mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 06:42:51 +00:00
lint en.json locales file (#2108)
make sure we don't have another #2107
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 443 additions and 442 deletions
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ steps:
directory: web/
- corepack enable
- pnpm formatcheck
- pnpm format:check
when: *when
@ -3,4 +3,5 @@ dist
@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
"build": "vite build",
"serve": "vite preview",
"lint": "eslint --max-warnings 0 --ext .js,.ts,.vue,.json .",
"formatcheck": "prettier -c .",
"format:fix": "prettier --write .",
"format": "prettier --write .",
"format:check": "prettier -c .",
"typecheck": "vue-tsc --noEmit",
"test": "echo 'No tests configured' && exit 0"
@ -1,451 +1,451 @@
"cancel": "Cancel",
"login": "Login",
"welcome": "Welcome to Woodpecker",
"repos": "Repos",
"repositories": "Repositories",
"docs": "Docs",
"api": "API",
"logout": "Logout",
"search": "Search…",
"username": "Username",
"password": "Password",
"url": "URL",
"back": "Back",
"color_scheme_light": "Switch to dark mode",
"color_scheme_dark": "Switch to light mode",
"unknown_error": "An unknown error occurred",
"documentation_for": "Documentation for \"{topic}\"",
"pipeline_feed": "Pipeline feed",
"not_found": {
"not_found": "Whoa 404, either we broke something or you had a typing mishap :-/",
"back_home": "Back to home"
"cancel": "Cancel",
"login": "Login",
"welcome": "Welcome to Woodpecker",
"repos": "Repos",
"repositories": "Repositories",
"docs": "Docs",
"api": "API",
"logout": "Logout",
"search": "Search…",
"username": "Username",
"password": "Password",
"url": "URL",
"back": "Back",
"color_scheme_light": "Switch to dark mode",
"color_scheme_dark": "Switch to light mode",
"unknown_error": "An unknown error occurred",
"documentation_for": "Documentation for \"{topic}\"",
"pipeline_feed": "Pipeline feed",
"not_found": {
"not_found": "Whoa 404, either we broke something or you had a typing mishap :-/",
"back_home": "Back to home"
"errors": {
"not_found": "Server could not find requested object"
"time": {
"tmpl": "MMM D, YYYY, HH:mm z",
"weeks_short": "w",
"days_short": "d",
"hours_short": "h",
"min_short": "min",
"sec_short": "sec",
"not_started": "not started yet"
"repo": {
"manual_pipeline": {
"title": "Trigger a manual pipeline run",
"trigger": "Run pipeline",
"select_branch": "Select branch",
"variables": {
"add": "Add variable",
"title": "Additional pipeline variables",
"desc": "Specify additional variables to use in your pipeline. Variables with the same name will be overwritten.",
"name": "Variable name",
"value": "Variable value"
"errors": {
"not_found": "Server could not find requested object"
"deploy_pipeline": {
"title": "Trigger deployment event for current pipeline #{pipelineId}",
"enter_target": "Target deployment environment",
"trigger": "Deploy",
"variables": {
"add": "Add variable",
"title": "Additional pipeline variables",
"desc": "Specify additional variables to use in your pipeline. Variables with the same name will be overwritten.",
"name": "Variable name",
"value": "Variable value"
"time": {
"tmpl": "MMM D, YYYY, HH:mm z",
"weeks_short": "w",
"days_short": "d",
"hours_short": "h",
"min_short": "min",
"sec_short": "sec",
"not_started": "not started yet"
"activity": "Activity",
"branches": "Branches",
"pull_requests": "Pull requests",
"add": "Add repository",
"user_none": "This organization / user does not have any projects yet.",
"not_allowed": "You are not allowed to access this repository",
"enable": {
"reload": "Reload repositories",
"enable": "Enable",
"enabled": "Already enabled",
"success": "Repository enabled",
"list_reloaded": "Repository list reloaded"
"repo": {
"manual_pipeline": {
"title": "Trigger a manual pipeline run",
"trigger": "Run pipeline",
"select_branch": "Select branch",
"variables": {
"add": "Add variable",
"title": "Additional pipeline variables",
"desc": "Specify additional variables to use in your pipeline. Variables with the same name will be overwritten.",
"name": "Variable name",
"value": "Variable value"
"open_in_forge": "Open Repository in Version Control System",
"settings": {
"settings": "Settings",
"not_allowed": "You are not allowed to access this repository's settings",
"general": {
"general": "General",
"project": "Project settings",
"save": "Save settings",
"success": "Repository settings updated",
"pipeline_path": {
"path": "Pipeline path",
"default": "By default: .woodpecker/*.{'{yaml,yml}'} -> .woodpecker.yaml -> .woodpecker.yml",
"desc": "Path to your pipeline config (for example {0}). Folders should end with a {1}.",
"desc_path_example": "my/path/"
"allow_pr": {
"allow": "Allow Pull Requests",
"desc": "Pipelines can run on pull requests."
