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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package candiedyaml
import (
* Set the reader error and return 0.
func yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser *yaml_parser_t, problem string,
offset int, value int) bool {
parser.error = yaml_READER_ERROR
parser.problem = problem
parser.problem_offset = offset
parser.problem_value = value
return false
* Byte order marks.
const (
BOM_UTF8 = "\xef\xbb\xbf"
BOM_UTF16LE = "\xff\xfe"
BOM_UTF16BE = "\xfe\xff"
* Determine the input stream encoding by checking the BOM symbol. If no BOM is
* found, the UTF-8 encoding is assumed. Return 1 on success, 0 on failure.
func yaml_parser_determine_encoding(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool {
/* Ensure that we had enough bytes in the raw buffer. */
for !parser.eof &&
len(parser.raw_buffer)-parser.raw_buffer_pos < 3 {
if !yaml_parser_update_raw_buffer(parser) {
return false
/* Determine the encoding. */
raw := parser.raw_buffer
pos := parser.raw_buffer_pos
remaining := len(raw) - pos
if remaining >= 2 &&
raw[pos] == BOM_UTF16LE[0] && raw[pos+1] == BOM_UTF16LE[1] {
parser.encoding = yaml_UTF16LE_ENCODING
parser.raw_buffer_pos += 2
parser.offset += 2
} else if remaining >= 2 &&
raw[pos] == BOM_UTF16BE[0] && raw[pos+1] == BOM_UTF16BE[1] {
parser.encoding = yaml_UTF16BE_ENCODING
parser.raw_buffer_pos += 2
parser.offset += 2
} else if remaining >= 3 &&
raw[pos] == BOM_UTF8[0] && raw[pos+1] == BOM_UTF8[1] && raw[pos+2] == BOM_UTF8[2] {
parser.encoding = yaml_UTF8_ENCODING
parser.raw_buffer_pos += 3
parser.offset += 3
} else {
parser.encoding = yaml_UTF8_ENCODING
return true
* Update the raw buffer.
func yaml_parser_update_raw_buffer(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool {
size_read := 0
/* Return if the raw buffer is full. */
if parser.raw_buffer_pos == 0 && len(parser.raw_buffer) == cap(parser.raw_buffer) {
return true
/* Return on EOF. */
if parser.eof {
return true
/* Move the remaining bytes in the raw buffer to the beginning. */
if parser.raw_buffer_pos > 0 && parser.raw_buffer_pos < len(parser.raw_buffer) {
copy(parser.raw_buffer, parser.raw_buffer[parser.raw_buffer_pos:])
parser.raw_buffer = parser.raw_buffer[:len(parser.raw_buffer)-parser.raw_buffer_pos]
parser.raw_buffer_pos = 0
/* Call the read handler to fill the buffer. */
size_read, err := parser.read_handler(parser,
parser.raw_buffer = parser.raw_buffer[:len(parser.raw_buffer)+size_read]
if err == io.EOF {
parser.eof = true
} else if err != nil {
return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser, "input error: "+err.Error(),
parser.offset, -1)
return true
* Ensure that the buffer contains at least `length` characters.
* Return 1 on success, 0 on failure.
* The length is supposed to be significantly less that the buffer size.
func yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser *yaml_parser_t, length int) bool {
/* Read handler must be set. */
if parser.read_handler == nil {
panic("read handler must be set")
/* If the EOF flag is set and the raw buffer is empty, do nothing. */
if parser.eof && parser.raw_buffer_pos == len(parser.raw_buffer) {
return true
/* Return if the buffer contains enough characters. */
if parser.unread >= length {
return true
/* Determine the input encoding if it is not known yet. */
if parser.encoding == yaml_ANY_ENCODING {
if !yaml_parser_determine_encoding(parser) {
return false
/* Move the unread characters to the beginning of the buffer. */
buffer_end := len(parser.buffer)
if 0 < parser.buffer_pos &&
parser.buffer_pos < buffer_end {
copy(parser.buffer, parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos:])
buffer_end -= parser.buffer_pos
parser.buffer_pos = 0
} else if parser.buffer_pos == buffer_end {
buffer_end = 0
parser.buffer_pos = 0
parser.buffer = parser.buffer[:cap(parser.buffer)]
/* Fill the buffer until it has enough characters. */
first := true
for parser.unread < length {
/* Fill the raw buffer if necessary. */
if !first || parser.raw_buffer_pos == len(parser.raw_buffer) {
if !yaml_parser_update_raw_buffer(parser) {
parser.buffer = parser.buffer[:buffer_end]
return false
first = false
/* Decode the raw buffer. */
for parser.raw_buffer_pos != len(parser.raw_buffer) {
var value rune
var w int
raw_unread := len(parser.raw_buffer) - parser.raw_buffer_pos
incomplete := false
/* Decode the next character. */
switch parser.encoding {
case yaml_UTF8_ENCODING:
* Decode a UTF-8 character. Check RFC 3629
* (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3629.txt) for more details.
* The following table (taken from the RFC) is used for
* decoding.
* Char. number range | UTF-8 octet sequence
* (hexadecimal) | (binary)
* --------------------+------------------------------------
* 0000 0000-0000 007F | 0xxxxxxx
* 0000 0080-0000 07FF | 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
* 0000 0800-0000 FFFF | 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
* 0001 0000-0010 FFFF | 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
* Additionally, the characters in the range 0xD800-0xDFFF
* are prohibited as they are reserved for use with UTF-16
* surrogate pairs.
/* Determine the length of the UTF-8 sequence. */
octet := parser.raw_buffer[parser.raw_buffer_pos]
w = width(octet)
/* Check if the leading octet is valid. */
if w == 0 {
return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser,
"invalid leading UTF-8 octet",
parser.offset, int(octet))
/* Check if the raw buffer contains an incomplete character. */
if w > raw_unread {
if parser.eof {
return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser,
"incomplete UTF-8 octet sequence",
parser.offset, -1)
incomplete = true
/* Decode the leading octet. */
switch {
case octet&0x80 == 0x00:
value = rune(octet & 0x7F)
case octet&0xE0 == 0xC0:
value = rune(octet & 0x1F)
case octet&0xF0 == 0xE0:
value = rune(octet & 0x0F)
case octet&0xF8 == 0xF0:
value = rune(octet & 0x07)
value = 0
/* Check and decode the trailing octets. */
for k := 1; k < w; k++ {
octet = parser.raw_buffer[parser.raw_buffer_pos+k]
/* Check if the octet is valid. */
if (octet & 0xC0) != 0x80 {
return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser,
"invalid trailing UTF-8 octet",
parser.offset+k, int(octet))
/* Decode the octet. */
value = (value << 6) + rune(octet&0x3F)
/* Check the length of the sequence against the value. */
switch {
case w == 1:
case w == 2 && value >= 0x80:
case w == 3 && value >= 0x800:
case w == 4 && value >= 0x10000:
return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser,
"invalid length of a UTF-8 sequence",
parser.offset, -1)
/* Check the range of the value. */
if (value >= 0xD800 && value <= 0xDFFF) || value > 0x10FFFF {
return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser,
"invalid Unicode character",
parser.offset, int(value))
case yaml_UTF16LE_ENCODING,
var low, high int
if parser.encoding == yaml_UTF16LE_ENCODING {
low, high = 0, 1
} else {
high, low = 1, 0
* The UTF-16 encoding is not as simple as one might
* naively think. Check RFC 2781
* (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2781.txt).
* Normally, two subsequent bytes describe a Unicode
* character. However a special technique (called a
* surrogate pair) is used for specifying character
* values larger than 0xFFFF.
* A surrogate pair consists of two pseudo-characters:
* high surrogate area (0xD800-0xDBFF)
* low surrogate area (0xDC00-0xDFFF)
* The following formulas are used for decoding
* and encoding characters using surrogate pairs:
* U = U' + 0x10000 (0x01 00 00 <= U <= 0x10 FF FF)
* U' = yyyyyyyyyyxxxxxxxxxx (0 <= U' <= 0x0F FF FF)
* W1 = 110110yyyyyyyyyy
* W2 = 110111xxxxxxxxxx
* where U is the character value, W1 is the high surrogate
* area, W2 is the low surrogate area.
