2014-07-24 15:49:36 +02:00

2600 lines
90 KiB

// svg class modified for mPDF version 4.4.003 by Ian Back: based on -
// svg2pdf fpdf class
// sylvain briand (syb@godisaduck.com), modified by rick trevino (rtrevino1@yahoo.com)
// http://www.godisaduck.com/svg2pdf_with_fpdf
// http://rhodopsin.blogspot.com
// cette class etendue est open source, toute modification devra cependant etre repertoriée~
// NB UNITS - Works in pixels as main units - converting to PDF units when outputing to PDF string
// and on returning size
class SVG {
var $svg_gradient; // array - contient les infos sur les gradient fill du svg classé par id du svg
var $svg_shadinglist; // array - contient les ids des objet shading
var $svg_info; // array contenant les infos du svg voulue par l'utilisateur
var $svg_attribs; // array - holds all attributes of root <svg> tag
var $svg_style; // array contenant les style de groupes du svg
var $svg_string; // String contenant le tracage du svg en lui même.
var $txt_data; // array - holds string info to write txt to image
var $txt_style; // array - current text style
var $mpdf_ref;
var $xbase; // mPDF 4.4.003
var $ybase; // mPDF 4.4.003
var $svg_error; // mPDF 4.4.003
var $subPathInit; // mPDF 4.4.003
var $spxstart; // mPDF 4.4.003
var $spystart; // mPDF 4.4.003
var $kp; // mPDF 4.4.003 convert pixels to PDF units
var $pathBBox; // mPDF 5.0.039
function SVG(&$mpdf){
$this->svg_gradient = array();
$this->svg_shadinglist = array();
$this->txt_data = array();
$this->svg_string = '';
$this->svg_info = array();
$this->svg_attribs = array();
$this->xbase = 0;
$this->ybase = 0;
$this->svg_error = false;
$this->subPathInit = false; // mPDF 4.4.003
$this->dashesUsed = false; // mPDF 5.0
$this->mpdf_ref =& $mpdf;
$this->kp = 72 / $mpdf->img_dpi; // mPDF 4.4.003 constant To convert pixels to pts/PDF units
$this->kf = 1; // mPDF 5.0.039 constant To convert font size if re-mapped
$this->pathBBox = array(); // mPDF 5.0.039
$this->svg_style = array(
'fill' => 'black', // mPDF 4.4.008
'fill-opacity' => 1, // remplissage opaque par defaut
'fill-rule' => 'nonzero', // mode de remplissage par defaut
'stroke' => 'none', // pas de trait par defaut
'stroke-linecap' => 'butt', // style de langle par defaut
'stroke-linejoin' => 'miter', //
'stroke-miterlimit' => 4, // limite de langle par defaut
'stroke-opacity' => 1, // trait opaque par defaut
'stroke-width' => 1, // mPDF 4.4.011
'stroke-dasharray' => 0, // mPDF 4.4.003
'stroke-dashoffset' => 0, // mPDF 4.4.003
'color' => '' // mPDF 4.4.005
$this->txt_style = array(
'fill' => 'black', // pas de remplissage par defaut
'font-family' => $mpdf->default_font,
'font-size' => $mpdf->default_font_size, // ****** this is pts
'font-weight' => 'normal', // normal | bold
'font-style' => 'normal', // italic | normal
'text-anchor' => 'start', // alignment: start, middle, end
/* mPDF 5.0.041 */