"protected": {
"protected": "Protected",
"desc": "Every pipeline needs to be approved before being executed."
"netrc_only_trusted": {
"netrc_only_trusted": "Only inject netrc credentials into trusted containers",
"desc": "Only inject netrc credentials into trusted containers (recommended)."
"trusted": {
"trusted": "Trusted",
"desc": "Underlying pipeline containers get access to escalated capabilities like mounting volumes."
"visibility": {
"visibility": "Project visibility",
"public": {
"public": "Public",
"desc": "Every user can see your project without being logged in."
"private": {
"private": "Private",
"desc": "Only you and other owners of the repository can see this project."
"internal": {
"internal": "Internal",
"desc": "Only authenticated users of the Woodpecker instance can see this project."
"deploy_pipeline": {
"title": "Trigger deployment event for current pipeline #{pipelineId}",
"enter_target": "Target deployment environment",
"trigger": "Deploy",
"variables": {
"add": "Add variable",
"title": "Additional pipeline variables",
"desc": "Specify additional variables to use in your pipeline. Variables with the same name will be overwritten.",
"name": "Variable name",
"value": "Variable value"
"timeout": {
"timeout": "Timeout",
"minutes": "minutes"
"cancel_prev": {
"cancel": "Cancel previous pipelines",
"desc": "Enable to cancel pending and running pipelines of the same event and context before starting the newly triggered one."
"secrets": {
"secrets": "Secrets",
"desc": "Secrets can be passed to individual pipeline steps at runtime as environmental variables.",
"none": "There are no secrets yet.",
"add": "Add secret",
"save": "Save secret",
"show": "Show secrets",
"name": "Name",
"value": "Value",
"delete_confirm": "Do you really want to delete this secret?",
"deleted": "Secret deleted",
"created": "Secret created",
"saved": "Secret saved",
"images": {
"images": "Available for following images",
"desc": "Comma separated list of images where this secret is available, leave empty to allow all images"
"events": {
"events": "Available at following events",
"pr_warning": "Please be careful with this option as a bad actor can submit a malicious pull request that exposes your secrets."
"plugins_only": "Only available for plugins",
"edit": "Edit secret",
"delete": "Delete secret"
"registries": {
"registries": "Registries",
"creds": "Registry credentials",
"desc": "Registries credentials can be added to use private images for your pipeline.",
"show": "Show registries",
"add": "Add registry",
"none": "There are no registry credentials yet.",
"save": "Save registry",
"created": "Registry credentials created",
"saved": "Registry credentials saved",
"deleted": "Registry credentials deleted",
"address": {
"address": "Address",
"placeholder": "Registry Address (e.g. docker.io)"
"edit": "Edit registry",
"delete": "Delete registry"
"crons": {
"crons": "Crons",
"desc": "Cron jobs can be used to trigger pipelines on a regular basis.",
"show": "Show crons",
"add": "Add cron",
"none": "There are no crons yet.",
"save": "Save cron",
"created": "Cron created",
"saved": "Cron saved",
"deleted": "Cron deleted",
"next_exec": "Next execution",
"not_executed_yet": "Not executed yet",
"run": "Run now",
"branch": {
"title": "Branch",
"placeholder": "Branch (uses default branch if empty)"
"name": {
"name": "Name",
"placeholder": "Name of the cron job"
"schedule": {
"title": "Schedule (based on UTC)",
"placeholder": "Schedule"
"edit": "Edit cron",
"delete": "Delete cron"
"badge": {
"badge": "Badge",
"type": "Syntax",
"type_url": "URL",
"type_markdown": "Markdown",
"type_html": "HTML",
"branch": "Branch"
"actions": {
"actions": "Actions",
"repair": {
"repair": "Repair repository",
"success": "Repository repaired"
"disable": {
"disable": "Disable repository",
"success": "Repository disabled"
"activity": "Activity",
"branches": "Branches",
"pull_requests": "Pull requests",
"add": "Add repository",
"user_none": "This organization / user does not have any projects yet.",
"not_allowed": "You are not allowed to access this repository",
"enable": {
"reload": "Reload repositories",
"enable": "Enable",
"enabled": "Already enabled",
"success": "Repository enabled",
"list_reloaded": "Repository list reloaded"
"enable": "Enable repository",
"success": "Repository enabled"
"open_in_forge": "Open Repository in Version Control System",
"settings": {
"settings": "Settings",
"not_allowed": "You are not allowed to access this repository's settings",
"general": {
"general": "General",
"project": "Project settings",
"save": "Save settings",
"success": "Repository settings updated",
"pipeline_path": {
"path": "Pipeline path",
"default": "By default: .woodpecker/*.{'{yaml,yml}'} -> .woodpecker.yaml -> .woodpecker.yml",
"desc": "Path to your pipeline config (for example {0}). Folders should end with a {1}.",
"desc_path_example": "my/path/"
"allow_pr": {
"allow": "Allow Pull Requests",
"desc": "Pipelines can run on pull requests."
