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1717 lines
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package unused
import (
var Debug io.Writer
// The graph we construct omits nodes along a path that do not
// contribute any new information to the solution. For example, the
// full graph for a function with a receiver would be Func ->
// Signature -> Var -> Type. However, since signatures cannot be
// unused, and receivers are always considered used, we can compact
// the graph down to Func -> Type. This makes the graph smaller, but
// harder to debug.
// TODO(dh): conversions between structs mark fields as used, but the
// conversion itself isn't part of that subgraph. even if the function
// containing the conversion is unused, the fields will be marked as
// used.
// TODO(dh): we cannot observe function calls in assembly files.
- packages use:
- (1.1) exported named types
- (1.2) exported functions
- (1.3) exported variables
- (1.4) exported constants
- (1.5) init functions
- (1.6) functions exported to cgo
- (1.7) the main function iff in the main package
- (1.8) symbols linked via go:linkname
- named types use:
- (2.1) exported methods
- (2.2) the type they're based on
- (2.3) all their aliases. we can't easily track uses of aliases
because go/types turns them into uses of the aliased types. assume
that if a type is used, so are all of its aliases.
- (2.4) the pointer type. this aids with eagerly implementing
interfaces. if a method that implements an interface is defined on
a pointer receiver, and the pointer type is never used, but the
named type is, then we still want to mark the method as used.
- variables and constants use:
- their types
- functions use:
- (4.1) all their arguments, return parameters and receivers
- (4.2) anonymous functions defined beneath them
- (4.3) closures and bound methods.
this implements a simplified model where a function is used merely by being referenced, even if it is never called.
that way we don't have to keep track of closures escaping functions.
- (4.4) functions they return. we assume that someone else will call the returned function
- (4.5) functions/interface methods they call
- types they instantiate or convert to
- (4.7) fields they access
- (4.8) types of all instructions
- (4.9) package-level variables they assign to iff in tests (sinks for benchmarks)
- conversions use:
- (5.1) when converting between two equivalent structs, the fields in
either struct use each other. the fields are relevant for the
conversion, but only if the fields are also accessed outside the
- (5.2) when converting to or from unsafe.Pointer, mark all fields as used.
- structs use:
- (6.1) fields of type NoCopy sentinel
- (6.2) exported fields
- (6.3) embedded fields that help implement interfaces (either fully implements it, or contributes required methods) (recursively)
- (6.4) embedded fields that have exported methods (recursively)
- (6.5) embedded structs that have exported fields (recursively)
- (7.1) field accesses use fields
- (7.2) fields use their types
- (8.0) How we handle interfaces:
- (8.1) We do not technically care about interfaces that only consist of
exported methods. Exported methods on concrete types are always
marked as used.
- Any concrete type implements all known interfaces. Even if it isn't
assigned to any interfaces in our code, the user may receive a value
of the type and expect to pass it back to us through an interface.
Concrete types use their methods that implement interfaces. If the
type is used, it uses those methods. Otherwise, it doesn't. This
way, types aren't incorrectly marked reachable through the edge
from method to type.
- (8.3) All interface methods are marked as used, even if they never get
called. This is to accommodate sum types (unexported interface
method that must exist but never gets called.)
- (8.4) All embedded interfaces are marked as used. This is an
extension of 8.3, but we have to explicitly track embedded
interfaces because in a chain C->B->A, B wouldn't be marked as
used by 8.3 just because it contributes A's methods to C.
- Inherent uses:
- thunks and other generated wrappers call the real function
- (9.2) variables use their types
- (9.3) types use their underlying and element types
- (9.4) conversions use the type they convert to
- (9.5) instructions use their operands
- (9.6) instructions use their operands' types
- (9.7) variable _reads_ use variables, writes do not, except in tests
- (9.8) runtime functions that may be called from user code via the compiler
- const groups:
(10.1) if one constant out of a block of constants is used, mark all
of them used. a lot of the time, unused constants exist for the sake
of completeness. See also
- (11.1) anonymous struct types use all their fields. we cannot
deduplicate struct types, as that leads to order-dependent
reports. we can't not deduplicate struct types while still
tracking fields, because then each instance of the unnamed type in
the data flow chain will get its own fields, causing false
positives. Thus, we only accurately track fields of named struct
types, and assume that unnamed struct types use all their fields.
func assert(b bool) {
if !b {
panic("failed assertion")
// /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/proc.go:433:6: func badmorestackg0 is unused (U1000)
// Functions defined in the Go runtime that may be called through
// compiler magic or via assembly.