'fill-opacity' => 1, // remplissage opaque par defaut
'fill-rule' => 'nonzero', // mode de remplissage par defaut
'stroke' => 'none', // pas de trait par defaut
'stroke-opacity' => 1, // trait opaque par defaut
'stroke-width' => 1, // mPDF 4.4.011
'color' => '' // mPDF 4.4.005
function svgGradient($gradient_info, $attribs, $element){
$n = count($this->mpdf_ref->gradients)+1;
// Get bounding dimensions of element
$w = 100;
$h = 100;
$x_offset = 0;
$y_offset = 0;
if ($element=='rect') {
$w = $attribs['width'];
$h = $attribs['height'];
$x_offset = $attribs['x'];
$y_offset = $attribs['y'];
else if ($element=='ellipse') {
$w = $attribs['rx']*2;
$h = $attribs['ry']*2;
$x_offset = $attribs['cx']-$attribs['rx'];
$y_offset = $attribs['cy']-$attribs['ry'];
else if ($element=='circle') {
$w = $attribs['r']*2;
$h = $attribs['r']*2;
$x_offset = $attribs['cx']-$attribs['r'];
$y_offset = $attribs['cy']-$attribs['r'];
else if ($element=='polygon') {
$pts = preg_split('/[ ,]+/', trim($attribs['points']));
for ($i=0;$i<count($pts); $i++) {
if ($i % 2 == 0) { // x values
$minl = min($minl,$pts[$i]);
$maxr = max($maxr,$pts[$i]);
else { // y values
$mint = min($mint,$pts[$i]);
$maxb = max($maxb,$pts[$i]);
$w = $maxr-$minl;
$h = $maxb-$mint;
$x_offset = $minl;
$y_offset = $mint;
else if ($element=='path') {
// mPDF 5.0.039
if (is_array($this->pathBBox) && $this->pathBBox[2]>0) {
$w = $this->pathBBox[2];
$h = $this->pathBBox[3];
$x_offset = $this->pathBBox[0];
$y_offset = $this->pathBBox[1];
else {
preg_match_all('/([a-z]|[A-Z])([ ,\-.\d]+)*/', $attribs['d'], $commands, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach($commands as $c){
list($tmp, $cmd, $arg) = $c;
if ($cmd=='M' || $cmd=='L' || $cmd=='C' || $cmd=='S' || $cmd=='Q' || $cmd=='T') {
$pts = preg_split('/[ ,]+/', trim($arg));
for ($i=0;$i<count($pts); $i++) {
if ($i % 2 == 0) { // x values
$minl = min($minl,$pts[$i]);
$maxr = max($maxr,$pts[$i]);
else { // y values
$mint = min($mint,$pts[$i]);
$maxb = max($maxb,$pts[$i]);
if ($cmd=='H') { // sets new x
$minl = min($minl,$arg);
$maxr = max($maxr,$arg);
if ($cmd=='V') { // sets new y
$mint = min($mint,$arg);
$maxb = max($maxb,$arg);
$w = $maxr-$minl;
$h = $maxb-$mint;
$x_offset = $minl;
$y_offset = $mint;
if (!$w || $w==-999999) { $w = 100; }
if (!$h || $h==-999999) { $h = 100; }
if ($x_offset==999999) { $x_offset = 0; }
if ($y_offset==999999) { $y_offset = 0; }
// mPDF 4.5.010
$transformations = '';
if (isset($gradient_info['transform'])){
if (count($m[0])) {
for($i=0; $i<count($m[0]); $i++) {
$c = strtolower($m[1][$i]);
$v = trim($m[2][$i]);
$vv = preg_split('/[ ,]+/',$v);
if ($c=='matrix' && count($vv)==6) {
// mPDF 5.0.039
// Note angle of rotation is reversed (from SVG to PDF), so vv[1] and vv[2] are negated
// cf svgDefineStyle()
$transformations .= sprintf(' %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F cm ', $vv[0], -$vv[1], -$vv[2], $vv[3], $vv[4]*$this->kp, -$vv[5]*$this->kp);
