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woodpecker-cli - A new cli application
Woodpecker command line utility
woodpecker-cli [GLOBAL OPTIONS] command [COMMAND OPTIONS] [ARGUMENTS...]
**--config, -c**="": path to config file
**--disable-update-check**: disable update check
**--log-file**="": Output destination for logs. 'stdout' and 'stderr' can be used as special keywords. (default: "stderr")
**--log-level**="": set logging level (default: "info")
**--nocolor**: disable colored debug output, only has effect if pretty output is set too
**--pretty**: enable pretty-printed debug output
**--server, -s**="": server address
**--token, -t**="": server auth token
## pipeline
manage pipelines
### ls
show pipeline history
**--branch**="": branch filter
**--event**="": event filter
**--format**="": format output (default: "\x1b[33mPipeline #{{ .Number }} \x1b[0m\nStatus: {{ .Status }}\nEvent: {{ .Event }}\nCommit: {{ .Commit }}\nBranch: {{ .Branch }}\nRef: {{ .Ref }}\nAuthor: {{ .Author }} {{ if .Email }}<{{.Email}}>{{ end }}\nMessage: {{ .Message }}\n")
**--limit**="": limit the list size (default: 25)
**--status**="": status filter
### last
show latest pipeline details
**--branch**="": branch name (default: "main")
**--format**="": format output (default: "Number: {{ .Number }}\nStatus: {{ .Status }}\nEvent: {{ .Event }}\nCommit: {{ .Commit }}\nBranch: {{ .Branch }}\nRef: {{ .Ref }}\nMessage: {{ .Message }}\nAuthor: {{ .Author }}\n")
### logs
show pipeline logs
### info
show pipeline details
**--format**="": format output (default: "Number: {{ .Number }}\nStatus: {{ .Status }}\nEvent: {{ .Event }}\nCommit: {{ .Commit }}\nBranch: {{ .Branch }}\nRef: {{ .Ref }}\nMessage: {{ .Message }}\nAuthor: {{ .Author }}\n")
### stop
stop a pipeline
### start
start a pipeline
**--param, -p**="": custom parameters to be injected into the step environment. Format: KEY=value
### approve
approve a pipeline
### decline
decline a pipeline
### queue
show pipeline queue
**--format**="": format output (default: "\x1b[33m{{ .FullName }} #{{ .Number }} \x1b[0m\nStatus: {{ .Status }}\nEvent: {{ .Event }}\nCommit: {{ .Commit }}\nBranch: {{ .Branch }}\nRef: {{ .Ref }}\nAuthor: {{ .Author }} {{ if .Email }}<{{.Email}}>{{ end }}\nMessage: {{ .Message }}\n")
### ps
show pipeline steps
**--format**="": format output (default: "\x1b[33mStep #{{ .PID }} \x1b[0m\nStep: {{ .Name }}\nState: {{ .State }}\n")
### create
create new pipeline
**--branch**="": branch to create pipeline from
**--format**="": format output (default: "\x1b[33mPipeline #{{ .Number }} \x1b[0m\nStatus: {{ .Status }}\nEvent: {{ .Event }}\nCommit: {{ .Commit }}\nBranch: {{ .Branch }}\nRef: {{ .Ref }}\nAuthor: {{ .Author }} {{ if .Email }}<{{.Email}}>{{ end }}\nMessage: {{ .Message }}\n")
**--var**="": key=value
## log
manage logs
### purge
purge a log
## deploy
deploy code
**--branch**="": branch filter (default: "main")
**--event**="": event filter (default: "push")
**--format**="": format output (default: "Number: {{ .Number }}\nStatus: {{ .Status }}\nCommit: {{ .Commit }}\nBranch: {{ .Branch }}\nRef: {{ .Ref }}\nMessage: {{ .Message }}\nAuthor: {{ .Author }}\nTarget: {{ .Deploy }}\n")
