
1024 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2019, Daniel Martí <mvdan@mvdan.cc>
// See LICENSE for licensing information
// Package format exposes gofumpt's formatting in an API similar to go/format.
// In general, the APIs are only guaranteed to work well when the input source
// is in canonical gofmt format.
package format
import (
// Options is the set of formatting options which affect gofumpt.
type Options struct {
// LangVersion corresponds to the Go language version a piece of code is
// written in. The version is used to decide whether to apply formatting
// rules which require new language features. When inside a Go module,
// LangVersion should be:
// go mod edit -json | jq -r '.Go'
// LangVersion is treated as a semantic version, which may start with a "v"
// prefix. Like Go versions, it may also be incomplete; "1.14" is equivalent
// to "1.14.0". When empty, it is equivalent to "v1", to not use language
// features which could break programs.
LangVersion string
// ModulePath corresponds to the Go module path which contains the source
// code being formatted. When inside a Go module, ModulePath should be:
// rules which require new language features. When inside a Go module,
// LangVersion should generally be specified as the result of:
// go mod edit -json | jq -r '.Module.Path'
// ModulePath is used for formatting decisions like what import paths are
// considered to be not part of the standard library. When empty, the source
// is formatted as if it weren't inside a module.
ModulePath string
// ExtraRules enables extra formatting rules, such as grouping function
// parameters with repeated types together.
ExtraRules bool
// Source formats src in gofumpt's format, assuming that src holds a valid Go
// source file.
func Source(src []byte, opts Options) ([]byte, error) {
fset := token.NewFileSet()
// Ensure our parsed files never start with base 1,
// to ensure that using token.NoPos+1 will panic.
fset.AddFile("gofumpt_base.go", 1, 10)
file, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, "", src, parser.ParseComments)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
File(fset, file, opts)
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := format.Node(&buf, fset, file); err != nil {
return nil, err
return buf.Bytes(), nil
// File modifies a file and fset in place to follow gofumpt's format. The
// changes might include manipulating adding or removing newlines in fset,
// modifying the position of nodes, or modifying literal values.
func File(fset *token.FileSet, file *ast.File, opts Options) {
if opts.LangVersion == "" {
opts.LangVersion = "v1"
} else if opts.LangVersion[0] != 'v' {
opts.LangVersion = "v" + opts.LangVersion
if !semver.IsValid(opts.LangVersion) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid semver string: %q", opts.LangVersion))
f := &fumpter{
File: fset.File(file.Pos()),
fset: fset,
astFile: file,
Options: opts,
minSplitFactor: 0.4,
var topFuncType *ast.FuncType
pre := func(c *astutil.Cursor) bool {
switch node := c.Node().(type) {
case *ast.FuncDecl:
topFuncType = node.Type
case *ast.FieldList:
ft, _ := c.Parent().(*ast.FuncType)
if ft == nil || ft != topFuncType {
// For top-level function declaration parameters,
// require the line split to be longer.
// This avoids func lines which are a bit too short,
// and allows func lines which are a bit longer.
// We don't just increase longLineLimit,
// as we still want splits at around the same place.
if ft.Params == node {
f.minSplitFactor = 0.6
// Don't split result parameters into multiple lines,
// as that can be easily confused for input parameters.
// TODO: consider the same for single-line func calls in
// if statements.
// TODO: perhaps just use a higher factor, like 0.8.
if ft.Results == node {
f.minSplitFactor = 1000
case *ast.BlockStmt:
return true
post := func(c *astutil.Cursor) bool {
// Reset minSplitFactor and blockLevel.
switch node := c.Node().(type) {
case *ast.FuncType:
if node == topFuncType {
f.minSplitFactor = 0.4
case *ast.BlockStmt:
return true
astutil.Apply(file, pre, post)
// Multiline nodes which could easily fit on a single line under this many bytes
// may be collapsed onto a single line.
const shortLineLimit = 60
// Single-line nodes which take over this many bytes, and could easily be split
// into two lines of at least its minSplitFactor factor, may be split.
const longLineLimit = 100
var rxOctalInteger = regexp.MustCompile(`\A0[0-7_]+\z`)
type fumpter struct {
fset *token.FileSet
astFile *ast.File
// blockLevel is the number of indentation blocks we're currently under.