"protected": {
"protected": "Protected",
"desc": "Every pipeline needs to be approved before being executed."
"netrc_only_trusted": {
"netrc_only_trusted": "Only inject netrc credentials into trusted containers",
"desc": "Only inject netrc credentials into trusted containers (recommended)."
"trusted": {
"trusted": "Trusted",
"desc": "Underlying pipeline containers get access to escalated capabilities like mounting volumes."
"visibility": {
"visibility": "Project visibility",
"public": {
"public": "Public",
"desc": "Every user can see your project without being logged in."
"private": {
"private": "Private",
"desc": "Only you and other owners of the repository can see this project."
"internal": {
"internal": "Internal",
"desc": "Only authenticated users of the Woodpecker instance can see this project."
"timeout": {
"timeout": "Timeout",
"minutes": "minutes"
"cancel_prev": {
"cancel": "Cancel previous pipelines",
"desc": "Enable to cancel pending and running pipelines of the same event and context before starting the newly triggered one."
"secrets": {
"secrets": "Secrets",
"desc": "Secrets can be passed to individual pipeline steps at runtime as environmental variables.",
"none": "There are no secrets yet.",
"add": "Add secret",
"save": "Save secret",
"show": "Show secrets",
"name": "Name",
"value": "Value",
"delete_confirm": "Do you really want to delete this secret?",
"deleted": "Secret deleted",
"created": "Secret created",
"saved": "Secret saved",
"images": {
"images": "Available for following images",
"desc": "Comma separated list of images where this secret is available, leave empty to allow all images"
"events": {
"events": "Available at following events",
"pr_warning": "Please be careful with this option as a bad actor can submit a malicious pull request that exposes your secrets."
"plugins_only": "Only available for plugins",
"edit": "Edit secret",
"delete":"Delete secret"
"registries": {
"registries": "Registries",
"creds": "Registry credentials",
"desc": "Registries credentials can be added to use private images for your pipeline.",
"show": "Show registries",
"add": "Add registry",
"none": "There are no registry credentials yet.",
"save": "Save registry",
"created": "Registry credentials created",
"saved": "Registry credentials saved",
"deleted": "Registry credentials deleted",
"address": {
"address": "Address",
"placeholder": "Registry Address (e.g. docker.io)"
"edit": "Edit registry",
"delete":"Delete registry"
"crons": {
"crons": "Crons",
"desc": "Cron jobs can be used to trigger pipelines on a regular basis.",
"show": "Show crons",
"add": "Add cron",
"none": "There are no crons yet.",
"save": "Save cron",
"created": "Cron created",
"saved": "Cron saved",
"deleted": "Cron deleted",
"next_exec": "Next execution",
"not_executed_yet": "Not executed yet",
"run": "Run now",
"branch": {
"title": "Branch",
"placeholder": "Branch (uses default branch if empty)"
"name": {
"name": "Name",
"placeholder": "Name of the cron job"
"schedule": {
"title": "Schedule (based on UTC)",
"placeholder": "Schedule"
"edit": "Edit cron",
"delete": "Delete cron"
"badge": {
"badge": "Badge",
"type": "Syntax",
"type_url": "URL",
"type_markdown": "Markdown",
"type_html": "HTML",
"branch": "Branch"
"actions": {
"actions": "Actions",
"repair": {
"repair": "Repair repository",
"success": "Repository repaired"
"disable": {
"disable": "Disable repository",
"success": "Repository disabled"
"enable": {
"enable": "Enable repository",
"success": "Repository enabled"
"delete": {
"delete": "Delete repository",
"confirm": "All data will be lost after this action!!!\n\nDo you really want to proceed?",
"success": "Repository deleted"
"pipeline": {
"created": "Created",
