mirror of
synced 2025-01-24 08:08:38 +00:00
Hide not owned repos from sidebar and repo list (#1453)
Co-authored-by: Lukas <lukas@slucky.de>
This commit is contained in:
13 changed files with 188 additions and 219 deletions
@ -49,6 +49,26 @@ module.exports = {
'@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any': 'error',
'@typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types': 'off',
'@typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion': 'error',
// SOURCE: https://github.com/iamturns/eslint-config-airbnb-typescript/blob/4aec5702be5b4e74e0e2f40bc78b4bc961681de1/lib/shared.js#L41
'@typescript-eslint/naming-convention': [
// Allow camelCase variables (23.2), PascalCase variables (23.8), and UPPER_CASE variables (23.10)
selector: 'variable',
format: ['camelCase', 'PascalCase', 'UPPER_CASE'],
leadingUnderscore: 'allow',
// Allow camelCase functions (23.2), and PascalCase functions (23.8)
selector: 'function',
format: ['camelCase', 'PascalCase'],
// Airbnb recommends PascalCase for classes (23.3), and although Airbnb does not make TypeScript recommendations, we are assuming this rule would similarly apply to anything "type like", including interfaces, type aliases, and enums
selector: 'typeLike',
format: ['PascalCase'],
'import/no-unresolved': 'off', // disable as this is handled by tsc itself
'import/first': 'error',
@ -22,51 +22,9 @@ declare module '@vue/runtime-core' {
FluidContainer: typeof import('./src/components/layout/FluidContainer.vue')['default']
GeneralTab: typeof import('./src/components/repo/settings/GeneralTab.vue')['default']
Header: typeof import('./src/components/layout/scaffold/Header.vue')['default']
IBiCheckCircleFill: typeof import('~icons/bi/check-circle-fill')['default']
IBiCircle: typeof import('~icons/bi/circle')['default']
IBiPlayCircleFill: typeof import('~icons/bi/play-circle-fill')['default']
IBiSlashCircleFill: typeof import('~icons/bi/slash-circle-fill')['default']
IBiStopCircleFill: typeof import('~icons/bi/stop-circle-fill')['default']
IBiXCircleFill: typeof import('~icons/bi/x-circle-fill')['default']
IBxBxPowerOff: typeof import('~icons/bx/bx-power-off')['default']
ICarbonCloseOutline: typeof import('~icons/carbon/close-outline')['default']
ICarbonInProgress: typeof import('~icons/carbon/in-progress')['default']
IClarityDeployLine: typeof import('~icons/clarity/deploy-line')['default']
IClaritySettingsSolid: typeof import('~icons/clarity/settings-solid')['default']
Icon: typeof import('./src/components/atomic/Icon.vue')['default']
IconButton: typeof import('./src/components/atomic/IconButton.vue')['default']
IGgTrash: typeof import('~icons/gg/trash')['default']
IIcBaselineDarkMode: typeof import('~icons/ic/baseline-dark-mode')['default']
IIcBaselineDownloadForOffline: typeof import('~icons/ic/baseline-download-for-offline')['default']
IIcBaselineEdit: typeof import('~icons/ic/baseline-edit')['default']
IIcBaselineFileDownload: typeof import('~icons/ic/baseline-file-download')['default']
IIcBaselineFileDownloadOff: typeof import('~icons/ic/baseline-file-download-off')['default']
IIcBaselineHealing: typeof import('~icons/ic/baseline-healing')['default']
IIcBaselinePlayArrow: typeof import('~icons/ic/baseline-play-arrow')['default']
IIconoirArrowLeft: typeof import('~icons/iconoir/arrow-left')['default']
IIconParkOutlineAlarmClock: typeof import('~icons/icon-park-outline/alarm-clock')['default']
IIcRoundLightMode: typeof import('~icons/ic/round-light-mode')['default']
IIcSharpTimelapse: typeof import('~icons/ic/sharp-timelapse')['default']
IIcTwotoneAdd: typeof import('~icons/ic/twotone-add')['default']
ILaTimes: typeof import('~icons/la/times')['default']
IMdiBitbucket: typeof import('~icons/mdi/bitbucket')['default']
IMdiChevronRight: typeof import('~icons/mdi/chevron-right')['default']
IMdiClockTimeEightOutline: typeof import('~icons/mdi/clock-time-eight-outline')['default']
IMdiFormatListBulleted: typeof import('~icons/mdi/format-list-bulleted')['default']
IMdiGestureTap: typeof import('~icons/mdi/gesture-tap')['default']
IMdiGithub: typeof import('~icons/mdi/github')['default']
IMdiLoading: typeof import('~icons/mdi/loading')['default']
IMdiSync: typeof import('~icons/mdi/sync')['default']