// It is used to approximate the levels of indentation a line will end
// up with.
blockLevel int
minSplitFactor float64
func (f *fumpter) commentsBetween(p1, p2 token.Pos) []*ast.CommentGroup {
comments := f.astFile.Comments
i1 := sort.Search(len(comments), func(i int) bool {
return comments[i].Pos() >= p1
comments = comments[i1:]
i2 := sort.Search(len(comments), func(i int) bool {
return comments[i].Pos() >= p2
comments = comments[:i2]
return comments
func (f *fumpter) inlineComment(pos token.Pos) *ast.Comment {
comments := f.astFile.Comments
i := sort.Search(len(comments), func(i int) bool {
return comments[i].Pos() >= pos
if i >= len(comments) {
return nil
line := f.Line(pos)
for _, comment := range comments[i].List {
if f.Line(comment.Pos()) == line {
return comment
return nil
// addNewline is a hack to let us force a newline at a certain position.
func (f *fumpter) addNewline(at token.Pos) {
offset := f.Offset(at)
field := reflect.ValueOf(f.File).Elem().FieldByName("lines")
n := field.Len()
lines := make([]int, 0, n+1)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
cur := int(field.Index(i).Int())
if offset == cur {
// This newline already exists; do nothing. Duplicate
// newlines can't exist.
if offset >= 0 && offset < cur {
lines = append(lines, offset)
offset = -1
lines = append(lines, cur)
if offset >= 0 {
lines = append(lines, offset)
if !f.SetLines(lines) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not set lines to %v", lines))
// removeLines removes all newlines between two positions, so that they end
// up on the same line.
func (f *fumpter) removeLines(fromLine, toLine int) {
for fromLine < toLine {
// removeLinesBetween is like removeLines, but it leaves one newline between the
// two positions.
func (f *fumpter) removeLinesBetween(from, to token.Pos) {
f.removeLines(f.Line(from)+1, f.Line(to))
type byteCounter int
func (b *byteCounter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
*b += byteCounter(len(p))
return len(p), nil
func (f *fumpter) printLength(node ast.Node) int {
var count byteCounter
if err := format.Node(&count, f.fset, node); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected print error: %v", err))
// Add the space taken by an inline comment.
if c := f.inlineComment(node.End()); c != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(&count, " %s", c.Text)
// Add an approximation of the indentation level. We can't know the
// number of tabs go/printer will add ahead of time. Trying to print the
// entire top-level declaration would tell us that, but then it's near
// impossible to reliably find our node again.
return int(count) + (f.blockLevel * 8)
func (f *fumpter) lineEnd(line int) token.Pos {
if line < 1 {
panic("illegal line number")
total := f.LineCount()
if line > total {
panic("illegal line number")
if line == total {
return f.astFile.End()
return f.LineStart(line+1) - 1
// rxCommentDirective covers all common Go comment directives:
// //go: | standard Go directives, like go:noinline
// //some-words: | similar to the syntax above, like lint:ignore or go-sumtype:decl
// //line | inserted line information for cmd/compile
// //export | to mark cgo funcs for exporting
// //extern | C function declarations for gccgo
// //sys(nb)? | syscall function wrapper prototypes
// //nolint | nolint directive for golangci
// //noinspection | noinspection directive for GoLand and friends
// Note that the "some-words:" matching expects a letter afterward, such as
// "go:generate", to prevent matching false positives like "https://site".
var rxCommentDirective = regexp.MustCompile(`^([a-z-]+:[a-z]+|line\b|export\b|extern\b|sys(nb)?\b|no(lint|inspection)\b)`)
func (f *fumpter) applyPre(c *astutil.Cursor) {
switch node := c.Node().(type) {
case *ast.File:
// Join contiguous lone var/const/import lines.