else if ($c=='translate' && count($vv)) {
$tm[4] = $vv[0];
if (count($vv)==2) { $t_y = -$vv[1]; }
else { $t_y = 0; }
$tm[5] = $t_y;
$transformations .= sprintf(' 1 0 0 1 %.3F %.3F cm ', $tm[4]*$this->kp, $tm[5]*$this->kp);
else if ($c=='scale' && count($vv)) {
if (count($vv)==2) { $s_y = $vv[1]; }
else { $s_y = $vv[0]; }
$tm[0] = $vv[0];
$tm[3] = $s_y;
$transformations .= sprintf(' %.3F 0 0 %.3F 0 0 cm ', $tm[0], $tm[3]);
else if ($c=='rotate' && count($vv)) {
$tm[0] = cos(deg2rad(-$vv[0]));
$tm[1] = sin(deg2rad(-$vv[0]));
$tm[2] = -$tm[1];
$tm[3] = $tm[0];
if (count($vv)==3) {
$transformations .= sprintf(' 1 0 0 1 %.3F %.3F cm ', $vv[1]*$this->kp, -$vv[2]*$this->kp);
$transformations .= sprintf(' %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F 0 0 cm ', $tm[0], $tm[1], $tm[2], $tm[3]);
if (count($vv)==3) {
$transformations .= sprintf(' 1 0 0 1 %.3F %.3F cm ', -$vv[1]*$this->kp, $vv[2]*$this->kp);
else if ($c=='skewx' && count($vv)) {
$tm[2] = tan(deg2rad(-$vv[0]));
$transformations .= sprintf(' 1 0 %.3F 1 0 0 cm ', $tm[2]);
else if ($c=='skewy' && count($vv)) {
$tm[1] = tan(deg2rad(-$vv[0]));
$transformations .= sprintf(' 1 %.3F 0 1 0 0 cm ', $tm[1]);
$return = "";
// mPDF 5.0.039
if (isset($gradient_info['units']) && strtolower($gradient_info['units'])=='userspaceonuse') {
if ($transformations) { $return .= $transformations; }
// mPDF 5.0.040
$spread = 'P'; // pad
if (isset($gradient_info['spread'])) {
if (strtolower($gradient_info['spread'])=='reflect') { $spread = 'F'; } // reflect
else if (strtolower($gradient_info['spread'])=='repeat') { $spread = 'R'; } // repeat
for ($i=0; $i<(count($gradient_info['color'])); $i++) {
if (stristr($gradient_info['color'][$i]['offset'], '%')!== false) { $gradient_info['color'][$i]['offset'] = ($gradient_info['color'][$i]['offset']+0)/100; }
if (stristr($gradient_info['color'][($i+1)]['offset'], '%')!== false) { $gradient_info['color'][($i+1)]['offset'] = ($gradient_info['color'][($i+1)]['offset']+0)/100; }
if ($gradient_info['color'][$i]['offset']<0) { $gradient_info['color'][$i]['offset'] = 0; }
if ($gradient_info['color'][$i]['offset']>1) { $gradient_info['color'][$i]['offset'] = 1; }
if ($i>0) {
if ($gradient_info['color'][$i]['offset']<$gradient_info['color'][($i-1)]['offset']) {
if ($gradient_info['color'][0]['offset']>0) {
array_unshift($gradient_info['color'], $gradient_info['color'][0]);
$gradient_info['color'][0]['offset'] = 0;
$ns = count($gradient_info['color']);
if ($gradient_info['color'][($ns-1)]['offset']<1) {
$gradient_info['color'][] = $gradient_info['color'][($ns-1)];
$gradient_info['color'][($ns)]['offset'] = 1;
$ns = count($gradient_info['color']);
if ($gradient_info['type'] == 'linear'){
// mPDF 4.4.003
if (isset($gradient_info['units']) && strtolower($gradient_info['units'])=='userspaceonuse') {