IMdiSourceBranch: typeof import('~icons/mdi/source-branch')['default']
IMdisourceCommit: typeof import('~icons/mdi/source-commit')['default']
IMdiSourcePull: typeof import('~icons/mdi/source-pull')['default']
IMdiTagOutline: typeof import('~icons/mdi/tag-outline')['default']
InputField: typeof import('./src/components/form/InputField.vue')['default']
IPhGitlabLogoSimpleFill: typeof import('~icons/ph/gitlab-logo-simple-fill')['default']
ISimpleIconsGitea: typeof import('~icons/simple-icons/gitea')['default']
ITeenyiconsGitSolid: typeof import('~icons/teenyicons/git-solid')['default']
ITeenyiconsRefreshOutline: typeof import('~icons/teenyicons/refresh-outline')['default']
IVaadinQuestionCircleO: typeof import('~icons/vaadin/question-circle-o')['default']
ListItem: typeof import('./src/components/atomic/ListItem.vue')['default']
ManualPipelinePopup: typeof import('./src/components/layout/popups/ManualPipelinePopup.vue')['default']
Navbar: typeof import('./src/components/layout/header/Navbar.vue')['default']
@ -14,26 +14,18 @@
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, onMounted } from 'vue';
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { onMounted, toRef } from 'vue';
import IconButton from '~/components/atomic/IconButton.vue';
import usePipelineFeed from '~/compositions/usePipelineFeed';
export default defineComponent({
name: 'ActivePipelines',
const pipelineFeed = usePipelineFeed();
const activePipelines = toRef(pipelineFeed, 'activePipelines');
const { toggle } = pipelineFeed;
components: { IconButton },
setup() {
const pipelineFeed = usePipelineFeed();
onMounted(() => {
return pipelineFeed;
onMounted(async () => {
await pipelineFeed.load();
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ import { useAsyncAction } from '~/compositions/useAsyncAction';
import useAuthentication from '~/compositions/useAuthentication';
import useNotifications from '~/compositions/useNotifications';
import { Repo, RepoSettings, RepoVisibility, WebhookEvents } from '~/lib/api/types';
import RepoStore from '~/store/repos';
import { useRepoStore } from '~/store/repos';
export default defineComponent({
name: 'GeneralTab',
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
const apiClient = useApiClient();
const notifications = useNotifications();
const { user } = useAuthentication();
const repoStore = RepoStore();
const repoStore = useRepoStore();
const i18n = useI18n();
const repo = inject<Ref<Repo>>('repo');
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
import PipelineStore from '~/store/pipelines';
import RepoStore from '~/store/repos';
import { repoSlug } from '~/utils/helpers';
import { usePipelineStore } from '~/store/pipelines';
import { useRepoStore } from '~/store/repos';
import useApiClient from './useApiClient';
@ -11,8 +10,8 @@ export default () => {
if (initialized) {
const repoStore = RepoStore();
const pipelineStore = PipelineStore();
const repoStore = useRepoStore();
const pipelineStore = usePipelineStore();
initialized = true;
@ -30,7 +29,6 @@ export default () => {
const { pipeline } = data;
pipelineStore.setPipeline(repo.owner, repo.name, pipeline);
pipelineStore.setPipelineFeedItem({ ...pipeline, name: repo.name, owner: repo.owner, full_name: repoSlug(repo) });
// contains step update
if (!data.step) {
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
import { computed, toRef } from 'vue';
import useUserConfig from '~/compositions/useUserConfig';
import PipelineStore from '~/store/pipelines';
import { usePipelineStore } from '~/store/pipelines';
import useAuthentication from './useAuthentication';
const { userConfig, setUserConfig } = useUserConfig();
export default () => {
const pipelineStore = PipelineStore();
const pipelineStore = usePipelineStore();
const { isAuthenticated } = useAuthentication();
const isOpen = computed(() => userConfig.value.isPipelineFeedOpen && !!isAuthenticated);
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ export default () => {
setUserConfig('isPipelineFeedOpen', !userConfig.value.isPipelineFeedOpen);
const sortedPipelines = toRef(pipelineStore, 'sortedPipelineFeed');
const sortedPipelines = toRef(pipelineStore, 'pipelineFeed');
const activePipelines = toRef(pipelineStore, 'activePipelines');