// Abort if there are empty lines or comments in between,
// including a leading comment, which could be a directive.
newDecls := make([]ast.Decl, 0, len(node.Decls))
for i := 0; i < len(node.Decls); {
newDecls = append(newDecls, node.Decls[i])
start, ok := node.Decls[i].(*ast.GenDecl)
if !ok || isCgoImport(start) || start.Doc != nil {
lastPos := start.Pos()
for i++; i < len(node.Decls); {
cont, ok := node.Decls[i].(*ast.GenDecl)
if !ok || cont.Tok != start.Tok || cont.Lparen != token.NoPos ||
f.Line(lastPos) < f.Line(cont.Pos())-1 || isCgoImport(cont) {
start.Specs = append(start.Specs, cont.Specs...)
if c := f.inlineComment(cont.End()); c != nil {
// don't move an inline comment outside
start.Rparen = c.End()
} else {
// so the code below treats the joined
// decl group as multi-line
start.Rparen = cont.End()
lastPos = cont.Pos()
node.Decls = newDecls
// Multiline top-level declarations should be separated by an
// empty line.
// Do this after the joining of lone declarations above,
// as joining single-line declarations makes then multi-line.
var lastMulti bool
var lastEnd token.Pos
for _, decl := range node.Decls {
pos := decl.Pos()
comments := f.commentsBetween(lastEnd, pos)
if len(comments) > 0 {
pos = comments[0].Pos()
multi := f.Line(pos) < f.Line(decl.End())
if multi && lastMulti && f.Line(lastEnd)+1 == f.Line(pos) {
lastMulti = multi
lastEnd = decl.End()
// Comments aren't nodes, so they're not walked by default.
for _, group := range node.Comments {
for _, comment := range group.List {
if comment.Text == "//gofumpt:diagnose" || strings.HasPrefix(comment.Text, "//gofumpt:diagnose ") {
slc := []string{
"-lang=" + f.LangVersion,
"-modpath=" + f.ModulePath,
if f.ExtraRules {
slc = append(slc, "-extra")
comment.Text = strings.Join(slc, " ")
body := strings.TrimPrefix(comment.Text, "//")
if body == comment.Text {
// /*-style comment
continue groupLoop
if rxCommentDirective.MatchString(body) {
// this line is a directive
continue groupLoop
r, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(body)
if !unicode.IsLetter(r) && !unicode.IsNumber(r) && !unicode.IsSpace(r) {
// this line could be code like "//{"
continue groupLoop
// If none of the comment group's lines look like a
// directive or code, add spaces, if needed.
for _, comment := range group.List {
body := strings.TrimPrefix(comment.Text, "//")
r, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(body)
if !unicode.IsSpace(r) {
comment.Text = "// " + body
case *ast.DeclStmt:
decl, ok := node.Decl.(*ast.GenDecl)
if !ok || decl.Tok != token.VAR || len(decl.Specs) != 1 {
break // e.g. const name = "value"
spec := decl.Specs[0].(*ast.ValueSpec)
if spec.Type != nil {
break // e.g. var name Type
tok := token.ASSIGN
names := make([]ast.Expr, len(spec.Names))
for i, name := range spec.Names {
names[i] = name
if name.Name != "_" {
tok = token.DEFINE
Lhs: names,
Tok: tok,
Rhs: spec.Values,
case *ast.GenDecl:
if node.Tok == token.IMPORT && node.Lparen.IsValid() {
// Single var declarations shouldn't use parentheses, unless
// there's a comment on the grouped declaration.
if node.Tok == token.VAR && len(node.Specs) == 1 &&
node.Lparen.IsValid() && node.Doc == nil {
specPos := node.Specs[0].Pos()
specEnd := node.Specs[0].End()
if len(f.commentsBetween(node.TokPos, specPos)) > 0 {
// If the single spec has any comment, it must
// go before the entire declaration now.
node.TokPos = specPos
} else {
f.removeLines(f.Line(node.TokPos), f.Line(specPos))
f.removeLines(f.Line(specEnd), f.Line(node.Rparen))
// Remove the parentheses. go/printer will automatically
// get rid of the newlines.
