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synced 2025-03-27 06:42:51 +00:00
Update translation files
Updated by "Cleanup translation files" hook in Weblate. Co-authored-by: Weblate <noreply@weblate.org> Translate-URL: http://translate.woodpecker-ci.org/projects/woodpecker-ci/ui/ Translation: Woodpecker CI/UI
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 10 additions and 89 deletions
@ -161,44 +161,27 @@
"branches": "Branches",
"build": {
"actions": {
"cancel": "Abbrechen",
"cancel_success": "Pipeline abgebrochen",
"canceled": "Dieser Schritt wurde abgebrochen.",
"log_auto_scroll": "Automatisches folgen",
"log_auto_scroll_off": "Schalte automatisches folgen aus",
"log_download": "Herunterladen",
"restart": "Neustarten",
"restart_success": "Pipeline neu gestartet"
"config": "Konfiguration",
"created": "Erstellt",
"event": {
"cron": "Cron",
"deploy": "Deploy",
"manual": "Manuell",
"pr": "Pull-Request",
"push": "Push",
"tag": "Tag"
"execution_error": "Ausführungsfehler",
"exit_code": "Exit-Code {exitCode}",
"files": "Geänderte Dateien ({files})",
"loading": "Laden…",
"log_download_error": "Beim Herunterladen der Log-Datei ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.",
"no_files": "Es wurden keine Dateien geändert.",
"no_pipeline_steps": "Keine Schritte in der Pipeline vorhanden!",
"no_pipelines": "Bisher wurden noch keine Pipelines gestartet.",
"pipeline": "Pipeline #{buildId}",
"pipelines_for": "Pipelines für den Branch \"{branch}\"",
"protected": {
"approve": "Genehmigen",
"approve_success": "Pipeline genehmigt",
"awaits": "Diese Pipeline wartet auf die Genehmigung durch einen Maintainer!",
"decline": "Ablehnen",
"decline_success": "Pipeline abgelehnt",
"declined": "Diese Pipeline ist abgelehnt worden!"
"step_not_started": "Dieser Schritt hat noch nicht begonnen.",
"tasks": "Vorgänge"
"deploy_pipeline": {
@ -316,12 +299,10 @@
"badge": {
"badge": "Abzeichen",
"branch": "Branch",
"markdown": "Markdown",
"type": "Syntax",
"type_html": "HTML",
"type_markdown": "Markdown",
"type_url": "URL",
"url_branch": "URL für bestimmten Branch"
"type_url": "URL"
"crons": {
"add": "Cron hinzufügen",
@ -161,44 +161,27 @@
"branches": "Branches",
"build": {
"actions": {
"cancel": "Annuler",
"cancel_success": "Pipeline annulé",
"canceled": "Cette étape a été annulée.",
"log_auto_scroll": "Automatiquement défiler vers le bas",
"log_auto_scroll_off": "Désactiver le défilement automatique",
"log_download": "Télécharger",
"restart": "Redémarrer",
"restart_success": "Pipeline redémarré"
"config": "Configuration",
"created": "Crée",
"event": {
"cron": "Tache périodique",
"deploy": "Déploiement",
"pr": "Pull Request",
"push": "Push",
"tag": "Tag"
"push": "Push"
"execution_error": "Erreur d'execution",
"exit_code": "Code de retour {exitCode}",
"files": "Fichiers changés ({files})",
"loading": "Chargement…",
"log_download_error": "Il y a eu une erreur lors du téléchargement du fichier de journal",
"no_files": "Aucun fichier n'a été modifié.",
"no_pipeline_steps": "Aucune étape disponible !",
"no_pipelines": "Aucun pipeline n'a démarré pour le moment.",
"pipeline": "Pipeline #{buildId}",
"pipelines_for": "Pipelines pour la branche \"{branch}\"",
"protected": {
"approve": "Approuver",
"approve_success": "Pipeline approuvé",
"awaits": "Ce pipeline attends d'être approuvé par un mainteneur !",
"decline": "Refuser",
"decline_success": "Pipeline refusé",
"declined": "Le pipeline a été refusé !"
"decline_success": "Pipeline refusé"
"step_not_started": "L'étape n'a pas démarré encore.",
"tasks": "Tâches"
"step_not_started": "L'étape n'a pas démarré encore."