return {
@ -108,7 +108,6 @@ export default class ApiClient {
const query = encodeQueryString({
access_token: this.token || undefined,
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
let _path = this.server ? this.server + path : path;
_path = this.token ? `${path}?${query}` : path;
@ -1,50 +1,41 @@
import { defineStore } from 'pinia';
import { computed, Ref, ref, toRef } from 'vue';
import { computed, reactive, Ref, ref } from 'vue';
import useApiClient from '~/compositions/useApiClient';
import { Pipeline, PipelineFeed, PipelineStep } from '~/lib/api/types';
import { useRepoStore } from '~/store/repos';
import { comparePipelines, isPipelineActive, repoSlug } from '~/utils/helpers';
const apiClient = useApiClient();
export const usePipelineStore = defineStore('pipelines', () => {
const apiClient = useApiClient();
const repoStore = useRepoStore();
export default defineStore({
id: 'pipelines',
const pipelines: Map<string, Map<number, Pipeline>> = reactive(new Map());
state: () => ({
pipelines: {} as Record<string, Record<number, Pipeline>>,
pipelineFeed: [] as PipelineFeed[],
getters: {
sortedPipelineFeed(state) {
return state.pipelineFeed.sort(comparePipelines);
activePipelines(state) {
return state.pipelineFeed.filter(isPipelineActive);
actions: {
// setters
setPipeline(owner: string, repo: string, pipeline: Pipeline) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
function setPipeline(owner: string, repo: string, pipeline: Pipeline) {
const _repoSlug = repoSlug(owner, repo);
if (!this.pipelines[_repoSlug]) {
this.pipelines[_repoSlug] = {};
const repoPipelines = pipelines.get(_repoSlug) || new Map();
repoPipelines.set(pipeline.number, pipeline);
pipelines.set(_repoSlug, repoPipelines);
const repoPipelines = this.pipelines[_repoSlug];
function getRepoPipelines(owner: Ref<string>, repo: Ref<string>) {
return computed(() => {
const slug = repoSlug(owner.value, repo.value);
return Array.from(pipelines.get(slug)?.values() || []).sort(comparePipelines);
// merge with available data
repoPipelines[pipeline.number] = { ...(repoPipelines[pipeline.number] || {}), ...pipeline };
function getPipeline(owner: Ref<string>, repo: Ref<string>, _pipelineNumber: Ref<string>) {
return computed(() => {
const slug = repoSlug(owner.value, repo.value);
const pipelineNumber = parseInt(_pipelineNumber.value, 10);
return pipelines.get(slug)?.get(pipelineNumber);
this.pipelines = {
[_repoSlug]: repoPipelines,
setStep(owner: string, repo: string, pipelineNumber: number, step: PipelineStep) {
const pipeline = this.getPipeline(ref(owner), ref(repo), ref(pipelineNumber.toString())).value;
function setStep(owner: string, repo: string, pipelineNumber: number, step: PipelineStep) {
const pipeline = getPipeline(ref(owner), ref(repo), ref(pipelineNumber.toString())).value;
if (!pipeline) {
throw new Error("Can't find pipeline");
@ -54,46 +45,61 @@ export default defineStore({
pipeline.steps = [...pipeline.steps.filter((p) => p.pid !== step.pid), step];
this.setPipeline(owner, repo, pipeline);
setPipelineFeedItem(pipeline: PipelineFeed) {
const pipelineFeed = this.pipelineFeed.filter((b) => b.id !== pipeline.id);
this.pipelineFeed = [...pipelineFeed, pipeline];
setPipeline(owner, repo, pipeline);
// getters
getPipelines(owner: Ref<string>, repo: Ref<string>) {
return computed(() => {
const slug = repoSlug(owner.value, repo.value);
return toRef(this.pipelines, slug).value;
async function loadRepoPipelines(owner: string, repo: string) {
const _pipelines = await apiClient.getPipelineList(owner, repo);
_pipelines.forEach((pipeline) => {
setPipeline(owner, repo, pipeline);
getSortedPipelines(owner: Ref<string>, repo: Ref<string>) {
return computed(() => Object.values(this.getPipelines(owner, repo).value || []).sort(comparePipelines));
getActivePipelines(owner: Ref<string>, repo: Ref<string>) {
const pipelines = this.getPipelines(owner, repo);
return computed(() => Object.values(pipelines.value).filter(isPipelineActive));
getPipeline(owner: Ref<string>, repo: Ref<string>, pipelineNumber: Ref<string>) {
const pipelines = this.getPipelines(owner, repo);
return computed(() => (pipelines.value || {})[parseInt(pipelineNumber.value, 10)]);
// loading
