backported 0.4 changes to existing database

This commit is contained in:
Brad Rydzewski 2015-05-11 00:45:31 -07:00
parent d07c0cb80d
commit 85256d3a22
69 changed files with 3731 additions and 2884 deletions

View file

@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
package builder
import (
// B is a type passed to build nodes. B implements an io.Writer
// and will accumulate build output during execution.
type B struct {
Repo *common.Repo
Build *common.Build
Task *common.Task
Clone *common.Clone
client dockerclient.Client
writer io.Writer
exitCode int
start time.Time // Time build started
duration time.Duration
timerOn bool
containers []string
// NewB returns a new Build context.
func NewB(client dockerclient.Client, w io.Writer) *B {
return &B{
client: client,
writer: w,
// Run creates and runs a Docker container.
func (b *B) Run(conf *dockerclient.ContainerConfig) (string, error) {
defer b.Unlock()
name, err := b.client.CreateContainer(conf, "")
if err != nil {
// on error try to pull the Docker image.
// note that this may not be the cause of
// the error, but we'll try just in case.
b.client.PullImage(conf.Image, nil)
// then try to re-create
name, err = b.client.CreateContainer(conf, "")
if err != nil {
return name, err
b.containers = append(b.containers, name)
err = b.client.StartContainer(name, &conf.HostConfig)
if err != nil {
return name, err
return name, nil
// Inspect inspects the running Docker container and returns
// the contianer runtime information and state.
func (b *B) Inspect(name string) (*dockerclient.ContainerInfo, error) {
return b.client.InspectContainer(name)
// Remove stops and removes the named Docker container.
func (b *B) Remove(name string) {
b.client.StopContainer(name, 5)
b.client.KillContainer(name, "9")
b.client.RemoveContainer(name, true, true)
// RemoveAll stops and removes all Docker containers that were
// created and started during the build process.
func (b *B) RemoveAll() {
defer b.Unlock()
for i := len(b.containers) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
// Logs returns an io.ReadCloser for reading the build stream of
// the named Docker container.
func (b *B) Logs(name string) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
opts := dockerclient.LogOptions{
Follow: true,
Stderr: true,
Stdout: true,
Timestamps: false,
return b.client.ContainerLogs(name, &opts)
// StartTimer starts timing a build. This function is called automatically
// before a build starts, but it can also used to resume timing after
// a call to StopTimer.
func (b *B) StartTimer() {
defer b.Unlock()
if !b.timerOn {
b.start = time.Now()
b.timerOn = true
// StopTimer stops timing a build. This can be used to pause the timer
// while performing complex initialization that you don't want to measure.
func (b *B) StopTimer() {
defer b.Unlock()
if b.timerOn {
b.duration += time.Now().Sub(b.start)
b.timerOn = false
// Write writes the build stdout and stderr to the result.
func (b *B) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
return b.writer.Write(p)
// Exit writes the function as having failed but continues execution.
func (b *B) Exit(code int) {
defer b.Unlock()
if code != 0 { // never override non-zero exit
b.exitCode = code
// ExitCode reports the build exit code. A non-zero value indicates
// the build exited with errors.
func (b *B) ExitCode() int {
defer b.Unlock()
return b.exitCode

View file

@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
package builder
import ""
// Builder represents a build execution tree.
type Builder struct {
builds Node
deploy Node
notify Node
// Run runs the build, deploy and notify nodes
// in the build tree.
func (b *Builder) Run(build *B) error {
var err error
err = b.RunBuild(build)
if err != nil {
return err
err = b.RunDeploy(build)
if err != nil {
return err
return b.RunNotify(build)
// RunBuild runs only the build node.
func (b *Builder) RunBuild(build *B) error {
return b.builds.Run(build)
// RunDeploy runs only the deploy node.
func (b *Builder) RunDeploy(build *B) error {
return b.notify.Run(build)
// RunNotify runs on the notify node.
func (b *Builder) RunNotify(build *B) error {
return b.notify.Run(build)
func (b *Builder) HasDeploy() bool {
return len(b.deploy.(serialNode)) != 0
func (b *Builder) HasNotify() bool {
return len(b.notify.(serialNode)) != 0
// Load loads a build configuration file.
func Load(conf *common.Config) *Builder {
var (
builds []Node
deploys []Node
notifys []Node
for _, step := range conf.Compose {
builds = append(builds, &serviceNode{step}) // compose
builds = append(builds, &batchNode{conf.Setup}) // setup
if conf.Clone != nil {
builds = append(builds, &batchNode{conf.Clone}) // clone
builds = append(builds, &batchNode{conf.Build}) // build
for _, step := range conf.Publish {
deploys = append(deploys, &batchNode{step}) // publish
for _, step := range conf.Deploy {
deploys = append(deploys, &batchNode{step}) // deploy
for _, step := range conf.Notify {
notifys = append(notifys, &batchNode{step}) // notify
return &Builder{

View file

@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
package builder
import (
const (
StdWriterPrefixLen = 8
StdWriterFdIndex = 0
StdWriterSizeIndex = 4
type StdType [StdWriterPrefixLen]byte
var (
Stdin StdType = StdType{0: 0}
Stdout StdType = StdType{0: 1}
Stderr StdType = StdType{0: 2}
type StdWriter struct {
prefix StdType
sizeBuf []byte
var ErrInvalidStdHeader = errors.New("Unrecognized input header")
// StdCopy is a modified version of io.Copy.
// StdCopy will demultiplex `src`, assuming that it contains two streams,
// previously multiplexed together using a StdWriter instance.
// As it reads from `src`, StdCopy will write to `dstout` and `dsterr`.
// StdCopy will read until it hits EOF on `src`. It will then return a nil error.
// In other words: if `err` is non nil, it indicates a real underlying error.
// `written` will hold the total number of bytes written to `dstout` and `dsterr`.
func StdCopy(dstout, dsterr io.Writer, src io.Reader) (written int64, err error) {
var (
buf = make([]byte, 32*1024+StdWriterPrefixLen+1)
bufLen = len(buf)
nr, nw int
er, ew error
out io.Writer
frameSize int
for {
// Make sure we have at least a full header
for nr < StdWriterPrefixLen {
var nr2 int
nr2, er = src.Read(buf[nr:])
nr += nr2
if er == io.EOF {
if nr < StdWriterPrefixLen {
return written, nil
if er != nil {
return 0, er
// Check the first byte to know where to write
switch buf[StdWriterFdIndex] {
case 0:
case 1:
// Write on stdout
out = dstout
case 2:
// Write on stderr
out = dsterr
return 0, ErrInvalidStdHeader
// Retrieve the size of the frame
frameSize = int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(buf[StdWriterSizeIndex : StdWriterSizeIndex+4]))
// Check if the buffer is big enough to read the frame.
// Extend it if necessary.
if frameSize+StdWriterPrefixLen > bufLen {
buf = append(buf, make([]byte, frameSize+StdWriterPrefixLen-bufLen+1)...)
bufLen = len(buf)
// While the amount of bytes read is less than the size of the frame + header, we keep reading
for nr < frameSize+StdWriterPrefixLen {
var nr2 int
nr2, er = src.Read(buf[nr:])
nr += nr2
if er == io.EOF {
if nr < frameSize+StdWriterPrefixLen {
return written, nil
if er != nil {
return 0, er
// Write the retrieved frame (without header)
nw, ew = out.Write(buf[StdWriterPrefixLen : frameSize+StdWriterPrefixLen])
if ew != nil {
return 0, ew
// If the frame has not been fully written: error
if nw != frameSize {
return 0, io.ErrShortWrite
written += int64(nw)
// Move the rest of the buffer to the beginning
copy(buf, buf[frameSize+StdWriterPrefixLen:])
// Move the index
nr -= frameSize + StdWriterPrefixLen

View file

@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
package docker
import (
log ""
var errNop = errors.New("Operation not supported")
// Ambassador is a wrapper around the Docker client that
// provides a shared volume and network for all containers.
type Ambassador struct {
name string
// NewAmbassador creates an ambassador container and wraps the Docker
// client to inject the ambassador volume and network into containers.
func NewAmbassador(client dockerclient.Client) (_ *Ambassador, err error) {
amb := &Ambassador{client, ""}
conf := &dockerclient.ContainerConfig{}
host := &dockerclient.HostConfig{}
conf.Entrypoint = []string{"/bin/sleep"}
conf.Cmd = []string{"86400"}
conf.Image = "busybox"
conf.Volumes = map[string]struct{}{}
conf.Volumes["/drone"] = struct{}{}
// creates the ambassador container, err = client.CreateContainer(conf, "")
if err != nil {
log.WithField("ambassador", conf.Image).Errorln(err)
// on failure attempts to pull the image
client.PullImage(conf.Image, nil)
// then attempts to re-create the container, err = client.CreateContainer(conf, "")
if err != nil {
log.WithField("ambassador", conf.Image).Errorln(err)
return nil, err
err = client.StartContainer(, host)
if err != nil {
log.WithField("ambassador", conf.Image).Errorln(err)
return amb, err
// Destroy stops and deletes the ambassador container.
func (c *Ambassador) Destroy() error {
c.Client.StopContainer(, 5)
c.Client.KillContainer(, "9")
return c.Client.RemoveContainer(, true, true)
// CreateContainer creates a container.
func (c *Ambassador) CreateContainer(conf *dockerclient.ContainerConfig, name string) (string, error) {
log.WithField("image", conf.Image).Infoln("create container")
// add the affinity flag for swarm
conf.Env = append(conf.Env, "affinity:container=="
id, err := c.Client.CreateContainer(conf, name)
if err != nil {
log.WithField("image", conf.Image).Errorln(err)
return id, err
// StartContainer starts a container. The ambassador volume
// is automatically linked. The ambassador network is linked
// iff a network mode is not already specified.
func (c *Ambassador) StartContainer(id string, conf *dockerclient.HostConfig) error {
log.WithField("container", id).Debugln("start container")
conf.VolumesFrom = append(conf.VolumesFrom,
if len(conf.NetworkMode) == 0 {
conf.NetworkMode = "container:" +
err := c.Client.StartContainer(id, conf)
if err != nil {
log.WithField("container", id).Errorln(err)
return err
// StopContainer stops a container.
func (c *Ambassador) StopContainer(id string, timeout int) error {
log.WithField("container", id).Debugln("stop container")
err := c.Client.StopContainer(id, timeout)
if err != nil {
log.WithField("container", id).Errorln(err)
return err
// PullImage pulls an image.
func (c *Ambassador) PullImage(name string, auth *dockerclient.AuthConfig) error {
log.WithField("image", name).Debugln("pull image")
err := c.Client.PullImage(name, auth)
if err != nil {
log.WithField("image", name).Errorln(err)
return err

View file

@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
package builder
import (
// Node is an element in the build execution tree.
type Node interface {
Run(*B) error
// parallelNode runs a set of build nodes in parallel.
type parallelNode []Node
func (n parallelNode) Run(b *B) error {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, node := range n {
go func(node Node) {
defer wg.Done()
return nil
// serialNode runs a set of build nodes in sequential order.
type serialNode []Node
func (n serialNode) Run(b *B) error {
for _, node := range n {
err := node.Run(b)
if err != nil {
return err
if b.ExitCode() != 0 {
return nil
return nil
// batchNode runs a container and blocks until complete.
type batchNode struct {
step *common.Step
func (n *batchNode) Run(b *B) error {
// switch {
// case n.step.Condition == nil:
// case n.step.Condition.MatchBranch(b.Commit.Branch) == false:
// return nil
// case n.step.Condition.MatchOwner(b.Repo.Owner) == false:
// return nil
// }
// creates the container conf
conf := toContainerConfig(n.step)
if n.step.Config != nil {
conf.Cmd = toCommand(b, n.step)
// inject environment vars
injectEnv(b, conf)
name, err := b.Run(conf)
if err != nil {
return err
// streams the logs to the build results
rc, err := b.Logs(name)
if err != nil {
return err
StdCopy(b, b, rc)
//io.Copy(b, rc)
// inspects the results and writes the
// build result exit code
info, err := b.Inspect(name)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// serviceNode runs a container, blocking, writes output, uses config section
type serviceNode struct {
step *common.Step
func (n *serviceNode) Run(b *B) error {
conf := toContainerConfig(n.step)
_, err := b.Run(conf)
return err

View file

@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
package builder
import (
// helper function that converts the build step to
// a containerConfig for use with the dockerclient
func toContainerConfig(step *common.Step) *dockerclient.ContainerConfig {
config := &dockerclient.ContainerConfig{
Image: step.Image,
Env: step.Environment,
Cmd: step.Command,
Entrypoint: step.Entrypoint,
WorkingDir: step.WorkingDir,
HostConfig: dockerclient.HostConfig{
Privileged: step.Privileged,
NetworkMode: step.NetworkMode,
config.Volumes = map[string]struct{}{}
for _, path := range step.Volumes {
if strings.Index(path, ":") == -1 {
parts := strings.Split(path, ":")
config.Volumes[parts[1]] = struct{}{}
config.HostConfig.Binds = append(config.HostConfig.Binds, path)
return config
// helper function to inject drone-specific environment
// variables into the container.
func injectEnv(b *B, conf *dockerclient.ContainerConfig) {
var branch string
var commit string
if b.Build.Commit != nil {
branch = b.Build.Commit.Ref
commit = b.Build.Commit.Sha
} else {
branch = b.Build.PullRequest.Target.Ref
commit = b.Build.PullRequest.Target.Sha
conf.Env = append(conf.Env, "DRONE=true")
conf.Env = append(conf.Env, fmt.Sprintf("DRONE_BRANCH=%s", branch))
conf.Env = append(conf.Env, fmt.Sprintf("DRONE_COMMIT=%s", commit))
// for jenkins campatibility
conf.Env = append(conf.Env, "CI=true")
conf.Env = append(conf.Env, fmt.Sprintf("WORKSPACE=%s", b.Clone.Dir))
conf.Env = append(conf.Env, fmt.Sprintf("JOB_NAME=%s/%s", b.Repo.Owner, b.Repo.Name))
conf.Env = append(conf.Env, fmt.Sprintf("BUILD_ID=%d", b.Build.Number))
conf.Env = append(conf.Env, fmt.Sprintf("BUILD_DIR=%s", b.Clone.Dir))
conf.Env = append(conf.Env, fmt.Sprintf("GIT_BRANCH=%s", branch))
conf.Env = append(conf.Env, fmt.Sprintf("GIT_COMMIT=%s", commit))
// helper function to encode the build step to
// a json string. Primarily used for plugins, which
// expect a json encoded string in stdin or arg[1].
func toCommand(b *B, step *common.Step) []string {
p := payload{
return []string{p.Encode()}
// payload represents the payload of a plugin
// that is serialized and sent to the plugin in JSON
// format via stdin or arg[1].
type payload struct {
Repo *common.Repo `json:"repo"`
Build *common.Build `json:"build"`
Task *common.Task `json:"task"`
Clone *common.Clone `json:"clone"`
Config map[string]interface{} `json:"vargs"`
// Encode encodes the payload in JSON format.
func (p *payload) Encode() string {
out, _ := json.Marshal(p)
return string(out)

View file

@ -1,93 +1,19 @@
package common package common
const (
StatePending = "pending"
StateRunning = "running"
StateSuccess = "success"
StateFailure = "failure"
StateKilled = "killed"
StateError = "error"
type Build struct { type Build struct {
Number int `json:"number"` ID int64 `meddler:"build_id,pk" json:"-"`
State string `json:"state"` CommitID int64 `meddler:"commit_id" json:"-"`
Duration int64 `json:"duration"` State string `meddler:"build_state" json:"state"`
Started int64 `json:"started_at"` ExitCode int `meddler:"build_exit" json:"exit_code"`
Finished int64 `json:"finished_at"` Sequence int `meddler:"build_seq" json:"sequence"`
Created int64 `json:"created_at"` Duration int64 `meddler:"build_duration" json:"duration"`
Updated int64 `json:"updated_at"` Started int64 `meddler:"build_started" json:"started_at"`
Finished int64 `meddler:"build_finished" json:"finished_at"`
Created int64 `meddler:"build_created" json:"created_at"`
Updated int64 `meddler:"build_updated" json:"updated_at"`
// Tasks int `json:"task_count"` Environment map[string]string `meddler:"build_env,json" json:"environment"`
// Commit represents the commit data send in the
// post-commit hook. This will not be populated when
// a pull requests.
Commit *Commit `json:"head_commit,omitempty"`
// PullRequest represents the pull request data sent
// in the post-commit hook. This will only be populated
// when a pull request.
PullRequest *PullRequest `json:"pull_request,omitempty"`
// Statuses represents a list of build statuses used
// to annotate the build.
Statuses []*Status `json:"statuses,omitempty"`
// Tasks represents a list of build tasks. A build is
// comprised of one or many tasks.
Tasks []*Task `json:"tasks,omitempty"`
} }
type Status struct { // QUESTION: should we track if it was oom killed?
State string `json:"state"` // OOMKill bool `meddler:"build_oom" json:"oom_kill"`
Link string `json:"target_url"`
Desc string `json:"description"`
Context string `json:"context"`
type Commit struct {
Sha string `json:"sha,omitempty"`
Ref string `json:"ref,omitempty"`
Message string `json:"message,omitempty"`
Timestamp string `json:"timestamp,omitempty"`
Author *Author `json:"author,omitempty"`
Remote *Remote `json:"repo,omitempty"`
type PullRequest struct {
Number int `json:"number,omitempty"`
Title string `json:"title,omitempty"`
Source *Commit `json:"source,omitempty"`
Target *Commit `json:"target,omitempty"`
type Author struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
Login string `json:"login,omitempty"`
Email string `json:"email,omitempty"`
Gravatar string `json:"gravatar_id,omitempty"`
type Remote struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
FullName string `json:"full_name,omitempty"`
Clone string `json:"clone_url,omitempty"`
type Clone struct {
Origin string `json:"origin"`
Remote string `json:"remote"`
Branch string `json:"branch"`
Sha string `json:"sha"`
Ref string `json:"ref"`
Dir string `json:"dir"`
Netrc *Netrc `json:"netrc"`
Keypair *Keypair `json:"keypair"`
type Netrc struct {
Machine string `json:"machine"`
Login string `json:"login"`
Password string `json:"user"`

View file

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ type CCProject struct {
WebURL string `xml:"webUrl,attr"` WebURL string `xml:"webUrl,attr"`
} }
func NewCC(r *common.Repo, b *common.Build, url string) *CCProjects { func NewCC(r *common.Repo, c *common.Commit, url string) *CCProjects {
proj := &CCProject{ proj := &CCProject{
Name: r.Owner + "/" + r.Name, Name: r.Owner + "/" + r.Name,
WebURL: url, WebURL: url,
@ -34,16 +34,16 @@ func NewCC(r *common.Repo, b *common.Build, url string) *CCProjects {
// if the build is not currently running then // if the build is not currently running then
// we can return the latest build status. // we can return the latest build status.
if b.State != common.StatePending && if c.State != common.StatePending &&
b.State != common.StateRunning { c.State != common.StateRunning {
proj.Activity = "Sleeping" proj.Activity = "Sleeping"
proj.LastBuildTime = time.Unix(b.Started, 0).Format(time.RFC3339) proj.LastBuildTime = time.Unix(c.Started, 0).Format(time.RFC3339)
proj.LastBuildLabel = strconv.Itoa(b.Number) proj.LastBuildLabel = strconv.Itoa(c.Sequence)
} }
// ensure the last build state accepts a valid // ensure the last build state accepts a valid
// ccmenu enumeration // ccmenu enumeration
switch b.State { switch c.State {
case common.StateError, common.StateKilled: case common.StateError, common.StateKilled:
proj.LastBuildStatus = "Exception" proj.LastBuildStatus = "Exception"
case common.StateSuccess: case common.StateSuccess:

common/clone.go Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
package common
type Clone struct {
Origin string `json:"origin"`
Remote string `json:"remote"`
Branch string `json:"branch"`
Sha string `json:"sha"`
Ref string `json:"ref"`
Dir string `json:"dir"`
Netrc *Netrc `json:"netrc"`
Keypair *Keypair `json:"keypair"`
type Netrc struct {
Machine string `json:"machine"`
Login string `json:"login"`
Password string `json:"user"`
// Keypair represents an RSA public and private key
// assigned to a repository. It may be used to clone
// private repositories, or as a deployment key.
type Keypair struct {
Public string `json:"public,omitempty"`
Private string `json:"private,omitempty"`

common/commit.go Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
package common
const (
StatePending = "pending"
StateRunning = "running"
StateSuccess = "success"
StateFailure = "failure"
StateKilled = "killed"
StateError = "error"
type Commit struct {
ID int64 `meddler:"commit_id,pk" json:"-"`
RepoID int64 `meddler:"repo_id" json:"-"`
Sequence int `meddler:"commit_seq" json:"sequence"`
State string `meddler:"commit_state" json:"state"`
Started int64 `meddler:"commit_started" json:"started_at"`
Finished int64 `meddler:"commit_finished" json:"finished_at"`
Sha string `meddler:"commit_sha" json:"sha"`
Ref string `meddler:"commit_ref" json:"ref"`
PullRequest string `meddler:"commit_pr" json:"pull_request,omitempty"`
Branch string `meddler:"commit_branch" json:"branch"`
Author string `meddler:"commit_author" json:"author"`
Gravatar string `meddler:"commit_gravatar" json:"gravatar"`
Timestamp string `meddler:"commit_timestamp" json:"timestamp"`
Message string `meddler:"commit_message" json:"message"`
SourceRemote string `meddler:"commit_source_remote" json:"source_remote,omitempty"`
SourceBranch string `meddler:"commit_source_branch" json:"source_branch,omitempty"`
SourceSha string `meddler:"commit_source_sha" json:"source_sha,omitempty"`
Created int64 `meddler:"commit_created" json:"created_at"`
Updated int64 `meddler:"commit_updated" json:"updated_at"`
Builds []*Build `meddler:"-" json:"builds,omitempty"`

View file

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package common package common
type Hook struct { type Hook struct {
Repo *Repo Repo *Repo
Commit *Commit Commit *Commit
PullRequest *PullRequest
} }