node.Lparen = token.NoPos
node.Rparen = token.NoPos
case *ast.InterfaceType:
if len(node.Methods.List) > 0 {
method := node.Methods.List[0]
removeToPos := method.Pos()
if comments := f.commentsBetween(node.Interface, method.Pos()); len(comments) > 0 {
// only remove leading line upto the first comment
removeToPos = comments[0].Pos()
// remove leading lines if they exist
f.removeLines(f.Line(node.Interface)+1, f.Line(removeToPos))
case *ast.BlockStmt:
comments := f.commentsBetween(node.Lbrace, node.Rbrace)
if len(node.List) == 0 && len(comments) == 0 {
f.removeLinesBetween(node.Lbrace, node.Rbrace)
var sign *ast.FuncType
var cond ast.Expr
switch parent := c.Parent().(type) {
case *ast.FuncDecl:
sign = parent.Type
case *ast.FuncLit:
sign = parent.Type
case *ast.IfStmt:
cond = parent.Cond
case *ast.ForStmt:
cond = parent.Cond
if len(node.List) > 1 && sign == nil {
// only if we have a single statement, or if
// it's a func body.
var bodyPos, bodyEnd token.Pos
if len(node.List) > 0 {
bodyPos = node.List[0].Pos()
bodyEnd = node.List[len(node.List)-1].End()
if len(comments) > 0 {
if pos := comments[0].Pos(); !bodyPos.IsValid() || pos < bodyPos {
bodyPos = pos
if pos := comments[len(comments)-1].End(); !bodyPos.IsValid() || pos > bodyEnd {
bodyEnd = pos
f.removeLinesBetween(bodyEnd, node.Rbrace)
if cond != nil && f.Line(cond.Pos()) != f.Line(cond.End()) {
// The body is preceded by a multi-line condition, so an
// empty line can help readability.
if sign != nil {
endLine := f.Line(sign.End())
if f.Line(sign.Pos()) != endLine {
handleMultiLine := func(fl *ast.FieldList) {
if fl == nil || len(fl.List) == 0 {
lastFieldEnd := fl.List[len(fl.List)-1].End()
lastFieldLine := f.Line(lastFieldEnd)
fieldClosingLine := f.Line(fl.Closing)
isLastFieldOnFieldClosingLine := lastFieldLine == fieldClosingLine
isLastFieldOnSigClosingLine := lastFieldLine == endLine
var isLastCommentGrpOnFieldClosingLine, isLastCommentGrpOnSigClosingLine bool
if comments := f.commentsBetween(lastFieldEnd, fl.Closing); len(comments) > 0 {
lastCommentGrp := comments[len(comments)-1]
lastCommentGrpLine := f.Line(lastCommentGrp.End())
isLastCommentGrpOnFieldClosingLine = lastCommentGrpLine == fieldClosingLine
isLastCommentGrpOnSigClosingLine = lastCommentGrpLine == endLine
// is there a comment grp/last field, field closing and sig closing on the same line?
if (isLastFieldOnFieldClosingLine && isLastFieldOnSigClosingLine) ||
(isLastCommentGrpOnFieldClosingLine && isLastCommentGrpOnSigClosingLine) {
fl.Closing += 1
if sign.Results != nil {
lastResultLine := f.Line(sign.Results.List[len(sign.Results.List)-1].End())
isLastResultOnParamClosingLine := sign.Params != nil && lastResultLine == f.Line(sign.Params.Closing)
if !isLastResultOnParamClosingLine {
f.removeLinesBetween(node.Lbrace, bodyPos)
case *ast.CaseClause:
openLine := f.Line(node.Case)
closeLine := f.Line(node.Colon)
if openLine == closeLine {
// nothing to do
if len(f.commentsBetween(node.Case, node.Colon)) > 0 {
// don't move comments
if f.printLength(node) > shortLineLimit {
// too long to collapse
f.removeLines(openLine, closeLine)
case *ast.CommClause:
case *ast.FieldList:
numFields := node.NumFields()
comments := f.commentsBetween(node.Pos(), node.End())
if numFields == 0 && len(comments) == 0 {
// Empty field lists should not contain a newline.
