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# Swagger, API Spec and Code Generation
Woodpecker uses [gin-swagger](https://github.com/swaggo/gin-swagger) middleware to automatically
generate Swagger v2 API specifications and a nice looking Web UI from the source code.
Also, the generated spec will be transformed into Markdown, using [go-swagger](https://github.com/go-swagger/go-swagger)
and then being using on the community's website documentation.
It's paramount important to keep the gin handler function's godoc documentation up-to-date,
to always have accurate API documentation.
Whenever you change, add or enhance an API endpoint, please update the godocs.
You don't require any extra tools on your machine, all Swagger tooling is automatically fetched by standard Go tools.
### Gin-Handler API documentation guideline
Here's a typical example of how annotations for Swagger documentation look like...
--- server/api/user.go ---
// @Summary Get a user
// @Description Returns a user with the specified login name. Requires admin rights.
// @Router /users/{login} [get]
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} User
// @Tags Users
// @Param Authorization header string true "Insert your personal access token" default(Bearer <personal access token>)
// @Param login path string true "the user's login name"
// @Param foobar query string false "optional foobar parameter"
// @Param page query int false "for response pagination, page offset number" default(1)
// @Param perPage query int false "for response pagination, max items per page" default(50)
--- server/model/user.go ---
type User struct {
ID int64 `json:"id" xorm:"pk autoincr 'user_id'"`
// ...
} // @name User
These guidelines aim to have consistent wording in the swagger doc:
* first word after `@Summary` and `@Summary` are always uppercase
* `@Summary` has no . (dot) at the end of the line
* model structs shall use custom short names, to ease life for API consumers, using `@name`
* `@Success` object or array declarations shall be short, this means the actual `model.User` struct must have a `@name` annotation, so that the model can be renderend in Swagger
* when pagination is used, `@Parame page` and `@Parame perPage` must be added manually
* `@Param Authorization` is almost always present, there are just a few un-protected endpoints
There are many examples in the server/api package, which you can use a blueprint.
More enhanced information you can find here https://github.com/swaggo/swag/blob/master/README.md#declarative-comments-format
### Manual code generation
##### generate the server's Go code containing the Swagger
make generate-swagger
##### update the Markdown in the ./docs folder
make docs
##### auto-format swagger related godoc
go run github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag@latest fmt -g server/api/z.go
**WARNING, known issue**: using swag v1.18.12 , there's a bug when running the `fmt` command,
which makes the swagger generator failing, because it can't find the models/structs/types anymore.
To fix it, please replace `// @name\tModelName` with `// @name ModelName`,
which means, replace the tab (`\t`) with a space (` `).
See https://github.com/swaggo/swag/pull/1594 == once this is merged and released, the mentioned issue is obsolete.