"deploy_pipeline": {
"enter_target": "Environnement de déploiement ciblé",
@ -315,12 +298,10 @@
"badge": {
"badge": "Badge",
"branch": "Branche",
"markdown": "Markdown",
"type": "Syntaxe",
"type_html": "HTML",
"type_markdown": "Markdown",
"type_url": "URL",
"url_branch": "URL pour la branche spécifique"
"type_url": "URL"
"crons": {
"add": "Ajouter une tâche planifiée",
@ -47,11 +47,6 @@
"activity": "Attività",
"add": "Aggiungi repository",
"branches": "Branch",
"build": {
"actions": {
"cancel": "Annulla"
"deploy_pipeline": {
"enter_target": "Ambiente di deploy destinazione",
"title": "Azione l'evento di deploy per la pipeline corrente #{pipelineId}",
@ -161,44 +161,27 @@
"branches": "Atzari",
"build": {
"actions": {
"cancel": "Atcelt",
"cancel_success": "Konvejerdarbs atcelts",
"canceled": "Šis solis tika atcelts.",
"log_auto_scroll": "Automātiski ritināt",
"log_auto_scroll_off": "Atslēgt automātisko ritināšanu",
"log_download": "Lejupielādēt",
"restart": "Pārstartēt",
"restart_success": "Konvejerdarbs pārstartēts"
"config": "Konfigurācija",
"created": "Izveidots",
"event": {
"cron": "Plānotais darbs",
"deploy": "Uzstādīšana",
"pr": "Izmaiņu pieprasījums",
"push": "Iesūtīšana",
"tag": "Tags"
"push": "Iesūtīšana"
"execution_error": "Uzdevuma izpildes kļūda",
"exit_code": "iziešanas kods {exitCode}",
"files": "Izmainītie faili ({files})",
"loading": "Notiek ielāde…",
"log_download_error": "Veicot žurnālfaila lejupielādi notika kļūda",
"no_files": "Neviens fails nav mainīts.",
"no_pipeline_steps": "Konvejerdarbam nav neviena soļa!",
"no_pipelines": "Neviens konvejerdarbs vēl nav uzsākts.",
"pipeline": "Konvejerdarbs #{buildId}",
"pipelines_for": "Konvejerdarbi atzaram \"{branch}\"",
"protected": {
"approve": "Apstiprināt",
"approve_success": "Konvejerdarbs apstiprināts",
"awaits": "Šim konvejerdarbam ir nepieciešams apstiprinājums no atbildīgajām personām!",
"decline": "Noraidīt",
"decline_success": "Konvejerdarbs noraidīts",
"declined": "Šis konvejerdarbs tika noraidīts!"
"decline_success": "Konvejerdarbs noraidīts"
"step_not_started": "Šis solis vēl nav uzsākts.",
"tasks": "Uzdevumi"
"step_not_started": "Šis solis vēl nav uzsākts."
"deploy_pipeline": {
"enter_target": "Mērķa uzstādīšanas vide",
@ -315,12 +298,10 @@
"badge": {
"badge": "Nozīmīte",
"branch": "Atzars",
"markdown": "Markdown",
"type": "Pieraksta veids",
"type_html": "HTML",
"type_markdown": "Markdown",
"type_url": "URL",
"url_branch": "URL konkrētam atzaram"
"type_url": "URL"
"crons": {
"add": "Pievienot plānoto darbu",
@ -76,42 +76,26 @@
"branches": "分支",
"build": {
"actions": {
"cancel": "取消",
"cancel_success": "流水线已被取消",
"canceled": "该步骤已被取消。",
"log_auto_scroll": "自动滚动",
"log_auto_scroll_off": "关闭自动滚动",
"log_download": "下载",
"restart": "重启",
"restart_success": "流水线已重启"
"config": "配置",
"created": "已创建",
"event": {
"cron": "计划任务",
"deploy": "部署",
"push": "推送",
"tag": "标签"
"execution_error": "执行错误",
"exit_code": "退出代码 {exitCode}",
"files": "修改的文件({files})",
"loading": "载入中…",
"log_download_error": "下载日志文件中发生了错误",
"no_files": "没有文件修改。",
"no_pipeline_steps": "没有流水线步骤可用!",
"no_pipelines": "没有流水线曾启动。",
"pipeline": "流水线 #{buildId}",
"pipelines_for": "{branch} 分支的流水线",
"protected": {
"approve": "同意",
"approve_success": "流水线已被许可",
"awaits": "该流水线正在等待维护者许可!",
"decline": "拒绝",
"decline_success": "流水线已被拒绝",
"declined": "该流水线已被拒绝!"
"step_not_started": "该步骤还不曾启动过。",
"tasks": "任务"
"enable": {
@ -179,8 +163,7 @@
"badge": {
"badge": "徽标",
"url_branch": "特定分支的 URL"
"badge": "徽标"
"crons": {
"add": "创建计划",
Reference in a new issue