View file

@ -1,62 +1,54 @@
package common package common
type Repo struct { type Repo struct {
ID int64 `json:"id"` ID int64 `meddler:"repo_id,pk" json:"id"`
Owner string `json:"owner"` UserID int64 `meddler:"user_id" json:"-"`
Name string `json:"name"` Owner string `meddler:"repo_owner" json:"owner"`
FullName string `json:"full_name"` Name string `meddler:"repo_name" json:"name"`
Language string `json:"language"` FullName string `meddler:"repo_slug" json:"full_name"`
Private bool `json:"private"` Token string `meddler:"repo_token" json:"-"`
Link string `json:"link_url"` Language string `meddler:"repo_lang" json:"language"`
Clone string `json:"clone_url"` Private bool `meddler:"repo_private" json:"private"`
Branch string `json:"default_branch"` Link string `meddler:"repo_link" json:"link_url"`
Clone string `meddler:"repo_clone" json:"clone_url"`
Branch string `meddler:"repo_branch" json:"default_branch"`
Timeout int64 `meddler:"repo_timeout" json:"timeout"`
Trusted bool `meddler:"repo_trusted" json:"trusted"`
PostCommit bool `meddler:"repo_push" json:"post_commits"`
PullRequest bool `meddler:"repo_pull" json:"pull_requests"`
PublicKey string `meddler:"repo_public_key" json:"-"`
PrivateKey string `meddler:"repo_private_key" json:"-"`
Created int64 `meddler:"repo_created" json:"created_at"`
Updated int64 `meddler:"repo_updated" json:"updated_at"`
Timeout int64 `json:"timeout"` Params map[string]string `meddler:"repo_params,json" json:"-"`
Trusted bool `json:"trusted"`
Disabled bool `json:"disabled"`
DisablePR bool `json:"disable_prs"`
DisableTag bool `json:"disable_tags"`
Created int64 `json:"created_at"`
Updated int64 `json:"updated_at"`
User *Owner `json:"user,omitempty"`
Last *Build `json:"last_build,omitempty"`
} }
// Keypair represents an RSA public and private key type RepoLite struct {
// assigned to a repository. It may be used to clone ID int64 `meddler:"repo_id,pk" json:"id"`
// private repositories, or as a deployment key. UserID int64 `meddler:"user_id" json:"-"`
type Keypair struct { Owner string `meddler:"repo_owner" json:"owner"`
Public string `json:"public"` Name string `meddler:"repo_name" json:"name"`
Private string `json:"private"` FullName string `meddler:"repo_slug" json:"full_name"`
Language string `meddler:"repo_lang" json:"language"`
Private bool `meddler:"repo_private" json:"private"`
Created int64 `meddler:"repo_created" json:"created_at"`
Updated int64 `meddler:"repo_updated" json:"updated_at"`
} }
// Owner represents the owner of a repository. type RepoCommit struct {
type Owner struct { ID int64 `meddler:"repo_id,pk" json:"id"`
Login string `json:"login"` Owner string `meddler:"repo_owner" json:"owner"`
Name string `meddler:"repo_name" json:"name"`
FullName string `meddler:"repo_slug" json:"full_name"`
Number int `meddler:"commit_seq" json:"number"`
State string `meddler:"commit_state" json:"state"`
Started int64 `meddler:"commit_started" json:"started_at"`
Finished int64 `meddler:"commit_finished" json:"finished_at"`
} }
// Subscriber represents a user's subscription
// to a repository. This determines if the repository
// is displayed on the user dashboard and in the user
// event feed.
type Subscriber struct {
// Determines if notifications should be
// received from this repository.
Subscribed bool `json:"subscribed"`
// Determines if all notifications should be
// blocked from this repository.
Ignored bool `json:"ignored"`
// Perm represents a user's permissiont to access
// a repository. Pull indicates read-only access. Push
// indiates write access. Admin indicates god access.
type Perm struct { type Perm struct {
Login string `json:"login,omitempty"` Pull bool
Pull bool `json:"pull"` Push bool
Push bool `json:"push"` Admin bool
Admin bool `json:"admin"`
} }

common/status.go Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
package common
type Status struct {
ID int64 `meddler:"status_id,pk" json:"-"`
CommitID int64 `meddler:"commit_id" json:"-"`
State string `meddler:"status_state" json:"state"`
Link string `meddler:"status_link" json:"target_url"`
Desc string `meddler:"status_desc" json:"description"`
Context string `meddler:"status_context" json:"context"`

View file

@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
package common package common
type Token struct {
ID int64 `meddler:"token_id,pk" json:"-"`
UserID int64 `meddler:"user_id" json:"-"`
Login string `meddler:"-" json:"-"`
Kind string `meddler:"token_kind" json:"kind,omitempty"`
Label string `meddler:"token_label" json:"label,omitempty"`
Expiry int64 `meddler:"token_expiry" json:"expiry,omitempty"`
Issued int64 `meddler:"token_issued" json:"issued_at,omitempty"`
const ( const (
TokenUser = "u" TokenUser = "u"
TokenSess = "s" TokenSess = "s"
TokenHook = "h" TokenHook = "h"
TokenAgent = "a" TokenAgent = "a"
) )
type Token struct {
Kind string `json:"kind"`
Login string `json:"-"`
Label string `json:"label"`
Repos []string `json:"repos,omitempty"`
Scopes []string `json:"scopes,omitempty"`
Expiry int64 `json:"expiry,omitempty"`
Issued int64 `json:"issued_at,omitempty"`

View file

@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
package common package common
type User struct { type User struct {
Login string `json:"login,omitempty"` ID int64 `meddler:"user_id,pk" json:"-"`
Token string `json:"-"` Login string `meddler:"user_login" json:"login,omitempty"`
Secret string `json:"-"` Token string `meddler:"user_token" json:"-"`
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Secret string `meddler:"user_secret" json:"-"`
Email string `json:"email,omitempty"` Name string `meddler:"user_name" json:"name,omitempty"`
Gravatar string `json:"gravatar_id,omitempty"` Email string `meddler:"user_email" json:"email,omitempty"`
Admin bool `json:"admin,omitempty"` Gravatar string `meddler:"user_gravatar" json:"gravatar_id,omitempty"`
Created int64 `json:"created_at,omitempty"` Admin bool `meddler:"user_admin" json:"admin,omitempty"`
Updated int64 `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` Active bool `meddler:"user_active" json:"active,omitempty"`
Created int64 `meddler:"user_created" json:"created_at,omitempty"`
Updated int64 `meddler:"user_updated" json:"updated_at,omitempty"`
} }

datastore/builtin/blob.go Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
package builtin
import (
type blob struct {
ID int64 `meddler:"blob_id,pk"`
Path string `meddler:"blob_path"`
Data string `meddler:"blob_data,gobgzip"`
type Blobstore struct {
// Del removes an object from the blobstore.
func (db *Blobstore) DelBlob(path string) error {
var _, err = db.Exec(rebind(blobDeleteStmt), path)
return err
// Get retrieves an object from the blobstore.
func (db *Blobstore) GetBlob(path string) ([]byte, error) {
var blob = blob{}
var err = meddler.QueryRow(db, &blob, rebind(blobQuery), path)
return []byte(blob.Data), err
// GetBlobReader retrieves an object from the blobstore.
// It is the caller's responsibility to call Close on
// the ReadCloser when finished reading.
func (db *Blobstore) GetBlobReader(path string) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
var blob, err = db.GetBlob(path)
var buf = bytes.NewBuffer(blob)
return ioutil.NopCloser(buf), err
// SetBlob inserts an object into the blobstore.
func (db *Blobstore) SetBlob(path string, data []byte) error {
var blob = blob{}
meddler.QueryRow(db, &blob, rebind(blobQuery), path)
blob.Path = path
blob.Data = string(data)
return meddler.Save(db, blobTable, &blob)
// SetBlobReader inserts an object into the blobstore by
// consuming data from r until EOF.
func (db *Blobstore) SetBlobReader(path string, r io.Reader) error {
var data, _ = ioutil.ReadAll(r)
return db.SetBlob(path, data)
func NewBlobstore(db meddler.DB) *Blobstore {
return &Blobstore{db}
// Blob table name in database.
const blobTable = "blobs"
const blobQuery = `
FROM blobs
WHERE blob_path = ?;
const blobDeleteStmt = `
WHERE blob_path = ?;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
package builtin
import (
func TestBlobstore(t *testing.T) {
db := mustConnectTest()
bs := NewBlobstore(db)
defer db.Close()
g := goblin.Goblin(t)
g.Describe("Blobstore", func() {
// before each test be sure to purge the package
// table data from the database.
g.BeforeEach(func() {
db.Exec("DELETE FROM blobs")
g.It("Should Set a Blob", func() {
err := bs.SetBlob("foo", []byte("bar"))
g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue()
g.It("Should Set a Blob reader", func() {
var buf bytes.Buffer
err := bs.SetBlobReader("foo", &buf)
g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue()
g.It("Should Overwrite a Blob", func() {
bs.SetBlob("foo", []byte("bar"))
bs.SetBlob("foo", []byte("baz"))
blob, err := bs.GetBlob("foo")
g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue()
g.It("Should Get a Blob", func() {
bs.SetBlob("foo", []byte("bar"))
blob, err := bs.GetBlob("foo")
g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue()
g.It("Should Get a Blob reader", func() {
bs.SetBlob("foo", []byte("bar"))
r, _ := bs.GetBlobReader("foo")
blob, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
g.It("Should Del a Blob", func() {
bs.SetBlob("foo", []byte("bar"))
err := bs.DelBlob("foo")
g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue()

View file

@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
package builtin
import (
var (
ErrKeyNotFound = errors.New("Key not found")
ErrKeyExists = errors.New("Key exists")
var (
bucketUser = []byte("user")
bucketUserRepos = []byte("user_repos")
bucketUserTokens = []byte("user_tokens")
bucketTokens = []byte("token")
bucketRepo = []byte("repo")
bucketRepoKeys = []byte("repo_keys")
bucketRepoParams = []byte("repo_params")
bucketRepoUsers = []byte("repo_users")
bucketBuild = []byte("build")
bucketBuildAgent = []byte("build_agents")
bucketBuildStatus = []byte("build_status")
bucketBuildLogs = []byte("build_logs")
bucketBuildSeq = []byte("build_seq")
type DB struct {
func New(path string) (*DB, error) {
db, err := bolt.Open(path, 0600, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Initialize all the required buckets.
db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
return nil
return &DB{db}, nil
func Must(path string) *DB {
db, err := New(path)
if err != nil {
return db

View file

@ -1,195 +1,62 @@
package builtin package builtin
import ( import (
"time" "time"
"" ""
) )
// Build gets the specified build number for the type Buildstore struct {
// named repository and build number. meddler.DB
func (db *DB) Build(repo string, build int) (*common.Build, error) {
build_ := &common.Build{}
key := []byte(repo + "/" + strconv.Itoa(build))
err := db.View(func(t *bolt.Tx) error {
return get(t, bucketBuild, key, build_)
return build_, err
} }
// BuildList gets a list of recent builds for the func NewBuildstore(db meddler.DB) *Buildstore {
// named repository. return &Buildstore{db}
func (db *DB) BuildList(repo string) ([]*common.Build, error) {
// TODO (bradrydzewski) we can do this more efficiently
var builds []*common.Build
build, err := db.BuildLast(repo)
if err == ErrKeyNotFound {
return builds, nil
} else if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = db.View(func(t *bolt.Tx) error {
pos := build.Number - 25
if pos < 1 {
pos = 1
for i := pos; i <= build.Number; i++ {
key := []byte(repo + "/" + strconv.Itoa(i))
build := &common.Build{}
err = get(t, bucketBuild, key, build)
if err != nil {
return err
builds = append(builds, build)
return nil
return builds, err
} }
// BuildLast gets the last executed build for the // Build returns a build by ID.
// named repository. func (db *Buildstore) Build(id int64) (*common.Build, error) {
func (db *DB) BuildLast(repo string) (*common.Build, error) { var build = new(common.Build)
key := []byte(repo) var err = meddler.Load(db, buildTable, build, id)
build := &common.Build{}
err := db.View(func(t *bolt.Tx) error {
raw := t.Bucket(bucketBuildSeq).Get(key)
if raw == nil {
return ErrKeyNotFound
num := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(raw)
key = []byte(repo + "/" + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(num), 10))
return get(t, bucketBuild, key, build)
return build, err return build, err
} }
// BuildAgent gets the agent that is currently executing // BuildSeq returns a build by sequence number.
// a build. If no agent exists ErrKeyNotFound is returned. func (db *Buildstore) BuildSeq(commit *common.Commit, seq int) (*common.Build, error) {
func (db *DB) BuildAgent(repo string, build int) (*common.Agent, error) { var build = new(common.Build)
key := []byte(repo + "/" + strconv.Itoa(build)) var err = meddler.QueryRow(db, build, rebind(buildNumberQuery), commit.ID, seq)
agent := &common.Agent{} return build, err
err := db.View(func(t *bolt.Tx) error {
return get(t, bucketBuildAgent, key, agent)
return agent, err
} }
// SetBuild inserts or updates a build for the named // BuildList returns a list of all commit builds
// repository. The build number is incremented and func (db *Buildstore) BuildList(commit *common.Commit) ([]*common.Build, error) {
// assigned to the provided build. var builds []*common.Build
func (db *DB) SetBuild(repo string, build *common.Build) error { var err = meddler.QueryAll(db, &builds, rebind(buildListQuery), commit.ID)
repokey := []byte(repo) return builds, err
// SetBuild updates an existing build.
func (db *Buildstore) SetBuild(build *common.Build) error {
build.Updated = time.Now().UTC().Unix() build.Updated = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
if build.Created == 0 { return meddler.Update(db, buildTable, build)
build.Created = build.Updated
return db.Update(func(t *bolt.Tx) error {
if build.Number == 0 {
raw, err := raw(t, bucketBuildSeq, repokey)
var next_seq uint32
switch err {
case ErrKeyNotFound:
next_seq = 1
case nil:
next_seq = 1 + binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(raw)
return err
// covert our seqno to raw value
raw = make([]byte, 4) // TODO(benschumacher) replace magic number 4 (uint32)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(raw, next_seq)
err = t.Bucket(bucketBuildSeq).Put(repokey, raw)
if err != nil {
return err
// fill out the build structure
build.Number = int(next_seq)
build.Created = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
key := []byte(repo + "/" + strconv.Itoa(build.Number))
return update(t, bucketBuild, key, build)
} }
// Experimental // Build table name in database.
func (db *DB) SetBuildState(repo string, build *common.Build) error { const buildTable = "builds"
key := []byte(repo + "/" + strconv.Itoa(build.Number))
return db.Update(func(t *bolt.Tx) error { // SQL query to retrieve a token by label.
build_ := &common.Build{} const buildListQuery = `
err := get(t, bucketBuild, key, build_) SELECT *
if err != nil { FROM builds
return err WHERE commit_id = ?
} ORDER BY build_seq ASC
build_.Updated = time.Now().UTC().Unix() `
build_.Duration = build.Duration
build_.Started = build.Started
build_.Finished = build.Finished
build_.State = build.State
return update(t, bucketBuild, key, build_)
func (db *DB) SetBuildStatus(repo string, build int, status *common.Status) error { const buildNumberQuery = `
key := []byte(repo + "/" + strconv.Itoa(build)) SELECT *
FROM builds
return db.Update(func(t *bolt.Tx) error { WHERE commit_id = ?
build_ := &common.Build{} AND build_seq = ?
err := get(t, bucketBuild, key, build_) LIMIT 1;
if err != nil { `
return err
build_.Updated = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
build_.Statuses = append(build_.Statuses, status)
return update(t, bucketBuild, key, build_)
func (db *DB) SetBuildTask(repo string, build int, task *common.Task) error {
key := []byte(repo + "/" + strconv.Itoa(build))
return db.Update(func(t *bolt.Tx) error {
build_ := &common.Build{}
err := get(t, bucketBuild, key, build_)
if err != nil {
return err
// check index to prevent nil pointer / panic
if task.Number > len(build_.Tasks) {
return ErrKeyNotFound
build_.Updated = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
//assuming task number is 1-based.
build_.Tasks[task.Number-1] = task
return update(t, bucketBuild, key, build_)
// SetBuildAgent insert or updates the agent that is
// running a build.
func (db *DB) SetBuildAgent(repo string, build int, agent *common.Agent) error {
key := []byte(repo + "/" + strconv.Itoa(build))
return db.Update(func(t *bolt.Tx) error {
return update(t, bucketBuildAgent, key, agent)
func (db *DB) DelBuildAgent(repo string, build int) error {
key := []byte(repo + "/" + strconv.Itoa(build))
return db.Update(func(t *bolt.Tx) error {
return delete(t, bucketBuildAgent, key)

View file

@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
package builtin
import (
. ""
func TestBuild(t *testing.T) {
g := Goblin(t)
g.Describe("Build", func() {
var db *DB // temporary database
repo := string("")
//testUser := &common.User{Login: "octocat"}
//testRepo := &common.Repo{FullName: ""}
testUser := "octocat"
testRepo := ""
//testBuild := 1
// create a new database before each unit
// test and destroy afterwards.
g.BeforeEach(func() {
db = Must("/tmp/drone.test.db")
g.AfterEach(func() {
g.It("Should sequence builds", func() {
err := db.SetBuild(repo, &common.Build{State: "pending"})
// the first build should always be numero 1
build, err := db.Build(repo, 1)
// add another build, just for fun
err = db.SetBuild(repo, &common.Build{State: "success"})
// get the next build
build, err = db.Build(repo, 2)
g.It("Should get the latest builds", func() {
db.SetBuild(repo, &common.Build{State: "success"})
db.SetBuild(repo, &common.Build{State: "success"})
db.SetBuild(repo, &common.Build{State: "pending"})
build, err := db.BuildLast(repo)
g.It("Should get the recent list of builds", func() {
db.SetBuild(repo, &common.Build{State: "success"})
db.SetBuild(repo, &common.Build{State: "success"})
db.SetBuild(repo, &common.Build{State: "pending"})
builds, err := db.BuildList(repo)
g.It("Should set build status: SetBuildStatus()", func() {
//err := db.SetRepoNotExists(testUser, testRepo)
err := db.SetRepoNotExists(&common.User{Login: testUser}, &common.Repo{FullName: testRepo})
db.SetBuild(repo, &common.Build{State: "error"})
db.SetBuild(repo, &common.Build{State: "pending"})
db.SetBuild(repo, &common.Build{State: "success"})
err_ := db.SetBuildStatus(repo, 1, &common.Status{Context: "pending"})
err_ = db.SetBuildStatus(repo, 2, &common.Status{Context: "running"})
err_ = db.SetBuildStatus(repo, 3, &common.Status{Context: "success"})
g.It("Should set build state: SetBuildState()", func() {
err := db.SetRepoNotExists(&common.User{Login: testUser}, &common.Repo{FullName: testRepo})
db.SetBuild(repo, &common.Build{State: "error"})
db.SetBuild(repo, &common.Build{State: "pending"})
db.SetBuild(repo, &common.Build{State: "success"})
err_ := db.SetBuildState(repo, &common.Build{Number: 1})
err_ = db.SetBuildState(repo, &common.Build{Number: 2})
err_ = db.SetBuildState(repo, &common.Build{Number: 3})
g.It("Should set build task: SetBuildTask()", func() {
err_ := db.SetRepoNotExists(&common.User{Login: testUser}, &common.Repo{FullName: testRepo})
// setting up tasks.
tasks := []*common.Task{
Number: 1,
State: "pending",
ExitCode: 0,
Number: 2,
State: "running",
ExitCode: 0,
Number: 3,
State: "success",
ExitCode: 0,
// setting up builds.
err_ = db.SetBuild(repo, &common.Build{Number: 1, State: "failed", Tasks: tasks})
err_ = db.SetBuildTask(repo, 1, &common.Task{Number: 1, State: "error", ExitCode: -1})
db.SetBuild(repo, &common.Build{Number: 2, State: "success", Tasks: tasks})
err_ = db.SetBuildTask(repo, 2, &common.Task{Number: 1, State: "success", ExitCode: 0})

datastore/builtin/commit.go Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
package builtin
import (
type Commitstore struct {
func NewCommitstore(db *sql.DB) *Commitstore {
return &Commitstore{db}
// Commit gets a commit by ID
func (db *Commitstore) Commit(id int64) (*common.Commit, error) {
var commit = new(common.Commit)
var err = meddler.Load(db, commitTable, commit, id)
return commit, err
// CommitSeq gets the specified commit sequence for the
// named repository and commit number
func (db *Commitstore) CommitSeq(repo *common.Repo, seq int) (*common.Commit, error) {
var commit = new(common.Commit)
var err = meddler.QueryRow(db, commit, rebind(commitNumberQuery), repo.ID, seq)
return commit, err
// CommitLast gets the last executed commit for the
// named repository.
func (db *Commitstore) CommitLast(repo *common.Repo, branch string) (*common.Commit, error) {
var commit = new(common.Commit)
var err = meddler.QueryRow(db, commit, rebind(commitLastQuery), repo.ID, branch)
return commit, err
// CommitList gets a list of recent commits for the
// named repository.
func (db *Commitstore) CommitList(repo *common.Repo, limit, offset int) ([]*common.Commit, error) {
var commits []*common.Commit
var err = meddler.QueryAll(db, &commits, rebind(commitListQuery), repo.ID, limit, offset)
return commits, err
// AddCommit inserts a new commit in the datastore.
func (db *Commitstore) AddCommit(commit *common.Commit) error {
tx, err := db.Begin()
if err != nil {
return err
defer tx.Rollback()
// extract the next commit number from the database
row := tx.QueryRow(rebind(commitNumberLast), commit.RepoID)
if row != nil {
commit.Sequence = commit.Sequence + 1 // increment
commit.Created = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
commit.Updated = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
err = meddler.Insert(tx, commitTable, commit)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, build := range commit.Builds {
build.CommitID = commit.ID
build.Created = commit.Created
build.Updated = commit.Updated
err := meddler.Insert(tx, buildTable, build)
if err != nil {
return err
return tx.Commit()
// SetCommit updates an existing commit and commit tasks.
func (db *Commitstore) SetCommit(commit *common.Commit) error {
tx, err := db.Begin()
if err != nil {
return err
defer tx.Rollback()
commit.Updated = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
err = meddler.Update(tx, commitTable, commit)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, build := range commit.Builds {
build.Updated = commit.Updated
err := meddler.Update(tx, buildTable, build)
if err != nil {
return err
return tx.Commit()
// KillCommits updates all pending or started commits
// in the datastore settings the status to killed.
func (db *Commitstore) KillCommits() error {
var _, err1 = db.Exec(rebind(buildKillStmt))
if err1 != nil {
return err1
var _, err2 = db.Exec(rebind(commitKillStmt))
return err2
// Commit table name in database.
const commitTable = "commits"
// SQL query to retrieve the latest commits across all branches.
const commitListQuery = `
FROM commits
WHERE repo_id = ?
ORDER BY commit_seq DESC
// SQL query to retrieve a commit by number.
const commitNumberQuery = `
FROM commits
WHERE repo_id = ?
AND commit_seq = ?
// SQL query to retrieve the most recent commit.
// TODO exclude pull requests
const commitLastQuery = `
FROM commits
WHERE repo_id = ?
AND commit_branch = ?
ORDER BY commit_seq DESC
// SQL statement to cancel all running commits.
const commitKillStmt = `
UPDATE commits SET commit_state = 'killed'
WHERE commit_state IN ('pending', 'running');
// SQL statement to cancel all running commits.
const buildKillStmt = `
UPDATE builds SET build_state = 'killed'
WHERE build_state IN ('pending', 'running');
// SQL statement to retrieve the commit number for
// a commit
const commitNumberLast = `
SELECT MAX(commit_seq)
FROM commits
WHERE repo_id = ?