// Do not join the two lines if the first has an inline
// comment, as that can result in broken formatting.
openLine := f.Line(node.Pos())
closeLine := f.Line(node.End())
f.removeLines(openLine, closeLine)
} else {
// Remove lines before first comment/field and lines after last
// comment/field
var bodyPos, bodyEnd token.Pos
if numFields > 0 {
bodyPos = node.List[0].Pos()
bodyEnd = node.List[len(node.List)-1].End()
if len(comments) > 0 {
if pos := comments[0].Pos(); !bodyPos.IsValid() || pos < bodyPos {
bodyPos = pos
if pos := comments[len(comments)-1].End(); !bodyPos.IsValid() || pos > bodyEnd {
bodyEnd = pos
f.removeLinesBetween(node.Pos(), bodyPos)
f.removeLinesBetween(bodyEnd, node.End())
// Merging adjacent fields (e.g. parameters) is disabled by default.
if !f.ExtraRules {
switch c.Parent().(type) {
case *ast.FuncDecl, *ast.FuncType, *ast.InterfaceType:
node.List = f.mergeAdjacentFields(node.List)
case *ast.StructType:
// Do not merge adjacent fields in structs.
case *ast.BasicLit:
// Octal number literals were introduced in 1.13.
if semver.Compare(f.LangVersion, "v1.13") >= 0 {
if node.Kind == token.INT && rxOctalInteger.MatchString(node.Value) {
node.Value = "0o" + node.Value[1:]
case *ast.AssignStmt:
// Only remove lines between the assignment token and the first right-hand side expression
f.removeLines(f.Line(node.TokPos), f.Line(node.Rhs[0].Pos()))
func (f *fumpter) applyPost(c *astutil.Cursor) {
switch node := c.Node().(type) {
// Adding newlines to composite literals happens as a "post" step, so
// that we can take into account whether "pre" steps added any newlines
// that would affect us here.
case *ast.CompositeLit:
if len(node.Elts) == 0 {
// doesn't have elements
openLine := f.Line(node.Lbrace)
closeLine := f.Line(node.Rbrace)
if openLine == closeLine {
// all in a single line
newlineAroundElems := false
newlineBetweenElems := false
lastEnd := node.Lbrace
lastLine := openLine
for i, elem := range node.Elts {
pos := elem.Pos()
comments := f.commentsBetween(lastEnd, pos)
if len(comments) > 0 {
pos = comments[0].Pos()
if curLine := f.Line(pos); curLine > lastLine {
if i == 0 {
newlineAroundElems = true
// remove leading lines if they exist
f.removeLines(openLine+1, curLine)
} else {
newlineBetweenElems = true
lastEnd = elem.End()
lastLine = f.Line(lastEnd)
if closeLine > lastLine {
newlineAroundElems = true
if newlineBetweenElems || newlineAroundElems {
first := node.Elts[0]
if openLine == f.Line(first.Pos()) {
// We want the newline right after the brace.
f.addNewline(node.Lbrace + 1)
closeLine = f.Line(node.Rbrace)
last := node.Elts[len(node.Elts)-1]
if closeLine == f.Line(last.End()) {
// We want the newline right before the brace.
// If there's a newline between any consecutive elements, there
// must be a newline between all composite literal elements.
if !newlineBetweenElems {
for i1, elem1 := range node.Elts {
i2 := i1 + 1
if i2 >= len(node.Elts) {
elem2 := node.Elts[i2]
// TODO: do we care about &{}?
_, ok1 := elem1.(*ast.CompositeLit)
_, ok2 := elem2.(*ast.CompositeLit)
if !ok1 && !ok2 {
if f.Line(elem1.End()) == f.Line(elem2.Pos()) {
func (f *fumpter) splitLongLine(c *astutil.Cursor) {
if os.Getenv("GOFUMPT_SPLIT_LONG_LINES") != "on" {
// By default, this feature is turned off.
// Turn it on by setting GOFUMPT_SPLIT_LONG_LINES=on.
node := c.Node()
if node == nil {
newlinePos := node.Pos()
start := f.Position(node.Pos())
end := f.Position(node.End())
// If the node is already split in multiple lines, there's nothing to do.
if start.Line != end.Line {
// Only split at the start of the current node if it's part of a list.
if _, ok := c.Parent().(*ast.BinaryExpr); ok {
// Chains of binary expressions are considered lists, too.