var runtimeFuncs = map[string]bool{
// The first part of the list is copied from
// cmd/compile/internal/gc/builtin.go, var runtimeDecls
"newobject": true,
"panicindex": true,
"panicslice": true,
"panicdivide": true,
"panicmakeslicelen": true,
"throwinit": true,
"panicwrap": true,
"gopanic": true,
"gorecover": true,
"goschedguarded": true,
"printbool": true,
"printfloat": true,
"printint": true,
"printhex": true,
"printuint": true,
"printcomplex": true,
"printstring": true,
"printpointer": true,
"printiface": true,
"printeface": true,
"printslice": true,
"printnl": true,
"printsp": true,
"printlock": true,
"printunlock": true,
"concatstring2": true,
"concatstring3": true,
"concatstring4": true,
"concatstring5": true,
"concatstrings": true,
"cmpstring": true,
"intstring": true,
"slicebytetostring": true,
"slicebytetostringtmp": true,
"slicerunetostring": true,
"stringtoslicebyte": true,
"stringtoslicerune": true,
"slicecopy": true,
"slicestringcopy": true,
"decoderune": true,
"countrunes": true,
"convI2I": true,
"convT16": true,
"convT32": true,
"convT64": true,
"convTstring": true,
"convTslice": true,
"convT2E": true,
"convT2Enoptr": true,
"convT2I": true,
"convT2Inoptr": true,
"assertE2I": true,
"assertE2I2": true,
"assertI2I": true,
"assertI2I2": true,
"panicdottypeE": true,
"panicdottypeI": true,
"panicnildottype": true,
"ifaceeq": true,
"efaceeq": true,
"fastrand": true,
"makemap64": true,
"makemap": true,
"makemap_small": true,
"mapaccess1": true,
"mapaccess1_fast32": true,
"mapaccess1_fast64": true,
"mapaccess1_faststr": true,
"mapaccess1_fat": true,
"mapaccess2": true,
"mapaccess2_fast32": true,
"mapaccess2_fast64": true,
"mapaccess2_faststr": true,
"mapaccess2_fat": true,
"mapassign": true,
"mapassign_fast32": true,
"mapassign_fast32ptr": true,
"mapassign_fast64": true,
"mapassign_fast64ptr": true,
"mapassign_faststr": true,
"mapiterinit": true,
"mapdelete": true,
"mapdelete_fast32": true,
"mapdelete_fast64": true,
"mapdelete_faststr": true,
"mapiternext": true,
"mapclear": true,
"makechan64": true,
"makechan": true,
"chanrecv1": true,
"chanrecv2": true,
"chansend1": true,
"closechan": true,
"writeBarrier": true,
"typedmemmove": true,
"typedmemclr": true,
"typedslicecopy": true,
"selectnbsend": true,
"selectnbrecv": true,
"selectnbrecv2": true,
"selectsetpc": true,
"selectgo": true,
"block": true,
"makeslice": true,
"makeslice64": true,
"growslice": true,
"memmove": true,
"memclrNoHeapPointers": true,
"memclrHasPointers": true,
"memequal": true,
"memequal8": true,
"memequal16": true,
"memequal32": true,
"memequal64": true,
"memequal128": true,
"int64div": true,
"uint64div": true,
"int64mod": true,
"uint64mod": true,
"float64toint64": true,
"float64touint64": true,
"float64touint32": true,
"int64tofloat64": true,
"uint64tofloat64": true,
"uint32tofloat64": true,
"complex128div": true,
"racefuncenter": true,
"racefuncenterfp": true,
"racefuncexit": true,
"raceread": true,
"racewrite": true,
"racereadrange": true,
"racewriterange": true,
"msanread": true,
"msanwrite": true,
"x86HasPOPCNT": true,
"x86HasSSE41": true,
"arm64HasATOMICS": true,
// The second part of the list is extracted from assembly code in
// the standard library, with the exception of the runtime package itself
"abort": true,
"aeshashbody": true,
"args": true,
"asminit": true,
"badctxt": true,
"badmcall2": true,
"badmcall": true,
"badmorestackg0": true,
"badmorestackgsignal": true,
"badsignal2": true,
"callbackasm1": true,
"callCfunction": true,
"cgocallback_gofunc": true,
"cgocallbackg": true,
"checkgoarm": true,
"check": true,
"debugCallCheck": true,
"debugCallWrap": true,
"emptyfunc": true,
"entersyscall": true,
"exit": true,
"exits": true,
"exitsyscall": true,
"externalthreadhandler": true,
"findnull": true,
"goexit1": true,
"gostring": true,
"i386_set_ldt": true,
"_initcgo": true,
"init_thread_tls": true,
"ldt0setup": true,
"libpreinit": true,
"load_g": true,
"morestack": true,
"mstart": true,
"nacl_sysinfo": true,
"nanotimeQPC": true,
"nanotime": true,
"newosproc0": true,
"newproc": true,
"newstack": true,
"noted": true,
"nowQPC": true,
"osinit": true,
"printf": true,
"racecallback": true,
"reflectcallmove": true,
"reginit": true,
"rt0_go": true,
"save_g": true,
"schedinit": true,
"setldt": true,
"settls": true,
"sighandler": true,
"sigprofNonGo": true,
"sigtrampgo": true,
"_sigtramp": true,
"sigtramp": true,
"stackcheck": true,
"syscall_chdir": true,
"syscall_chroot": true,
"syscall_close": true,
"syscall_dup2": true,
"syscall_execve": true,
"syscall_exit": true,
"syscall_fcntl": true,
"syscall_forkx": true,
"syscall_gethostname": true,
"syscall_getpid": true,
"syscall_ioctl": true,
"syscall_pipe": true,
"syscall_rawsyscall6": true,
"syscall_rawSyscall6": true,
"syscall_rawsyscall": true,
"syscall_RawSyscall": true,
"syscall_rawsysvicall6": true,
"syscall_setgid": true,
"syscall_setgroups": true,
"syscall_setpgid": true,
"syscall_setsid": true,
"syscall_setuid": true,
"syscall_syscall6": true,
"syscall_syscall": true,
"syscall_Syscall": true,
"syscall_sysvicall6": true,
"syscall_wait4": true,
"syscall_write": true,
"traceback": true,
"tstart": true,
"usplitR0": true,
"wbBufFlush": true,
"write": true,
type pkg struct {
Fset *token.FileSet
Files []*ast.File
Pkg *types.Package
TypesInfo *types.Info
TypesSizes types.Sizes
IR *ir.Package
SrcFuncs []*ir.Function
Directives []lint.Directive
// TODO(dh): should we return a map instead of two slices?