"tasks": "Tasks",
"config": "Config",
"files": "Changed files ({files})",
"no_files": "No files have been changed.",
"execution_error": "Execution error",
"no_pipelines": "No pipelines have been started yet.",
"no_pipeline_steps": "No pipeline steps available!",
"step_not_started": "This step hasn't started yet.",
"pipelines_for": "Pipelines for branch \"{branch}\"",
"pipelines_for_pr": "Pipelines for pull request #{index}",
"exit_code": "Exit Code {exitCode}",
"loading": "Loading…",
"pipeline": "Pipeline #{pipelineId}",
"log_download_error": "There was an error while downloading the log file",
"actions": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"restart": "Restart",
"canceled": "This step has been canceled.",
"cancel_success": "Pipeline canceled",
"deploy": "Deploy",
"restart_success": "Pipeline restarted",
"log_download": "Download",
"log_auto_scroll": "Automatically scroll down",
"log_auto_scroll_off": "Turn off automatic scrolling"
"protected": {
"awaits": "This pipeline is awaiting approval by some maintainer!",
"approve": "Approve",
"decline": "Decline",
"declined": "This pipeline has been declined!",
"approve_success": "Pipeline approved",
"decline_success": "Pipeline declined"
"event": {
"push": "Push",
"tag": "Tag",
"pr": "Pull Request",
"deploy": "Deploy",
"cron": "Cron",
"manual": "Manual"
"status": {
"status": "Status: {status}",
"blocked": "blocked",
"pending": "pending",
"running": "running",
"started": "started",
"skipped": "skipped",
"success": "success",
"declined": "declined",
"error": "error",
"failure": "failure",
"killed": "killed"
"delete": {
"delete": "Delete repository",
"confirm": "All data will be lost after this action!!!\n\nDo you really want to proceed?",
"success": "Repository deleted"
"org": {
"settings": {
"settings": "Settings",
"not_allowed": "You are not allowed to access this organization's settings",
"secrets": {
"secrets": "Secrets",
"desc": "Organization secrets can be passed to all organization's repository individual pipeline steps at runtime as environmental variables.",
"none": "There are no organization secrets yet.",
"add": "Add secret",
"save": "Save secret",
"show": "Show secrets",
"name": "Name",
"value": "Value",
"deleted": "Organization secret deleted",
"created": "Organization secret created",
"saved": "Organization secret saved",
"images": {
"images": "Available for following images",
"desc": "Comma separated list of images where this secret is available, leave empty to allow all images"
"plugins_only": "Only available for plugins",
"events": {
"events": "Available at following events",
"pr_warning": "Please be careful with this option as a bad actor can submit a malicious pull request that exposes your secrets."
"admin": {
"settings": {
"settings": "Settings",
"not_allowed": "You are not allowed to access server settings",
"secrets": {
"secrets": "Secrets",
"desc": "Global secrets can be passed to all repositories individual pipeline steps at runtime as environmental variables.",
"warning": "These secrets will be available for all server users.",
"none": "There are no global secrets yet.",
"add": "Add secret",
"save": "Save secret",
"show": "Show secrets",
"name": "Name",
"value": "Value",
"deleted": "Global secret deleted",
"created": "Global secret created",
"saved": "Global secret saved",
"images": {
"images": "Available for following images",
"desc": "Comma separated list of images where this secret is available, leave empty to allow all images"
"plugins_only": "Only available for plugins",
"events": {
"events": "Available at following events",
"pr_warning": "Please be careful with this option as a bad actor can submit a malicious pull request that exposes your secrets."