View file

@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
package builtin
import (
func TestCommitstore(t *testing.T) {
db := mustConnectTest()
bs := NewCommitstore(db)
defer db.Close()
g := goblin.Goblin(t)
g.Describe("Commitstore", func() {
// before each test be sure to purge the package
// table data from the database.
g.BeforeEach(func() {
db.Exec("DELETE FROM commits")
db.Exec("DELETE FROM tasks")
g.It("Should Post a Commit", func() {
commit := common.Commit{
RepoID: 1,
State: common.StateSuccess,
Ref: "refs/heads/master",
Sha: "85f8c029b902ed9400bc600bac301a0aadb144ac",
err := bs.AddCommit(&commit)
g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue()
g.Assert(commit.ID != 0).IsTrue()
g.It("Should Put a Commit", func() {
commit := common.Commit{
RepoID: 1,
Sequence: 5,
State: common.StatePending,
Ref: "refs/heads/master",
Sha: "85f8c029b902ed9400bc600bac301a0aadb144ac",
commit.State = common.StateRunning
err1 := bs.SetCommit(&commit)
getcommit, err2 := bs.Commit(commit.ID)
g.Assert(err1 == nil).IsTrue()
g.Assert(err2 == nil).IsTrue()
g.It("Should Get a Commit", func() {
commit := common.Commit{
RepoID: 1,
State: common.StateSuccess,
getcommit, err := bs.Commit(commit.ID)
g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue()
g.It("Should Get a Commit by Sequence", func() {
commit1 := &common.Commit{
RepoID: 1,
State: common.StatePending,
Ref: "refs/heads/master",
Sha: "85f8c029b902ed9400bc600bac301a0aadb144ac",
commit2 := &common.Commit{
RepoID: 1,
State: common.StatePending,
Ref: "refs/heads/dev",
Sha: "85f8c029b902ed9400bc600bac301a0aadb144ac",
err1 := bs.AddCommit(commit1)
err2 := bs.AddCommit(commit2)
getcommit, err3 := bs.CommitSeq(&common.Repo{ID: 1}, commit2.Sequence)
g.Assert(err1 == nil).IsTrue()
g.Assert(err2 == nil).IsTrue()
g.Assert(err3 == nil).IsTrue()
g.It("Should Kill Pending or Started Commits", func() {
commit1 := &common.Commit{
RepoID: 1,
State: common.StateRunning,
Ref: "refs/heads/master",
Sha: "85f8c029b902ed9400bc600bac301a0aadb144ac",
commit2 := &common.Commit{
RepoID: 1,
State: common.StatePending,
Ref: "refs/heads/dev",
Sha: "85f8c029b902ed9400bc600bac301a0aadb144ac",
err1 := bs.KillCommits()
getcommit1, err2 := bs.Commit(commit1.ID)
getcommit2, err3 := bs.Commit(commit2.ID)
g.Assert(err1 == nil).IsTrue()
g.Assert(err2 == nil).IsTrue()
g.Assert(err3 == nil).IsTrue()
g.It("Should get recent Commits", func() {
commit1 := &common.Commit{
RepoID: 1,
State: common.StateFailure,
Ref: "refs/heads/master",
Sha: "85f8c029b902ed9400bc600bac301a0aadb144ac",
commit2 := &common.Commit{
RepoID: 1,
State: common.StateSuccess,
Ref: "refs/heads/dev",
Sha: "85f8c029b902ed9400bc600bac301a0aadb144ac",
commits, err := bs.CommitList(&common.Repo{ID: 1}, 20, 0)
g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue()
g.It("Should get the last Commit", func() {
commit1 := &common.Commit{
RepoID: 1,
State: common.StateFailure,
Branch: "master",
Ref: "refs/heads/master",
Sha: "85f8c029b902ed9400bc600bac301a0aadb144ac",
commit2 := &common.Commit{
RepoID: 1,
State: common.StateFailure,
Branch: "master",
Ref: "refs/heads/master",
Sha: "8d6a233744a5dcacbf2605d4592a4bfe8b37320d",
commit3 := &common.Commit{
RepoID: 1,
State: common.StateSuccess,
Branch: "dev",
Ref: "refs/heads/dev",
Sha: "85f8c029b902ed9400bc600bac301a0aadb144ac",
err1 := bs.AddCommit(commit1)
err2 := bs.AddCommit(commit2)
err3 := bs.AddCommit(commit3)
last, err4 := bs.CommitLast(&common.Repo{ID: 1}, "master")
g.Assert(err1 == nil).IsTrue()
g.Assert(err2 == nil).IsTrue()
g.Assert(err3 == nil).IsTrue()
g.Assert(err4 == nil).IsTrue()

View file

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
package builtin
import (
_ ""
_ ""
const (
driverPostgres = "postgres"
driverSqlite = "sqlite3"
driverMysql = "mysql"
// Connect is a helper function that establishes a new
// database connection and auto-generates the database
// schema. If the database already exists, it will perform
// and update as needed.
func Connect(driver, datasource string) (*sql.DB, error) {
switch driver {
case driverPostgres:
meddler.Default = meddler.PostgreSQL
case driverSqlite:
meddler.Default = meddler.SQLite
migration.DefaultGetVersion = migrate.GetVersion
migration.DefaultSetVersion = migrate.SetVersion
var migrations = []migration.Migrator{
return migration.Open(driver, datasource, migrations)
// MustConnect is a helper function that creates a
// new database connection and auto-generates the
// database schema. An error causes a panic.
func MustConnect(driver, datasource string) *sql.DB {
db, err := Connect(driver, datasource)
if err != nil {
return db
// mustConnectTest is a helper function that creates a
// new database connection using environment variables.
// If not environment varaibles are found, the default
// in-memory SQLite database is used.
func mustConnectTest() *sql.DB {
var (
driver = os.Getenv("TEST_DRIVER")
datasource = os.Getenv("TEST_DATASOURCE")
if len(driver) == 0 {
driver = driverSqlite
datasource = ":memory:"
db, err := Connect(driver, datasource)
if err != nil {
return db
// New returns a new Datastore
func New(db *sql.DB) datastore.Datastore {
return struct {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
package migrate
import (
// transform is a helper function that transforms sql
// statements to work with multiple database types.
func transform(stmt string) string {
switch meddler.Default {
case meddler.MySQL:
stmt = strings.Replace(stmt, "AUTOINCREMENT", "AUTO_INCREMENT", -1)
stmt = strings.Replace(stmt, "BLOB", "MEDIUMBLOB", -1)
case meddler.PostgreSQL:
stmt = strings.Replace(stmt, "BLOB", "BYTEA", -1)
return stmt
// rebind is a helper function that changes the sql
// bind type from ? to $ for postgres queries.
func rebind(query string) string {
if meddler.Default != meddler.PostgreSQL {
return query
qb := []byte(query)
// Add space enough for 10 params before we have to allocate
rqb := make([]byte, 0, len(qb)+10)
j := 1
for _, b := range qb {
if b == '?' {
rqb = append(rqb, '$')
for _, b := range strconv.Itoa(j) {
rqb = append(rqb, byte(b))
} else {
rqb = append(rqb, b)
return string(rqb)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
package migrate
import (
// Setup is the database migration function that
// will setup the initial SQL database structure.
func Setup(tx migration.LimitedTx) error {
var stmts = []string{
for _, stmt := range stmts {
_, err := tx.Exec(transform(stmt))
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
var userTable = `
,user_login VARCHAR(255)
,user_token VARCHAR(255)
,user_secret VARCHAR(255)
,user_name VARCHAR(255)
,user_email VARCHAR(255)
,user_gravatar VARCHAR(255)
,user_admin BOOLEAN
,user_active BOOLEAN
,user_created INTEGER
,user_updated INTEGER
var repoTable = `
,user_id INTEGER
,repo_owner VARCHAR(255)
,repo_name VARCHAR(255)
,repo_slug VARCHAR(1024)
,repo_token VARCHAR(255)
,repo_lang VARCHAR(255)
,repo_branch VARCHAR(255)
,repo_private BOOLEAN
,repo_trusted BOOLEAN
,repo_link VARCHAR(1024)
,repo_clone VARCHAR(1024)
,repo_push BOOLEAN
,repo_pull BOOLEAN
,repo_public_key BLOB
,repo_private_key BLOB
,repo_params BLOB
,repo_timeout INTEGER
,repo_created INTEGER
,repo_updated INTEGER
,UNIQUE(repo_owner, repo_name)
var repoUserIndex = `
CREATE INDEX repos_user_idx ON repos (user_id);
var repoKeyTable = `
,repo_id INTEGER
,keys_public BLOB
,keys_private BLOB
var repoKeyIndex = `
CREATE INDEX keys_repo_idx ON repo_keys (repo_id);
var repoParamTable = `
,repo_id INTEGER
,param_map BLOB
var repoParamsIndex = `
CREATE INDEX params_repo_idx ON repo_params (repo_id);
var starTable = `
,user_id INTEGER
,repo_id INTEGER
,UNIQUE (repo_id, user_id)
var commitTable = `
,repo_id INTEGER
,commit_seq INTEGER
,commit_state VARCHAR(255)
,commit_started INTEGER
,commit_finished INTEGER
,commit_sha VARCHAR(255)
,commit_ref VARCHAR(255)
,commit_branch VARCHAR(255)
,commit_pr VARCHAR(255)
,commit_author VARCHAR(255)
,commit_gravatar VARCHAR(255)
,commit_timestamp VARCHAR(255)
,commit_message VARCHAR(1000)
,commit_source_remote VARCHAR(255)
,commit_source_branch VARCHAR(255)
,commit_source_sha VARCHAR(255)
,commit_created INTEGER
,commit_updated INTEGER
,UNIQUE(repo_id, commit_seq)
,UNIQUE(repo_id, commit_sha, commit_ref)
var commitRepoIndex = `
CREATE INDEX commits_repo_idx ON commits (repo_id);
var tokenTable = `
,user_id INTEGER
,token_kind VARCHAR(255)
,token_label VARCHAR(255)
,token_expiry INTEGER
,token_issued INTEGER
,UNIQUE(user_id, token_label)
var tokenUserIndex = `
CREATE INDEX tokens_user_idx ON tokens (user_id);
var buildTable = `
,commit_id INTEGER
,build_seq INTEGER
,build_state VARCHAR(255)
,build_exit INTEGER
,build_duration INTEGER
,build_started INTEGER
,build_finished INTEGER
,build_created INTEGER
,build_updated INTEGER
,build_env BLOB
,UNIQUE(commit_id, build_seq)
var buildCommitIndex = `
CREATE INDEX builds_commit_idx ON builds (commit_id);
var statusTable = `
,commit_id INTEGER
,status_state VARCHAR(255)
,status_desc VARCHAR(2000)
,status_link VARCHAR(2000)
,status_context INTEGER
,status_attachment BOOL
,UNIQUE(commit_id, status_context)
var statusCommitIndex = `
CREATE INDEX status_commit_idx ON status (commit_id);
var blobTable = `
,blob_path VARCHAR(255)
,blob_data BLOB

View file

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
package migrate
import (
// GetVersion gets the migration version from the database,
// creating the migration table if it does not already exist.
func GetVersion(tx migration.LimitedTx) (int, error) {
v, err := getVersion(tx)
if err != nil {
if err := createVersionTable(tx); err != nil {
return 0, err
return getVersion(tx)
return v, nil
// SetVersion sets the migration version in the database,
// creating the migration table if it does not already exist.
func SetVersion(tx migration.LimitedTx, version int) error {
if err := setVersion(tx, version); err != nil {
if err := createVersionTable(tx); err != nil {
return err
return setVersion(tx, version)
return nil
// setVersion updates the migration version in the database.
func setVersion(tx migration.LimitedTx, version int) error {
_, err := tx.Exec(rebind("UPDATE migration_version SET version = ?"), version)
return err
// getVersion gets the migration version in the database.
func getVersion(tx migration.LimitedTx) (int, error) {
var version int
row := tx.QueryRow("SELECT version FROM migration_version")
if err := row.Scan(&version); err != nil {
return 0, err
return version, nil
// createVersionTable creates the version table and inserts the
// initial value (0) into the database.
func createVersionTable(tx migration.LimitedTx) error {
_, err := tx.Exec("CREATE TABLE migration_version ( version INTEGER )")
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = tx.Exec("INSERT INTO migration_version (version) VALUES (0)")
return err

View file

@ -1,197 +1,138 @@
package builtin package builtin
import ( import (
"bytes" "database/sql"
"time" "time"
"" ""
) )
// Repo returns the repository with the given name. type Repostore struct {
func (db *DB) Repo(repo string) (*common.Repo, error) { *sql.DB
repo_ := &common.Repo{}
key := []byte(repo)
err := db.View(func(t *bolt.Tx) error {
return get(t, bucketRepo, key, repo_)
return repo_, err
} }
// RepoList returns a list of repositories for the func NewRepostore(db *sql.DB) *Repostore {
// given user account. return &Repostore{db}
func (db *DB) RepoList(login string) ([]*common.Repo, error) { }
repos := []*common.Repo{}
err := db.View(func(t *bolt.Tx) error {
// get the index of user tokens and unmarshal
// to a string array.
var keys [][]byte
err := get(t, bucketUserRepos, []byte(login), &keys)
if err != nil && err != ErrKeyNotFound {
return err
// for each item in the index, get the repository // Repo retrieves a specific repo from the
// and append to the array // datastore for the given ID.
for _, key := range keys { func (db *Repostore) Repo(id int64) (*common.Repo, error) {
repo := &common.Repo{} var repo = new(common.Repo)
err := get(t, bucketRepo, key, repo) var err = meddler.Load(db, repoTable, repo, id)
if err == ErrKeyNotFound { return repo, err
// TODO if we come across ErrKeyNotFound it means }
// we need to re-build the index
} else if err != nil {
return err
repos = append(repos, repo)
return nil
// RepoName retrieves a repo from the datastore
// for the specified name.
func (db *Repostore) RepoName(owner, name string) (*common.Repo, error) {
var repo = new(common.Repo)
var err = meddler.QueryRow(db, repo, rebind(repoNameQuery), owner, name)
return repo, err
// RepoList retrieves a list of all repos from
// the datastore accessible by the given user ID.
func (db *Repostore) RepoList(user *common.User) ([]*common.Repo, error) {
var repos []*common.Repo
var err = meddler.QueryAll(db, &repos, rebind(repoListQuery), user.ID)
return repos, err return repos, err
} }
// RepoParams returns the private environment parameters // // RepoKeys retrieves a set of repository keys from
// for the given repository. // // the datastore for the specified name.
func (db *DB) RepoParams(repo string) (map[string]string, error) { // func (db *Repostore) RepoKeypair(repo *common.Repo) (*common.Keypair, error) {
params := map[string]string{} // var keypair = new(common.Keypair)
key := []byte(repo) // var err = meddler.QueryRow(db, keypair, rebind(repoKeysQuery), repo.ID)
// return keypair, err
// }
err := db.View(func(t *bolt.Tx) error { // // RepoParams retrieves a set of repository params from
return get(t, bucketRepoParams, key, &params) // // the datastore for the specified name.
}) // func (db *Repostore) RepoParams(repo *common.Repo) (*common.Params, error) {
// var params = new(common.Params)
// var err = meddler.QueryRow(db, params, rebind(repoParamsQuery), repo.ID)
// return params, err
// }
return params, err // AddRepo inserts a repo in the datastore.
} func (db *Repostore) AddRepo(repo *common.Repo) error {
// RepoKeypair returns the private and public rsa keys
// for the given repository.
func (db *DB) RepoKeypair(repo string) (*common.Keypair, error) {
keypair := &common.Keypair{}
key := []byte(repo)
err := db.View(func(t *bolt.Tx) error {
return get(t, bucketRepoKeys, key, keypair)
return keypair, err
// SetRepo inserts or updates a repository.
func (db *DB) SetRepo(repo *common.Repo) error {
key := []byte(repo.FullName)
repo.Updated = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
return db.Update(func(t *bolt.Tx) error {
return update(t, bucketRepo, key, repo)
// SetRepoNotExists updates a repository. If the repository
// already exists ErrConflict is returned.
func (db *DB) SetRepoNotExists(user *common.User, repo *common.Repo) error {
repokey := []byte(repo.FullName)
repo.Created = time.Now().UTC().Unix() repo.Created = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
repo.Updated = time.Now().UTC().Unix() repo.Updated = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
return meddler.Insert(db, repoTable, repo)
return db.Update(func(t *bolt.Tx) error {
userkey := []byte(user.Login)
err := push(t, bucketUserRepos, userkey, repokey)
if err != nil {
return err
return insert(t, bucketRepo, repokey, repo)
} }
// SetRepoParams inserts or updates the private // SetRepo updates a repo in the datastore.
// environment parameters for the named repository. func (db *Repostore) SetRepo(repo *common.Repo) error {
func (db *DB) SetRepoParams(repo string, params map[string]string) error { repo.Updated = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
key := []byte(repo) return meddler.Update(db, repoTable, repo)
return db.Update(func(t *bolt.Tx) error {
return update(t, bucketRepoParams, key, params)
} }
// SetRepoKeypair inserts or updates the private and // // SetRepoKeypair upserts a keypair in the datastore.
// public keypair for the named repository. // func (db *Repostore) SetRepoKeypair(keys *common.Keypair) error {
func (db *DB) SetRepoKeypair(repo string, keypair *common.Keypair) error { // return meddler.Save(db, repoKeyTable, keys)
key := []byte(repo) // }
return db.Update(func(t *bolt.Tx) error { // // SetRepoKeypair upserts a param set in the datastore.
return update(t, bucketRepoKeys, key, keypair) // func (db *Repostore) SetRepoParams(params *common.Params) error {
}) // return meddler.Save(db, repoParamTable, params)
// }
// DelRepo removes the repo from the datastore.
func (db *Repostore) DelRepo(repo *common.Repo) error {
var _, err = db.Exec(rebind(repoDeleteStmt), repo.ID)
return err
} }
// DelRepo deletes the repository. // Repo table names in database.
func (db *DB) DelRepo(repo *common.Repo) error { const (
key := []byte(repo.FullName) repoTable = "repos"
repoKeyTable = "repo_keys"
repoParamTable = "repo_params"
return db.Update(func(t *bolt.Tx) error { // SQL statement to retrieve a Repo by name.
err := t.Bucket(bucketRepo).Delete(key) const repoNameQuery = `
if err != nil { SELECT *
return err FROM repos
} WHERE repo_owner = ?
t.Bucket(bucketRepoKeys).Delete(key) AND repo_name = ?
t.Bucket(bucketRepoParams).Delete(key) LIMIT 1;
t.Bucket(bucketBuildSeq).Delete(key) `
deleteWithPrefix(t, bucketBuild, append(key, '/'))
deleteWithPrefix(t, bucketBuildLogs, append(key, '/'))
deleteWithPrefix(t, bucketBuildStatus, append(key, '/'))
return err // SQL statement to retrieve a list of Repos
}) // with permissions for the given User ID.
} const repoListQuery = `
repos r
,stars s
WHERE r.repo_id = s.repo_id
AND s.user_id = ?
// Subscribed returns true if the user is subscribed // SQL statement to retrieve a keypair for
// to the named repository. // a Repository.
// const repoKeysQuery = `
// TODO (bradrydzewski) we are currently storing the subscription SELECT *
// data in a wrapper element called common.Subscriber. This is FROM repo_keys
// no longer necessary. WHERE repo_id = ?
func (db *DB) Subscribed(login, repo string) (bool, error) { LIMIT 1;
sub := &common.Subscriber{} `
err := db.View(func(t *bolt.Tx) error {
repokey := []byte(repo)
// get the index of user tokens and unmarshal // SQL statement to retrieve a keypair for
// to a string array. // a Repository.
var keys [][]byte const repoParamsQuery = `
err := get(t, bucketUserRepos, []byte(login), &keys) SELECT *
if err != nil && err != ErrKeyNotFound { FROM repo_params
return err WHERE repo_id = ?
} LIMIT 1;
for _, key := range keys { // SQL statement to delete a User by ID.
if bytes.Equal(repokey, key) { const (
sub.Subscribed = true repoDeleteStmt = `DELETE FROM repos WHERE repo_id = ?`
return nil repoKeypairDeleteStmt = `DELETE FROM repo_params WHERE repo_id = ?`
} repoParamsDeleteStmt = `DELETE FROM repo_keys WHERE repo_id = ?`
} )
return nil
return sub.Subscribed, err
// SetSubscriber inserts a subscriber for the named
// repository.
func (db *DB) SetSubscriber(login, repo string) error {
return db.Update(func(t *bolt.Tx) error {
userkey := []byte(login)
repokey := []byte(repo)
return push(t, bucketUserRepos, userkey, repokey)
// DelSubscriber removes the subscriber by login for the
// named repository.
func (db *DB) DelSubscriber(login, repo string) error {
return db.Update(func(t *bolt.Tx) error {
userkey := []byte(login)
repokey := []byte(repo)
return splice(t, bucketUserRepos, userkey, repokey)

View file

@ -1,161 +1,169 @@
package builtin package builtin
import ( import (
. ""
"testing" "testing"
) )
func TestRepo(t *testing.T) { func TestRepostore(t *testing.T) {
g := Goblin(t) db := mustConnectTest()
g.Describe("Repo", func() { rs := NewRepostore(db)
testUser := "octocat" ss := NewStarstore(db)
testRepo := "" defer db.Close()
testRepo2 := ""
commUser := &common.User{Login: "freya"}
var db *DB // Temp database
// create a new database before each unit test and destroy afterwards. g := goblin.Goblin(t)
g.Describe("Repostore", func() {
// before each test be sure to purge the package
// table data from the database.
g.BeforeEach(func() { g.BeforeEach(func() {
file, err := ioutil.TempFile(os.TempDir(), "drone-bolt") db.Exec("DELETE FROM stars")
if err != nil { db.Exec("DELETE FROM repos")
panic(err) db.Exec("DELETE FROM users")
g.It("Should Set a Repo", func() {
repo := common.Repo{
UserID: 1,
Owner: "bradrydzewski",
Name: "drone",
} }
err1 := rs.AddRepo(&repo)
db = Must(file.Name()) err2 := rs.SetRepo(&repo)
}) getrepo, err3 := rs.Repo(repo.ID)
g.AfterEach(func() { g.Assert(err1 == nil).IsTrue()
os.Remove(db.Path()) g.Assert(err2 == nil).IsTrue()
g.Assert(err3 == nil).IsTrue()
}) })
g.It("Should set Repo", func() { g.It("Should Add a Repo", func() {
err := db.SetRepo(&common.Repo{FullName: testRepo}) repo := common.Repo{
g.Assert(err).Equal(nil) UserID: 1,
Owner: "bradrydzewski",
repo, err := db.Repo(testRepo) Name: "drone",
g.Assert(err).Equal(nil) }
g.Assert(repo.FullName).Equal(testRepo) err := rs.AddRepo(&repo)
g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue()
g.Assert(repo.ID != 0).IsTrue()
}) })
g.It("Should get Repo", func() { // g.It("Should Add a Repos Keypair", func() {
db.SetRepo(&common.Repo{FullName: testRepo}) // keypair := common.Keypair{
// RepoID: 1,
// Public: []byte("-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- ..."),
// Private: []byte("ssh-rsa AAAAE1BzbF1xc2EABAvVA6Z ..."),
// }
// err := rs.SetRepoKeypair(&keypair)
// g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue()
// g.Assert(keypair.ID != 0).IsTrue()
// getkeypair, err := rs.RepoKeypair(&common.Repo{ID: 1})
// g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue()
// g.Assert(keypair.ID).Equal(getkeypair.ID)
// g.Assert(keypair.RepoID).Equal(getkeypair.RepoID)
// g.Assert(keypair.Public).Equal(getkeypair.Public)
// g.Assert(keypair.Private).Equal(getkeypair.Private)
// })
repo, err := db.Repo(testRepo) // g.It("Should Add a Repos Private Params", func() {
g.Assert(err).Equal(nil) // params := common.Params{
g.Assert(repo.FullName).Equal(testRepo) // RepoID: 1,
// Map: map[string]string{"foo": "bar"},
// }
// err := rs.SetRepoParams(&params)
// g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue()
// g.Assert(params.ID != 0).IsTrue()
// getparams, err := rs.RepoParams(&common.Repo{ID: 1})
// g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue()
// g.Assert(params.ID).Equal(getparams.ID)
// g.Assert(params.RepoID).Equal(getparams.RepoID)
// g.Assert(params.Map).Equal(getparams.Map)
// })
g.It("Should Get a Repo by ID", func() {
repo := common.Repo{
UserID: 1,
Owner: "bradrydzewski",
Name: "drone",
getrepo, err := rs.Repo(repo.ID)
g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue()
}) })
g.It("Should be deletable", func() { g.It("Should Get a Repo by Name", func() {
db.SetRepo(&common.Repo{FullName: testRepo}) repo := common.Repo{
UserID: 1,
db.Repo(testRepo) Owner: "bradrydzewski",
err_ := db.DelRepo((&common.Repo{FullName: testRepo})) Name: "drone",
g.Assert(err_).Equal(nil) }
getrepo, err := rs.RepoName(repo.Owner, repo.Name)
g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue()
}) })
g.It("Should cleanup builds when deleted", func() { g.It("Should Get a Repo List by User", func() {
repo := &common.Repo{FullName: testRepo} repo1 := common.Repo{
err := db.SetRepoNotExists(commUser, repo) UserID: 1,
g.Assert(err).Equal(nil) Owner: "bradrydzewski",
Name: "drone",
db.SetBuild(testRepo, &common.Build{State: "success"}) }
db.SetBuild(testRepo, &common.Build{State: "success"}) repo2 := common.Repo{
db.SetBuild(testRepo, &common.Build{State: "pending"}) UserID: 1,
db.SetLogs(testRepo, 1, 1, (bytes.NewBuffer([]byte("foo")))) Owner: "bradrydzewski",
Name: "drone-dart",
// first a little sanity to validate our test conditions }
_, err = db.BuildLast(testRepo) rs.AddRepo(&repo1)
g.Assert(err).Equal(nil) rs.AddRepo(&repo2)
ss.AddStar(&common.User{ID: 1}, &repo1)
// now run our specific test suite repos, err := rs.RepoList(&common.User{ID: 1})
// 1. ensure that we can delete the repo g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue()
err = db.DelRepo(repo) g.Assert(len(repos)).Equal(1)
g.Assert(err).Equal(nil) g.Assert(repos[0].UserID).Equal(repo1.UserID)
// 2. ensure that deleting the repo cleans up other references g.Assert(repos[0].Name).Equal(repo1.Name)
_, err = db.Build(testRepo, 1)
}) })
g.It("Should get Repo list", func() { g.It("Should Delete a Repo", func() {
db.SetRepoNotExists(&common.User{Login: testUser}, &common.Repo{FullName: testRepo}) repo := common.Repo{
db.SetRepoNotExists(&common.User{Login: testUser}, &common.Repo{FullName: testRepo2}) UserID: 1,
Owner: "bradrydzewski",
repos, err := db.RepoList(testUser) Name: "drone",
g.Assert(err).Equal(nil) }
g.Assert(len(repos)).Equal(2) rs.AddRepo(&repo)
_, err1 := rs.Repo(repo.ID)
err2 := rs.DelRepo(&repo)
_, err3 := rs.Repo(repo.ID)
g.Assert(err1 == nil).IsTrue()
g.Assert(err2 == nil).IsTrue()
g.Assert(err3 == nil).IsFalse()
}) })
g.It("Should set Repo parameters", func() { g.It("Should Enforce Unique Repo Name", func() {
db.SetRepo(&common.Repo{FullName: testRepo}) repo1 := common.Repo{
err := db.SetRepoParams(testRepo, map[string]string{"A": "Alpha"}) UserID: 1,
g.Assert(err).Equal(nil) Owner: "bradrydzewski",
Name: "drone",
repo2 := common.Repo{
UserID: 2,
Owner: "bradrydzewski",
Name: "drone",
err1 := rs.AddRepo(&repo1)
err2 := rs.AddRepo(&repo2)
g.Assert(err1 == nil).IsTrue()
g.Assert(err2 == nil).IsFalse()
}) })
g.It("Should get Repo parameters", func() {
db.SetRepo(&common.Repo{FullName: testRepo})
err := db.SetRepoParams(testRepo, map[string]string{"A": "Alpha", "B": "Beta"})
params, err := db.RepoParams(testRepo)
// we test again with same repo/user already existing
// to see if it will return "ErrConflict"
g.It("Should set SetRepoNotExists", func() {
err := db.SetRepoNotExists(&common.User{Login: testUser}, &common.Repo{FullName: testRepo})
// We should get ErrConflict now, trying to add the same repo again.
err_ := db.SetRepoNotExists(&common.User{Login: testUser}, &common.Repo{FullName: testRepo})
g.It("Should set Repo keypair", func() {
db.SetRepo(&common.Repo{FullName: testRepo})
err := db.SetRepoKeypair(testRepo, &common.Keypair{Private: "A", Public: "Alpha"})
g.It("Should get Repo keypair", func() {
db.SetRepo(&common.Repo{FullName: testRepo})
err := db.SetRepoKeypair(testRepo, &common.Keypair{Private: "A", Public: "Alpha"})
keypair, err := db.RepoKeypair(testRepo)
g.It("Should set subscriber", func() {
db.SetRepo(&common.Repo{FullName: testRepo})
err := db.SetSubscriber(testUser, testRepo)
g.It("Should get subscribed", func() {
db.SetRepo(&common.Repo{FullName: testRepo})
err := db.SetSubscriber(testUser, testRepo)
subscribed, err := db.Subscribed(testUser, testRepo)
g.It("Should del subscriber", func() {
db.SetRepo(&common.Repo{FullName: testRepo})
db.SetSubscriber(testUser, testRepo)
err := db.DelSubscriber(testUser, testRepo)
subscribed, err := db.Subscribed(testUser, testRepo)
}) })
} }