async loadPipelines(owner: string, repo: string) {
const pipelines = await apiClient.getPipelineList(owner, repo);
pipelines.forEach((pipeline) => {
this.setPipeline(owner, repo, pipeline);
async function loadPipeline(owner: string, repo: string, pipelinesNumber: number) {
const pipeline = await apiClient.getPipeline(owner, repo, pipelinesNumber);
setPipeline(owner, repo, pipeline);
const pipelineFeed = computed(() =>
.reduce<PipelineFeed[]>((acc, [_repoSlug, repoPipelines]) => {
const repoPipelinesArray = Array.from(repoPipelines.entries()).map(
([_pipelineNumber, pipeline]) =>
full_name: _repoSlug,
owner: _repoSlug.split('/')[0],
name: _repoSlug.split('/')[1],
number: _pipelineNumber,
return [...acc, ...repoPipelinesArray];
}, [])
.filter((pipeline) => repoStore.ownedRepoSlugs.includes(pipeline.full_name)),
const activePipelines = computed(() => pipelineFeed.value.filter(isPipelineActive));
async function loadPipelineFeed() {
await repoStore.loadRepos();
const _pipelines = await apiClient.getPipelineFeed();
_pipelines.forEach((pipeline) => {
setPipeline(pipeline.owner, pipeline.name, pipeline);
async loadPipeline(owner: string, repo: string, pipelinesNumber: number) {
const pipelines = await apiClient.getPipeline(owner, repo, pipelinesNumber);
this.setPipeline(owner, repo, pipelines);
async loadPipelineFeed() {
const pipelines = await apiClient.getPipelineFeed();
this.pipelineFeed = pipelines;
return {
@ -1,44 +1,54 @@
import { defineStore } from 'pinia';
import { computed, Ref, toRef } from 'vue';
import { computed, reactive, Ref, ref } from 'vue';
import useApiClient from '~/compositions/useApiClient';
import { Repo } from '~/lib/api/types';
import { repoSlug } from '~/utils/helpers';
const apiClient = useApiClient();
export const useRepoStore = defineStore('repos', () => {
const apiClient = useApiClient();
export default defineStore({
id: 'repos',
const repos: Map<string, Repo> = reactive(new Map());
const ownedRepoSlugs = ref<string[]>([]);
state: () => ({
repos: {} as Record<string, Repo>,
const ownedRepos = computed(() =>
.filter(([slug]) => ownedRepoSlugs.value.includes(slug))
.map(([, repo]) => repo),
actions: {
// getter
getRepo(owner: Ref<string>, name: Ref<string>) {
function getRepo(owner: Ref<string>, name: Ref<string>) {
return computed(() => {
const slug = repoSlug(owner.value, name.value);
return toRef(this.repos, slug).value;
return repos.get(slug);
// setter
setRepo(repo: Repo) {
this.repos[repoSlug(repo)] = repo;
function setRepo(repo: Repo) {
repos.set(repoSlug(repo), repo);
// loading
async loadRepo(owner: string, name: string) {
async function loadRepo(owner: string, name: string) {
const repo = await apiClient.getRepo(owner, name);
this.repos[repoSlug(repo)] = repo;
repos.set(repoSlug(repo), repo);
return repo;
async loadRepos() {
const repos = await apiClient.getRepoList();
repos.forEach((repo) => {
this.repos[repoSlug(repo.owner, repo.name)] = repo;
async function loadRepos() {
const _ownedRepos = await apiClient.getRepoList();
_ownedRepos.forEach((repo) => {
repos.set(repoSlug(repo), repo);
ownedRepoSlugs.value = _ownedRepos.map((repo) => repoSlug(repo));
return {
@ -20,36 +20,22 @@
<script lang="ts">
import { computed, defineComponent, onMounted, ref } from 'vue';
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { computed, onMounted, ref } from 'vue';
import Button from '~/components/atomic/Button.vue';
import ListItem from '~/components/atomic/ListItem.vue';
import Scaffold from '~/components/layout/scaffold/Scaffold.vue';
import { useRepoSearch } from '~/compositions/useRepoSearch';
import RepoStore from '~/store/repos';
import { useRepoStore } from '~/store/repos';
export default defineComponent({
name: 'Repos',
const repoStore = useRepoStore();
const repos = computed(() => Object.values(repoStore.ownedRepos));
const search = ref('');
components: {
const { searchedRepos } = useRepoSearch(repos, search);
setup() {
const repoStore = RepoStore();
const repos = computed(() => Object.values(repoStore.repos));
const search = ref('');
const { searchedRepos } = useRepoSearch(repos, search);
onMounted(async () => {
onMounted(async () => {
await repoStore.loadRepos();
return { searchedRepos, search };