"agents": {
"agents": "Agents",
"desc": "Agents registered for this server",
"none": "There are no agents yet.",
"id": "ID",
"add": "Add agent",
"save": "Save agent",
"show": "Show agents",
"created": "Agent created",
"saved": "Agent saved",
"deleted": "Agent deleted",
"name": {
"name": "Name",
"placeholder": "Name of the agent"
"no_schedule": {
"name": "Disable agent",
"placeholder": "Stop agent from taking new tasks"
"token": "Token",
"platform": {
"platform": "Platform",
"badge": "platform"
"backend": {
"backend": "Backend",
"badge": "backend"
"capacity": {
"capacity": "Capacity",
"desc": "The max amount of parallel pipelines executed by this agent.",
"badge": "capacity"
"version": "Version",
"last_contact": "Last contact",
"never": "Never",
"delete_confirm": "Do you really want to delete this agent? It wont be able to connected to the server anymore.",
"edit_agent": "Edit agent",
"delete_agent": "Delete agent"
"queue": {
"queue": "Queue",
"desc": "Tasks waiting to be executed by agents",
"pause": "Pause",
"resume": "Resume",
"paused": "Queue is paused",
"resumed": "Queue is resumed",
"tasks": "Tasks",
"task_running": "Task is running",
"task_pending": "Task is pending",
"task_waiting_on_deps": "Task is waiting on dependencies",
"agent": "agent",
"waiting_for": "waiting for",
"stats": {
"completed_count": "Completed Tasks",
"worker_count": "Free",
"running_count": "Running",
"pending_count": "Pending",
"waiting_on_deps_count": "Waiting on dependencies"
"users": {
"users": "Users",
"desc": "Users registered for this server",
"login": "Login",
"email": "Email",
"avatar_url": "Avatar URL",
"save": "Save user",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"show":"Show users",
"add":"Add user",
"none":"There are no users yet.",
"delete_confirm": "Do you really want to delete this user?",
"deleted": "User deleted",
"created": "User created",
"saved": "User saved",
"admin": {
"admin": "Admin",
"placeholder": "User is an admin"
"delete_user": "Delete user",
"edit_user": "Edit user"
"user": {
"settings": {
"settings": "User Settings",
"general": {
"general": "General",
"language": "Language"
"api": {
"api": "API",
"desc": "Personal Access Token and API usage",
"token": "Personal Access Token",
"shell_setup": "Shell setup",
"api_usage": "Example API Usage",
"cli_usage": "Example CLI Usage",
"dl_cli": "Download CLI",
"shell_setup_before": "do shell setup steps before",
"reset_token": "Reset token",
"swagger_ui": "Swagger UI"
"oauth_error": "Error while authenticating against OAuth provider",
"internal_error": "Some internal error occurred",
"access_denied": "You are not allowed to login",
"pipeline": {
"created": "Created",
"tasks": "Tasks",
"config": "Config",
"files": "Changed files ({files})",
"no_files": "No files have been changed.",
"execution_error": "Execution error",
"no_pipelines": "No pipelines have been started yet.",
"no_pipeline_steps": "No pipeline steps available!",
"step_not_started": "This step hasn't started yet.",
"pipelines_for": "Pipelines for branch \"{branch}\"",
"pipelines_for_pr": "Pipelines for pull request #{index}",
"exit_code": "Exit Code {exitCode}",
"loading": "Loading…",
"pipeline": "Pipeline #{pipelineId}",
"log_download_error": "There was an error while downloading the log file",
"actions": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"restart": "Restart",
"canceled": "This step has been canceled.",
"cancel_success": "Pipeline canceled",
"deploy": "Deploy",
"restart_success": "Pipeline restarted",
"log_download": "Download",
"log_auto_scroll": "Automatically scroll down",
"log_auto_scroll_off": "Turn off automatic scrolling"
"protected": {
"awaits": "This pipeline is awaiting approval by some maintainer!",
"approve": "Approve",
"decline": "Decline",
"declined": "This pipeline has been declined!",
"approve_success": "Pipeline approved",
"decline_success": "Pipeline declined"
"event": {
"push": "Push",
"tag": "Tag",
"pr": "Pull Request",
"deploy": "Deploy",
"cron": "Cron",
"manual": "Manual"
"status": {
"status": "Status: {status}",
"blocked": "blocked",
"pending": "pending",
"running": "running",
"started": "started",
"skipped": "skipped",
"success": "success",
"declined": "declined",
"error": "error",
"failure": "failure",
"killed": "killed"
"org": {
"settings": {
"settings": "Settings",
"not_allowed": "You are not allowed to access this organization's settings",
"secrets": {
"secrets": "Secrets",
"desc": "Organization secrets can be passed to all organization's repository individual pipeline steps at runtime as environmental variables.",
"none": "There are no organization secrets yet.",
"add": "Add secret",
"save": "Save secret",
"show": "Show secrets",
"name": "Name",
"value": "Value",
"deleted": "Organization secret deleted",
"created": "Organization secret created",
"saved": "Organization secret saved",
"images": {
"images": "Available for following images",
"desc": "Comma separated list of images where this secret is available, leave empty to allow all images"
"plugins_only": "Only available for plugins",
"events": {
"events": "Available at following events",
"pr_warning": "Please be careful with this option as a bad actor can submit a malicious pull request that exposes your secrets."