datastore/builtin/star.go Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
package builtin
import (
type Starstore struct {
func NewStarstore(db meddler.DB) *Starstore {
return &Starstore{db}
// Starred returns true if the user starred
// the given repository.
func (db *Starstore) Starred(user *common.User, repo *common.Repo) (bool, error) {
var star = new(star)
err := meddler.QueryRow(db, star, rebind(starQuery), user.ID, repo.ID)
return (err == nil), err
// AddStar inserts a starred repo / user in the datastore.
func (db *Starstore) AddStar(user *common.User, repo *common.Repo) error {
var star = &star{UserID: user.ID, RepoID: repo.ID}
return meddler.Insert(db, starTable, star)
// DelStar removes starred repo / user from the datastore.
func (db *Starstore) DelStar(user *common.User, repo *common.Repo) error {
var _, err = db.Exec(rebind(starDeleteStmt), user.ID, repo.ID)
return err
type star struct {
ID int64 `meddler:"star_id,pk"`
UserID int64 `meddler:"user_id"`
RepoID int64 `meddler:"repo_id"`
// Stars table name in database.
const starTable = "stars"
// SQL query to retrieve a user's stars to
// access a repository.
const starQuery = `
FROM stars
WHERE user_id=?
AND repo_id=?
// SQL statement to delete a star by ID.
const starDeleteStmt = `
WHERE user_id=?
AND repo_id=?

View file

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
package builtin
import (
func TestStarstore(t *testing.T) {
db := mustConnectTest()
ss := NewStarstore(db)
defer db.Close()
g := goblin.Goblin(t)
g.Describe("Starstore", func() {
// before each test be sure to purge the package
// table data from the database.
g.BeforeEach(func() {
db.Exec("DELETE FROM stars")
g.It("Should Add a Star", func() {
user := common.User{ID: 1}
repo := common.Repo{ID: 2}
err := ss.AddStar(&user, &repo)
g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue()
g.It("Should Get Starred", func() {
user := common.User{ID: 1}
repo := common.Repo{ID: 2}
ss.AddStar(&user, &repo)
ok, err := ss.Starred(&user, &repo)
g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue()
g.It("Should Not Get Starred", func() {
user := common.User{ID: 1}
repo := common.Repo{ID: 2}
ok, err := ss.Starred(&user, &repo)
g.Assert(err != nil).IsTrue()
g.It("Should Del a Star", func() {
user := common.User{ID: 1}
repo := common.Repo{ID: 2}
ss.AddStar(&user, &repo)
_, err1 := ss.Starred(&user, &repo)
err2 := ss.DelStar(&user, &repo)
_, err3 := ss.Starred(&user, &repo)
g.Assert(err1 == nil).IsTrue()
g.Assert(err2 == nil).IsTrue()
g.Assert(err3 == nil).IsFalse()

View file

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
package builtin
import (
// SetLogs inserts or updates a task logs for the
// named repository and build number.
func (db *DB) SetLogs(repo string, build int, task int, rd io.Reader) error {
key := []byte(repo + "/" + strconv.Itoa(build) + "/" + strconv.Itoa(task))
t, err := db.Begin(true)
if err != nil {
return err
log, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rd)
if err != nil {
return err
err = t.Bucket(bucketBuildLogs).Put(key, log)
if err != nil {
return err
return t.Commit()
// LogReader gets the task logs at index N for
// the named repository and build number.
func (db *DB) LogReader(repo string, build int, task int) (io.Reader, error) {
key := []byte(repo + "/" + strconv.Itoa(build) + "/" + strconv.Itoa(task))
var log []byte
err := db.View(func(t *bolt.Tx) error {
var err error
log, err = raw(t, bucketBuildLogs, key)
return err
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(log)
return buf, err

View file

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
package builtin
import (
. ""
func TestTask(t *testing.T) {
g := Goblin(t)
g.Describe("Tasks", func() {
testRepo := "octopod/hq"
testBuild := 1
testTask := 0
testLogInfo := []byte("Log Info for SetLogs()")
var db *DB // Temp database
// create a new database before each unit
// test and destroy afterwards.
g.BeforeEach(func() {
db = Must("/tmp/drone.test.db")
g.AfterEach(func() {
g.It("Should set Logs", func() {
db.SetRepo(&common.Repo{FullName: testRepo})
err := db.SetLogs(testRepo, testBuild, testTask, (bytes.NewBuffer(testLogInfo)))
g.It("Should get logs", func() {
db.SetRepo(&common.Repo{FullName: testRepo})
db.SetLogs(testRepo, testBuild, testTask, (bytes.NewBuffer(testLogInfo)))
buf, err := db.LogReader(testRepo, testBuild, testTask)
logInfo, err := ioutil.ReadAll(buf)

View file

@ -1,70 +1,74 @@
package builtin package builtin
import ( import (
"" ""
) )
// Token returns the token for the given user and label. type Tokenstore struct {
func (db *DB) Token(user, label string) (*common.Token, error) { meddler.DB
token := &common.Token{} }
key := []byte(user + "/" + label)
err := db.View(func(t *bolt.Tx) error { func NewTokenstore(db meddler.DB) *Tokenstore {
return get(t, bucketTokens, key, token) return &Tokenstore{db}
}) }
// Token returns a token by ID.
func (db *Tokenstore) Token(id int64) (*common.Token, error) {
var token = new(common.Token)
var err = meddler.Load(db, tokenTable, token, id)
return token, err return token, err
} }
// TokenList returns a list of all tokens for the given // TokenLabel returns a token by label
// user login. func (db *Tokenstore) TokenLabel(user *common.User, label string) (*common.Token, error) {
func (db *DB) TokenList(login string) ([]*common.Token, error) { var token = new(common.Token)
tokens := []*common.Token{} var err = meddler.QueryRow(db, token, rebind(tokenLabelQuery), user.ID, label)
userkey := []byte(login) return token, err
err := db.Update(func(t *bolt.Tx) error { }
// get the index of user tokens and unmarshal
// to a string array. // TokenList returns a list of all user tokens.
var keys [][]byte func (db *Tokenstore) TokenList(user *common.User) ([]*common.Token, error) {
err := get(t, bucketUserTokens, userkey, &keys) var tokens []*common.Token
if err != nil && err != ErrKeyNotFound { var err = meddler.QueryAll(db, &tokens, rebind(tokenListQuery), user.ID)
return err
// for each item in the index, get the repository
// and append to the array
for _, key := range keys {
token := &common.Token{}
raw := t.Bucket(bucketTokens).Get(key)
err = decode(raw, token)
if err != nil {
return err
tokens = append(tokens, token)
return nil
return tokens, err return tokens, err
} }
// SetToken inserts a new user token in the datastore. // AddToken inserts a new token into the datastore.
func (db *DB) SetToken(token *common.Token) error { // If the token label already exists for the user
key := []byte(token.Login + "/" + token.Label) // an error is returned.
return db.Update(func(t *bolt.Tx) error { func (db *Tokenstore) AddToken(token *common.Token) error {
err := push(t, bucketUserTokens, []byte(token.Login), key) return meddler.Insert(db, tokenTable, token)
if err != nil {
return err
return insert(t, bucketTokens, key, token)
} }
// DelToken deletes the token. // DelToken removes the DelToken from the datastore.
func (db *DB) DelToken(token *common.Token) error { func (db *Tokenstore) DelToken(token *common.Token) error {
key := []byte(token.Login + "/" + token.Label) var _, err = db.Exec(rebind(tokenDeleteStmt), token.ID)
return db.Update(func(t *bolt.Tx) error { return err
err := splice(t, bucketUserTokens, []byte(token.Login), key)
if err != nil {
return err
return delete(t, bucketTokens, key)
} }
// Token table name in database.
const tokenTable = "tokens"
// SQL query to retrieve a token by label.
const tokenLabelQuery = `
FROM tokens
WHERE user_id = ?
AND token_label = ?
// SQL query to retrieve a list of user tokens.
const tokenListQuery = `
FROM tokens
WHERE user_id = ?
ORDER BY token_label ASC
// SQL statement to delete a Token by ID.
const tokenDeleteStmt = `
WHERE token_id=?

View file

@ -1,65 +1,149 @@
package builtin package builtin
import ( import (
"testing" "testing"
"" ""
. "" ""
) )
func TestToken(t *testing.T) { func TestTokenstore(t *testing.T) {
g := Goblin(t) db := mustConnectTest()
g.Describe("Tokens", func() { ts := NewTokenstore(db)
var db *DB // temporary database defer db.Close()
// create a new database before each unit g := goblin.Goblin(t)
// test and destroy afterwards. g.Describe("Tokenstore", func() {
// before each test be sure to purge the package
// table data from the database.
g.BeforeEach(func() { g.BeforeEach(func() {
db = Must("/tmp/drone.test.db") db.Exec("DELETE FROM tokens")
g.AfterEach(func() {
}) })
g.It("Should list for user", func() { g.It("Should Add a new Token", func() {
db.SetUserNotExists(&common.User{Login: "octocat"}) token := common.Token{
err1 := db.SetToken(&common.Token{Login: "octocat", Label: "gist"}) UserID: 1,
err2 := db.SetToken(&common.Token{Login: "octocat", Label: "github"}) Label: "foo",
g.Assert(err1).Equal(nil) Kind: common.TokenUser,
g.Assert(err2).Equal(nil) Issued: time.Now().Unix(),
Expiry: time.Now().Unix() + 1000,
list, err := db.TokenList("octocat") }
g.Assert(err).Equal(nil) err := ts.AddToken(&token)
g.Assert(len(list)).Equal(2) g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue()
g.Assert(token.ID != 0).IsTrue()
}) })
g.It("Should insert", func() { g.It("Should get a Token", func() {
db.SetUserNotExists(&common.User{Login: "octocat"}) token := common.Token{
err := db.SetToken(&common.Token{Login: "octocat", Label: "gist"}) UserID: 1,
g.Assert(err).Equal(nil) Label: "foo",
Kind: common.TokenUser,
token, err := db.Token("octocat", "gist") Issued: time.Now().Unix(),
g.Assert(err).Equal(nil) Expiry: time.Now().Unix() + 1000,
g.Assert(token.Label).Equal("gist") }
g.Assert(token.Login).Equal("octocat") err1 := ts.AddToken(&token)
gettoken, err2 := ts.Token(token.ID)
g.Assert(err1 == nil).IsTrue()
g.Assert(err2 == nil).IsTrue()
}) })
g.It("Should delete", func() { g.It("Should Get a Token By Label", func() {
db.SetUserNotExists(&common.User{Login: "octocat"}) token := common.Token{
err := db.SetToken(&common.Token{Login: "octocat", Label: "gist"}) UserID: 1,
g.Assert(err).Equal(nil) Label: "foo",
Kind: common.TokenUser,
Issued: time.Now().Unix(),
Expiry: time.Now().Unix() + 1000,
err1 := ts.AddToken(&token)
gettoken, err2 := ts.TokenLabel(&common.User{ID: 1}, "foo")
g.Assert(err1 == nil).IsTrue()
g.Assert(err2 == nil).IsTrue()
token, err := db.Token("octocat", "gist") g.It("Should Enforce Unique Token Label", func() {
g.Assert(err).Equal(nil) token1 := common.Token{
g.Assert(token.Label).Equal("gist") UserID: 1,
g.Assert(token.Login).Equal("octocat") Label: "foo",
Kind: common.TokenUser,
Issued: time.Now().Unix(),
Expiry: time.Now().Unix() + 1000,
token2 := common.Token{
UserID: 1,
Label: "foo",
Kind: common.TokenUser,
Issued: time.Now().Unix(),
Expiry: time.Now().Unix() + 1000,
err1 := ts.AddToken(&token1)
err2 := ts.AddToken(&token2)
g.Assert(err1 == nil).IsTrue()
g.Assert(err2 == nil).IsFalse()
err = db.DelToken(token) g.It("Should Get a User Token List", func() {
g.Assert(err).Equal(nil) token1 := common.Token{
UserID: 1,
Label: "bar",
Kind: common.TokenUser,
Issued: time.Now().Unix(),
Expiry: time.Now().Unix() + 1000,
token2 := common.Token{
UserID: 1,
Label: "foo",
Kind: common.TokenUser,
Issued: time.Now().Unix(),
Expiry: time.Now().Unix() + 1000,
token3 := common.Token{
UserID: 2,
Label: "foo",
Kind: common.TokenUser,
Issued: time.Now().Unix(),
Expiry: time.Now().Unix() + 1000,
tokens, err := ts.TokenList(&common.User{ID: 1})
g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue()
token, err = db.Token("octocat", "gist") g.It("Should Del a Token", func() {
g.Assert(err != nil).IsTrue() token := common.Token{
UserID: 1,
Label: "foo",
Kind: common.TokenUser,
Issued: time.Now().Unix(),
Expiry: time.Now().Unix() + 1000,
_, err1 := ts.Token(token.ID)
err2 := ts.DelToken(&token)
_, err3 := ts.Token(token.ID)
g.Assert(err1 == nil).IsTrue()
g.Assert(err2 == nil).IsTrue()
g.Assert(err3 == nil).IsFalse()
}) })
}) })
} }

View file

@ -3,85 +3,123 @@ package builtin
import ( import (
"time" "time"
"" ""
) )
// User returns a user by user login. type Userstore struct {
func (db *DB) User(login string) (*common.User, error) { meddler.DB
user := &common.User{}
key := []byte(login)
err := db.View(func(t *bolt.Tx) error {
return get(t, bucketUser, key, user)
return user, err
} }
// UserCount returns a count of all registered users. func NewUserstore(db meddler.DB) *Userstore {
func (db *DB) UserCount() (int, error) { return &Userstore{db}
var out int }
var err = db.View(func(t *bolt.Tx) error {
out = t.Bucket(bucketUser).Stats().KeyN // User returns a user by user ID.
return nil func (db *Userstore) User(id int64) (*common.User, error) {
}) var usr = new(common.User)
return out, err var err = meddler.Load(db, userTable, usr, id)
return usr, err
// UserLogin returns a user by user login.
func (db *Userstore) UserLogin(login string) (*common.User, error) {
var usr = new(common.User)
var err = meddler.QueryRow(db, usr, rebind(userLoginQuery), login)
return usr, err
} }
// UserList returns a list of all registered users. // UserList returns a list of all registered users.
func (db *DB) UserList() ([]*common.User, error) { func (db *Userstore) UserList() ([]*common.User, error) {
users := []*common.User{} var users []*common.User
err := db.View(func(t *bolt.Tx) error { var err = meddler.QueryAll(db, &users, rebind(userListQuery))
return t.Bucket(bucketUser).ForEach(func(key, raw []byte) error {
user := &common.User{}
err := decode(raw, user)
if err != nil {
return err
users = append(users, user)
return nil
return users, err return users, err
} }
// SetUser inserts or updates a user. // UserFeed retrieves a digest of recent builds
func (db *DB) SetUser(user *common.User) error { // from the datastore accessible to the specified user.
key := []byte(user.Login) func (db *Userstore) UserFeed(user *common.User, limit, offset int) ([]*common.RepoCommit, error) {
user.Updated = time.Now().UTC().Unix() var builds []*common.RepoCommit
var err = meddler.QueryAll(db, &builds, rebind(userFeedQuery), user.ID, limit, offset)
return db.Update(func(t *bolt.Tx) error { return builds, err
return update(t, bucketUser, key, user)
} }
// SetUserNotExists inserts a new user into the datastore. // UserCount returns a count of all registered users.
// If the user login already exists ErrConflict is returned. func (db *Userstore) UserCount() (int, error) {
func (db *DB) SetUserNotExists(user *common.User) error { var count = struct{ Count int }{}
key := []byte(user.Login) var err = meddler.QueryRow(db, &count, rebind(userCountQuery))
return count.Count, err
// AddUser inserts a new user into the datastore.
// If the user login already exists an error is returned.
func (db *Userstore) AddUser(user *common.User) error {
user.Created = time.Now().UTC().Unix() user.Created = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
user.Updated = time.Now().UTC().Unix() user.Updated = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
return meddler.Insert(db, userTable, user)
return db.Update(func(t *bolt.Tx) error {
return insert(t, bucketUser, key, user)
} }
// DelUser deletes the user. // SetUser updates an existing user.
func (db *DB) DelUser(user *common.User) error { func (db *Userstore) SetUser(user *common.User) error {
key := []byte(user.Login) user.Updated = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
return db.Update(func(t *bolt.Tx) error { return meddler.Update(db, userTable, user)
err := delete(t, bucketUserTokens, key)
if err != nil {
return err
err = delete(t, bucketUserRepos, key)
if err != nil {
return err
// IDEA: deleteKeys(t, bucketTokens, keys)
deleteWithPrefix(t, bucketTokens, append(key, '/'))
return delete(t, bucketUser, key)
} }
// DelUser removes the user from the datastore.
func (db *Userstore) DelUser(user *common.User) error {
var _, err = db.Exec(rebind(userDeleteStmt), user.ID)
return err
// User table name in database.
const userTable = "users"
// SQL query to retrieve a User by remote login.
const userLoginQuery = `
FROM users
WHERE user_login=?
// SQL query to retrieve a list of all users.
const userListQuery = `
FROM users
ORDER BY user_name ASC
// SQL query to retrieve a list of all users.
const userCountQuery = `
SELECT count(1) as "Count"
FROM users
// SQL statement to delete a User by ID.
const userDeleteStmt = `
WHERE user_id=?
// SQL query to retrieve a build feed for the given
// user account.
const userFeedQuery = `
commits c
,repos r
,stars s
WHERE c.repo_id = r.repo_id
AND r.repo_id = s.repo_id
AND s.user_id = ?
ORDER BY c.commit_seq DESC

View file

@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
package builtin
import (
. ""
func TestUser(t *testing.T) {
g := Goblin(t)
g.Describe("Users", func() {
var db *DB // temporary database
// create a new database before each unit
// test and destroy afterwards.
g.BeforeEach(func() {
db = Must("/tmp/drone.test.db")
g.AfterEach(func() {
g.It("Should find", func() {
db.SetUserNotExists(&common.User{Login: "octocat"})
user, err := db.User("octocat")
g.It("Should insert", func() {
err := db.SetUserNotExists(&common.User{Login: "octocat"})
user, err := db.User("octocat")
g.Assert(user.Created != 0).IsTrue()
g.Assert(user.Updated != 0).IsTrue()
g.It("Should not insert if exists", func() {
db.SetUser(&common.User{Login: "octocat"})
err := db.SetUserNotExists(&common.User{Login: "octocat"})
g.It("Should update", func() {
db.SetUserNotExists(&common.User{Login: "octocat"})
user, err := db.User("octocat")
user.Email = ""
err = db.SetUser(user)
user_, err := db.User("octocat")
g.It("Should delete", func() {
db.SetUserNotExists(&common.User{Login: "octocat"})
user, err := db.User("octocat")
err = db.DelUser(user)
_, err = db.User("octocat")
g.It("Should list", func() {
db.SetUserNotExists(&common.User{Login: "bert"})
db.SetUserNotExists(&common.User{Login: "ernie"})
users, err := db.UserList()
g.It("Should count", func() {
db.SetUserNotExists(&common.User{Login: "bert"})
db.SetUserNotExists(&common.User{Login: "ernie"})
count, err := db.UserCount()