type Result struct {
Used []types.Object
Unused []types.Object
type SerializedResult struct {
Used []SerializedObject
Unused []SerializedObject
var Analyzer = &lint.Analyzer{
Doc: &lint.Documentation{
Title: "Unused code",
Analyzer: &analysis.Analyzer{
Name: "U1000",
Doc: "Unused code",
Run: run,
Requires: []*analysis.Analyzer{buildir.Analyzer, facts.Generated, facts.Directives},
ResultType: reflect.TypeOf(Result{}),
type SerializedObject struct {
Name string
Position token.Position
DisplayPosition token.Position
Kind string
InGenerated bool
func typString(obj types.Object) string {
switch obj := obj.(type) {
case *types.Func:
return "func"
case *types.Var:
if obj.IsField() {
return "field"
return "var"
case *types.Const:
return "const"
case *types.TypeName:
return "type"
return "identifier"
func Serialize(pass *analysis.Pass, res Result, fset *token.FileSet) SerializedResult {
// OPT(dh): there's no point in serializing Used objects that are
// always used, such as exported names, blank identifiers, or
// anonymous struct fields. Used only exists to overrule Unused of
// a different package. If something can never be unused, then its
// presence in Used is useless.
// I'm not sure if this should happen when serializing, or when
// returning Result.
out := SerializedResult{
Used: make([]SerializedObject, len(res.Used)),
Unused: make([]SerializedObject, len(res.Unused)),
for i, obj := range res.Used {
out.Used[i] = serializeObject(pass, fset, obj)
for i, obj := range res.Unused {
out.Unused[i] = serializeObject(pass, fset, obj)
return out
func serializeObject(pass *analysis.Pass, fset *token.FileSet, obj types.Object) SerializedObject {
name := obj.Name()
if sig, ok := obj.Type().(*types.Signature); ok && sig.Recv() != nil {
switch sig.Recv().Type().(type) {
case *types.Named, *types.Pointer:
typ := types.TypeString(sig.Recv().Type(), func(*types.Package) string { return "" })
if len(typ) > 0 && typ[0] == '*' {
name = fmt.Sprintf("(%s).%s", typ, obj.Name())
} else if len(typ) > 0 {
name = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", typ, obj.Name())
return SerializedObject{
Name: name,
Position: fset.PositionFor(obj.Pos(), false),
DisplayPosition: report.DisplayPosition(fset, obj.Pos()),
Kind: typString(obj),
InGenerated: code.IsGenerated(pass, obj.Pos()),
func debugf(f string, v ...interface{}) {
if Debug != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(Debug, f, v...)
func run(pass *analysis.Pass) (interface{}, error) {
irpkg := pass.ResultOf[buildir.Analyzer].(*buildir.IR)
dirs := pass.ResultOf[facts.Directives].([]lint.Directive)
pkg := &pkg{
Fset: pass.Fset,
Files: pass.Files,
Pkg: pass.Pkg,
TypesInfo: pass.TypesInfo,
TypesSizes: pass.TypesSizes,
IR: irpkg.Pkg,
SrcFuncs: irpkg.SrcFuncs,
Directives: dirs,
g := newGraph()
used, unused := results(g)
if Debug != nil {
debugNode := func(n *node) {
if n.obj == nil {
debugf("n%d [label=\"Root\"];\n", n.id)
} else {
color := "red"
if n.seen {
color = "green"
debugf("n%d [label=%q, color=%q];\n", n.id, fmt.Sprintf("(%T) %s", n.obj, n.obj), color)
for _, e := range n.used {
for i := edgeKind(1); i < 64; i++ {
if e.kind.is(1 << i) {
debugf("n%d -> n%d [label=%q];\n", n.id, e.node.id, edgeKind(1<<i))
for _, v := range g.Nodes {
g.TypeNodes.Iterate(func(key types.Type, value interface{}) {
return Result{Used: used, Unused: unused}, nil
func results(g *graph) (used, unused []types.Object) {
g.TypeNodes.Iterate(func(_ types.Type, value interface{}) {
node := value.(*node)
if node.seen {
switch obj := node.obj.(type) {
case *types.Struct:
for i := 0; i < obj.NumFields(); i++ {
if node, ok := g.nodeMaybe(obj.Field(i)); ok {
node.quiet = true
case *types.Interface:
for i := 0; i < obj.NumExplicitMethods(); i++ {
m := obj.ExplicitMethod(i)
if node, ok := g.nodeMaybe(m); ok {
node.quiet = true
// OPT(dh): can we find meaningful initial capacities for the used and unused slices?
for _, n := range g.Nodes {
if obj, ok := n.obj.(types.Object); ok {
switch obj := obj.(type) {
case *types.Var:
// don't report unnamed variables (interface embedding)
if obj.Name() == "" && obj.IsField() {
case types.Object:
if obj.Name() == "_" {
if obj.Pkg() != nil {
if n.seen {
used = append(used, obj)
} else if !n.quiet {
if obj.Pkg() != g.pkg.Pkg {
unused = append(unused, obj)
return used, unused
type graph struct {
Root *node
seenTypes typemap.Map
TypeNodes typemap.Map
Nodes map[interface{}]*node
// context
pkg *pkg
seenFns map[*ir.Function]struct{}
nodeCounter uint64
func newGraph() *graph {
g := &graph{
Nodes: map[interface{}]*node{},
seenFns: map[*ir.Function]struct{}{},
g.Root = g.newNode(nil)
return g
func (g *graph) color(root *node) {
if root.seen {
root.seen = true
for _, e := range root.used {
type constGroup struct {
// give the struct a size to get unique pointers
_ byte
func (constGroup) String() string { return "const group" }
type edge struct {
node *node
kind edgeKind
type node struct {
obj interface{}
id uint64
// OPT(dh): evaluate using a map instead of a slice to avoid
// duplicate edges.
