform string
Labels map[string]string
DependsOn []string
RunsOn []string
Config *backend.Config
func (b *StepBuilder) Build() ([]*PipelineItem, error) {
var items []*PipelineItem
pidSequence := 1
for _, y := range b.Yamls {
// matrix axes
axes, err := matrix.ParseString(string(y.Data))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(axes) == 0 {
axes = append(axes, matrix.Axis{})
for _, axis := range axes {
step := &model.Step{
PipelineID: b.Curr.ID,
PID: pidSequence,
PGID: pidSequence,
State: model.StatusPending,
Environ: axis,
Name: SanitizePath(y.Name),
metadata := metadataFromStruct(b.Repo, b.Curr, b.Last, step, b.Link)
environ := b.environmentVariables(metadata, axis)
// add global environment variables for substituting
for k, v := range b.Envs {
if _, exists := environ[k]; exists {
// don't override existing values
environ[k] = v
// substitute vars
substituted, err := b.envsubst(string(y.Data), environ)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// parse yaml pipeline
parsed, err := yaml.ParseString(substituted)
if err != nil {
return nil, &yaml.PipelineParseError{Err: err}
// lint pipeline
if err := linter.New(
).Lint(parsed); err != nil {
return nil, &yaml.PipelineParseError{Err: err}
// checking if filtered.
if match, err := parsed.When.Match(metadata, true); !match && err == nil {
log.Debug().Str("pipeline", step.Name).Msg(
"Marked as skipped, dose not match metadata",
step.State = model.StatusSkipped
} else if err != nil {
log.Debug().Str("pipeline", step.Name).Msg(
"Pipeline config could not be parsed",
return nil, err
// TODO: deprecated branches filter => remove after some time
if !parsed.Branches.Match(b.Curr.Branch) && (b.Curr.Event != model.EventDeploy && b.Curr.Event != model.EventTag) {
log.Debug().Str("pipeline", step.Name).Msg(
"Marked as skipped, dose not match branch",
step.State = model.StatusSkipped
ir, err := b.toInternalRepresentation(parsed, environ, metadata, step.ID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(ir.Stages) == 0 {
item := &PipelineItem{
Step: step,
Config: ir,
Labels: parsed.Labels,
DependsOn: parsed.DependsOn,
RunsOn: parsed.RunsOn,
Platform: parsed.Platform,
if item.Labels == nil {
item.Labels = map[string]string{}
items = append(items, item)
items = filterItemsWithMissingDependencies(items)
// check if at least one step can start, if list is not empty
if len(items) > 0 && !stepListContainsItemsToRun(items) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("pipeline has no startpoint")
return items, nil
func stepListContainsItemsToRun(items []*PipelineItem) bool {
for i := range items {
if items[i].Step.State == model.StatusPending {
return true
return false
func filterItemsWithMissingDependencies(items []*PipelineItem) []*PipelineItem {
itemsToRemove := make([]*PipelineItem, 0)
for _, item := range items {
for _, dep := range item.DependsOn {
if !containsItemWithName(dep, items) {
itemsToRemove = append(itemsToRemove, item)
if len(itemsToRemove) > 0 {
filtered := make([]*PipelineItem, 0)
for _, item := range items {
if !containsItemWithName(item.Step.Name, itemsToRemove) {
filtered = append(filtered, item)
// Recursive to handle transitive deps
return filterItemsWithMissingDependencies(filtered)
return items
func containsItemWithName(name string, items []*PipelineItem) bool {
for _, item := range items {
if name == item.Step.Name {
return true
return false
func (b *StepBuilder) envsubst(y string, environ map[string]string) (string, error) {
return envsubst.Eval(y, func(name string) string {
env := environ[name]
if strings.Contains(env, "\n") {
env = fmt.Sprintf("%q", env)