View file

@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
package builtin
import (
func TestUserstore(t *testing.T) {
db := mustConnectTest()
us := NewUserstore(db)
cs := NewCommitstore(db)
rs := NewRepostore(db)
ss := NewStarstore(db)
defer db.Close()
g := goblin.Goblin(t)
g.Describe("Userstore", func() {
// before each test be sure to purge the package
// table data from the database.
g.BeforeEach(func() {
db.Exec("DELETE FROM users")
db.Exec("DELETE FROM stars")
db.Exec("DELETE FROM repos")
db.Exec("DELETE FROM builds")
db.Exec("DELETE FROM tasks")
g.It("Should Update a User", func() {
user := common.User{
Login: "joe",
Name: "Joe Sixpack",
Email: "",
Token: "e42080dddf012c718e476da161d21ad5",
err1 := us.AddUser(&user)
err2 := us.SetUser(&user)
getuser, err3 := us.User(user.ID)
g.Assert(err1 == nil).IsTrue()
g.Assert(err2 == nil).IsTrue()
g.Assert(err3 == nil).IsTrue()
g.It("Should Add a new User", func() {
user := common.User{
Login: "joe",
Name: "Joe Sixpack",
Email: "",
Token: "e42080dddf012c718e476da161d21ad5",
err := us.AddUser(&user)
g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue()
g.Assert(user.ID != 0).IsTrue()
g.It("Should Get a User", func() {
user := common.User{
Login: "joe",
Token: "f0b461ca586c27872b43a0685cbc2847",
Secret: "976f22a5eef7caacb7e678d6c52f49b1",
Name: "Joe Sixpack",
Email: "",
Gravatar: "b9015b0857e16ac4d94a0ffd9a0b79c8",
Active: true,
Admin: true,
Created: 1398065343,
Updated: 1398065344,
getuser, err := us.User(user.ID)
g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue()
g.It("Should Get a User By Login", func() {
user := common.User{
Login: "joe",
Name: "Joe Sixpack",
Email: "",
Token: "e42080dddf012c718e476da161d21ad5",
getuser, err := us.UserLogin(user.Login)
g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue()
g.It("Should Enforce Unique User Login", func() {
user1 := common.User{
Login: "joe",
Name: "Joe Sixpack",
Email: "",
Token: "e42080dddf012c718e476da161d21ad5",
user2 := common.User{
Login: "joe",
Name: "Joe Sixpack",
Email: "",
Token: "ab20g0ddaf012c744e136da16aa21ad9",
err1 := us.AddUser(&user1)
err2 := us.AddUser(&user2)
g.Assert(err1 == nil).IsTrue()
g.Assert(err2 == nil).IsFalse()
g.It("Should Get a User List", func() {
user1 := common.User{
Login: "jane",
Name: "Jane Doe",
Email: "",
Token: "ab20g0ddaf012c744e136da16aa21ad9",
user2 := common.User{
Login: "joe",
Name: "Joe Sixpack",
Email: "",
Token: "e42080dddf012c718e476da161d21ad5",
users, err := us.UserList()
g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue()
g.It("Should Get a User Count", func() {
user1 := common.User{
Login: "jane",
Name: "Jane Doe",
Email: "",
Token: "ab20g0ddaf012c744e136da16aa21ad9",
user2 := common.User{
Login: "joe",
Name: "Joe Sixpack",
Email: "",
Token: "e42080dddf012c718e476da161d21ad5",
count, err := us.UserCount()
g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue()
g.It("Should Del a User", func() {
user := common.User{
Login: "joe",
Name: "Joe Sixpack",
Email: "",
Token: "e42080dddf012c718e476da161d21ad5",
_, err1 := us.User(user.ID)
err2 := us.DelUser(&user)
_, err3 := us.User(user.ID)
g.Assert(err1 == nil).IsTrue()
g.Assert(err2 == nil).IsTrue()
g.Assert(err3 == nil).IsFalse()
g.It("Should get the Build feed for a User", func() {
repo1 := &common.Repo{
UserID: 1,
Owner: "bradrydzewski",
Name: "drone",
repo2 := &common.Repo{
UserID: 2,
Owner: "drone",
Name: "drone",
ss.AddStar(&common.User{ID: 1}, repo1)
commit1 := &common.Commit{
RepoID: 1,
State: common.StateFailure,
Ref: "refs/heads/master",
Sha: "85f8c029b902ed9400bc600bac301a0aadb144ac",
commit2 := &common.Commit{
RepoID: 1,
State: common.StateSuccess,
Ref: "refs/heads/dev",
Sha: "85f8c029b902ed9400bc600bac301a0aadb144ac",
commit3 := &common.Commit{
RepoID: 2,
State: common.StateSuccess,
Ref: "refs/heads/dev",
Sha: "85f8c029b902ed9400bc600bac301a0aadb144ac",
commits, err := us.UserFeed(&common.User{ID: 1}, 20, 0)
g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue()

View file

@ -1,115 +1,32 @@
package builtin package builtin
import ( import (
"bytes" "strconv"
"" ""
) )
func encode(v interface{}) ([]byte, error) { // rebind is a helper function that changes the sql
var buf bytes.Buffer // bind type from ? to $ for postgres queries.
var err = gob.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(v) func rebind(query string) string {
return buf.Bytes(), err if meddler.Default != meddler.PostgreSQL {
//return bson.Marshal(v) return query
func decode(raw []byte, v interface{}) error {
var buf bytes.Buffer
var err = gob.NewDecoder(&buf).Decode(v)
return err
//return bson.Unmarshal(raw, v)
func get(t *bolt.Tx, bucket, key []byte, v interface{}) error {
raw := t.Bucket(bucket).Get(key)
if raw == nil {
return ErrKeyNotFound
} }
return decode(raw, v)
func raw(t *bolt.Tx, bucket, key []byte) ([]byte, error) { qb := []byte(query)
raw := t.Bucket(bucket).Get(key) // Add space enough for 5 params before we have to allocate
if raw == nil { rqb := make([]byte, 0, len(qb)+5)
return nil, ErrKeyNotFound j := 1
} for _, b := range qb {
return raw, nil if b == '?' {
} rqb = append(rqb, '$')
for _, b := range strconv.Itoa(j) {
func update(t *bolt.Tx, bucket, key []byte, v interface{}) error { rqb = append(rqb, byte(b))
raw, err := encode(v) }
if err != nil { j++
t.Rollback() } else {
return err rqb = append(rqb, b)
return t.Bucket(bucket).Put(key, raw)
func insert(t *bolt.Tx, bucket, key []byte, v interface{}) error {
raw, err := encode(v)
if err != nil {
return err
// verify the key does not already exists
// in the bucket. If exists, fail
if t.Bucket(bucket).Get(key) != nil {
return ErrKeyExists
return t.Bucket(bucket).Put(key, raw)
func delete(t *bolt.Tx, bucket, key []byte) error {
return t.Bucket(bucket).Delete(key)
func push(t *bolt.Tx, bucket, index, value []byte) error {
var keys [][]byte
err := get(t, bucket, index, &keys)
if err != nil && err != ErrKeyNotFound {
return err
// we shouldn't add a key that already exists
for _, key := range keys {
if bytes.Equal(key, value) {
return nil
} }
} }
keys = append(keys, value) return string(rqb)
return update(t, bucket, index, &keys)
func splice(t *bolt.Tx, bucket, index, value []byte) error {
var keys [][]byte
err := get(t, bucket, index, &keys)
if err != nil && err != ErrKeyNotFound {
return err
for i, key := range keys {
if bytes.Equal(key, value) {
keys = keys[:i+copy(keys[i:], keys[i+1:])]
return update(t, bucket, index, &keys)
func deleteWithPrefix(t *bolt.Tx, bucket, prefix []byte) error {
var err error
c := t.Bucket(bucket).Cursor()
for k, _ := c.Seek(prefix); bytes.HasPrefix(k, prefix); k, _ = c.Next() {
err = c.Delete()
if err != nil {
// only error here is if our Tx is read-only
return err
} }

View file

@ -1,144 +1,149 @@
package datastore package datastore
import ( import (
"io" "io"
"" ""
) )
var (
ErrConflict = errors.New("Key not unique")
ErrKeyNotFound = errors.New("Key not found")
type Datastore interface { type Datastore interface {
// User returns a user by user login.
User(string) (*common.User, error)
// UserCount returns a count of all registered users. // User returns a user by user ID.
UserCount() (int, error) User(id int64) (*common.User, error)
// UserLogin returns a user by user login.
UserLogin(string) (*common.User, error)
// UserList returns a list of all registered users. // UserList returns a list of all registered users.
UserList() ([]*common.User, error) UserList() ([]*common.User, error)
// SetUser inserts or updates a user. // UserFeed retrieves a digest of recent builds
// from the datastore accessible to the specified user.
UserFeed(*common.User, int, int) ([]*common.RepoCommit, error)
// UserCount returns a count of all registered users.
UserCount() (int, error)
// AddUser inserts a new user into the datastore.
// If the user login already exists an error is returned.
AddUser(*common.User) error
// SetUser updates an existing user.
SetUser(*common.User) error SetUser(*common.User) error
// SetUserNotExists inserts a new user into the datastore. // DelUser removes the user from the datastore.
// If the user login already exists ErrConflict is returned.
SetUserNotExists(*common.User) error
// Del deletes the user.
DelUser(*common.User) error DelUser(*common.User) error
// Token returns the token for the given user and label. // Token returns a token by ID.
Token(string, string) (*common.Token, error) Token(int64) (*common.Token, error)
// TokenList returns a list of all tokens for the given // TokenLabel returns a token by label
// user login. TokenLabel(*common.User, string) (*common.Token, error)
TokenList(string) ([]*common.Token, error)
// SetToken inserts a new user token in the datastore. // TokenList returns a list of all user tokens.
SetToken(*common.Token) error TokenList(*common.User) ([]*common.Token, error)
// DelToken deletes the token. // AddToken inserts a new token into the datastore.
// If the token label already exists for the user
// an error is returned.
AddToken(*common.Token) error
// DelToken removes the DelToken from the datastore.
DelToken(*common.Token) error DelToken(*common.Token) error
// Subscribed returns true if the user is subscribed //
// to the named repository.
Subscribed(string, string) (bool, error)
// SetSubscriber inserts a subscriber for the named // Starred returns true if the user starred
// repository. // the given repository.
SetSubscriber(string, string) error Starred(*common.User, *common.Repo) (bool, error)
// DelSubscriber removes the subscriber by login for the // AddStar stars a repository.
// named repository. AddStar(*common.User, *common.Repo) error
DelSubscriber(string, string) error
// Repo returns the repository with the given name. // DelStar unstars a repository.
Repo(string) (*common.Repo, error) DelStar(*common.User, *common.Repo) error
// RepoList returns a list of repositories for the //
// given user account.
RepoList(string) ([]*common.Repo, error)
// RepoParams returns the private environment parameters // Repo retrieves a specific repo from the
// for the given repository. // datastore for the given ID.
RepoParams(string) (map[string]string, error) Repo(id int64) (*common.Repo, error)
// RepoKeypair returns the private and public rsa keys // RepoName retrieves a repo from the datastore
// for the given repository. // for the specified name.
RepoKeypair(string) (*common.Keypair, error) RepoName(owner, name string) (*common.Repo, error)
// SetRepo inserts or updates a repository. // RepoList retrieves a list of all repos from
// the datastore accessible by the given user ID.
RepoList(*common.User) ([]*common.Repo, error)
// AddRepo inserts a repo in the datastore.
AddRepo(*common.Repo) error
// SetRepo updates a repo in the datastore.
SetRepo(*common.Repo) error SetRepo(*common.Repo) error
// SetRepo updates a repository. If the repository // DelRepo removes the repo from the datastore.
// already exists ErrConflict is returned.
SetRepoNotExists(*common.User, *common.Repo) error
// SetRepoParams inserts or updates the private
// environment parameters for the named repository.
SetRepoParams(string, map[string]string) error
// SetRepoKeypair inserts or updates the private and
// public keypair for the named repository.
SetRepoKeypair(string, *common.Keypair) error
// DelRepo deletes the repository.
DelRepo(*common.Repo) error DelRepo(*common.Repo) error
// Build gets the specified build number for the //
// named repository and build number
Build(string, int) (*common.Build, error)
// BuildList gets a list of recent builds for the // Commit gets a commit by ID
Commit(int64) (*common.Commit, error)
// CommitSeq gets the specified commit sequence for the
// named repository and commit number
CommitSeq(*common.Repo, int) (*common.Commit, error)
// CommitLast gets the last executed commit for the
// named repository and branch
CommitLast(*common.Repo, string) (*common.Commit, error)
// CommitList gets a list of recent commits for the
// named repository. // named repository.
BuildList(string) ([]*common.Build, error) CommitList(*common.Repo, int, int) ([]*common.Commit, error)
// BuildLast gets the last executed build for the // AddCommit inserts a new commit in the datastore.
// named repository. AddCommit(*common.Commit) error
BuildLast(string) (*common.Build, error)
// BuildAgent returns the agent that is being // SetCommit updates an existing commit and commit tasks.
// used to execute the build. SetCommit(*common.Commit) error
BuildAgent(string, int) (*common.Agent, error)
// SetBuild inserts or updates a build for the named // KillCommits updates all pending or started commits
// repository. The build number is incremented and // in the datastore settings the status to killed.
// assigned to the provided build. KillCommits() error
SetBuild(string, *common.Build) error
// SetBuildState updates an existing build's start time, //
// finish time, duration and state. No other fields are
// updated.
SetBuildState(string, *common.Build) error
// SetBuildStatus appends a new build status to an // Build returns a build by ID.
// existing build record. Build(int64) (*common.Build, error)
SetBuildStatus(string, int, *common.Status) error
// SetBuildTask updates an existing build task. The build // BuildSeq returns a build by sequence number.
// and task must already exist. If the task does not exist BuildSeq(*common.Commit, int) (*common.Build, error)
// an error is returned.
SetBuildTask(string, int, *common.Task) error
// SetBuildAgent insert or updates the agent that is // BuildList returns a list of all commit builds
// running a build. BuildList(*common.Commit) ([]*common.Build, error)
SetBuildAgent(string, int, *common.Agent) error
// DelBuildAgent purges the referce to the agent // SetBuild updates an existing build.
// that ran a build. SetBuild(*common.Build) error
DelBuildAgent(string, int) error
// LogReader gets the task logs at index N for //
// the named repository and build number.
LogReader(string, int, int) (io.Reader, error)
// SetLogs inserts or updates a task logs for the // Get retrieves an object from the blobstore.
// named repository and build number. GetBlob(path string) ([]byte, error)
SetLogs(string, int, int, io.Reader) error
// GetBlobReader retrieves an object from the blobstore.
// It is the caller's responsibility to call Close on
// the ReadCloser when finished reading.
GetBlobReader(path string) (io.ReadCloser, error)
// Set inserts an object into the blobstore.
SetBlob(path string, data []byte) error
// SetBlobReader inserts an object into the blobstore by
// consuming data from r until EOF.
SetBlobReader(path string, r io.Reader) error
// Del removes an object from the blobstore.
DelBlob(path string) error
} }

View file

@ -31,8 +31,9 @@ func main() {
panic(err) panic(err)
} }
store := store.Must(settings.Database.Path) db := store.MustConnect(settings.Database.Driver, settings.Database.Datasource)
defer store.Close() store := store.New(db)
defer db.Close()
remote := github.New(settings.Service) remote := github.New(settings.Service)
session := session.New(settings.Session) session := session.New(settings.Session)
@ -101,12 +102,12 @@ func main() {
repo.POST("/watch", server.Subscribe) repo.POST("/watch", server.Subscribe)
repo.DELETE("/unwatch", server.Unsubscribe) repo.DELETE("/unwatch", server.Unsubscribe)
repo.GET("/builds", server.GetBuilds) repo.GET("/builds", server.GetCommits)
repo.GET("/builds/:number", server.GetBuild) repo.GET("/builds/:number", server.GetCommit)
repo.POST("/builds/:number", server.RunBuild) repo.POST("/builds/:number", server.RunBuild)
repo.DELETE("/builds/:number", server.KillBuild) repo.DELETE("/builds/:number", server.KillBuild)
repo.GET("/logs/:number/:task", server.GetBuildLogs) repo.GET("/logs/:number/:task", server.GetLogs)
repo.POST("/status/:number", server.PostBuildStatus) // repo.POST("/status/:number", server.PostBuildStatus)
} }
} }
@ -123,20 +124,20 @@ func main() {
hooks.POST("", server.PostHook) hooks.POST("", server.PostHook)
} }
queue := api.Group("/queue") // queue := api.Group("/queue")
{ // {
queue.Use(server.MustAgent()) // queue.Use(server.MustAgent())
queue.GET("", server.GetQueue) // queue.GET("", server.GetQueue)
queue.POST("/pull", server.PollBuild) // queue.POST("/pull", server.PollBuild)
push := queue.Group("/push/:owner/:name") // push := queue.Group("/push/:owner/:name")
{ // {
push.Use(server.SetRepo()) // push.Use(server.SetRepo())
push.POST("", server.PushBuild) // push.POST("", server.PushBuild)
push.POST("/:build", server.PushTask) // push.POST("/:build", server.PushTask)
push.POST("/:build/:task/logs", server.PushLogs) // push.POST("/:build/:task/logs", server.PushLogs)
} // }
} // }
stream := api.Group("/stream") stream := api.Group("/stream")
{ {

View file

@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ import (
// Work represents an item for work to be // Work represents an item for work to be
// processed by a worker. // processed by a worker.
type Work struct { type Work struct {
User *common.User `json:"user"` User *common.User `json:"user"`
Repo *common.Repo `json:"repo"` Repo *common.Repo `json:"repo"`
Build *common.Build `json:"build"` Commit *common.Commit `json:"commit"`
Keys *common.Keypair `json:"keypair"` Keys *common.Keypair `json:"keypair"`
Netrc *common.Netrc `json:"netrc"` Netrc *common.Netrc `json:"netrc"`
Yaml []byte `json:"yaml"` Yaml []byte `json:"yaml"`
} }
// represents a worker that has connected // represents a worker that has connected

View file

@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ import (
"fmt" "fmt"
"net/http" "net/http"
"net/url" "net/url"
"strings" "strings"
"" ""
"" ""
@ -103,15 +105,18 @@ func (g *GitHub) Repo(u *common.User, owner, name string) (*common.Repo, error)
repo := &common.Repo{} repo := &common.Repo{}
repo.Owner = owner repo.Owner = owner
repo.Name = name repo.Name = name
if repo_.Language != nil {
repo.Language = *repo_.Language
repo.FullName = *repo_.FullName repo.FullName = *repo_.FullName
repo.Link = *repo_.HTMLURL repo.Link = *repo_.HTMLURL
repo.Private = *repo_.Private repo.Private = *repo_.Private
repo.Clone = *repo_.CloneURL repo.Clone = *repo_.CloneURL
if repo_.Language != nil {
repo.Language = *repo_.Language
if repo_.DefaultBranch != nil {
repo.Branch = *repo_.DefaultBranch
if g.PrivateMode { if g.PrivateMode {
repo.Private = true repo.Private = true
} }
@ -132,7 +137,6 @@ func (g *GitHub) Perm(u *common.User, owner, name string) (*common.Perm, error)
return nil, err return nil, err
} }
m := &common.Perm{} m := &common.Perm{}
m.Login = u.Login
m.Admin = (*repo.Permissions)["admin"] m.Admin = (*repo.Permissions)["admin"]
m.Push = (*repo.Permissions)["push"] m.Push = (*repo.Permissions)["push"]
m.Pull = (*repo.Permissions)["pull"] m.Pull = (*repo.Permissions)["pull"]
@ -142,13 +146,13 @@ func (g *GitHub) Perm(u *common.User, owner, name string) (*common.Perm, error)
// Script fetches the build script (.drone.yml) from the remote // Script fetches the build script (.drone.yml) from the remote
// repository and returns in string format. // repository and returns in string format.
func (g *GitHub) Script(u *common.User, r *common.Repo, b *common.Build) ([]byte, error) { func (g *GitHub) Script(u *common.User, r *common.Repo, c *common.Commit) ([]byte, error) {
client := NewClient(g.API, u.Token, g.SkipVerify) client := NewClient(g.API, u.Token, g.SkipVerify)
var sha string var sha string
if b.Commit != nil { if len(c.SourceSha) == 0 {
sha = b.Commit.Sha sha = c.Sha
} else { } else {
sha = b.PullRequest.Source.Sha sha = c.SourceSha
} }
return GetFile(client, r.Owner, r.Name, ".drone.yml", sha) return GetFile(client, r.Owner, r.Name, ".drone.yml", sha)
} }
@ -208,23 +212,21 @@ func (g *GitHub) Deactivate(u *common.User, r *common.Repo, link string) error {
return DeleteHook(client, r.Owner, r.Name, link) return DeleteHook(client, r.Owner, r.Name, link)
} }
func (g *GitHub) Status(u *common.User, r *common.Repo, b *common.Build, link string) error { func (g *GitHub) Status(u *common.User, r *common.Repo, c *common.Commit, link string) error {
client := NewClient(g.API, u.Token, g.SkipVerify) client := NewClient(g.API, u.Token, g.SkipVerify)
var ref string if len(c.PullRequest) == 0 {
if b.Commit != nil { return nil
ref = b.Commit.Ref
} else {
ref = b.PullRequest.Source.Ref
} }
status := getStatus(b.State)
desc := getDesc(b.State) status := getStatus(c.State)
desc := getDesc(c.State)
data := github.RepoStatus{ data := github.RepoStatus{
Context: github.String("Drone"), Context: github.String("Drone"),
State: github.String(status), State: github.String(status),
Description: github.String(desc), Description: github.String(desc),
TargetURL: github.String(link), TargetURL: github.String(link),
} }
_, _, err := client.Repositories.CreateStatus(r.Owner, r.Name, ref, &data) _, _, err := client.Repositories.CreateStatus(r.Owner, r.Name, c.SourceSha, &data)
return err return err
} }
@ -253,23 +255,27 @@ func (g *GitHub) push(r *http.Request) (*common.Hook, error) {
repo := &common.Repo{} repo := &common.Repo{}
repo.Owner = hook.Repo.Owner.Login repo.Owner = hook.Repo.Owner.Login
if len(repo.Owner) == 0 {
repo.Owner = hook.Repo.Owner.Name
repo.Name = hook.Repo.Name repo.Name = hook.Repo.Name
repo.Language = hook.Repo.Language
repo.FullName = hook.Repo.FullName repo.FullName = hook.Repo.FullName
repo.Link = hook.Repo.HTMLURL repo.Link = hook.Repo.HTMLURL
repo.Private = hook.Repo.Private repo.Private = hook.Repo.Private
repo.Clone = hook.Repo.CloneURL repo.Clone = hook.Repo.CloneURL
repo.Language = hook.Repo.Language
repo.Branch = hook.Repo.DefaultBranch
commit := &common.Commit{} commit := &common.Commit{}
commit.Sha = hook.Head.ID commit.Sha = hook.Head.ID
commit.Ref = hook.Ref commit.Ref = hook.Ref
commit.Branch = strings.Replace(commit.Ref, "refs/heads/", "", -1)
commit.Message = hook.Head.Message commit.Message = hook.Head.Message
commit.Timestamp = hook.Head.Timestamp commit.Timestamp = hook.Head.Timestamp
commit.Author = hook.Head.Author.Username
commit.Author = &common.Author{} // commit.Author.Name = hook.Head.Author.Name
commit.Author.Name = hook.Head.Author.Name // commit.Author.Email = hook.Head.Author.Email
commit.Author.Email = hook.Head.Author.Email // commit.Author.Login = hook.Head.Author.Username
commit.Author.Login = hook.Head.Author.Username
// we should ignore github pages // we should ignore github pages
if commit.Ref == "refs/heads/gh-pages" { if commit.Ref == "refs/heads/gh-pages" {
@ -301,32 +307,31 @@ func (g *GitHub) pullRequest(r *http.Request) (*common.Hook, error) {
repo := &common.Repo{} repo := &common.Repo{}
repo.Owner = *hook.Repo.Owner.Login repo.Owner = *hook.Repo.Owner.Login
repo.Name = *hook.Repo.Name repo.Name = *hook.Repo.Name
repo.Language = *hook.Repo.Language
repo.FullName = *hook.Repo.FullName repo.FullName = *hook.Repo.FullName
repo.Link = *hook.Repo.HTMLURL repo.Link = *hook.Repo.HTMLURL
repo.Private = *hook.Repo.Private repo.Private = *hook.Repo.Private
repo.Clone = *hook.Repo.CloneURL repo.Clone = *hook.Repo.CloneURL
if hook.Repo.Language != nil {
repo.Language = *hook.Repo.Language
if hook.Repo.DefaultBranch != nil {
repo.Branch = *hook.Repo.DefaultBranch
pr := &common.PullRequest{} c := &common.Commit{}
pr.Number = *hook.PullRequest.Number c.PullRequest = strconv.Itoa(*hook.PullRequest.Number)
pr.Title = *hook.PullRequest.Title c.Message = *hook.PullRequest.Title
c.Sha = *hook.PullRequest.Base.SHA
c.Ref = *hook.PullRequest.Base.Ref
c.Ref = fmt.Sprintf("refs/pull/%s/merge", c.PullRequest)
c.Branch = *hook.PullRequest.Base.Ref
c.Timestamp = time.Now().UTC().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05.000000000 +0000 MST")
c.Author = *hook.PullRequest.Base.User.Login
c.SourceRemote = *hook.PullRequest.Head.Repo.CloneURL
c.SourceBranch = *hook.PullRequest.Head.Ref
c.SourceSha = *hook.PullRequest.Head.SHA
pr.Source = &common.Commit{} return &common.Hook{Repo: repo, Commit: c}, nil
pr.Source.Sha = *hook.PullRequest.Head.SHA
pr.Source.Ref = *hook.PullRequest.Head.Ref
pr.Source.Author = &common.Author{}
pr.Source.Author.Login = *hook.PullRequest.User.Login
pr.Source.Remote = &common.Remote{}
pr.Source.Remote.Clone = *hook.PullRequest.Head.Repo.CloneURL
pr.Source.Remote.Name = *hook.PullRequest.Head.Repo.Name
pr.Source.Remote.FullName = *hook.PullRequest.Head.Repo.FullName
pr.Target = &common.Commit{}
pr.Target.Sha = *hook.PullRequest.Base.SHA
pr.Target.Ref = *hook.PullRequest.Base.Ref
return &common.Hook{Repo: repo, PullRequest: pr}, nil
} }
type pushHook struct { type pushHook struct {
@ -353,13 +358,15 @@ type pushHook struct {
Repo struct { Repo struct {
Owner struct { Owner struct {
Login string `json:"login"` Login string `json:"login"`
Name string `json:"name"`
} `json:"owner"` } `json:"owner"`
Name string `json:"name"` Name string `json:"name"`
FullName string `json:"full_name"` FullName string `json:"full_name"`
Language string `json:"language"` Language string `json:"language"`
Private bool `json:"private"` Private bool `json:"private"`
HTMLURL string `json:"html_url"` HTMLURL string `json:"html_url"`
CloneURL string `json:"clone_url"` CloneURL string `json:"clone_url"`
DefaultBranch string `json:"default_branch"`
} `json:"repository"` } `json:"repository"`
} }

View file

@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ type Remote interface {
// Script fetches the build script (.drone.yml) from the remote // Script fetches the build script (.drone.yml) from the remote
// repository and returns in string format. // repository and returns in string format.
Script(u *common.User, r *common.Repo, b *common.Build) ([]byte, error) Script(u *common.User, r *common.Repo, c *common.Commit) ([]byte, error)
// Status sends the commit status to the remote system. // Status sends the commit status to the remote system.
// An example would be the GitHub pull request status. // An example would be the GitHub pull request status.
Status(u *common.User, r *common.Repo, b *common.Build, link string) error Status(u *common.User, r *common.Repo, c *common.Commit, link string) error
// Netrc returns a .netrc file that can be used to clone // Netrc returns a .netrc file that can be used to clone
// private repositories from a remote system. // private repositories from a remote system.