"admin": {
"settings": {
"settings": "Settings",
"not_allowed": "You are not allowed to access server settings",
"secrets": {
"secrets": "Secrets",
"desc": "Global secrets can be passed to all repositories individual pipeline steps at runtime as environmental variables.",
"warning": "These secrets will be available for all server users.",
"none": "There are no global secrets yet.",
"add": "Add secret",
"save": "Save secret",
"show": "Show secrets",
"name": "Name",
"value": "Value",
"deleted": "Global secret deleted",
"created": "Global secret created",
"saved": "Global secret saved",
"images": {
"images": "Available for following images",
"desc": "Comma separated list of images where this secret is available, leave empty to allow all images"
"plugins_only": "Only available for plugins",
"events": {
"events": "Available at following events",
"pr_warning": "Please be careful with this option as a bad actor can submit a malicious pull request that exposes your secrets."
"agents": {
"agents": "Agents",
"desc": "Agents registered for this server",
"none": "There are no agents yet.",
"id": "ID",
"add": "Add agent",
"save": "Save agent",
"show": "Show agents",
"created": "Agent created",
"saved": "Agent saved",
"deleted": "Agent deleted",
"name": {
"name": "Name",
"placeholder": "Name of the agent"
"no_schedule": {
"name": "Disable agent",
"placeholder": "Stop agent from taking new tasks"
"token": "Token",
"platform": {
"platform": "Platform",
"badge": "platform"
"backend": {
"backend": "Backend",
"badge": "backend"
"capacity": {
"capacity": "Capacity",
"desc": "The max amount of parallel pipelines executed by this agent.",
"badge": "capacity"
"version": "Version",
"last_contact": "Last contact",
"never": "Never",
"delete_confirm": "Do you really want to delete this agent? It wont be able to connected to the server anymore.",
"edit_agent": "Edit agent",
"delete_agent": "Delete agent"
"queue": {
"queue": "Queue",
"desc": "Tasks waiting to be executed by agents",
"pause": "Pause",
"resume": "Resume",
"paused": "Queue is paused",
"resumed": "Queue is resumed",
"tasks": "Tasks",
"task_running": "Task is running",
"task_pending": "Task is pending",
"task_waiting_on_deps": "Task is waiting on dependencies",
"agent": "agent",
"waiting_for": "waiting for",
"stats": {
"completed_count": "Completed Tasks",
"worker_count": "Free",
"running_count": "Running",
"pending_count": "Pending",
"waiting_on_deps_count": "Waiting on dependencies"
"users": {
"users": "Users",
"desc": "Users registered for this server",
"login": "Login",
"email": "Email",
"avatar_url": "Avatar URL",
"save": "Save user",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"show": "Show users",
"add": "Add user",
"none": "There are no users yet.",
"delete_confirm": "Do you really want to delete this user?",
"deleted": "User deleted",
"created": "User created",
"saved": "User saved",
"admin": {
"admin": "Admin",
"placeholder": "User is an admin"
"delete_user": "Delete user",
"edit_user": "Edit user"
"user": {
"settings": {
"settings": "User Settings",
"general": {
"general": "General",
"language": "Language"
"api": {
"api": "API",
"desc": "Personal Access Token and API usage",
"token": "Personal Access Token",
"shell_setup": "Shell setup",
"api_usage": "Example API Usage",
"cli_usage": "Example CLI Usage",
"dl_cli": "Download CLI",
"shell_setup_before": "do shell setup steps before",
"reset_token": "Reset token",
"swagger_ui": "Swagger UI"
"oauth_error": "Error while authenticating against OAuth provider",
"internal_error": "Some internal error occurred",
"access_denied": "You are not allowed to login"
Reference in a new issue