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ import Scaffold from '~/components/layout/scaffold/Scaffold.vue';
import useApiClient from '~/compositions/useApiClient';
import { useRepoSearch } from '~/compositions/useRepoSearch';
import { OrgPermissions } from '~/lib/api/types';
import RepoStore from '~/store/repos';
import { useRepoStore } from '~/store/repos';
export default defineComponent({
name: 'ReposOwner',
@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ export default defineComponent({
setup(props) {
const apiClient = useApiClient();
const repoStore = RepoStore();
const repoStore = useRepoStore();
// TODO: filter server side
const repos = computed(() => Object.values(repoStore.repos).filter((v) => v.owner === props.repoOwner));
const repos = computed(() => Array.from(repoStore.repos.values()).filter((repo) => repo.owner === props.repoOwner));
const search = ref('');
const orgPermissions = ref<OrgPermissions>({ member: false, admin: false });
@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ import useAuthentication from '~/compositions/useAuthentication';
import useConfig from '~/compositions/useConfig';
import useNotifications from '~/compositions/useNotifications';
import { RepoPermissions } from '~/lib/api/types';
import PipelineStore from '~/store/pipelines';
import RepoStore from '~/store/repos';
import { usePipelineStore } from '~/store/pipelines';
import { useRepoStore } from '~/store/repos';
const props = defineProps({
repoOwner: {
@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ const props = defineProps({
const repoOwner = toRef(props, 'repoOwner');
const repoName = toRef(props, 'repoName');
const repoStore = RepoStore();
const pipelineStore = PipelineStore();
const repoStore = useRepoStore();
const pipelineStore = usePipelineStore();
const apiClient = useApiClient();
const notifications = useNotifications();
const { isAuthenticated } = useAuthentication();
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ const i18n = useI18n();
const { forge } = useConfig();
const repo = repoStore.getRepo(repoOwner, repoName);
const repoPermissions = ref<RepoPermissions>();
const pipelines = pipelineStore.getSortedPipelines(repoOwner, repoName);
const pipelines = pipelineStore.getRepoPipelines(repoOwner, repoName);
provide('repo', repo);
provide('repo-permissions', repoPermissions);
provide('pipelines', pipelines);
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ async function loadRepo() {
await pipelineStore.loadPipelines(repoOwner.value, repoName.value);
await pipelineStore.loadRepoPipelines(repoOwner.value, repoName.value);
onMounted(() => {
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ watch([repoOwner, repoName], () => {
const badgeUrl = computed(() => `/api/badges/${repo.value.owner}/${repo.value.name}/status.svg`);
const badgeUrl = computed(() => repo.value && `/api/badges/${repo.value.owner}/${repo.value.name}/status.svg`);
const activeTab = computed({
get() {
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ import useNotifications from '~/compositions/useNotifications';
import usePipeline from '~/compositions/usePipeline';
import { useRouteBackOrDefault } from '~/compositions/useRouteBackOrDefault';
import { Repo, RepoPermissions } from '~/lib/api/types';
import PipelineStore from '~/store/pipelines';
import { usePipelineStore } from '~/store/pipelines';
export default defineComponent({
name: 'PipelineWrapper',
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
const favicon = useFavicon();
const i18n = useI18n();
const pipelineStore = PipelineStore();
const pipelineStore = usePipelineStore();
const pipelineId = toRef(props, 'pipelineId');
const repoOwner = toRef(props, 'repoOwner');
const repoName = toRef(props, 'repoName');
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
await pipelineStore.loadPipeline(repo.value.owner, repo.value.name, parseInt(pipelineId.value, 10));
const { doSubmit: cancelPipeline, isLoading: isCancelingPipeline } = useAsyncAction(async () => {
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
throw new Error('Unexpected: Repo is undefined');
if (!pipeline.value.steps) {
if (!pipeline.value?.steps) {
throw new Error('Unexpected: Pipeline steps not loaded');
Reference in a new issue