View file

@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ package builtin
import ( import (
"bytes" "bytes"
"encoding/json" "encoding/json"
"fmt" "fmt"
"io" "io"
@ -51,42 +49,41 @@ func (r *Runner) Run(w *queue.Work) error {
worker.Remove() worker.Remove()
} }
// if any part of the build fails and leaves // if any part of the commit fails and leaves
// behind orphan sub-builds we need to cleanup // behind orphan sub-builds we need to cleanup
// after ourselves. // after ourselves.
if w.Build.State == common.StateRunning { if w.Commit.State == common.StateRunning {
// if any tasks are running or pending // if any tasks are running or pending
// we should mark them as complete. // we should mark them as complete.
for _, t := range w.Build.Tasks { for _, b := range w.Commit.Builds {
if t.State == common.StateRunning { if b.State == common.StateRunning {
t.State = common.StateError b.State = common.StateError
t.Finished = time.Now().UTC().Unix() b.Finished = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
t.Duration = t.Finished - t.Started b.Duration = b.Finished - b.Started
} }
if t.State == common.StatePending { if b.State == common.StatePending {
t.State = common.StateError b.State = common.StateError
t.Started = time.Now().UTC().Unix() b.Started = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
t.Finished = time.Now().UTC().Unix() b.Finished = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
t.Duration = 0 b.Duration = 0
} }
r.SetTask(w.Repo, w.Build, t) r.SetBuild(w.Repo, w.Commit, b)
} }
// must populate build start // must populate build start
if w.Build.Started == 0 { if w.Commit.Started == 0 {
w.Build.Started = time.Now().UTC().Unix() w.Commit.Started = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
} }
// mark the build as complete (with error) // mark the build as complete (with error)
w.Build.State = common.StateError w.Commit.State = common.StateError
w.Build.Finished = time.Now().UTC().Unix() w.Commit.Finished = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
w.Build.Duration = w.Build.Finished - w.Build.Started r.SetCommit(w.User, w.Repo, w.Commit)
r.SetBuild(w.User, w.Repo, w.Build)
} }
}() }()
// marks the build as running // marks the build as running
w.Build.Started = time.Now().UTC().Unix() w.Commit.Started = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
w.Build.State = common.StateRunning w.Commit.State = common.StateRunning
err := r.SetBuild(w.User, w.Repo, w.Build) err := r.SetCommit(w.User, w.Repo, w.Commit)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
@ -101,23 +98,23 @@ func (r *Runner) Run(w *queue.Work) error {
// loop through and execute the build and // loop through and execute the build and
// clone steps for each build task. // clone steps for each build task.
for _, task := range w.Build.Tasks { for _, task := range w.Commit.Builds {
// marks the task as running // marks the task as running
task.State = common.StateRunning task.State = common.StateRunning
task.Started = time.Now().UTC().Unix() task.Started = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
err = r.SetTask(w.Repo, w.Build, task) err = r.SetBuild(w.Repo, w.Commit, task)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
work := &work{ work := &work{
Repo: w.Repo, Repo: w.Repo,
Build: w.Build, Commit: w.Commit,
Keys: w.Keys, Keys: w.Keys,
Netrc: w.Netrc, Netrc: w.Netrc,
Yaml: w.Yaml, Yaml: w.Yaml,
Task: task, Build: task,
} }
in, err := json.Marshal(work) in, err := json.Marshal(work)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
@ -125,7 +122,7 @@ func (r *Runner) Run(w *queue.Work) error {
} }
worker := newWorkerTimeout(client, w.Repo.Timeout+10) // 10 minute buffer worker := newWorkerTimeout(client, w.Repo.Timeout+10) // 10 minute buffer
workers = append(workers, worker) workers = append(workers, worker)
cname := cname(w.Repo.FullName, w.Build.Number, task.Number) cname := cname(task)
state, builderr := worker.Build(cname, in) state, builderr := worker.Build(cname, in)
switch { switch {
@ -154,7 +151,7 @@ func (r *Runner) Run(w *queue.Work) error {
defer rc.Close() defer rc.Close()
StdCopy(&buf, &buf, rc) StdCopy(&buf, &buf, rc)
} }
err = r.SetLogs(w.Repo, w.Build, task, ioutil.NopCloser(&buf)) err = r.SetLogs(w.Repo, w.Commit, task, ioutil.NopCloser(&buf))
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
@ -162,7 +159,7 @@ func (r *Runner) Run(w *queue.Work) error {
// update the task in the datastore // update the task in the datastore
task.Finished = time.Now().UTC().Unix() task.Finished = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
task.Duration = task.Finished - task.Started task.Duration = task.Finished - task.Started
err = r.SetTask(w.Repo, w.Build, task) err = r.SetBuild(w.Repo, w.Commit, task)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
@ -170,28 +167,28 @@ func (r *Runner) Run(w *queue.Work) error {
// update the build state if any of the sub-tasks // update the build state if any of the sub-tasks
// had a non-success status // had a non-success status
w.Build.State = common.StateSuccess w.Commit.State = common.StateSuccess
for _, task := range w.Build.Tasks { for _, build := range w.Commit.Builds {
if task.State != common.StateSuccess { if build.State != common.StateSuccess {
w.Build.State = task.State w.Commit.State = build.State
break break
} }
} }
err = r.SetBuild(w.User, w.Repo, w.Build) err = r.SetCommit(w.User, w.Repo, w.Commit)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
// loop through and execute the notifications and // loop through and execute the notifications and
// the destroy all containers afterward. // the destroy all containers afterward.
for i, task := range w.Build.Tasks { for i, build := range w.Commit.Builds {
work := &work{ work := &work{
Repo: w.Repo, Repo: w.Repo,
Build: w.Build, Commit: w.Commit,
Keys: w.Keys, Keys: w.Keys,
Netrc: w.Netrc, Netrc: w.Netrc,
Yaml: w.Yaml, Yaml: w.Yaml,
Task: task, Build: build,
} }
in, err := json.Marshal(work) in, err := json.Marshal(work)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
@ -204,21 +201,21 @@ func (r *Runner) Run(w *queue.Work) error {
return nil return nil
} }
func (r *Runner) Cancel(repo string, build, task int) error { func (r *Runner) Cancel(build *common.Build) error {
client, err := dockerclient.NewDockerClient(DockerHost, nil) client, err := dockerclient.NewDockerClient(DockerHost, nil)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
return client.StopContainer(cname(repo, build, task), 30) return client.StopContainer(cname(build), 30)
} }
func (r *Runner) Logs(repo string, build, task int) (io.ReadCloser, error) { func (r *Runner) Logs(build *common.Build) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
client, err := dockerclient.NewDockerClient(DockerHost, nil) client, err := dockerclient.NewDockerClient(DockerHost, nil)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return nil, err return nil, err
} }
// make sure this container actually exists // make sure this container actually exists
info, err := client.InspectContainer(cname(repo, build, task)) info, err := client.InspectContainer(cname(build))
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return nil, err return nil, err
} }
@ -252,12 +249,8 @@ func (r *Runner) Logs(repo string, build, task int) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
return pr, nil return pr, nil
} }
func cname(repo string, number, task int) string { func cname(build *common.Build) string {
s := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d/%d", repo, number, task) return fmt.Sprintf("drone-%d", build.ID)
h := sha1.New()
hash := hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil))[:10]
return fmt.Sprintf("drone-%s", hash)
} }
func (r *Runner) Poll(q queue.Queue) { func (r *Runner) Poll(q queue.Queue) {

View file

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package builtin
import ( import (
"encoding/json" "encoding/json"
"io" "io"
"" ""
@ -11,9 +12,9 @@ import (
) )
type Updater interface { type Updater interface {
SetBuild(*common.User, *common.Repo, *common.Build) error SetCommit(*common.User, *common.Repo, *common.Commit) error
SetTask(*common.Repo, *common.Build, *common.Task) error SetBuild(*common.Repo, *common.Commit, *common.Build) error
SetLogs(*common.Repo, *common.Build, *common.Task, io.ReadCloser) error SetLogs(*common.Repo, *common.Commit, *common.Build, io.ReadCloser) error
} }
// NewUpdater returns an implementation of the Updater interface // NewUpdater returns an implementation of the Updater interface
@ -28,29 +29,15 @@ type updater struct {
remote remote.Remote remote remote.Remote
} }
func (u *updater) SetBuild(user *common.User, r *common.Repo, b *common.Build) error { func (u *updater) SetCommit(user *common.User, r *common.Repo, c *common.Commit) error {
err :=, b) err :=
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
// if the build is complete we may need to update // TODO invoke remote.Status to set the build status
if b.State != common.StatePending && b.State != common.StateRunning {
repo, err :=
if err == nil {
if repo.Last == nil || b.Number >= repo.Last.Number {
repo.Last = b
// err = u.remote.Status(user, r, b, "") msg, err := json.Marshal(c)
// if err != nil {
// }
msg, err := json.Marshal(b)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
@ -63,13 +50,13 @@ func (u *updater) SetBuild(user *common.User, r *common.Repo, b *common.Build) e
return nil return nil
} }
func (u *updater) SetTask(r *common.Repo, b *common.Build, t *common.Task) error { func (u *updater) SetBuild(r *common.Repo, c *common.Commit, b *common.Build) error {
err :=, b.Number, t) err :=
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
msg, err := json.Marshal(b) msg, err := json.Marshal(c)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
@ -82,12 +69,7 @@ func (u *updater) SetTask(r *common.Repo, b *common.Build, t *common.Task) error
return nil return nil
} }
func (u *updater) SetLogs(r *common.Repo, b *common.Build, t *common.Task, rc io.ReadCloser) error { func (u *updater) SetLogs(r *common.Repo, c *common.Commit, b *common.Build, rc io.ReadCloser) error {
//defer rc.Close() path := fmt.Sprintf("/logs/%s/%v/%v", r.FullName, c.Sequence, b.Sequence)
//out, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rc) return, rc)
//if err != nil {
// return err
//return, b.Number, t.Number, out)
return, b.Number, t.Number, rc)
} }

View file

@ -49,12 +49,12 @@ var (
) )
type work struct { type work struct {
Repo *common.Repo `json:"repo"` Repo *common.Repo `json:"repo"`
Build *common.Build `json:"build"` Commit *common.Commit `json:"commit"`
Task *common.Task `json:"task"` Build *common.Build `json:"build"`
Keys *common.Keypair `json:"keys"` Keys *common.Keypair `json:"keys"`
Netrc *common.Netrc `json:"netrc"` Netrc *common.Netrc `json:"netrc"`
Yaml []byte `json:"yaml"` Yaml []byte `json:"yaml"`
} }
type worker struct { type worker struct {

View file

@ -9,14 +9,14 @@ import (
type Runner interface { type Runner interface {
Run(work *queue.Work) error Run(work *queue.Work) error
Cancel(repo string, build, task int) error Cancel(*common.Build) error
Logs(repo string, build, task int) (io.ReadCloser, error) Logs(*common.Build) (io.ReadCloser, error)
} }
// Updater defines a set of functions that are required for // Updater defines a set of functions that are required for
// the runner to sent Drone updates during a build. // the runner to sent Drone updates during a build.
type Updater interface { type Updater interface {
SetBuild(*common.Repo, *common.Build) error SetCommit(*common.User, *common.Repo, *common.Commit) error
SetTask(*common.Repo, *common.Build, *common.Task) error SetBuild(*common.Repo, *common.Commit, *common.Build) error
SetLogs(*common.Repo, *common.Build, *common.Task, io.ReadCloser) error SetLogs(*common.Repo, *common.Commit, *common.Build, io.ReadCloser) error
} }

View file

@ -24,6 +24,11 @@ var (
// //
func GetBadge(c *gin.Context) { func GetBadge(c *gin.Context) {
var repo = ToRepo(c) var repo = ToRepo(c)
var store = ToDatastore(c)
var branch = c.Request.FormValue("branch")
if len(branch) == 0 {
branch = repo.Branch
// an SVG response is always served, even when error, so // an SVG response is always served, even when error, so
// we can go ahead and set the content type appropriately. // we can go ahead and set the content type appropriately.
@ -32,12 +37,13 @@ func GetBadge(c *gin.Context) {
// if no commit was found then display // if no commit was found then display
// the 'none' badge, instead of throwing // the 'none' badge, instead of throwing
// an error response // an error response
if repo.Last == nil { commit, err := store.CommitLast(repo, branch)
if err != nil {
c.Writer.Write(badgeNone) c.Writer.Write(badgeNone)
return return
} }
switch repo.Last.State { switch commit.State {
case common.StateSuccess: case common.StateSuccess:
c.Writer.Write(badgeSuccess) c.Writer.Write(badgeSuccess)
case common.StateFailure: case common.StateFailure:
@ -61,14 +67,14 @@ func GetBadge(c *gin.Context) {
func GetCC(c *gin.Context) { func GetCC(c *gin.Context) {
store := ToDatastore(c) store := ToDatastore(c)
repo := ToRepo(c) repo := ToRepo(c)
last, err := store.BuildLast(repo.FullName) list, err := store.CommitList(repo, 1, 0)
if err != nil { if err != nil || len(list) == 0 {
c.Fail(404, err) c.AbortWithStatus(404)
return return
} }
link := httputil.GetURL(c.Request) + "/" + repo.FullName link := httputil.GetURL(c.Request) + "/" + repo.FullName
cc := ccmenu.NewCC(repo, last, link) cc := ccmenu.NewCC(repo, list[0], link)
c.Writer.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/xml") c.Writer.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/xml")
c.XML(200, cc) c.XML(200, cc)

View file

@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
package server
import (
// GetBuild accepts a request to retrieve a build
// from the datastore for the given repository and
// build number.
// GET /api/builds/:owner/:name/:number
func GetBuild(c *gin.Context) {
store := ToDatastore(c)
repo := ToRepo(c)
num, err := strconv.Atoi(c.Params.ByName("number"))
if err != nil {
c.Fail(400, err)
build, err := store.Build(repo.FullName, num)
if err != nil {
c.Fail(404, err)
} else {
c.JSON(200, build)
// GetBuilds accepts a request to retrieve a list
// of builds from the datastore for the given repository.
// GET /api/builds/:owner/:name
func GetBuilds(c *gin.Context) {
store := ToDatastore(c)
repo := ToRepo(c)
builds, err := store.BuildList(repo.FullName)
if err != nil {
c.Fail(404, err)
} else {
c.JSON(200, builds)
// GetBuildLogs accepts a request to retrieve logs from the
// datastore for the given repository, build and task
// number.
// GET /api/repos/:owner/:name/logs/:number/:task
func GetBuildLogs(c *gin.Context) {
store := ToDatastore(c)
repo := ToRepo(c)
full, _ := strconv.ParseBool(c.Params.ByName("full"))
build, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.Params.ByName("number"))
task, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.Params.ByName("task"))
r, err := store.LogReader(repo.FullName, build, task)
if err != nil {
c.Fail(404, err)
} else if full {
io.Copy(c.Writer, r)
} else {
io.Copy(c.Writer, io.LimitReader(r, 2000000))
// PostBuildStatus accepts a request to create a new build
// status. The created user status is returned in JSON
// format if successful.
// POST /api/repos/:owner/:name/status/:number
func PostBuildStatus(c *gin.Context) {
store := ToDatastore(c)
repo := ToRepo(c)
num, err := strconv.Atoi(c.Params.ByName("number"))
if err != nil {
c.Fail(400, err)
in := &common.Status{}
if !c.BindWith(in, binding.JSON) {
if err := store.SetBuildStatus(repo.Name, num, in); err != nil {
c.Fail(400, err)
} else {
c.JSON(201, in)
// RunBuild accepts a request to restart an existing build.
// POST /api/builds/:owner/:name/builds/:number
func RunBuild(c *gin.Context) {
remote := ToRemote(c)
store := ToDatastore(c)
queue_ := ToQueue(c)
repo := ToRepo(c)
num, err := strconv.Atoi(c.Params.ByName("number"))
if err != nil {
c.Fail(400, err)
build, err := store.Build(repo.FullName, num)
if err != nil {
c.Fail(404, err)
keys, err := store.RepoKeypair(repo.FullName)
if err != nil {
c.Fail(404, err)
user, err := store.User(repo.User.Login)
if err != nil {
c.Fail(404, err)
// must not restart a running build
if build.State == common.StatePending || build.State == common.StateRunning {
build.State = common.StatePending
build.Started = 0
build.Finished = 0
build.Duration = 0
build.Statuses = []*common.Status{}
for _, task := range build.Tasks {
task.State = common.StatePending
task.Started = 0
task.Finished = 0
task.ExitCode = 0
err = store.SetBuild(repo.FullName, build)
if err != nil {
c.Fail(500, err)
netrc, err := remote.Netrc(user)
if err != nil {
c.Fail(500, err)
// featch the .drone.yml file from the database
raw, err := remote.Script(user, repo, build)
if err != nil {
c.Fail(404, err)
// inject any private parameters into the .drone.yml
params, _ := store.RepoParams(repo.FullName)
if params != nil && len(params) != 0 {
raw = []byte(inject.InjectSafe(string(raw), params))
c.JSON(202, build)
User: user,
Repo: repo,
Build: build,
Keys: keys,
Netrc: netrc,
Yaml: raw,
// KillBuild accepts a request to kill a running build.
// DELETE /api/builds/:owner/:name/builds/:number
func KillBuild(c *gin.Context) {
runner := ToRunner(c)
queue := ToQueue(c)
store := ToDatastore(c)
repo := ToRepo(c)
num, err := strconv.Atoi(c.Params.ByName("number"))
if err != nil {
c.Fail(400, err)
build, err := store.Build(repo.FullName, num)
if err != nil {
c.Fail(404, err)
// must not restart a running build
if build.State != common.StatePending && build.State != common.StateRunning {
c.Fail(409, err)
// remove from the queue if exists
for _, item := range queue.Items() {
if item.Repo.FullName == repo.FullName && item.Build.Number == build.Number {
build.State = common.StateKilled
build.Finished = time.Now().Unix()
if build.Started == 0 {
build.Started = build.Finished
build.Duration = build.Finished - build.Started
for _, task := range build.Tasks {
if task.State != common.StatePending && task.State != common.StateRunning {
task.State = common.StateKilled
task.Started = build.Started
task.Finished = build.Finished
err = store.SetBuild(repo.FullName, build)
if err != nil {
c.Fail(500, err)
for _, task := range build.Tasks {
runner.Cancel(repo.FullName, build.Number, task.Number)
// // get the agent from the repository so we can
// // notify the agent to kill the build.
// agent, err := store.BuildAgent(repo.FullName, build.Number)
// if err != nil {
// c.JSON(200, build)
// return
// }
// url_, _ := url.Parse("http://" + agent.Addr)
// url_.Path = fmt.Sprintf("/cancel/%s/%v", repo.FullName, build.Number)
// resp, err := http.Post(url_.String(), "application/json", nil)
// if err != nil {
// c.Fail(500, err)
// return
// }
// defer resp.Body.Close()
c.JSON(200, build)