used []edge
// set during final graph walk if node is reachable
seen bool
quiet bool
func (g *graph) nodeMaybe(obj types.Object) (*node, bool) {
if node, ok := g.Nodes[obj]; ok {
return node, true
return nil, false
func (g *graph) node(obj interface{}) (n *node, new bool) {
switch obj := obj.(type) {
case types.Type:
if v := g.TypeNodes.At(obj); v != nil {
return v.(*node), false
n = g.newNode(obj)
g.TypeNodes.Set(obj, n)
return n, true
case types.Object:
// OPT(dh): the types.Object and default cases are identical
if node, ok := g.Nodes[obj]; ok {
return node, false
n = g.newNode(obj)
g.Nodes[obj] = n
return n, true
if node, ok := g.Nodes[obj]; ok {
return node, false
n = g.newNode(obj)
g.Nodes[obj] = n
return n, true
func (g *graph) newNode(obj interface{}) *node {
return &node{
obj: obj,
id: g.nodeCounter,
func (n *node) use(n2 *node, kind edgeKind) {
assert(n2 != nil)
n.used = append(n.used, edge{node: n2, kind: kind})
// isIrrelevant reports whether an object's presence in the graph is
// of any relevance. A lot of objects will never have outgoing edges,
// nor meaningful incoming ones. Examples are basic types and empty
// signatures, among many others.
// Dropping these objects should have no effect on correctness, but
// may improve performance. It also helps with debugging, as it
// greatly reduces the size of the graph.
func isIrrelevant(obj interface{}) bool {
if obj, ok := obj.(types.Object); ok {
switch obj := obj.(type) {
case *types.Var:
if obj.IsField() {
// We need to track package fields
return false
if obj.Pkg() != nil && obj.Parent() == obj.Pkg().Scope() {
// We need to track package-level variables
return false
return isIrrelevant(obj.Type())
return false
if T, ok := obj.(types.Type); ok {
switch T := T.(type) {
case *types.Array:
return isIrrelevant(T.Elem())
case *types.Slice:
return isIrrelevant(T.Elem())
case *types.Basic:
return true
case *types.Tuple:
for i := 0; i < T.Len(); i++ {
if !isIrrelevant(T.At(i).Type()) {
return false
return true
case *types.Signature:
if T.Recv() != nil {
return false
for i := 0; i < T.Params().Len(); i++ {
if !isIrrelevant(T.Params().At(i)) {
return false
for i := 0; i < T.Results().Len(); i++ {
if !isIrrelevant(T.Results().At(i)) {
return false
return true
case *types.Interface:
return T.NumMethods() == 0 && T.NumEmbeddeds() == 0
case *types.Pointer:
return isIrrelevant(T.Elem())
case *types.Map:
return isIrrelevant(T.Key()) && isIrrelevant(T.Elem())
case *types.Struct:
return T.NumFields() == 0
case *types.Chan:
return isIrrelevant(T.Elem())
return false
return false
func (g *graph) see(obj interface{}) *node {
if isIrrelevant(obj) {
return nil
assert(obj != nil)
// add new node to graph
node, _ := g.node(obj)
return node
func (g *graph) use(used, by interface{}, kind edgeKind) {
if isIrrelevant(used) {
assert(used != nil)
if obj, ok := by.(types.Object); ok && obj.Pkg() != nil {
if obj.Pkg() != g.pkg.Pkg {
usedNode, new := g.node(used)
if by == nil {
g.Root.use(usedNode, kind)
} else {
byNode, new := g.node(by)
byNode.use(usedNode, kind)
func (g *graph) seeAndUse(used, by interface{}, kind edgeKind) *node {
n := g.see(used)
g.use(used, by, kind)
return n
func (g *graph) entry(pkg *pkg) {
g.pkg = pkg
scopes := map[*types.Scope]*ir.Function{}
for _, fn := range pkg.SrcFuncs {
if fn.Object() != nil {
scope := fn.Object().(*types.Func).Scope()
scopes[scope] = fn
for _, f := range pkg.Files {
for _, cg := range f.Comments {
for _, c := range cg.List {
if strings.HasPrefix(c.Text, "//go:linkname ") {
// FIXME(dh): we're looking at all comments. The
// compiler only looks at comments in the
// left-most column. The intention probably is to
// only look at top-level comments.
// (1.8) packages use symbols linked via go:linkname
fields := strings.Fields(c.Text)
if len(fields) == 3 {
if m, ok := pkg.IR.Members[fields[1]]; ok {
var obj types.Object
switch m := m.(type) {
case *ir.Global:
obj = m.Object()
case *ir.Function:
obj = m.Object()
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unhandled type: %T", m))
assert(obj != nil)
g.seeAndUse(obj, nil, edgeLinkname)
surroundingFunc := func(obj types.Object) *ir.Function {
scope := obj.Parent()
for scope != nil {
if fn := scopes[scope]; fn != nil {
return fn
scope = scope.Parent()
return nil
// IR form won't tell us about locally scoped types that aren't
// being used. Walk the list of Defs to get all named types.