if (isset($gradient_info['info']['x1'])) { $gradient_info['info']['x1'] = ($gradient_info['info']['x1']-$x_offset) / $w; }
if (isset($gradient_info['info']['y1'])) { $gradient_info['info']['y1'] = ($gradient_info['info']['y1']-$y_offset) / $h; }
if (isset($gradient_info['info']['x2'])) { $gradient_info['info']['x2'] = ($gradient_info['info']['x2']-$x_offset) / $w; }
if (isset($gradient_info['info']['y2'])) { $gradient_info['info']['y2'] = ($gradient_info['info']['y2']-$y_offset) / $h; }
if (isset($gradient_info['info']['x1'])) { $x1 = $gradient_info['info']['x1']; }
else { $x1 = 0; }
if (isset($gradient_info['info']['y1'])) { $y1 = $gradient_info['info']['y1']; }
else { $y1 = 0; }
if (isset($gradient_info['info']['x2'])) { $x2 = $gradient_info['info']['x2']; }
else { $x2 = 1; }
if (isset($gradient_info['info']['y2'])) { $y2 = $gradient_info['info']['y2']; }
else { $y2 = 0; }
if (stristr($x1, '%')!== false) { $x1 = ($x1+0)/100; }
if (stristr($x2, '%')!== false) { $x2 = ($x2+0)/100; }
if (stristr($y1, '%')!== false) { $y1 = ($y1+0)/100; }
if (stristr($y2, '%')!== false) { $y2 = ($y2+0)/100; }
// mPDF 5.0.042
$bboxw = $w;
$bboxh = $h;
$usex = $x_offset;
$usey = $y_offset;
$usew = $bboxw;
$useh = $bboxh;
if (isset($gradient_info['units']) && strtolower($gradient_info['units'])=='userspaceonuse') {
$angle = rad2deg(atan2(($gradient_info['info']['y2']-$gradient_info['info']['y1']), ($gradient_info['info']['x2']-$gradient_info['info']['x1'])));
if ($angle < 0) { $angle += 360; }
else if ($angle > 360) { $angle -= 360; }
if ($angle!=0 && $angle!=360 && $angle!=90 && $angle!=180 && $angle!=270) {
if ($w >= $h) {
$y1 *= $h/$w ;
$y2 *= $h/$w ;
$usew = $useh = $bboxw;
else {
$x1 *= $w/$h ;
$x2 *= $w/$h ;
$usew = $useh = $bboxh;
$a = $usew; // width
$d = -$useh; // height
$e = $usex; // x- offset
$f = -$usey; // -y-offset
$return .= sprintf('%.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm ', $a*$this->kp, $d*$this->kp, $e*$this->kp, $f*$this->kp);
// mPDF 5.0.039
if (isset($gradient_info['units']) && strtolower($gradient_info['units'])=='objectboundingbox') {
if ($transformations) { $return .= $transformations; }
// mPDF 5.0.020
$trans = false;
// mPDF 5.0.040
if ($spread=='R' || $spread=='F') { // Repeat / Reflect
$offs = array();
for($i=0;$i<$ns;$i++) {
$offs[$i] = $gradient_info['color'][$i]['offset'];
$gp = 0;
while($inside) {
for($i=0;$i<$ns;$i++) {
if ($spread=='F' && ($gp % 2) == 1) { // Reflect
$gradient_info['color'][(($ns*$gp)+$i)] = $gradient_info['color'][(($ns*($gp-1))+($ns-$i-1))];
$tmp = $gp+(1-$offs[($ns-$i-1)]) ;
$gradient_info['color'][(($ns*$gp)+$i)]['offset'] = $tmp;
else { // Reflect
$gradient_info['color'][(($ns*$gp)+$i)] = $gradient_info['color'][$i];
$tmp = $gp+$offs[$i] ;
$gradient_info['color'][(($ns*$gp)+$i)]['offset'] = $tmp;
// Point on axis to test
$px1 = $x1 + ($x2-$x1)*$tmp;
$py1 = $y1 + ($y2-$y1)*$tmp;