server/commits.go Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
package server
import (
// ""
// GetCommit accepts a request to retrieve a commit
// from the datastore for the given repository and
// commit sequence.
// GET /api/repos/:owner/:name/:number
func GetCommit(c *gin.Context) {
store := ToDatastore(c)
repo := ToRepo(c)
num, err := strconv.Atoi(c.Params.ByName("number"))
if err != nil {
c.Fail(400, err)
commit, err := store.CommitSeq(repo, num)
if err != nil {
c.Fail(404, err)
commit.Builds, err = store.BuildList(commit)
if err != nil {
c.Fail(404, err)
} else {
c.JSON(200, commit)
// GetCommits accepts a request to retrieve a list
// of commits from the datastore for the given repository.
// GET /api/repos/:owner/:name/builds
func GetCommits(c *gin.Context) {
store := ToDatastore(c)
repo := ToRepo(c)
commits, err := store.CommitList(repo, 20, 0)
if err != nil {
c.Fail(404, err)
} else {
c.JSON(200, commits)
// GetLogs accepts a request to retrieve logs from the
// datastore for the given repository, build and task
// number.
// GET /api/repos/:owner/:name/logs/:number/:task
func GetLogs(c *gin.Context) {
store := ToDatastore(c)
repo := ToRepo(c)
full, _ := strconv.ParseBool(c.Params.ByName("full"))
commit, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.Params.ByName("number"))
build, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.Params.ByName("task"))
path := fmt.Sprintf("/logs/%s/%v/%v", repo.FullName, commit, build)
r, err := store.GetBlobReader(path)
if err != nil {
c.Fail(404, err)
} else if full {
io.Copy(c.Writer, r)
} else {
io.Copy(c.Writer, io.LimitReader(r, 2000000))
// // PostBuildStatus accepts a request to create a new build
// // status. The created user status is returned in JSON
// // format if successful.
// //
// // POST /api/repos/:owner/:name/status/:number
// //
// func PostBuildStatus(c *gin.Context) {
// store := ToDatastore(c)
// repo := ToRepo(c)
// num, err := strconv.Atoi(c.Params.ByName("number"))
// if err != nil {
// c.Fail(400, err)
// return
// }
// in := &common.Status{}
// if !c.BindWith(in, binding.JSON) {
// c.AbortWithStatus(400)
// return
// }
// if err := store.SetBuildStatus(repo.Name, num, in); err != nil {
// c.Fail(400, err)
// } else {
// c.JSON(201, in)
// }
// }
// RunBuild accepts a request to restart an existing build.
// POST /api/builds/:owner/:name/builds/:number
func RunBuild(c *gin.Context) {
remote := ToRemote(c)
store := ToDatastore(c)
queue_ := ToQueue(c)
repo := ToRepo(c)
num, err := strconv.Atoi(c.Params.ByName("number"))
if err != nil {
c.Fail(400, err)
commit, err := store.CommitSeq(repo, num)
if err != nil {
c.Fail(404, err)
commit.Builds, err = store.BuildList(commit)
if err != nil {
c.Fail(404, err)
keys := &common.Keypair{
Public: repo.PublicKey,
Private: repo.PrivateKey,
user, err := store.User(repo.UserID)
if err != nil {
c.Fail(404, err)
// must not restart a running build
if commit.State == common.StatePending || commit.State == common.StateRunning {
commit.State = common.StatePending
commit.Started = 0
commit.Finished = 0
for _, build := range commit.Builds {
build.State = common.StatePending
build.Started = 0
build.Finished = 0
build.Duration = 0
build.ExitCode = 0
err = store.SetCommit(commit)
if err != nil {
c.Fail(500, err)
netrc, err := remote.Netrc(user)
if err != nil {
c.Fail(500, err)
// featch the .drone.yml file from the database
raw, err := remote.Script(user, repo, commit)
if err != nil {
c.Fail(404, err)
// inject any private parameters into the .drone.yml
if repo.Params != nil && len(repo.Params) != 0 {
raw = []byte(inject.InjectSafe(string(raw), repo.Params))
c.JSON(202, commit)
User: user,
Repo: repo,
Commit: commit,
Keys: keys,
Netrc: netrc,
Yaml: raw,
// KillBuild accepts a request to kill a running build.
// DELETE /api/builds/:owner/:name/builds/:number
func KillBuild(c *gin.Context) {
runner := ToRunner(c)
queue := ToQueue(c)
store := ToDatastore(c)
repo := ToRepo(c)
num, err := strconv.Atoi(c.Params.ByName("number"))
if err != nil {
c.Fail(400, err)
commit, err := store.CommitSeq(repo, num)
if err != nil {
c.Fail(404, err)
commit.Builds, err = store.BuildList(commit)
if err != nil {
c.Fail(404, err)
// must not restart a running build
if commit.State != common.StatePending && commit.State != common.StateRunning {
c.Fail(409, err)
// remove from the queue if exists
// TODO(bradrydzewski) this could yield a race condition
// because other threads may also be accessing these items.
for _, item := range queue.Items() {
if item.Repo.FullName == repo.FullName && item.Commit.Sequence == commit.Sequence {
commit.State = common.StateKilled
commit.Finished = time.Now().Unix()
if commit.Started == 0 {
commit.Started = commit.Finished
for _, build := range commit.Builds {
if build.State != common.StatePending && build.State != common.StateRunning {
build.State = common.StateKilled
build.Started = commit.Started
build.Finished = commit.Finished
build.Duration = commit.Finished - commit.Started
err = store.SetCommit(commit)
if err != nil {
c.Fail(500, err)
for _, build := range commit.Builds {
// // get the agent from the repository so we can
// // notify the agent to kill the build.
// agent, err := store.BuildAgent(repo.FullName, build.Number)
// if err != nil {
// c.JSON(200, build)
// return
// }
// url_, _ := url.Parse("http://" + agent.Addr)
// url_.Path = fmt.Sprintf("/cancel/%s/%v", repo.FullName, build.Number)
// resp, err := http.Post(url_.String(), "application/json", nil)
// if err != nil {
// c.Fail(500, err)
// return
// }
// defer resp.Body.Close()
c.JSON(200, commit)

View file

@ -57,52 +57,49 @@ func PostHook(c *gin.Context) {
return return
} }
repo, err := store.Repo(hook.Repo.FullName) repo, err := store.RepoName(hook.Repo.Owner, hook.Repo.Name)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
log.Errorf("failure to find repo %s from hook. %s", hook.Repo.FullName, err) log.Errorf("failure to find repo %s/%s from hook. %s", hook.Repo.Owner, hook.Repo.Name, err)
c.Fail(404, err) c.Fail(404, err)
return return
} }
switch { switch {
case repo.Disabled: case repo.UserID == 0:
log.Infof("ignoring hook. repo %s is disabled.", repo.FullName)
case repo.User == nil:
log.Warnf("ignoring hook. repo %s has no owner.", repo.FullName) log.Warnf("ignoring hook. repo %s has no owner.", repo.FullName)
c.Writer.WriteHeader(204) c.Writer.WriteHeader(204)
return return
case repo.DisablePR && hook.PullRequest != nil: case !repo.PostCommit && hook.Commit.PullRequest != "":
log.Infof("ignoring hook. repo %s is disabled.", repo.FullName)
case !repo.PullRequest && hook.Commit.PullRequest == "":
log.Warnf("ignoring hook. repo %s is disabled for pull requests.", repo.FullName) log.Warnf("ignoring hook. repo %s is disabled for pull requests.", repo.FullName)
c.Writer.WriteHeader(204) c.Writer.WriteHeader(204)
return return
} }
user, err := store.User(repo.User.Login) user, err := store.User(repo.UserID)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
log.Errorf("failure to find repo owner %s. %s", repo.User.Login, err) log.Errorf("failure to find repo owner %s. %s", repo.FullName, err)
c.Fail(500, err) c.Fail(500, err)
return return
} }
params, _ := store.RepoParams(repo.FullName) commit := hook.Commit
commit.State = common.StatePending
build := &common.Build{} commit.RepoID = repo.ID
build.State = common.StatePending
build.Commit = hook.Commit
build.PullRequest = hook.PullRequest
// featch the .drone.yml file from the database // featch the .drone.yml file from the database
raw, err := remote.Script(user, repo, build) raw, err := remote.Script(user, repo, commit)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
log.Errorf("failure to get .drone.yml for %s. %s", repo.FullName, err) log.Errorf("failure to get .drone.yml for %s. %s", repo.FullName, err)
c.Fail(404, err) c.Fail(404, err)
return return
} }
// inject any private parameters into the .drone.yml // inject any private parameters into the .drone.yml
if params != nil && len(params) != 0 { if repo.Params != nil && len(repo.Params) != 0 {
raw = []byte(inject.InjectSafe(string(raw), params)) raw = []byte(inject.InjectSafe(string(raw), repo.Params))
} }
axes, err := matrix.Parse(string(raw)) axes, err := matrix.Parse(string(raw))
if err != nil { if err != nil {
@ -114,58 +111,59 @@ func PostHook(c *gin.Context) {
axes = append(axes, matrix.Axis{}) axes = append(axes, matrix.Axis{})
} }
for num, axis := range axes { for num, axis := range axes {
build.Tasks = append(build.Tasks, &common.Task{ commit.Builds = append(commit.Builds, &common.Build{
Number: num + 1, CommitID: commit.ID,
Sequence: num + 1,
State: common.StatePending, State: common.StatePending,
Environment: axis, Environment: axis,
}) })
} }
keys, err := store.RepoKeypair(repo.FullName) keys := &common.Keypair{
if err != nil { Public: repo.PublicKey,
log.Errorf("failure to fetch keypair for %s. %s", repo.FullName, err) Private: repo.PrivateKey,
c.Fail(404, err)
} }
netrc, err := remote.Netrc(user) netrc, err := remote.Netrc(user)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
log.Errorf("failure to generate netrc for %s. %s", repo.FullName, err)
c.Fail(500, err) c.Fail(500, err)
return return
} }
// verify the branches can be built vs skipped // verify the branches can be built vs skipped
when, _ := parser.ParseCondition(string(raw)) when, _ := parser.ParseCondition(string(raw))
if build.Commit != nil && when != nil && !when.MatchBranch(build.Commit.Ref) { if commit.PullRequest != "" && when != nil && !when.MatchBranch(commit.Branch) {
log.Infof("ignoring hook. yaml file excludes repo and branch %s %s", repo.FullName, build.Commit.Ref) log.Infof("ignoring hook. yaml file excludes repo and branch %s %s", repo.FullName, commit.Branch)
c.AbortWithStatus(200) c.AbortWithStatus(200)
return return
} }
err = store.SetBuild(repo.FullName, build) err = store.AddCommit(commit)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
log.Errorf("failure to save commit for %s. %s", repo.FullName, err)
c.Fail(500, err) c.Fail(500, err)
return return
} }
c.JSON(200, build) c.JSON(200, commit)
link := fmt.Sprintf( link := fmt.Sprintf(
"%s/%s/%d", "%s/%s/%d",
httputil.GetURL(c.Request), httputil.GetURL(c.Request),
repo.FullName, repo.FullName,
build.Number, commit.Sequence,
) )
err = remote.Status(user, repo, build, link) err = remote.Status(user, repo, commit, link)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error setting commit status for %s/%d", repo.FullName, build.Number) log.Errorf("error setting commit status for %s/%d", repo.FullName, commit.Sequence)
} }
queue_.Publish(&queue.Work{ queue_.Publish(&queue.Work{
User: user, User: user,
Repo: repo, Repo: repo,
Build: build, Commit: commit,
Keys: keys, Keys: keys,
Netrc: netrc, Netrc: netrc,
Yaml: raw, Yaml: raw,
}) })
} }

View file

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ func GetLogin(c *gin.Context) {
} }
// get the user from the database // get the user from the database
u, err := store.User(login.Login) u, err := store.UserLogin(login.Login)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
count, err := store.UserCount() count, err := store.UserCount()
if err != nil { if err != nil {
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ func GetLogin(c *gin.Context) {
u.Gravatar = gravatar.Hash(u.Email) u.Gravatar = gravatar.Hash(u.Email)
// insert the user into the database // insert the user into the database
if err := store.SetUserNotExists(u); err != nil { if err := store.AddUser(u); err != nil {
log.Errorf("cannot insert %s. %s", login.Login, err) log.Errorf("cannot insert %s. %s", login.Login, err)
c.Redirect(303, "/login#error=internal_error") c.Redirect(303, "/login#error=internal_error")
return return

View file

@ -1,182 +1,182 @@
package server package server
import ( // import (
"encoding/json" // "encoding/json"
"io" // "io"
"net" // "net"
"strconv" // "strconv"
log "" // log ""
"" // ""
"" // ""
"" // ""
"" // ""
) // )
// TODO (bradrydzewski) the callback URL should be signed. // // TODO (bradrydzewski) the callback URL should be signed.
// TODO (bradrydzewski) we shouldn't need to fetch the Repo if specified in the URL path // // TODO (bradrydzewski) we shouldn't need to fetch the Repo if specified in the URL path
// TODO (bradrydzewski) use SetRepoLast to update the last repository // // TODO (bradrydzewski) use SetRepoLast to update the last repository
// GET /queue/pull // // GET /queue/pull
func PollBuild(c *gin.Context) { // func PollBuild(c *gin.Context) {
queue := ToQueue(c) // queue := ToQueue(c)
store := ToDatastore(c) // store := ToDatastore(c)
agent := &common.Agent{ // agent := &common.Agent{
Addr: c.Request.RemoteAddr, // Addr: c.Request.RemoteAddr,
} // }
// extact the host port and name and // // extact the host port and name and
// replace with the default agent port (1999) // // replace with the default agent port (1999)
host, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(agent.Addr) // host, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(agent.Addr)
if err == nil { // if err == nil {
agent.Addr = host // agent.Addr = host
} // }
agent.Addr = net.JoinHostPort(agent.Addr, "1999") // agent.Addr = net.JoinHostPort(agent.Addr, "1999")
log.Infof("agent connected and polling builds at %s", agent.Addr) // log.Infof("agent connected and polling builds at %s", agent.Addr)
work := queue.PullClose(c.Writer) // work := queue.PullClose(c.Writer)
if work == nil { // if work == nil {
c.AbortWithStatus(500) // c.AbortWithStatus(500)
return // return
} // }
// TODO (bradrydzewski) decide how we want to handle a failure here // // TODO (bradrydzewski) decide how we want to handle a failure here
// still not sure exact behavior we want ... // // still not sure exact behavior we want ...
err = store.SetBuildAgent(work.Repo.FullName, work.Build.Number, agent) // err = store.SetBuildAgent(work.Repo.FullName, work.Build.Number, agent)
if err != nil { // if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error persisting build agent. %s", err) // log.Errorf("error persisting build agent. %s", err)
} // }
c.JSON(200, work) // c.JSON(200, work)
// acknowledge work received by the client // // acknowledge work received by the client
queue.Ack(work) // queue.Ack(work)
} // }
// GET /queue/push/:owner/:repo // // GET /queue/push/:owner/:repo
func PushBuild(c *gin.Context) { // func PushBuild(c *gin.Context) {
store := ToDatastore(c) // store := ToDatastore(c)
repo := ToRepo(c) // repo := ToRepo(c)
bus := ToBus(c) // bus := ToBus(c)
in := &common.Build{} // in := &common.Build{}
if !c.BindWith(in, binding.JSON) { // if !c.BindWith(in, binding.JSON) {
return // return
} // }
build, err := store.Build(repo.FullName, in.Number) // build, err := store.Build(repo.FullName, in.Number)
if err != nil { // if err != nil {
c.Fail(404, err) // c.Fail(404, err)
return // return
} // }
if in.State != common.StatePending && in.State != common.StateRunning { // if in.State != common.StatePending && in.State != common.StateRunning {
store.DelBuildAgent(repo.FullName, build.Number) // store.DelBuildAgent(repo.FullName, build.Number)
} // }
build.Duration = in.Duration // build.Duration = in.Duration
build.Started = in.Started // build.Started = in.Started
build.Finished = in.Finished // build.Finished = in.Finished
build.State = in.State // build.State = in.State
err = store.SetBuildState(repo.FullName, build) // err = store.SetBuildState(repo.FullName, build)
if err != nil { // if err != nil {
c.Fail(500, err) // c.Fail(500, err)
return // return
} // }
if build.State != common.StatePending && build.State != common.StateRunning { // if build.State != common.StatePending && build.State != common.StateRunning {
if repo.Last == nil || build.Number >= repo.Last.Number { // if repo.Last == nil || build.Number >= repo.Last.Number {
repo.Last = build // repo.Last = build
store.SetRepo(repo) // store.SetRepo(repo)
} // }
} // }
// <-- FIXME // // <-- FIXME
// for some reason the Repo and Build fail to marshal to JSON. // // for some reason the Repo and Build fail to marshal to JSON.
// It has something to do with memory / pointers. So it goes away // // It has something to do with memory / pointers. So it goes away
// if I just refetch these items. Needs to be fixed in the future, // // if I just refetch these items. Needs to be fixed in the future,
// but for now should be ok // // but for now should be ok
repo, err = store.Repo(repo.FullName) // repo, err = store.Repo(repo.FullName)
if err != nil { // if err != nil {
c.Fail(500, err) // c.Fail(500, err)
return // return
} // }
build, err = store.Build(repo.FullName, in.Number) // build, err = store.Build(repo.FullName, in.Number)
if err != nil { // if err != nil {
c.Fail(404, err) // c.Fail(404, err)
return // return
} // }
// END FIXME --> // // END FIXME -->
msg, err := json.Marshal(build) // msg, err := json.Marshal(build)
if err == nil { // if err == nil {
c.String(200, err.Error()) // we can ignore this error // c.String(200, err.Error()) // we can ignore this error
return // return
} // }
bus.Send(&eventbus.Event{ // bus.Send(&eventbus.Event{
Name: repo.FullName, // Name: repo.FullName,
Kind: eventbus.EventRepo, // Kind: eventbus.EventRepo,
Msg: msg, // Msg: msg,
}) // })
c.Writer.WriteHeader(200) // c.Writer.WriteHeader(200)
} // }
// POST /queue/push/:owner/:repo/:build // // POST /queue/push/:owner/:repo/:build
func PushTask(c *gin.Context) { // func PushTask(c *gin.Context) {
store := ToDatastore(c) // store := ToDatastore(c)
repo := ToRepo(c) // repo := ToRepo(c)
bus := ToBus(c) // bus := ToBus(c)
num, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.Params.ByName("build")) // num, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.Params.ByName("build"))
in := &common.Task{} // in := &common.Task{}
if !c.BindWith(in, binding.JSON) { // if !c.BindWith(in, binding.JSON) {
return // return
} // }
err := store.SetBuildTask(repo.FullName, num, in) // err := store.SetBuildTask(repo.FullName, num, in)
if err != nil { // if err != nil {
c.Fail(404, err) // c.Fail(404, err)
return // return
} // }
build, err := store.Build(repo.FullName, num) // build, err := store.Build(repo.FullName, num)
if err != nil { // if err != nil {
c.Fail(404, err) // c.Fail(404, err)
return // return
} // }
msg, err := json.Marshal(build) // msg, err := json.Marshal(build)
if err == nil { // if err == nil {
c.String(200, err.Error()) // we can ignore this error // c.String(200, err.Error()) // we can ignore this error
return // return
} // }
bus.Send(&eventbus.Event{ // bus.Send(&eventbus.Event{
Name: repo.FullName, // Name: repo.FullName,
Kind: eventbus.EventRepo, // Kind: eventbus.EventRepo,
Msg: msg, // Msg: msg,
}) // })
c.Writer.WriteHeader(200) // c.Writer.WriteHeader(200)
} // }
// POST /queue/push/:owner/:repo/:build/:task/logs // // POST /queue/push/:owner/:repo/:build/:task/logs
func PushLogs(c *gin.Context) { // func PushLogs(c *gin.Context) {
store := ToDatastore(c) // store := ToDatastore(c)
repo := ToRepo(c) // repo := ToRepo(c)
bnum, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.Params.ByName("build")) // bnum, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.Params.ByName("build"))
tnum, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.Params.ByName("task")) // tnum, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.Params.ByName("task"))
const maxBuffToRead int64 = 5000000 // 5MB. // const maxBuffToRead int64 = 5000000 // 5MB.
err := store.SetLogs(repo.FullName, bnum, tnum, io.LimitReader(c.Request.Body, maxBuffToRead)) // err := store.SetLogs(repo.FullName, bnum, tnum, io.LimitReader(c.Request.Body, maxBuffToRead))
if err != nil { // if err != nil {
c.Fail(500, err) // c.Fail(500, err)
return // return
} // }
c.Writer.WriteHeader(200) // c.Writer.WriteHeader(200)
} // }
func GetQueue(c *gin.Context) { // func GetQueue(c *gin.Context) {
queue := ToQueue(c) // queue := ToQueue(c)
items := queue.Items() // items := queue.Items()
c.JSON(200, items) // c.JSON(200, items)
} // }

View file

@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ import (
// additional repository meta-data. // additional repository meta-data.
type repoResp struct { type repoResp struct {
*common.Repo *common.Repo
Perms *common.Perm `json:"permissions,omitempty"` Perms *common.Perm `json:"permissions,omitempty"`
Watch *common.Subscriber `json:"subscription,omitempty"` Keypair *common.Keypair `json:"keypair,omitempty"`
Keypair *common.Keypair `json:"keypair,omitempty"` Params map[string]string `json:"params,omitempty"`
Params map[string]string `json:"params,omitempty"` Starred bool `json:"starred,omitempty"`
} }
// repoReq is a data structure used for receiving // repoReq is a data structure used for receiving
@ -31,11 +31,10 @@ type repoResp struct {
// accept null values, effectively patching an existing // accept null values, effectively patching an existing
// repository object with only the supplied fields. // repository object with only the supplied fields.
type repoReq struct { type repoReq struct {
Disabled *bool `json:"disabled"` PostCommit *bool `json:"post_commits"`
DisablePR *bool `json:"disable_prs"` PullRequest *bool `json:"pull_requests"`
DisableTag *bool `json:"disable_tags"` Trusted *bool `json:"privileged"`
Trusted *bool `json:"privileged"` Timeout *int64 `json:"timeout"`
Timeout *int64 `json:"timeout"`
// optional private parameters can only be // optional private parameters can only be
// supplied by the repository admin. // supplied by the repository admin.
@ -53,19 +52,8 @@ func GetRepo(c *gin.Context) {
repo := ToRepo(c) repo := ToRepo(c)
user := ToUser(c) user := ToUser(c)
perm := ToPerm(c) perm := ToPerm(c)
data := repoResp{repo, perm, nil, nil, nil} data := repoResp{repo, perm, nil, nil, false}
// if the user is an administrator of the project
// we should display the private parameter data
// and keypair data.
if perm.Push {
data.Params, _ = store.RepoParams(repo.FullName)
// note that we should only display the public key
keypair, err := store.RepoKeypair(repo.FullName)
if err == nil {
data.Keypair = &common.Keypair{Public: keypair.Public}
// if the user is authenticated, we should display // if the user is authenticated, we should display
// if she is watching the current repository. // if she is watching the current repository.
if user == nil { if user == nil {
@ -73,9 +61,17 @@ func GetRepo(c *gin.Context) {
return return
} }
// if the user is an administrator of the project
// we should display the private parameter data
// and keypair data.
if perm.Push {
data.Params = repo.Params
data.Keypair = &common.Keypair{
Public: repo.PublicKey,
// check to see if the user is subscribing to the repo // check to see if the user is subscribing to the repo
data.Watch = &common.Subscriber{} data.Starred, _ = store.Starred(user, repo)
data.Watch.Subscribed, _ = store.Subscribed(user.Login, repo.FullName)
c.JSON(200, data) c.JSON(200, data)
} }
@ -98,20 +94,14 @@ func PutRepo(c *gin.Context) {
} }
if in.Params != nil { if in.Params != nil {
err := store.SetRepoParams(repo.FullName, *in.Params) repo.Params = *in.Params
if err != nil {
c.Fail(400, err)
} }
if in.Disabled != nil {
repo.Disabled = *in.Disabled if in.PostCommit != nil {
repo.PullRequest = *in.PullRequest
} }
if in.DisablePR != nil { if in.PullRequest != nil {
repo.DisablePR = *in.DisablePR repo.PullRequest = *in.PullRequest
if in.DisableTag != nil {
repo.DisableTag = *in.DisableTag
} }
if in.Trusted != nil && user.Admin { if in.Trusted != nil && user.Admin {
repo.Trusted = *in.Trusted repo.Trusted = *in.Trusted
@ -126,20 +116,12 @@ func PutRepo(c *gin.Context) {
return return
} }
data := repoResp{repo, perm, nil, nil, nil} data := repoResp{repo, perm, nil, nil, false}
data.Params, _ = store.RepoParams(repo.FullName) data.Params = repo.Params
data.Keypair, _ = store.RepoKeypair(repo.FullName) data.Keypair = &common.Keypair{
Public: repo.PublicKey,
// check to see if the user is subscribing to the repo
data.Watch = &common.Subscriber{}
data.Watch.Subscribed, _ = store.Subscribed(user.Login, repo.FullName)
// scrub the private key from the keypair
if data.Keypair != nil {
data.Keypair = &common.Keypair{
Public: data.Keypair.Public,
} }
data.Starred, _ = store.Starred(user, repo)
c.JSON(200, data) c.JSON(200, data)
} }
@ -184,12 +166,6 @@ func PostRepo(c *gin.Context) {
owner := c.Params.ByName("owner") owner := c.Params.ByName("owner")
name := c.Params.ByName("name") name := c.Params.ByName("name")
_, err := store.Repo(owner + "/" + name)
if err == nil {
c.String(409, "Repository already exists")
// get the repository and user permissions // get the repository and user permissions
// from the remote system. // from the remote system.
remote := ToRemote(c) remote := ToRemote(c)
@ -207,6 +183,13 @@ func PostRepo(c *gin.Context) {
return return
} }
// error if the repository already exists
_, err = store.RepoName(owner, name)
if err == nil {
c.String(409, "Repository already exists")
token := &common.Token{} token := &common.Token{}
token.Kind = common.TokenHook token.Kind = common.TokenHook
token.Label = r.FullName token.Label = r.FullName
@ -224,7 +207,9 @@ func PostRepo(c *gin.Context) {
// set the repository owner to the // set the repository owner to the
// currently authenticated user. // currently authenticated user.
r.User = &common.Owner{Login: user.Login} r.UserID = user.ID
r.PostCommit = true
r.PullRequest = true
// generate an RSA key and add to the repo // generate an RSA key and add to the repo
key, err := sshutil.GeneratePrivateKey() key, err := sshutil.GeneratePrivateKey()
@ -232,9 +217,12 @@ func PostRepo(c *gin.Context) {
c.Fail(400, err) c.Fail(400, err)
return return
} }
keypair := &common.Keypair{} r.PublicKey = sshutil.MarshalPublicKey(&key.PublicKey)
keypair.Public = sshutil.MarshalPublicKey(&key.PublicKey) r.PrivateKey = sshutil.MarshalPrivateKey(key)
keypair.Private = sshutil.MarshalPrivateKey(key) keypair := &common.Keypair{
Public: r.PublicKey,
Private: r.PrivateKey,
// activate the repository before we make any // activate the repository before we make any
// local changes to the database. // local changes to the database.
@ -245,18 +233,13 @@ func PostRepo(c *gin.Context) {
} }
// persist the repository // persist the repository
err = store.SetRepoNotExists(user, r) err = store.AddRepo(r)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
c.Fail(500, err) c.Fail(500, err)
return return
} }
// persisty the repository key pair store.AddStar(user, r)
err = store.SetRepoKeypair(r.FullName, keypair)
if err != nil {
c.Fail(500, err)
c.JSON(200, r) c.JSON(200, r)
} }
@ -271,7 +254,7 @@ func Unsubscribe(c *gin.Context) {
repo := ToRepo(c) repo := ToRepo(c)
user := ToUser(c) user := ToUser(c)
err := store.DelSubscriber(user.Login, repo.FullName) err := store.DelStar(user, repo)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
c.Fail(400, err) c.Fail(400, err)
} else { } else {
@ -289,11 +272,11 @@ func Subscribe(c *gin.Context) {
repo := ToRepo(c) repo := ToRepo(c)
user := ToUser(c) user := ToUser(c)
err := store.SetSubscriber(user.Login, repo.FullName) err := store.AddStar(user, repo)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
c.Fail(400, err) c.Fail(400, err)
} else { } else {
c.JSON(200, &common.Subscriber{Subscribed: true}) c.Writer.WriteHeader(200)
} }
} }