return env
func (b *StepBuilder) environmentVariables(metadata frontend.Metadata, axis matrix.Axis) map[string]string {
environ := metadata.Environ()
for k, v := range axis {
environ[k] = v
return environ
func (b *StepBuilder) toInternalRepresentation(parsed *yaml.Config, environ map[string]string, metadata frontend.Metadata, stepID int64) (*backend.Config, error) {
var secrets []compiler.Secret
for _, sec := range b.Secs {
if !sec.Match(b.Curr.Event) {
secrets = append(secrets, compiler.Secret{
Name: sec.Name,
Value: sec.Value,
Match: sec.Images,
PluginOnly: sec.PluginsOnly,
var registries []compiler.Registry
for _, reg := range b.Regs {
registries = append(registries, compiler.Registry{
Hostname: reg.Address,
Username: reg.Username,
Password: reg.Password,
Email: reg.Email,
return compiler.New(
compiler.WithResourceLimit(server.Config.Pipeline.Limits.MemSwapLimit, server.Config.Pipeline.Limits.MemLimit, server.Config.Pipeline.Limits.ShmSize, server.Config.Pipeline.Limits.CPUQuota, server.Config.Pipeline.Limits.CPUShares, server.Config.Pipeline.Limits.CPUSet),
b.Repo.IsSCMPrivate || server.Config.Pipeline.AuthenticatePublicRepos,
compiler.WithWorkspaceFromURL("/woodpecker", b.Repo.Link),
func SetPipelineStepsOnPipeline(pipeline *model.Pipeline, pipelineItems []*PipelineItem) *model.Pipeline {
var pidSequence int
for _, item := range pipelineItems {
pipeline.Steps = append(pipeline.Steps, item.Step)
if pidSequence < item.Step.PID {
pidSequence = item.Step.PID
for _, item := range pipelineItems {
for _, stage := range item.Config.Stages {
var gid int
for _, step := range stage.Steps {
if gid == 0 {
gid = pidSequence
step := &model.Step{
PipelineID: pipeline.ID,
Name: step.Alias,
PID: pidSequence,
PPID: item.Step.PID,
PGID: gid,
State: model.StatusPending,
if item.Step.State == model.StatusSkipped {
step.State = model.StatusSkipped
pipeline.Steps = append(pipeline.Steps, step)
return pipeline
// return the metadata from the cli context.
func metadataFromStruct(repo *model.Repo, pipeline, last *model.Pipeline, step *model.Step, link string) frontend.Metadata {
host := link
uri, err := url.Parse(link)
if err == nil {
host = uri.Host
return frontend.Metadata{
Repo: frontend.Repo{
Name: repo.FullName,
Link: repo.Link,
Remote: repo.Clone,
Private: repo.IsSCMPrivate,
Branch: repo.Branch,
Curr: metadataPipelineFromModelPipeline(pipeline, true),
Prev: metadataPipelineFromModelPipeline(last, false),
Step: frontend.Step{
Number: step.PID,
Matrix: step.Environ,
Sys: frontend.System{
Name: "woodpecker",
Link: link,
Host: host,
Platform: "", // will be set by pipeline platform option or by agent
func metadataPipelineFromModelPipeline(pipeline *model.Pipeline, includeParent bool) frontend.Pipeline {
cron := ""
if pipeline.Event == model.EventCron {
cron = pipeline.Sender
parent := int64(0)
if includeParent {
parent = pipeline.Parent
return frontend.Pipeline{
Number: pipeline.Number,
Parent: parent,
Created: pipeline.Created,
Started: pipeline.Started,
Finished: pipeline.Finished,
Status: string(pipeline.Status),
Event: string(pipeline.Event),
Link: pipeline.Link,
Target: pipeline.Deploy,
Commit: frontend.Commit{
Sha: pipeline.Commit,
Ref: pipeline.Ref,
Refspec: pipeline.Refspec,
Branch: pipeline.Branch,
Message: pipeline.Message,
Author: frontend.Author{
Name: pipeline.Author,
Email: pipeline.Email,
Avatar: pipeline.Avatar,
ChangedFiles: pipeline.ChangedFiles,
Cron: cron,
func SanitizePath(path string) string {
path = filepath.Base(path)
path = strings.TrimSuffix(path, ".yml")
path = strings.TrimSuffix(path, ".yaml")
path = strings.TrimPrefix(path, ".")
return path