A contributor should apply as a maintainer in the [Discord #develop](https://discord.gg/fcMQqSMXJy) or [Matrix Develop](https://matrix.to/#/#WoodpeckerCI-Develop:obermui.de) channel.
The owners or the team maintainers may invite the contributor.
A maintainer should spend some time on code reviews.
If a maintainer has no time to do that, they should apply to leave the maintainers team and we will give them the honor of being a member of the [advisors
Of course, if an advisor has time to code review, we will gladly welcome them back to the maintainers team.
If a maintainer is inactive for more than 3 months and forgets to leave the maintainers team, the owners may move him or her from the maintainers team to the advisors team.
Since Woodpecker is a pure community organization without any company support, to keep the development healthy we will elect two owners every year.\
This can also happen when a owner propose a vote or the majority of the maintainers do so.\
All maintainers may vote to elect up to two candidates. When the new owners have been elected, the old owners will give up ownership to the newly elected owners.
([Docs: Securing your account with two-factor authentication](https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/securing-your-account-with-two-factor-authentication-2fa))
To honor the past owners, here's the history of the owners and the time