// IR form also won't tell us about constants; use Defs and Uses
// to determine which constants exist and which are being used.
for _, obj := range pkg.TypesInfo.Defs {
switch obj := obj.(type) {
case *types.TypeName:
// types are being handled by walking the AST
case *types.Const:
fn := surroundingFunc(obj)
if fn == nil && obj.Exported() {
// (1.4) packages use exported constants
g.use(obj, nil, edgeExportedConstant)
g.typ(obj.Type(), nil)
g.seeAndUse(obj.Type(), obj, edgeType)
// Find constants being used inside functions, find sinks in tests
for _, fn := range pkg.SrcFuncs {
if fn.Object() != nil {
n := fn.Source()
if n == nil {
ast.Inspect(n, func(n ast.Node) bool {
switch n := n.(type) {
case *ast.Ident:
obj, ok := pkg.TypesInfo.Uses[n]
if !ok {
return true
switch obj := obj.(type) {
case *types.Const:
g.seeAndUse(obj, owningObject(fn), edgeUsedConstant)
case *ast.AssignStmt:
for _, expr := range n.Lhs {
ident, ok := expr.(*ast.Ident)
if !ok {
obj := pkg.TypesInfo.ObjectOf(ident)
if obj == nil {
path := pkg.Fset.File(obj.Pos()).Name()
if strings.HasSuffix(path, "_test.go") {
if obj.Parent() != nil && obj.Parent().Parent() != nil && obj.Parent().Parent().Parent() == nil {
// object's scope is the package, whose
// parent is the file, whose parent is nil
// (4.9) functions use package-level variables they assign to iff in tests (sinks for benchmarks)
// (9.7) variable _reads_ use variables, writes do not, except in tests
g.seeAndUse(obj, owningObject(fn), edgeTestSink)
return true
// Find constants being used in non-function contexts
for _, obj := range pkg.TypesInfo.Uses {
_, ok := obj.(*types.Const)
if !ok {
g.seeAndUse(obj, nil, edgeUsedConstant)
var fns []*types.Func
var fn *types.Func
var stack []ast.Node
for _, f := range pkg.Files {
ast.Inspect(f, func(n ast.Node) bool {
if n == nil {
pop := stack[len(stack)-1]
stack = stack[:len(stack)-1]
if _, ok := pop.(*ast.FuncDecl); ok {
fns = fns[:len(fns)-1]
if len(fns) == 0 {
fn = nil
} else {
fn = fns[len(fns)-1]
return true
stack = append(stack, n)
switch n := n.(type) {
case *ast.FuncDecl:
fn = pkg.TypesInfo.ObjectOf(n.Name).(*types.Func)
fns = append(fns, fn)
case *ast.GenDecl:
switch n.Tok {
case token.CONST:
groups := astutil.GroupSpecs(pkg.Fset, n.Specs)
for _, specs := range groups {
if len(specs) > 1 {
cg := &constGroup{}
for _, spec := range specs {
for _, name := range spec.(*ast.ValueSpec).Names {
obj := pkg.TypesInfo.ObjectOf(name)
// (10.1) const groups
g.seeAndUse(obj, cg, edgeConstGroup)
g.use(cg, obj, edgeConstGroup)
case token.VAR:
for _, spec := range n.Specs {
v := spec.(*ast.ValueSpec)
for _, name := range v.Names {
T := pkg.TypesInfo.TypeOf(name)
if fn != nil {
g.seeAndUse(T, fn, edgeVarDecl)
} else {
// TODO(dh): we likely want to make
// the type used by the variable, not
// the package containing the
// variable. But then we have to take
// special care of blank identifiers.
g.seeAndUse(T, nil, edgeVarDecl)
g.typ(T, nil)
case token.TYPE:
for _, spec := range n.Specs {
// go/types doesn't provide a way to go from a
// types.Named to the named type it was based on
// (the t1 in type t2 t1). Therefore we walk the
// AST and process GenDecls.
// (2.2) named types use the type they're based on
v := spec.(*ast.TypeSpec)
T := pkg.TypesInfo.TypeOf(v.Type)
obj := pkg.TypesInfo.ObjectOf(v.Name)
g.use(T, obj, edgeType)
g.typ(obj.Type(), nil)
g.typ(T, nil)
if v.Assign != 0 {
aliasFor := obj.(*types.TypeName).Type()
// (2.3) named types use all their aliases. we can't easily track uses of aliases
if isIrrelevant(aliasFor) {
// We do not track the type this is an
// alias for (for example builtins), so
// just mark the alias used.
// FIXME(dh): what about aliases declared inside functions?
g.use(obj, nil, edgeAlias)
} else {
g.seeAndUse(obj, aliasFor, edgeAlias)
return true
for _, m := range pkg.IR.Members {
switch m := m.(type) {
case *ir.NamedConst:
// nothing to do, we collect all constants from Defs
case *ir.Global:
if m.Object() != nil {
if m.Object().Exported() {
// (1.3) packages use exported variables
g.use(m.Object(), nil, edgeExportedVariable)
case *ir.Function:
mObj := owningObject(m)
if mObj != nil {
//lint:ignore SA9003 handled implicitly
if m.Name() == "init" {
// (1.5) packages use init functions
// This is handled implicitly. The generated init
// function has no object, thus everything in it will
// be owned by the package.
// This branch catches top-level functions, not methods.
if m.Object() != nil && m.Object().Exported() {
// (1.2) packages use exported functions
g.use(mObj, nil, edgeExportedFunction)
if m.Name() == "main" && pkg.Pkg.Name() == "main" {
// (1.7) packages use the main function iff in the main package
g.use(mObj, nil, edgeMainFunction)
if pkg.Pkg.Path() == "runtime" && runtimeFuncs[m.Name()] {
// (9.8) runtime functions that may be called from user code via the compiler
g.use(mObj, nil, edgeRuntimeFunction)
if m.Source() != nil {
doc := m.Source().(*ast.FuncDecl).Doc
if doc != nil {
for _, cmt := range doc.List {
if strings.HasPrefix(cmt.Text, "//go:cgo_export_") {
// (1.6) packages use functions exported to cgo
g.use(mObj, nil, edgeCgoExported)
case *ir.Type:
if m.Object().Exported() {
// (1.1) packages use exported named types
g.use(m.Object(), nil, edgeExportedType)
g.typ(m.Type(), nil)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unreachable: %T", m))
// OPT(dh): can we find meaningful initial capacities for these slices?