**--param, -p**="": custom parameters to be injected into the step environment. Format: KEY=value
**--status**="": status filter (default: "success")
## exec
execute a local pipeline
**--backend-docker-api-version**="": the version of the API to reach, leave empty for latest.
**--backend-docker-cert**="": path to load the TLS certificates for connecting to docker server
**--backend-docker-host**="": path to docker socket or url to the docker server
**--backend-docker-ipv6**: backend docker enable IPV6
**--backend-docker-network**="": backend docker network
**--backend-docker-tls-verify**: enable or disable TLS verification for connecting to docker server
**--backend-docker-volumes**="": backend docker volumes (comma separated)
**--backend-engine**="": backend engine to run pipelines on (default: "auto-detect")
**--backend-http-proxy**="": if set, pass the environment variable down as "HTTP_PROXY" to steps
**--backend-https-proxy**="": if set, pass the environment variable down as "HTTPS_PROXY" to steps
**--backend-k8s-namespace**="": backend k8s namespace (default: "woodpecker")
**--backend-k8s-pod-annotations**="": backend k8s additional worker pod annotations
**--backend-k8s-pod-image-pull-secret-names**="": backend k8s pull secret names for private registries (default: "regcred")
**--backend-k8s-pod-labels**="": backend k8s additional worker pod labels
**--backend-k8s-secctx-nonroot**: `run as non root` Kubernetes security context option
**--backend-k8s-storage-class**="": backend k8s storage class
**--backend-k8s-storage-rwx**: backend k8s storage access mode, should ReadWriteMany (RWX) instead of ReadWriteOnce (RWO) be used? (default: true)
**--backend-k8s-volume-size**="": backend k8s volume size (default 10G) (default: "10G")
**--backend-local-temp-dir**="": set a different temp dir to clone workflows into (default: "/tmp")
**--backend-no-proxy**="": if set, pass the environment variable down as "NO_PROXY" to steps
**--local**: run from local directory
**--network**="": external networks
**--pipeline-created**="": (default: 0)
**--pipeline-event**="": (default: "manual")
**--pipeline-finished**="": (default: 0)
**--pipeline-number**="": (default: 0)
**--pipeline-parent**="": (default: 0)
**--pipeline-started**="": (default: 0)
**--prev-pipeline-created**="": (default: 0)
**--prev-pipeline-finished**="": (default: 0)
**--prev-pipeline-number**="": (default: 0)
**--prev-pipeline-started**="": (default: 0)
**--privileged**="": privileged plugins (default: "plugins/docker", "plugins/gcr", "plugins/ecr", "woodpeckerci/plugin-docker-buildx", "codeberg.org/woodpecker-plugins/docker-buildx")
**--repo**="": full repo name
**--repo-path**="": path to local repository
**--step-name**="": (default: 0)
**--system-name**="": (default: "woodpecker")
**--system-url**="": (default: "https://github.com/woodpecker-ci/woodpecker")
**--timeout**="": pipeline timeout (default: 1h0m0s)
**--volumes**="": pipeline volumes
**--workflow-name**="": (default: 0)
**--workflow-number**="": (default: 0)
**--workspace-base**="": (default: "/woodpecker")
**--workspace-path**="": (default: "src")
## info
show information about the current user
## registry
manage registries
### add
adds a registry
**--hostname**="": registry hostname (default: "docker.io")
**--password**="": registry password
**--repository, --repo**="": repository id or full-name (e.g. 134 or octocat/hello-world)
**--username**="": registry username
### rm
remove a registry
**--hostname**="": registry hostname (default: "docker.io")
**--repository, --repo**="": repository id or full-name (e.g. 134 or octocat/hello-world)
### update
update a registry
**--hostname**="": registry hostname (default: "docker.io")
**--password**="": registry password
**--repository, --repo**="": repository id or full-name (e.g. 134 or octocat/hello-world)
**--username**="": registry username
### info
display registry info
**--hostname**="": registry hostname (default: "docker.io")
**--repository, --repo**="": repository id or full-name (e.g. 134 or octocat/hello-world)
### ls
list registries
**--repository, --repo**="": repository id or full-name (e.g. 134 or octocat/hello-world)
## secret
manage secrets
### add
adds a secret