View file

@ -146,9 +146,9 @@ func SetUser(s session.Session) gin.HandlerFunc {
return return
} }
u, err := ds.User(token.Login) user, err := ds.UserLogin(token.Login)
if err == nil { if err == nil {
c.Set("user", u) c.Set("user", user)
} }
// if session token we can proceed, otherwise // if session token we can proceed, otherwise
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ func SetUser(s session.Session) gin.HandlerFunc {
// to verify the token we fetch from the datastore // to verify the token we fetch from the datastore
// and check to see if the token issued date matches // and check to see if the token issued date matches
// what we found in the jwt (in case the label is re-used) // what we found in the jwt (in case the label is re-used)
t, err := ds.Token(token.Login, token.Label) t, err := ds.TokenLabel(user, token.Label)
if err != nil || t.Issued != token.Issued { if err != nil || t.Issued != token.Issued {
c.AbortWithStatus(403) c.AbortWithStatus(403)
return return
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ func SetRepo() gin.HandlerFunc {
u := ToUser(c) u := ToUser(c)
owner := c.Params.ByName("owner") owner := c.Params.ByName("owner")
name := c.Params.ByName("name") name := c.Params.ByName("name")
r, err := ds.Repo(owner + "/" + name) r, err := ds.RepoName(owner, name)
switch { switch {
case err != nil && u != nil: case err != nil && u != nil:
c.Fail(404, err) c.Fail(404, err)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
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View file

@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
<!doctype html> <!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="drone" lang="en"> <html ng-app="drone" lang="en">
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<!-- main javascript application --> <!-- main javascript application -->
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<script src="/static/scripts/controllers/agents.js"></script> <script src="/static/scripts/controllers/agents.js"></script>
<script src="/static/scripts/controllers/repos.js"></script> <script src="/static/scripts/controllers/repos.js"></script>
<script src="/static/scripts/controllers/builds.js"></script> <script src="/static/scripts/controllers/builds.js"></script>
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<script src="/static/scripts/services/agents.js"></script> <script src="/static/scripts/services/agents.js"></script>
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</html> </html>

View file

@ -31,13 +31,13 @@
$ = function(repo) { $ = function(repo) { { {
$scope.repo.subscription =; $scope.repo.starred = true;
}); });
} }
$scope.unwatch = function(repo) { $scope.unwatch = function(repo) {
repos.unwatch(repo.full_name).then(function() { repos.unwatch(repo.full_name).then(function() {
delete $scope.repo.subscription; $scope.repo.starred = false;
}); });
} }
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
var added = false; var added = false;
for (var i=0;i<$scope.builds.length;i++) { for (var i=0;i<$scope.builds.length;i++) {
var build = $scope.builds[i]; var build = $scope.builds[i];
if (event.number !== build.number) { if (event.sequence !== build.sequence) {
continue; // ignore continue; // ignore
} }
// update the build status // update the build status
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
*/ */
function BuildCtrl($scope, $routeParams, $window, logs, builds, repos, users) { function BuildCtrl($scope, $routeParams, $window, logs, builds, repos, users) {
var step = parseInt($routeParams.step) || 1; var step = parseInt($routeParams.step);
var number = $routeParams.number; var number = $routeParams.number;
var owner = $routeParams.owner; var owner = $routeParams.owner;
var name = $; var name = $;
@ -110,7 +110,18 @@
// Gets the build // Gets the build
builds.get(fullName, number).then(function(payload){ builds.get(fullName, number).then(function(payload){
$ =; $ =;
$scope.task =[step-1];
// if only 1 build, select first
if (!step && === 1) {
step = 1;
// else if only 1 step, but multiple builds
// we should only render the list of builds
} else if (!step) {
$scope.task =[step-1];
if (['pending', 'killed'].indexOf($scope.task.state) !== -1) { if (['pending', 'killed'].indexOf($scope.task.state) !== -1) {
// do nothing // do nothing
@ -135,7 +146,7 @@
$scope.restart = function() { $scope.restart = function() {
builds.restart(fullName, number).then(function(payload){ builds.restart(fullName, number).then(function(payload){
$ =; $ =;
$scope.task =[step-1]; $scope.task =[step-1];
}).catch(function(err){ }).catch(function(err){
$scope.error = err; $scope.error = err;
}); });
@ -144,7 +155,7 @@
$scope.cancel = function() { $scope.cancel = function() {
builds.cancel(fullName, number).then(function(payload){ builds.cancel(fullName, number).then(function(payload){
$ =; $ =;
$scope.task =[step-1]; $scope.task =[step-1];
}).catch(function(err) { }).catch(function(err) {
$scope.error = err; $scope.error = err;
}); });
@ -155,12 +166,12 @@
}; };
repos.subscribe(fullName, function(event) { repos.subscribe(fullName, function(event) {
if (event.number !== parseInt(number)) { if (event.sequence !== parseInt(number)) {
return; // ignore return; // ignore
} }
// update the build // update the build
$ = event; $ = event;
$scope.task = event.tasks[step-1]; $scope.task = event.builds[step-1];
$scope.$apply(); $scope.$apply();
// start streaming the current build // start streaming the current build

View file

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
(function () {
* CommitsCtrl responsible for rendering the repo's
* recent commit history.
function CommitsCtrl($scope, $routeParams, builds, repos, users, logs) {
var owner = $routeParams.owner;
var name = $;
var fullName = owner+'/'+name;
// Gets the currently authenticated user
$scope.user =;
// Gets a repository
$scope.repo =;
$scope.error = err;
// Gets a list of commits
$scope.builds = angular.isArray( ? : [];
$scope.error = err;
$ = function(repo) { {
$scope.repo.starred = true;
$scope.unwatch = function(repo) {
repos.unwatch(repo.full_name).then(function() {
$scope.repo.starred = false;
repos.subscribe(fullName, function(event) {
var added = false;
for (var i=0;i<$scope.builds.length;i++) {
var build = $scope.builds[i];
if (event.sequence !== build.sequence) {
continue; // ignore
// update the build status
$scope.builds[i] = event;
added = true;
if (!added) {
.controller('CommitsCtrl', CommitsCtrl)

View file

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
// Gets the user tokens // Gets the user tokens
tokens.list().then(function(payload){ tokens.list().then(function(payload){
$scope.tokens =; $scope.tokens = || [];
}); });
$scope.newToken={Label: ""}; $scope.newToken={Label: ""};

View file

@ -1,10 +1,85 @@
<h1>{{ repo.full_name }}/{{ build.number }}</h1> <header>
<a href="/" class="logo"></a>
<div class="title"></div>
<div class="user">
<span>{{ user.login }}</span>
<img ng-src="{{ user.gravatar_id | gravatar }}" />
<h1>{{ repo.owner }}<span>{{ }}</span><span>{{ build.sequence}}</span></h1>
<section class="commit-section">
<div class="commit-status">
<div class="status {{ task.state }}" ng-if="task"></div>
<div class="status {{ build.state }}" ng-if="!task"></div>
<div class="commit-meta">
<h2>{{ build.message }}</h2>
<h3>authored <span>{{ build.created_at | fromNow }}</span> by <span>@{{ }}</span></h3>
<span class="octicon octicon-git-commit">{{ build.sha.substr(0,8) }}</span>
<span class="octicon octicon-git-branch">{{ build.branch }}</span>
<span class="octicon octicon-clock" style="background:#FFF;">{{ build.duration | toDuration }} duration</span>
<span class="octicon octicon-settings" style="color: #BDBDBD; background:#FFF;position:absolute;top:20px;right:10px;padding:0px;font-size:24px;opacity:0.8;margin:0px;"></span>
<span class="md md-more-horiz" style="position:absolute;bottom:20px;right:20px;color:#BDBDBD;font-size:24px;opacity:0.8;margin:0px;"></span>
<pre id="term" ng-if="task && task.state !== 'pending'">{{ logs }}</pre>
<section ng-if="build.builds.length === 1 || !task">
<table border="1">
<th>Exit Code</th>
<tr ng-repeat="task in build.builds">
<td><a ng-href="{{ repo.full_name }}/{{ build.sequence }}/{{ task.sequence }}">{{ task.sequence }}</a></td>
<td>{{ task.state }}</td>
<td>{{ task.started_at | fromNow }}</td>
<td>{{ task.finished_at | fromNow }}</td>
<td>{{ task.duration | toDuration }}</td>
<td>{{ task.exit_code }}</td>
<td>{{ task.environment }}</td>
<button class="fab" ng-if="build.state === 'running'" ng-click="tail()"></button>
<button ng-if="build.state !== 'pending' && build.state !== 'running'" ng-click="restart()">Restart</button>
<button ng-if="build.state === 'pending' || build.state === 'running'" ng-click="cancel()">Cancel</button>
<h1>{{ repo.full_name }}/{{ build.sequence }}</h1>
<a href="/{{ repo.full_name }}">Back</a> <a href="/{{ repo.full_name }}">Back</a>
<div> <div>
<button ng-if="build.state !== 'pending' && build.state !== 'running'" ng-click="restart()">Restart</button>
<button ng-if="build.state === 'pending' || build.state === 'running'" ng-click="cancel()">Cancel</button>
</div> </div>
<dl> <dl>
@ -18,19 +93,22 @@
<dd>{{ build.duration | toDuration }}</dd> <dd>{{ build.duration | toDuration }}</dd>
<dt>Type</dt> <dt>Type</dt>
<dd>{{ build.head_commit ? "push" : "pull request" }}</dd> <dd>{{ build.pull_request ? "pull request" : "push" }}</dd>
<dt ng-if="build.pull_request">Pull Request</dt>
<dd ng-if="build.pull_request">{{ build.pull_request }}</dd>
<dt>Ref</dt> <dt>Ref</dt>
<dd>{{ build | ref }}</dd> <dd>{{ build.ref }}</dd>
<dt>Sha</dt> <dt>Sha</dt>
<dd>{{ build | sha }}</dd> <dd>{{ build.sha }}</dd>
<dt>Author</dt> <dt>Author</dt>
<dd>{{ build | author }}</dd> <dd>{{ }}</dd>
<dt>Message</dt> <dt>Message</dt>
<dd>{{ build | message }}</dd> <dd>{{ build.message }}</dd>
</dl> </dl>
<hr> <hr>
@ -55,32 +133,5 @@
<dd>{{ task.environment }}</dd> <dd>{{ task.environment }}</dd>
</dl> </dl>
<button ng-if="build.state === 'running'" ng-click="tail()">(un)Follow</button> -->
<pre id="term" ng-if="build.state !== 'pending'">{{ logs }}</pre>
<table border="1">
<th>Exit Code</th>
<tr ng-repeat="task in build.tasks">
<td><a ng-href="{{ repo.full_name }}/{{ build.number }}/{{ task.number }}">{{ task.number }}</a></td>
<td>{{ task.state }}</td>
<td>{{ task.started_at | fromNow }}</td>
<td>{{ task.finished_at | fromNow }}</td>
<td>{{ task.duration | toDuration }}</td>
<td>{{ task.exit_code }}</td>
<td>{{ task.environment }}</td>

View file

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
<a href="/">Back</a> <a href="/">Back</a>
<a ng-href="/{{ repo.full_name }}/edit">Settings</a> <a ng-href="/{{ repo.full_name }}/edit">Settings</a>
<button ng-click="watch(repo)" ng-if="!repo.subscription || !repo.subscription.subscribed">Watch</button> <button ng-click="watch(repo)" ng-if="!repo.starred">Watch</button>
<button ng-click="unwatch(repo)" ng-if="repo.subscription && repo.subscription.subscribed">Unwatch</button> <button ng-click="unwatch(repo)" ng-if="repo.starred">Unwatch</button>
<table border="1"> <table border="1">
<thead> <thead>
@ -21,16 +21,16 @@
</tr> </tr>
</thead> </thead>
<tbody> <tbody>
<tr ng-repeat="build in builds | orderBy:'-number'"> <tr ng-repeat="build in builds | orderBy:'-sequence'">
<td><a ng-href="/{{ repo.full_name }}/{{ build.number }}">{{ build.number }}</a></td> <td><a ng-href="/{{ repo.full_name }}/{{ build.sequence }}">{{ build.sequence }}</a></td>
<td>{{ build.state }}</td> <td>{{ build.state }}</td>
<td>{{ build.started_at | fromNow }}</td> <td>{{ build.started_at | fromNow }}</td>
<td>{{ build.duration | toDuration }}</td> <td>{{ build.duration | toDuration }}</td>
<td>{{ build.head_commit ? "push" : "pull request" }}</td> <td>{{ build.pull_request ? "pull request" : "push" }}</td>
<td>{{ build | ref }}</td> <td>{{ build.ref }}</td>
<td>{{ build | sha }}</td> <td>{{ build.sha }}</td>
<td>{{ build | author }}</td> <td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ build | message }}</td> <td>{{ build.message }}</td>
</tr> </tr>
</tbody> </tbody>
</table> </table>

View file

@ -4,16 +4,12 @@
<form> <form>
<div> <div>
<label>Disable Pushes</label> <label>Enable Pushes</label>
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="repo.disabled" /> <input type="checkbox" ng-model="repo.post_commits" />
</div> </div>
<div> <div>
<label>Disable PRs</label> <label>Enable Pull Requests</label>
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="repo.disabled_prs" /> <input type="checkbox" ng-model="repo.pull_requests" />
<label>Disable Tags</label>
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="repo.disabled_tags" />
</div> </div>
<div> <div>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,590 @@
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background: url("../images/drone_32.svg") no-repeat center center;
background-size: 34px;
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height: 70px;
min-height: 70px;
max-height: 70px;
display: flex;
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margin-top: 10px;
margin-right: 10px;
border-radius: 50%;
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content: '';
display: block;
height: 50px;
background: url("../images/logo.svg") no-repeat center center;
background-size: 34px;
.logo:hover {
opacity: 1;
.title {
flex: 1 1 auto;
.user {
text-align: right;
line-height: 70px;
.user img {
border-radius: 50%;
width: 34px;
height: 34px;
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
margin-right: 20px;
margin-left: 15px;
.user span {
font-size: 16px;
color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
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margin-bottom: 20px;
white-space: pre-wrap;
word-break: break-all;
overflow: hidden;
border-bottom-left-radius: 4px;
border-bottom-right-radius: 4px;
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position: relative;
padding-top: 30px;
padding-bottom: 30px;
padding-left: 30px;
border-top-left-radius: 4px;
border-top-right-radius: 4px;
margin-bottom: 20px;
.commit-section .commit-status {
width: 60px;
min-width: 60px;
max-width: 60px;
.commit-section .commit-meta {
flex: 1 1 auto;
.commit-section .commit-meta h2 {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
font-weight: normal;
font-size: 24px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
margin-top: 3px;
.commit-section .commit-meta .octicon {
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font-size: 12px;
margin: 0px;
margin-top: 20px;
color: #757575;
display: inline-block;
text-align: right;
background: #eee;
background: #F5F5F5;
padding: 8px 18px;
padding-left: 15px;
color: #9E9E9E;
.commit-section .commit-meta .octicon:before {
margin-right: 10px;
.commit-section .commit-meta h2 small {
color: #757575;
margin-left: 10px;
font-size: 90%;
.commit-section .commit-meta h3 {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
font-weight: normal;
font-size: 14px;
color: #757575;
.commit-section .commit-meta span {
color: #212121;
.commit-section .commit-meta p {
color: #424242;
padding: 0px;
margin: 0px;
font-size: 14px;
color: #757575;
margin-top: 3px;
.commit-section .commit-meta p.tag {
font-weight: normal;
font-size: 12px;
margin: 0px;
margin-top: 15px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
color: #757575;
display: block;
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margin-bottom: 5px;
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padding: 5px 20px;
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bottom: 20px;
right: 50px;
background: rgba(158, 158, 158, 0.75);
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text-align: center;
width: 40px;
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color: #FFF;
font-size: 22px;
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width: 35px;
height: 35px;
font-size: 16px;
.status:before {
line-height: 35px;
text-align: center;
display: block;
font-family: 'Material-Design-Iconic-Font';
.success {
background: #4CAF50;
background: #FFF;
border: 2px solid #4CAF50;
.success:before {
content: "\f023";
color: #4CAF50;
.failure {
background: #F44336;
background: #FFF;
border: 2px solid #F44336;
.failure:before {
content: "\f29a";
color: #F44336;

View file

@ -30,13 +30,14 @@ func PostToken(c *gin.Context) {
token := &common.Token{} token := &common.Token{}
token.Label = in.Label token.Label = in.Label
token.Repos = in.Repos token.UserID = user.ID
token.Scopes = in.Scopes // token.Repos = in.Repos
// token.Scopes = in.Scopes
token.Login = user.Login token.Login = user.Login
token.Kind = common.TokenUser token.Kind = common.TokenUser
token.Issued = time.Now().UTC().Unix() token.Issued = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
err := store.SetToken(token) err := store.AddToken(token)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
c.Fail(400, err) c.Fail(400, err)
} }
@ -57,7 +58,7 @@ func DelToken(c *gin.Context) {
user := ToUser(c) user := ToUser(c)
label := c.Params.ByName("label") label := c.Params.ByName("label")
token, err := store.Token(user.Login, label) token, err := store.TokenLabel(user, label)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
c.Fail(404, err) c.Fail(404, err)
} }

View file

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ func PutUserCurr(c *gin.Context) {
func GetUserRepos(c *gin.Context) { func GetUserRepos(c *gin.Context) {
store := ToDatastore(c) store := ToDatastore(c)
user := ToUser(c) user := ToUser(c)
repos, err := store.RepoList(user.Login) repos, err := store.RepoList(user)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
c.Fail(400, err) c.Fail(400, err)
} else { } else {
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ func GetUserRepos(c *gin.Context) {
func GetUserTokens(c *gin.Context) { func GetUserTokens(c *gin.Context) {
store := ToDatastore(c) store := ToDatastore(c)
user := ToUser(c) user := ToUser(c)
tokens, err := store.TokenList(user.Login) tokens, err := store.TokenList(user)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
c.Fail(400, err) c.Fail(400, err)
} else { } else {

View file

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ func PostUser(c *gin.Context) {
user := &common.User{Login: name, Name: name} user := &common.User{Login: name, Name: name}
user.Token = c.Request.FormValue("token") user.Token = c.Request.FormValue("token")
user.Secret = c.Request.FormValue("secret") user.Secret = c.Request.FormValue("secret")
if err := store.SetUserNotExists(user); err != nil { if err := store.AddUser(user); err != nil {
c.Fail(400, err) c.Fail(400, err)
} else { } else {
c.JSON(201, user) c.JSON(201, user)
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ func PostUser(c *gin.Context) {
func GetUser(c *gin.Context) { func GetUser(c *gin.Context) {
store := ToDatastore(c) store := ToDatastore(c)
name := c.Params.ByName("name") name := c.Params.ByName("name")
user, err := store.User(name) user, err := store.UserLogin(name)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
c.Fail(404, err) c.Fail(404, err)
} else { } else {
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ func PutUser(c *gin.Context) {
store := ToDatastore(c) store := ToDatastore(c)
me := ToUser(c) me := ToUser(c)
name := c.Params.ByName("name") name := c.Params.ByName("name")
user, err := store.User(name) user, err := store.UserLogin(name)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
c.Fail(404, err) c.Fail(404, err)
return return
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ func DeleteUser(c *gin.Context) {
store := ToDatastore(c) store := ToDatastore(c)
me := ToUser(c) me := ToUser(c)
name := c.Params.ByName("name") name := c.Params.ByName("name")
user, err := store.User(name) user, err := store.UserLogin(name)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
c.Fail(404, err) c.Fail(404, err)
return return

View file

@ -88,11 +88,11 @@ func GetRepoEvents(c *gin.Context) {
} }
func GetStream(c *gin.Context) { func GetStream(c *gin.Context) {
// store := ToDatastore(c) store := ToDatastore(c)
repo := ToRepo(c) repo := ToRepo(c)
runner := ToRunner(c) runner := ToRunner(c)
build, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.Params.ByName("build")) commitseq, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.Params.ByName("build"))
task, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.Params.ByName("number")) buildseq, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.Params.ByName("number"))
// agent, err := store.BuildAgent(repo.FullName, build) // agent, err := store.BuildAgent(repo.FullName, build)
// if err != nil { // if err != nil {
@ -100,7 +100,18 @@ func GetStream(c *gin.Context) {
// return // return
// } // }
rc, err := runner.Logs(repo.FullName, build, task) commit, err := store.CommitSeq(repo, commitseq)
if err != nil {
c.Fail(404, err)
build, err := store.BuildSeq(commit, buildseq)
if err != nil {
c.Fail(404, err)
rc, err := runner.Logs(build)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
c.Fail(404, err) c.Fail(404, err)
return return

View file

@ -87,7 +87,8 @@ type Docker struct {
// Database represents the configuration details used // Database represents the configuration details used
// to connect to the embedded Bolt database. // to connect to the embedded Bolt database.
type Database struct { type Database struct {
Path string `toml:"path"` Driver string `toml:"driver"`
Datasource string `toml:"datasource"`
} }
// Settings defines global settings for the Drone system. // Settings defines global settings for the Drone system.