var ifaces []*types.Interface
var notIfaces []types.Type
g.seenTypes.Iterate(func(t types.Type, _ interface{}) {
switch t := t.(type) {
case *types.Interface:
// OPT(dh): (8.1) we only need interfaces that have unexported methods
ifaces = append(ifaces, t)
if _, ok := t.Underlying().(*types.Interface); !ok {
notIfaces = append(notIfaces, t)
// (8.0) handle interfaces
for _, t := range notIfaces {
ms := pkg.IR.Prog.MethodSets.MethodSet(t)
for _, iface := range ifaces {
if sels, ok := g.implements(t, iface, ms); ok {
for _, sel := range sels {
g.useMethod(t, sel, t, edgeImplements)
type ignoredKey struct {
file string
line int
ignores := map[ignoredKey]struct{}{}
for _, dir := range pkg.Directives {
if dir.Command != "ignore" && dir.Command != "file-ignore" {
if len(dir.Arguments) == 0 {
for _, check := range strings.Split(dir.Arguments[0], ",") {
if check == "U1000" {
pos := pkg.Fset.PositionFor(dir.Node.Pos(), false)
var key ignoredKey
switch dir.Command {
case "ignore":
key = ignoredKey{
case "file-ignore":
key = ignoredKey{
ignores[key] = struct{}{}
if len(ignores) > 0 {
// all objects annotated with a //lint:ignore U1000 are considered used
for obj := range g.Nodes {
if obj, ok := obj.(types.Object); ok {
pos := pkg.Fset.PositionFor(obj.Pos(), false)
key1 := ignoredKey{
key2 := ignoredKey{
_, ok := ignores[key1]
if !ok {
_, ok = ignores[key2]
if ok {
g.use(obj, nil, edgeIgnored)
// use methods and fields of ignored types
if obj, ok := obj.(*types.TypeName); ok {
if typ, ok := obj.Type().(*types.Named); ok {
for i := 0; i < typ.NumMethods(); i++ {
g.use(typ.Method(i), nil, edgeIgnored)
if typ, ok := obj.Type().Underlying().(*types.Struct); ok {
for i := 0; i < typ.NumFields(); i++ {
g.use(typ.Field(i), nil, edgeIgnored)
func (g *graph) useMethod(t types.Type, sel *types.Selection, by interface{}, kind edgeKind) {
obj := sel.Obj()
path := sel.Index()
assert(obj != nil)
if len(path) > 1 {
base := typeutil.Dereference(t).Underlying().(*types.Struct)
for _, idx := range path[:len(path)-1] {
next := base.Field(idx)
// (6.3) structs use embedded fields that help implement interfaces
g.seeAndUse(next, base, edgeProvidesMethod)
base, _ = typeutil.Dereference(next.Type()).Underlying().(*types.Struct)
g.seeAndUse(obj, by, kind)
func owningObject(fn *ir.Function) types.Object {
if fn.Object() != nil {
return fn.Object()
if fn.Parent() != nil {
return owningObject(fn.Parent())
return nil
func (g *graph) function(fn *ir.Function) {
if fn.Package() != nil && fn.Package() != g.pkg.IR {
if _, ok := g.seenFns[fn]; ok {
g.seenFns[fn] = struct{}{}
// (4.1) functions use all their arguments, return parameters and receivers
g.signature(fn.Signature, owningObject(fn))
for _, anon := range fn.AnonFuncs {
// (4.2) functions use anonymous functions defined beneath them
// This fact is expressed implicitly. Anonymous functions have
// no types.Object, so their owner is the surrounding
// function.
func (g *graph) typ(t types.Type, parent types.Type) {
if g.seenTypes.At(t) != nil {
if t, ok := t.(*types.Named); ok && t.Obj().Pkg() != nil {
if t.Obj().Pkg() != g.pkg.Pkg {
g.seenTypes.Set(t, struct{}{})
if isIrrelevant(t) {
switch t := t.(type) {
case *types.Struct:
for i := 0; i < t.NumFields(); i++ {
if t.Field(i).Exported() {
// (6.2) structs use exported fields
g.use(t.Field(i), t, edgeExportedField)
} else if t.Field(i).Name() == "_" {
g.use(t.Field(i), t, edgeBlankField)
} else if isNoCopyType(t.Field(i).Type()) {
// (6.1) structs use fields of type NoCopy sentinel
g.use(t.Field(i), t, edgeNoCopySentinel)
} else if parent == nil {
// (11.1) anonymous struct types use all their fields.
g.use(t.Field(i), t, edgeAnonymousStruct)
if t.Field(i).Anonymous() {
// does the embedded field contribute exported methods to the method set?
T := t.Field(i).Type()
if _, ok := T.Underlying().(*types.Pointer); !ok {
// An embedded field is addressable, so check
// the pointer type to get the full method set
T = types.NewPointer(T)
ms := g.pkg.IR.Prog.MethodSets.MethodSet(T)
for j := 0; j < ms.Len(); j++ {
if ms.At(j).Obj().Exported() {
// (6.4) structs use embedded fields that have exported methods (recursively)
g.use(t.Field(i), t, edgeExtendsExportedMethodSet)
seen := map[*types.Struct]struct{}{}
var hasExportedField func(t types.Type) bool
hasExportedField = func(T types.Type) bool {
t, ok := typeutil.Dereference(T).Underlying().(*types.Struct)
if !ok {
return false
if _, ok := seen[t]; ok {
return false
seen[t] = struct{}{}
for i := 0; i < t.NumFields(); i++ {
field := t.Field(i)
if field.Exported() {
return true
if field.Embedded() && hasExportedField(field.Type()) {
return true
return false
// does the embedded field contribute exported fields?