**--event**="": secret limited to these events
**--global**: global secret
**--image**="": secret limited to these images
**--name**="": secret name
**--organization, --org**="": organization id or full-name (e.g. 123 or octocat)
**--repository, --repo**="": repository id or full-name (e.g. 134 or octocat/hello-world)
**--value**="": secret value
### rm
remove a secret
**--global**: global secret
**--name**="": secret name
**--organization, --org**="": organization id or full-name (e.g. 123 or octocat)
**--repository, --repo**="": repository id or full-name (e.g. 134 or octocat/hello-world)
### update
update a secret
**--event**="": secret limited to these events
**--global**: global secret
**--image**="": secret limited to these images
**--name**="": secret name
**--organization, --org**="": organization id or full-name (e.g. 123 or octocat)
**--repository, --repo**="": repository id or full-name (e.g. 134 or octocat/hello-world)
**--value**="": secret value
### info
display secret info
**--global**: global secret
**--name**="": secret name
**--organization, --org**="": organization id or full-name (e.g. 123 or octocat)
**--repository, --repo**="": repository id or full-name (e.g. 134 or octocat/hello-world)
### ls
list secrets
**--global**: global secret
**--organization, --org**="": organization id or full-name (e.g. 123 or octocat)
**--repository, --repo**="": repository id or full-name (e.g. 134 or octocat/hello-world)
## repo
manage repositories
### ls
list all repos
**--format**="": format output (default: "\x1b[33m{{ .FullName }}\x1b[0m (id: {{ .ID }}, forgeRemoteID: {{ .ForgeRemoteID }})")
**--org**="": filter by organization
### info
show repository details
**--format**="": format output (default: "Owner: {{ .Owner }}\nRepo: {{ .Name }}\nURL: {{ .ForgeURL }}\nConfig path: {{ .Config }}\nVisibility: {{ .Visibility }}\nPrivate: {{ .IsSCMPrivate }}\nTrusted: {{ .IsTrusted }}\nGated: {{ .IsGated }}\nClone url: {{ .Clone }}\nAllow pull-requests: {{ .AllowPullRequests }}\n")
### add
add a repository
### update
update a repository
**--config**="": repository configuration path (e.g. .woodpecker.yml)
**--gated**: repository is gated
**--pipeline-counter**="": repository starting pipeline number (default: 0)
**--timeout**="": repository timeout (default: 0s)
**--trusted**: repository is trusted
**--unsafe**: validate updating the pipeline-counter is unsafe
**--visibility**="": repository visibility
### rm
remove a repository
### repair
repair repository webhooks
### chown
assume ownership of a repository
### sync
synchronize the repository list
**--format**="": format output (default: "\x1b[33m{{ .FullName }}\x1b[0m (id: {{ .ID }}, forgeRemoteID: {{ .ForgeRemoteID }})")
## user
manage users
### ls
list all users
**--format**="": format output (default: "{{ .Login }}")
### info
show user details
**--format**="": format output (default: "User: {{ .Login }}\nEmail: {{ .Email }}")
### add
adds a user
### rm
remove a user
## lint
lint a pipeline configuration file
## log-level
get the logging level of the server, or set it with [level]
## cron
manage cron jobs
### add
add a cron job
**--branch**="": cron branch
**--name**="": cron name
**--repository, --repo**="": repository id or full-name (e.g. 134 or octocat/hello-world)
**--schedule**="": cron schedule
### rm
remove a cron job
**--id**="": cron id
**--repository, --repo**="": repository id or full-name (e.g. 134 or octocat/hello-world)
### update
update a cron job
**--branch**="": cron branch
**--id**="": cron id
**--name**="": cron name
**--repository, --repo**="": repository id or full-name (e.g. 134 or octocat/hello-world)
**--schedule**="": cron schedule
### info
display info about a cron job
**--id**="": cron id
**--repository, --repo**="": repository id or full-name (e.g. 134 or octocat/hello-world)
### ls
list cron jobs
**--repository, --repo**="": repository id or full-name (e.g. 134 or octocat/hello-world)
## setup
setup the woodpecker-cli for the first time
**--server-url**="": The URL of the woodpecker server
**--token**="": The token to authenticate with the woodpecker server
## update
update the woodpecker-cli to the latest version
**--force**: force update even if the latest version is already installed