A [Mocha](http://mochajs.org/) like BDD testing framework written in Go that requires no additional dependencies. Requires no extensive documentation nor complicated steps to get it running.
Yes! Goblin will help you to test asynchronous things, like goroutines, etc. You just need to add a ```done``` parameter to the handler function of your ```It```. This handler function should be called when your test passes.
g.Describe("Numbers", func() {
g.It("Should add two numbers asynchronously", func(done Done) {
go func() {
Goblin will wait for the ```done``` call, a ```Fail``` call or any false assertion.
How do I use it with Gomega?
Gomega is a nice assertion framework. But it doesn't provide a nice way to hook it to testing frameworks. It should just panic instead of requiring a fail function. There is an issue about that [here](https://github.com/onsi/gomega/issues/5).
While this is being discussed and hopefully fixed, the way to use Gomega with Goblin is:
If `-goblin.run=$REGES` is supplied to the `go test` command then only tests that match the supplied regex will run
We do have a couple of [issues](https://github.com/franela/goblin/issues) pending. Feel free to contribute and send us PRs (with tests please :smile:).
Special Thanks
Special thanks to [Leandro Reox](https://github.com/leandroreox) (Leitan) for the goblin logo.