// Get perpendicular axis
$alpha = atan2($y2-$y1, $x2-$x1);
$alpha += M_PI/2; // rotate 90 degrees
// Get arbitrary point to define line perpendicular to axis
$px2 = $px1+cos($alpha);
$py2 = $py1+sin($alpha);
$res1 = _testIntersect($px1, $py1, $px2, $py2, 0, 0, 0, 1); // $x=0 vert axis
$res2 = _testIntersect($px1, $py1, $px2, $py2, 1, 0, 1, 1); // $x=1 vert axis
$res3 = _testIntersect($px1, $py1, $px2, $py2, 0, 0, 1, 0); // $y=0 horiz axis
$res4 = _testIntersect($px1, $py1, $px2, $py2, 0, 1, 1, 1); // $y=1 horiz axis
if (!$res1 && !$res2 && !$res3 && !$res4) { $inside = false; }
$gp = 0;
while($inside) {
$newarr = array();
for($i=0;$i<$ns;$i++) {
if ($spread=='F') { // Reflect
$newarr[$i] = $gradient_info['color'][($ns-$i-1)];
if (($gp % 2) == 1) {
$tmp = -$gp+(1-$offs[($ns-$i-1)]);
$newarr[$i]['offset'] = $tmp;
else {
$tmp = -$gp+$offs[$i];
$newarr[$i]['offset'] = $tmp;
else { // Reflect
$newarr[$i] = $gradient_info['color'][$i];
$tmp = -$gp+$offs[$i];
$newarr[$i]['offset'] = $tmp;
// Point on axis to test
$px1 = $x1 + ($x2-$x1)*$tmp;
$py1 = $y1 + ($y2-$y1)*$tmp;
// Get perpendicular axis
$alpha = atan2($y2-$y1, $x2-$x1);
$alpha += M_PI/2; // rotate 90 degrees
// Get arbitrary point to define line perpendicular to axis
$px2 = $px1+cos($alpha);
$py2 = $py1+sin($alpha);
$res1 = _testIntersect($px1, $py1, $px2, $py2, 0, 0, 0, 1); // $x=0 vert axis
$res2 = _testIntersect($px1, $py1, $px2, $py2, 1, 0, 1, 1); // $x=1 vert axis
$res3 = _testIntersect($px1, $py1, $px2, $py2, 0, 0, 1, 0); // $y=0 horiz axis
$res4 = _testIntersect($px1, $py1, $px2, $py2, 0, 1, 1, 1); // $y=1 horiz axis
if (!$res1 && !$res2 && !$res3 && !$res4) { $inside = false; }
for($i=($ns-1);$i>=0;$i--) {
if (isset($newarr[$i]['offset'])) array_unshift($gradient_info['color'], $newarr[$i]);
// mPDF 4.4.007 Gradient STOPs
$stops = count($gradient_info['color']);
if ($stops < 2) { return ''; }
// mPDF 5.0.042
$range = $gradient_info['color'][count($gradient_info['color'])-1]['offset']-$gradient_info['color'][0]['offset'];
$min = $gradient_info['color'][0]['offset'];
for ($i=0; $i<($stops); $i++) {
// mPDF 5.0.051
if (!$gradient_info['color'][$i]['color']) {
if ($gradient_info['colorspace']=='RGB') $gradient_info['color'][$i]['color'] = '0 0 0';
else if ($gradient_info['colorspace']=='Gray') $gradient_info['color'][$i]['color'] = '0';
else if ($gradient_info['colorspace']=='CMYK') $gradient_info['color'][$i]['color'] = '1 1 1 1';
$offset = ($gradient_info['color'][$i]['offset'] - $min)/$range;
$this->mpdf_ref->gradients[$n]['stops'][] = array(
'col' => $gradient_info['color'][$i]['color'],
'opacity' => $gradient_info['color'][$i]['opacity'],
'offset' => $offset);
if ($gradient_info['color'][$i]['opacity']<1) { $trans = true; }
$grx1 = $x1 + ($x2-$x1)*$gradient_info['color'][0]['offset'];
$gry1 = $y1 + ($y2-$y1)*$gradient_info['color'][0]['offset'];