} else if c.Index() >= 0 {
// For the rest of the nodes, we're in a list if c.Index() >= 0.
} else {
// Like in printLength, add an approximation of the indentation level.
// Since any existing tabs were already counted as one column, multiply
// the level by 7.
startCol := start.Column + f.blockLevel*7
endCol := end.Column + f.blockLevel*7
// If this is a composite literal,
// and we were going to insert a newline before the entire literal,
// insert the newline before the first element instead.
// Since we'll add a newline after the last element too,
// this format is generally going to be nicer.
if comp := isComposite(node); comp != nil && len(comp.Elts) > 0 {
newlinePos = comp.Elts[0].Pos()
// If this is a function call,
// and we were to add a newline before the first argument,
// prefer adding the newline before the entire call.
// End-of-line parentheses aren't very nice, as we don't put their
// counterparts at the start of a line too.
// We do this by using the average of the two starting positions.
if call, _ := node.(*ast.CallExpr); call != nil && len(call.Args) > 0 {
first := f.Position(call.Args[0].Pos())
startCol += (first.Column - start.Column) / 2
// If the start position is too short, we definitely won't split the line.
if startCol <= shortLineLimit {
lineEnd := f.Position(f.lineEnd(start.Line))
// firstLength and secondLength are the split line lengths, excluding
// indentation.
firstLength := start.Column - f.blockLevel
if firstLength < 0 {
panic("negative length")
secondLength := lineEnd.Column - start.Column
if secondLength < 0 {
panic("negative length")
// If the line ends past the long line limit,
// and both splits are estimated to take at least minSplitFactor of the limit,
// then split the line.
minSplitLength := int(f.minSplitFactor * longLineLimit)
if endCol > longLineLimit &&
firstLength >= minSplitLength && secondLength >= minSplitLength {
func isComposite(node ast.Node) *ast.CompositeLit {
switch node := node.(type) {
case *ast.CompositeLit:
return node
case *ast.UnaryExpr:
return isComposite(node.X) // e.g. &T{}
return nil
func (f *fumpter) stmts(list []ast.Stmt) {
for i, stmt := range list {
ifs, ok := stmt.(*ast.IfStmt)
if !ok || i < 1 {
continue // not an if following another statement
as, ok := list[i-1].(*ast.AssignStmt)
if !ok || as.Tok != token.DEFINE ||
!identEqual(as.Lhs[len(as.Lhs)-1], "err") {
continue // not "..., err := ..."
be, ok := ifs.Cond.(*ast.BinaryExpr)
if !ok || ifs.Init != nil || ifs.Else != nil {
continue // complex if
if be.Op != token.NEQ || !identEqual(be.X, "err") ||
!identEqual(be.Y, "nil") {
continue // not "err != nil"
f.removeLinesBetween(as.End(), ifs.Pos())
func identEqual(expr ast.Expr, name string) bool {
id, ok := expr.(*ast.Ident)
return ok && id.Name == name
// isCgoImport returns true if the declaration is simply:
// import "C"
// or the equivalent:
// import `C`
// Note that parentheses do not affect the result.
func isCgoImport(decl *ast.GenDecl) bool {
if decl.Tok != token.IMPORT || len(decl.Specs) != 1 {
return false
spec := decl.Specs[0].(*ast.ImportSpec)
v, err := strconv.Unquote(spec.Path.Value)
if err != nil {
panic(err) // should never error
return v == "C"
// joinStdImports ensures that all standard library imports are together and at
// the top of the imports list.
func (f *fumpter) joinStdImports(d *ast.GenDecl) {
var std, other []ast.Spec
firstGroup := true
lastEnd := d.Pos()
needsSort := false
// If ModulePath is "foo/bar", we assume "foo/..." is not part of std.
// Users shouldn't declare modules that may collide with std this way,
// but historically some private codebases have done so.
// This is a relatively harmless way to make gofumpt compatible with them,
// as it changes nothing for the common external module paths.
var modulePrefix string
if f.ModulePath == "" {
// Nothing to do.