if hasExportedField(t.Field(i).Type()) {
// (6.5) structs use embedded structs that have exported fields (recursively)
g.use(t.Field(i), t, edgeExtendsExportedFields)
case *types.Basic:
// Nothing to do
case *types.Named:
// (9.3) types use their underlying and element types
g.seeAndUse(t.Underlying(), t, edgeUnderlyingType)
g.seeAndUse(t.Obj(), t, edgeTypeName)
g.seeAndUse(t, t.Obj(), edgeNamedType)
// (2.4) named types use the pointer type
if _, ok := t.Underlying().(*types.Interface); !ok && t.NumMethods() > 0 {
g.seeAndUse(types.NewPointer(t), t, edgePointerType)
for i := 0; i < t.NumMethods(); i++ {
// don't use trackExportedIdentifier here, we care about
// all exported methods, even in package main or in tests.
if t.Method(i).Exported() {
// (2.1) named types use exported methods
g.use(t.Method(i), t, edgeExportedMethod)
g.typ(t.Underlying(), t)
case *types.Slice:
// (9.3) types use their underlying and element types
g.seeAndUse(t.Elem(), t, edgeElementType)
g.typ(t.Elem(), nil)
case *types.Map:
// (9.3) types use their underlying and element types
g.seeAndUse(t.Elem(), t, edgeElementType)
// (9.3) types use their underlying and element types
g.seeAndUse(t.Key(), t, edgeKeyType)
g.typ(t.Elem(), nil)
g.typ(t.Key(), nil)
case *types.Signature:
g.signature(t, nil)
case *types.Interface:
for i := 0; i < t.NumMethods(); i++ {
m := t.Method(i)
// (8.3) All interface methods are marked as used
g.seeAndUse(m, t, edgeInterfaceMethod)
g.seeAndUse(m.Type().(*types.Signature), m, edgeSignature)
g.signature(m.Type().(*types.Signature), nil)
for i := 0; i < t.NumEmbeddeds(); i++ {
tt := t.EmbeddedType(i)
// (8.4) All embedded interfaces are marked as used
g.seeAndUse(tt, t, edgeEmbeddedInterface)
case *types.Array:
// (9.3) types use their underlying and element types
g.seeAndUse(t.Elem(), t, edgeElementType)
g.typ(t.Elem(), nil)
case *types.Pointer:
// (9.3) types use their underlying and element types
g.seeAndUse(t.Elem(), t, edgeElementType)
g.typ(t.Elem(), nil)
case *types.Chan:
// (9.3) types use their underlying and element types
g.seeAndUse(t.Elem(), t, edgeElementType)
g.typ(t.Elem(), nil)
case *types.Tuple:
for i := 0; i < t.Len(); i++ {
// (9.3) types use their underlying and element types
g.seeAndUse(t.At(i).Type(), t, edgeTupleElement|edgeType)
g.typ(t.At(i).Type(), nil)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unreachable: %T", t))
func (g *graph) variable(v *types.Var) {
// (9.2) variables use their types
g.seeAndUse(v.Type(), v, edgeType)
g.typ(v.Type(), nil)
func (g *graph) signature(sig *types.Signature, fn types.Object) {
var user interface{} = fn
if fn == nil {
user = sig
if sig.Recv() != nil {
g.seeAndUse(sig.Recv().Type(), user, edgeReceiver|edgeType)
g.typ(sig.Recv().Type(), nil)
for i := 0; i < sig.Params().Len(); i++ {
param := sig.Params().At(i)
g.seeAndUse(param.Type(), user, edgeFunctionArgument|edgeType)
g.typ(param.Type(), nil)
for i := 0; i < sig.Results().Len(); i++ {
param := sig.Results().At(i)
g.seeAndUse(param.Type(), user, edgeFunctionResult|edgeType)
g.typ(param.Type(), nil)
func (g *graph) instructions(fn *ir.Function) {
fnObj := owningObject(fn)
for _, b := range fn.Blocks {
for _, instr := range b.Instrs {
ops := instr.Operands(nil)
switch instr.(type) {
case *ir.Store:
// (9.7) variable _reads_ use variables, writes do not
ops = ops[1:]
case *ir.DebugRef:
ops = nil
for _, arg := range ops {
walkPhi(*arg, func(v ir.Value) {
switch v := v.(type) {
case *ir.Function:
// (4.3) functions use closures and bound methods.
// (4.5) functions use functions they call
// (9.5) instructions use their operands
// (4.4) functions use functions they return. we assume that someone else will call the returned function
if owningObject(v) != nil {
g.seeAndUse(owningObject(v), fnObj, edgeInstructionOperand)
case *ir.Const:
// (9.6) instructions use their operands' types
g.seeAndUse(v.Type(), fnObj, edgeType)
g.typ(v.Type(), nil)
case *ir.Global:
if v.Object() != nil {
// (9.5) instructions use their operands
g.seeAndUse(v.Object(), fnObj, edgeInstructionOperand)
if v, ok := instr.(ir.Value); ok {
if _, ok := v.(*ir.Range); !ok {
// See https://github.com/golang/go/issues/19670
// (4.8) instructions use their types
// (9.4) conversions use the type they convert to
g.seeAndUse(v.Type(), fnObj, edgeType)
g.typ(v.Type(), nil)
switch instr := instr.(type) {
case *ir.Field:
st := instr.X.Type().Underlying().(*types.Struct)
field := st.Field(instr.Field)
// (4.7) functions use fields they access
g.seeAndUse(field, fnObj, edgeFieldAccess)
case *ir.FieldAddr:
st := typeutil.Dereference(instr.X.Type()).Underlying().(*types.Struct)
field := st.Field(instr.Field)
// (4.7) functions use fields they access
g.seeAndUse(field, fnObj, edgeFieldAccess)
case *ir.Store:
// nothing to do, handled generically by operands
case *ir.Call:
c := instr.Common()
if !c.IsInvoke() {
// handled generically as an instruction operand
} else {
// (4.5) functions use functions/interface methods they call
g.seeAndUse(c.Method, fnObj, edgeInterfaceCall)
case *ir.Return:
// nothing to do, handled generically by operands
case *ir.ChangeType:
// conversion type handled generically
s1, ok1 := typeutil.Dereference(instr.Type()).Underlying().(*types.Struct)
s2, ok2 := typeutil.Dereference(instr.X.Type()).Underlying().(*types.Struct)
if ok1 && ok2 {
// Converting between two structs. The fields are
// relevant for the conversion, but only if the
// fields are also used outside of the conversion.