$grx2 = $x1 + ($x2-$x1)*$gradient_info['color'][count($gradient_info['color'])-1]['offset'];
$gry2 = $y1 + ($y2-$y1)*$gradient_info['color'][count($gradient_info['color'])-1]['offset'];
$this->mpdf_ref->gradients[$n]['coords']=array($grx1, $gry1, $grx2, $gry2);
$this->mpdf_ref->gradients[$n]['colorspace'] = $gradient_info['colorspace']; // mPDF 5.0.051
$this->mpdf_ref->gradients[$n]['type'] = 2;
$this->mpdf_ref->gradients[$n]['fo'] = true;
if ($trans) {
$this->mpdf_ref->gradients[$n]['trans'] = true;
$return .= ' /TGS'.($n).' gs ';
$return .= ' /Sh'.($n).' sh ';
$return .= " Q\n";
else if ($gradient_info['type'] == 'radial'){
// mPDF 4.4.003
if (isset($gradient_info['units']) && strtolower($gradient_info['units'])=='userspaceonuse') {
if ($w > $h) { $h = $w; }
else { $w = $h; }
if (isset($gradient_info['info']['x0'])) { $gradient_info['info']['x0'] = ($gradient_info['info']['x0']-$x_offset) / $w; }
if (isset($gradient_info['info']['y0'])) { $gradient_info['info']['y0'] = ($gradient_info['info']['y0']-$y_offset) / $h; }
if (isset($gradient_info['info']['x1'])) { $gradient_info['info']['x1'] = ($gradient_info['info']['x1']-$x_offset) / $w; }
if (isset($gradient_info['info']['y1'])) { $gradient_info['info']['y1'] = ($gradient_info['info']['y1']-$y_offset) / $h; }
if (isset($gradient_info['info']['r'])) { $gradient_info['info']['rx'] = $gradient_info['info']['r'] / $w; }
if (isset($gradient_info['info']['r'])) { $gradient_info['info']['ry'] = $gradient_info['info']['r'] / $h; }
if ($gradient_info['info']['x0'] || $gradient_info['info']['x0']===0) { $x0 = $gradient_info['info']['x0']; }
else { $x0 = 0.5; }
if ($gradient_info['info']['y0'] || $gradient_info['info']['y0']===0) { $y0 = $gradient_info['info']['y0']; }
else { $y0 = 0.5; }
if ($gradient_info['info']['rx'] || $gradient_info['info']['rx']===0) { $rx = $gradient_info['info']['rx']; }
else if ($gradient_info['info']['r'] || $gradient_info['info']['r']===0) { $rx = $gradient_info['info']['r']; }
else { $rx = 0.5; }
if ($gradient_info['info']['ry'] || $gradient_info['info']['ry']===0) { $ry = $gradient_info['info']['ry']; }
else if ($gradient_info['info']['r'] || $gradient_info['info']['r']===0) { $ry = $gradient_info['info']['r']; }
else { $ry = 0.5; }
if ($gradient_info['info']['x1'] || $gradient_info['info']['x1']===0) { $x1 = $gradient_info['info']['x1']; }
else { $x1 = $x0; }
if ($gradient_info['info']['y1'] || $gradient_info['info']['y1']===0) { $y1 = $gradient_info['info']['y1']; }
else { $y1 = $y0; }
if (stristr($x1, '%')!== false) { $x1 = ($x1+0)/100; }
if (stristr($x0, '%')!== false) { $x0 = ($x0+0)/100; }
if (stristr($y1, '%')!== false) { $y1 = ($y1+0)/100; }
if (stristr($y0, '%')!== false) { $y0 = ($y0+0)/100; }
if (stristr($rx, '%')!== false) { $rx = ($rx+0)/100; }
if (stristr($ry, '%')!== false) { $ry = ($ry+0)/100; }
// mPDF 5.0.043
$bboxw = $w;
$bboxh = $h;
