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package publish
import (
type Docker struct {
// The path to the dockerfile to create the image from. If the path is empty or no
// path is specified then the docker file will be built from the base directory.
Dockerfile string `yaml:"docker_file"`
// Connection information for the docker server that will build the image
DockerServer string `yaml:"docker_server"`
DockerServerPort int `yaml:"docker_port"`
// The Docker client version to download. This must match the docker version on the server
DockerVersion string `yaml:"docker_version"`
// Optional Arguments to allow finer-grained control of registry
// endpoints
RegistryLoginUrl string `yaml:"registry_login_url"`
ImageName string `yaml:"image_name"`
RegistryLogin bool `yaml:"registry_login"`
// Authentication credentials for index.docker.io
Username string `yaml:"username"`
Password string `yaml:"password"`
Email string `yaml:"email"`
// Keep the build on the Docker host after pushing?
KeepBuild bool `yaml:"keep_build"`
// Do we want to override "latest" automatically with this build?
PushLatest bool `yaml:"push_latest"`
CustomTag string `yaml:"custom_tag"`
Condition *condition.Condition `yaml:"when,omitempty"`
// Write adds commands to the buildfile to do the following:
// 1. Install the docker client in the Drone container.
// 2. Build a docker image based on the dockerfile defined in the config.
// 3. Push that docker image to index.docker.io.
// 4. Delete the docker image on the server it was build on so we conserve disk space.
func (d *Docker) Write(f *buildfile.Buildfile) {
if len(d.DockerServer) == 0 || d.DockerServerPort == 0 || len(d.DockerVersion) == 0 ||
len(d.ImageName) == 0 {
f.WriteCmdSilent(`echo -e "Docker Plugin: Missing argument(s)\n\n"`)
if len(d.DockerServer) == 0 {
f.WriteCmdSilent(`echo -e "\tdocker_server not defined in yaml"`)
if d.DockerServerPort == 0 {
f.WriteCmdSilent(`echo -e "\tdocker_port not defined in yaml"`)
if len(d.DockerVersion) == 0 {
f.WriteCmdSilent(`echo -e "\tdocker_version not defined in yaml"`)
if len(d.ImageName) == 0 {
f.WriteCmdSilent(`echo -e "\timage_name not defined in yaml"`)
f.WriteCmd("sudo apt-get update")
// Ensure correct apt-get has the https method-driver as per (http://askubuntu.com/questions/165676/)
f.WriteCmd("sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https")
// Install Docker on the container
f.WriteCmd("sudo sh -c \"echo deb https://get.docker.io/ubuntu docker main\\ > " +
f.WriteCmd("sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys " +
f.WriteCmd("sudo apt-get update")
f.WriteCmd("sudo apt-get --yes install lxc-docker-" + d.DockerVersion)
// Format our Build Server Endpoint
dockerServerUrl := d.DockerServer + ":" + strconv.Itoa(d.DockerServerPort)
dockerPath := "."
if len(d.Dockerfile) != 0 {
dockerPath = fmt.Sprintf("- < %s", d.Dockerfile)
// Run the command commands to build and deploy the image.
// Are we setting a custom tag, or do we use the git hash?
imageTag := ""
if len(d.CustomTag) > 0 {
imageTag = d.CustomTag
} else {
imageTag = "$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)"
f.WriteCmd(fmt.Sprintf("docker -H %s build -t %s:%s %s", dockerServerUrl, d.ImageName, imageTag, dockerPath))
// Login?
if d.RegistryLogin == true {
// Are we logging in to a custom Registry?
if len(d.RegistryLoginUrl) > 0 {
f.WriteCmdSilent(fmt.Sprintf("docker -H %s login -u %s -p %s -e %s %s",
dockerServerUrl, d.Username, d.Password, d.Email, d.RegistryLoginUrl))
} else {
// Assume index.docker.io
f.WriteCmdSilent(fmt.Sprintf("docker -H %s login -u %s -p %s -e %s",
dockerServerUrl, d.Username, d.Password, d.Email))
// Are we overriding the "latest" tag?
if d.PushLatest {
f.WriteCmd(fmt.Sprintf("docker -H %s tag %s:%s %s:latest",
dockerServerUrl, d.ImageName, imageTag, d.ImageName))
f.WriteCmd(fmt.Sprintf("docker -H %s push %s", dockerServerUrl, d.ImageName))
// Delete the image from the docker server we built on.
if !d.KeepBuild {
f.WriteCmd(fmt.Sprintf("docker -H %s rmi %s:%s",
dockerServerUrl, d.ImageName, imageTag))
if d.PushLatest {
f.WriteCmd(fmt.Sprintf("docker -H %s rmi %s:latest",
dockerServerUrl, d.ImageName))
func (d *Docker) GetCondition() *condition.Condition {
return d.Condition