// Mark fields as used by each other.
assert(s1.NumFields() == s2.NumFields())
for i := 0; i < s1.NumFields(); i++ {
// (5.1) when converting between two equivalent structs, the fields in
// either struct use each other. the fields are relevant for the
// conversion, but only if the fields are also accessed outside the
// conversion.
g.seeAndUse(s1.Field(i), s2.Field(i), edgeStructConversion)
g.seeAndUse(s2.Field(i), s1.Field(i), edgeStructConversion)
case *ir.MakeInterface:
// nothing to do, handled generically by operands
case *ir.Slice:
// nothing to do, handled generically by operands
case *ir.RunDefers:
// nothing to do, the deferred functions are already marked use by deferring them.
case *ir.Convert:
// to unsafe.Pointer
if typ, ok := instr.Type().(*types.Basic); ok && typ.Kind() == types.UnsafePointer {
if ptr, ok := instr.X.Type().Underlying().(*types.Pointer); ok {
if st, ok := ptr.Elem().Underlying().(*types.Struct); ok {
for i := 0; i < st.NumFields(); i++ {
// (5.2) when converting to or from unsafe.Pointer, mark all fields as used.
g.seeAndUse(st.Field(i), fnObj, edgeUnsafeConversion)
// from unsafe.Pointer
if typ, ok := instr.X.Type().(*types.Basic); ok && typ.Kind() == types.UnsafePointer {
if ptr, ok := instr.Type().Underlying().(*types.Pointer); ok {
if st, ok := ptr.Elem().Underlying().(*types.Struct); ok {
for i := 0; i < st.NumFields(); i++ {
// (5.2) when converting to or from unsafe.Pointer, mark all fields as used.
g.seeAndUse(st.Field(i), fnObj, edgeUnsafeConversion)
case *ir.TypeAssert:
// nothing to do, handled generically by instruction
// type (possibly a tuple, which contains the asserted
// to type). redundantly handled by the type of
// ir.Extract, too
case *ir.MakeClosure:
// nothing to do, handled generically by operands
case *ir.Alloc:
// nothing to do
case *ir.UnOp:
// nothing to do
case *ir.BinOp:
// nothing to do
case *ir.If:
// nothing to do
case *ir.Jump:
// nothing to do
case *ir.Unreachable:
// nothing to do
case *ir.IndexAddr:
// nothing to do
case *ir.Extract:
// nothing to do
case *ir.Panic:
// nothing to do
case *ir.DebugRef:
// nothing to do
case *ir.BlankStore:
// nothing to do
case *ir.Phi:
// nothing to do
case *ir.Sigma:
// nothing to do
case *ir.MakeMap:
// nothing to do
case *ir.MapUpdate:
// nothing to do
case *ir.MapLookup:
// nothing to do
case *ir.StringLookup:
// nothing to do
case *ir.MakeSlice:
// nothing to do
case *ir.Send:
// nothing to do
case *ir.MakeChan:
// nothing to do
case *ir.Range:
// nothing to do
case *ir.Next:
// nothing to do
case *ir.Index:
// nothing to do
case *ir.Select:
// nothing to do
case *ir.ChangeInterface:
// nothing to do
case *ir.Load:
// nothing to do
case *ir.Go:
// nothing to do
case *ir.Defer:
// nothing to do
case *ir.Parameter:
// nothing to do
case *ir.Const:
// nothing to do
case *ir.Recv:
// nothing to do
case *ir.TypeSwitch:
// nothing to do
case *ir.ConstantSwitch:
// nothing to do
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unreachable: %T", instr))
// isNoCopyType reports whether a type represents the NoCopy sentinel
// type. The NoCopy type is a named struct with no fields and exactly
// one method `func Lock()` that is empty.
// FIXME(dh): currently we're not checking that the function body is
// empty.
func isNoCopyType(typ types.Type) bool {
st, ok := typ.Underlying().(*types.Struct)
if !ok {
return false
if st.NumFields() != 0 {
return false
named, ok := typ.(*types.Named)
if !ok {
return false
if named.NumMethods() != 1 {
return false
meth := named.Method(0)
if meth.Name() != "Lock" {
return false
sig := meth.Type().(*types.Signature)
if sig.Params().Len() != 0 || sig.Results().Len() != 0 {
return false
return true
func walkPhi(v ir.Value, fn func(v ir.Value)) {
phi, ok := v.(*ir.Phi)
if !ok {
seen := map[ir.Value]struct{}{}
var impl func(v *ir.Phi)
impl = func(v *ir.Phi) {
if _, ok := seen[v]; ok {
seen[v] = struct{}{}
for _, e := range v.Edges {
if ev, ok := e.(*ir.Phi); ok {
} else {