/* Check for incomplete UTF-16 character. */
if raw_unread < 2 {
if parser.eof {
return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser,
"incomplete UTF-16 character",
parser.offset, -1)
incomplete = true
/* Get the character. */
value = rune(parser.raw_buffer[parser.raw_buffer_pos+low]) +
(rune(parser.raw_buffer[parser.raw_buffer_pos+high]) << 8)
/* Check for unexpected low surrogate area. */
if (value & 0xFC00) == 0xDC00 {
return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser,
"unexpected low surrogate area",
parser.offset, int(value))
/* Check for a high surrogate area. */
if (value & 0xFC00) == 0xD800 {
w = 4
/* Check for incomplete surrogate pair. */
if raw_unread < 4 {
if parser.eof {
return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser,
"incomplete UTF-16 surrogate pair",
parser.offset, -1)
incomplete = true
/* Get the next character. */
value2 := rune(parser.raw_buffer[parser.raw_buffer_pos+low+2]) +
(rune(parser.raw_buffer[parser.raw_buffer_pos+high+2]) << 8)
/* Check for a low surrogate area. */
if (value2 & 0xFC00) != 0xDC00 {
return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser,
"expected low surrogate area",
parser.offset+2, int(value2))
/* Generate the value of the surrogate pair. */
value = 0x10000 + ((value & 0x3FF) << 10) + (value2 & 0x3FF)
} else {
w = 2
panic("Impossible") /* Impossible. */
/* Check if the raw buffer contains enough bytes to form a character. */
if incomplete {
* Check if the character is in the allowed range:
* #x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#x7E] (8 bit)
* | #x85 | [#xA0-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] (16 bit)
* | [#x10000-#x10FFFF] (32 bit)
if !(value == 0x09 || value == 0x0A || value == 0x0D ||
(value >= 0x20 && value <= 0x7E) ||
(value == 0x85) || (value >= 0xA0 && value <= 0xD7FF) ||
(value >= 0xE000 && value <= 0xFFFD) ||
(value >= 0x10000 && value <= 0x10FFFF)) {
return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser,
"control characters are not allowed",
parser.offset, int(value))
/* Move the raw pointers. */
parser.raw_buffer_pos += w
parser.offset += w
/* Finally put the character into the buffer. */
/* 0000 0000-0000 007F . 0xxxxxxx */
if value <= 0x7F {
parser.buffer[buffer_end] = byte(value)
} else if value <= 0x7FF {
/* 0000 0080-0000 07FF . 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx */
parser.buffer[buffer_end] = byte(0xC0 + (value >> 6))
parser.buffer[buffer_end+1] = byte(0x80 + (value & 0x3F))
} else if value <= 0xFFFF {
/* 0000 0800-0000 FFFF . 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx */
parser.buffer[buffer_end] = byte(0xE0 + (value >> 12))
parser.buffer[buffer_end+1] = byte(0x80 + ((value >> 6) & 0x3F))
parser.buffer[buffer_end+2] = byte(0x80 + (value & 0x3F))
} else {
/* 0001 0000-0010 FFFF . 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx */
parser.buffer[buffer_end] = byte(0xF0 + (value >> 18))
parser.buffer[buffer_end+1] = byte(0x80 + ((value >> 12) & 0x3F))
parser.buffer[buffer_end+2] = byte(0x80 + ((value >> 6) & 0x3F))
parser.buffer[buffer_end+3] = byte(0x80 + (value & 0x3F))
buffer_end += w
/* On EOF, put NUL into the buffer and return. */
if parser.eof {
parser.buffer[buffer_end] = 0
parser.buffer = parser.buffer[:buffer_end]
return true
parser.buffer = parser.buffer[:buffer_end]
return true