} else if i := strings.IndexByte(f.ModulePath, '/'); i != -1 {
// ModulePath is "foo/bar", so we use "foo" as the prefix.
modulePrefix = f.ModulePath[:i]
} else {
// ModulePath is "foo", so we use "foo" as the prefix.
modulePrefix = f.ModulePath
for i, spec := range d.Specs {
spec := spec.(*ast.ImportSpec)
if coms := f.commentsBetween(lastEnd, spec.Pos()); len(coms) > 0 {
lastEnd = coms[len(coms)-1].End()
if i > 0 && firstGroup && f.Line(spec.Pos()) > f.Line(lastEnd)+1 {
firstGroup = false
} else {
// We're still in the first group, update lastEnd.
lastEnd = spec.End()
path, err := strconv.Unquote(spec.Path.Value)
if err != nil {
panic(err) // should never error
periodIndex := strings.IndexByte(path, '.')
slashIndex := strings.IndexByte(path, '/')
switch {
// Imports with a period in the first path element are third party.
// Note that this includes "foo.com" and excludes "foo/bar.com/baz".
case periodIndex > 0 && (slashIndex == -1 || periodIndex < slashIndex),
// "test" and "example" are reserved as per golang.org/issue/37641.
// "internal" is unreachable.
strings.HasPrefix(path, "test/"),
strings.HasPrefix(path, "example/"),
strings.HasPrefix(path, "internal/"),
// See if we match modulePrefix; see its documentation above.
// We match either exactly or with a slash suffix,
// so that the prefix "foo" for "foo/..." does not match "foobar".
path == modulePrefix || strings.HasPrefix(path, modulePrefix+"/"),
// To be conservative, if an import has a name or an inline
// comment, and isn't part of the top group, treat it as non-std.
!firstGroup && (spec.Name != nil || spec.Comment != nil):
other = append(other, spec)
// If we're moving this std import further up, reset its
// position, to avoid breaking comments.
if !firstGroup || len(other) > 0 {
setPos(reflect.ValueOf(spec), d.Pos())
needsSort = true
std = append(std, spec)
// Ensure there is an empty line between std imports and other imports.
if len(std) > 0 && len(other) > 0 && f.Line(std[len(std)-1].End())+1 >= f.Line(other[0].Pos()) {
// We add two newlines, as that's necessary in some edge cases.
// For example, if the std and non-std imports were together and
// without indentation, adding one newline isn't enough. Two
// empty lines will be printed as one by go/printer, anyway.
f.addNewline(other[0].Pos() - 1)
// Finally, join the imports, keeping std at the top.
d.Specs = append(std, other...)
// If we moved any std imports to the first group, we need to sort them
// again.
if needsSort {
ast.SortImports(f.fset, f.astFile)
// mergeAdjacentFields returns fields with adjacent fields merged if possible.
func (f *fumpter) mergeAdjacentFields(fields []*ast.Field) []*ast.Field {
// If there are less than two fields then there is nothing to merge.
if len(fields) < 2 {
return fields
// Otherwise, iterate over adjacent pairs of fields, merging if possible,
// and mutating fields. Elements of fields may be mutated (if merged with
// following fields), discarded (if merged with a preceding field), or left
// unchanged.
i := 0
for j := 1; j < len(fields); j++ {
if f.shouldMergeAdjacentFields(fields[i], fields[j]) {
fields[i].Names = append(fields[i].Names, fields[j].Names...)
} else {
fields[i] = fields[j]
return fields[:i+1]
func (f *fumpter) shouldMergeAdjacentFields(f1, f2 *ast.Field) bool {
if len(f1.Names) == 0 || len(f2.Names) == 0 {
// Both must have names for the merge to work.
return false
if f.Line(f1.Pos()) != f.Line(f2.Pos()) {
// Trust the user if they used separate lines.
return false
// Only merge if the types are equal.
opt := cmp.Comparer(func(x, y token.Pos) bool { return true })
return cmp.Equal(f1.Type, f2.Type, opt)
var posType = reflect.TypeOf(token.NoPos)
// setPos recursively sets all position fields in the node v to pos.
func setPos(v reflect.Value, pos token.Pos) {
if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
v = v.Elem()
if !v.IsValid() {
if v.Type() == posType {
if v.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ {
setPos(v.Field(i), pos)