$usex = $x_offset;
$usey = $y_offset;
$usew = $bboxw;
$useh = $bboxh;
if (isset($gradient_info['units']) && strtolower($gradient_info['units'])=='userspaceonuse') {
$angle = rad2deg(atan2(($gradient_info['info']['y0']-$gradient_info['info']['y1']), ($gradient_info['info']['x0']-$gradient_info['info']['x1'])));
if ($angle < 0) { $angle += 360; }
else if ($angle > 360) { $angle -= 360; }
if ($angle!=0 && $angle!=360 && $angle!=90 && $angle!=180 && $angle!=270) {
if ($w >= $h) {
$y1 *= $h/$w ;
$y0 *= $h/$w ;
$rx *= $h/$w ;
$ry *= $h/$w ;
$usew = $useh = $bboxw;
else {
$x1 *= $w/$h ;
$x0 *= $w/$h ;
$rx *= $w/$h ;
$ry *= $w/$h ;
$usew = $useh = $bboxh;
$a = $usew; // width
$d = -$useh; // height
$e = $usex; // x- offset
$f = -$usey; // -y-offset
$r = $rx;
$return .= sprintf('%.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm ', $a*$this->kp, $d*$this->kp, $e*$this->kp, $f*$this->kp);
// mPDF 5.0.039
if (isset($gradient_info['units']) && strtolower($gradient_info['units'])=='objectboundingbox') {
if ($transformations) { $return .= $transformations; }
// x1 and y1 (fx, fy) should be inside the circle defined by x0 y0 and r else error in mPDF
while (pow(($x1-$x0),2) + pow(($y1 - $y0),2) >= pow($r,2)) { $r += 0.05; }
// mPDF 5.0.040
if ($spread=='R' || $spread=='F') { // Repeat / Reflect
$offs = array();
for($i=0;$i<$ns;$i++) {
$offs[$i] = $gradient_info['color'][$i]['offset'];
$gp = 0;
while($inside) {
for($i=0;$i<$ns;$i++) {
if ($spread=='F' && ($gp % 2) == 1) { // Reflect
$gradient_info['color'][(($ns*$gp)+$i)] = $gradient_info['color'][(($ns*($gp-1))+($ns-$i-1))];
$tmp = $gp+(1-$offs[($ns-$i-1)]) ;
$gradient_info['color'][(($ns*$gp)+$i)]['offset'] = $tmp;
else { // Reflect
$gradient_info['color'][(($ns*$gp)+$i)] = $gradient_info['color'][$i];
$tmp = $gp+$offs[$i] ;
$gradient_info['color'][(($ns*$gp)+$i)]['offset'] = $tmp;
// TEST IF circle (perimeter) intersects with
// or is enclosed
// Point on axis to test
$px = $x1 + ($x0-$x1)*$tmp;
$py = $y1 + ($y0-$y1)*$tmp;
$pr = $r*$tmp;
$res = _testIntersectCircle($px, $py, $pr);
if (!$res) { $inside = false; }
// mPDF 4.4.007 Gradient STOPs
$stops = count($gradient_info['color']);
if ($stops < 2) { return ''; }
// mPDF 5.0.043
$range = $gradient_info['color'][count($gradient_info['color'])-1]['offset']-$gradient_info['color'][0]['offset'];
$min = $gradient_info['color'][0]['offset'];
for ($i=0; $i<($stops); $i++) {
// mPDF 5.0.051
if (!$gradient_info['color'][$i]['color']) {
if ($gradient_info['colorspace']=='RGB') $gradient_info['color'][$i]['color'] = '0 0 0';
else if ($gradient_info['colorspace']=='Gray') $gradient_info['color'][$i]['color'] = '0';
else if ($gradient_info['colorspace']=='CMYK') $gradient_info['color'][$i]['color'] = '1 1 1 1';
$offset = ($gradient_info['color'][$i]['offset'] - $min)/$range;
$this->mpdf_ref->gradients[$n]['stops'][] = array(
'col' => $gradient_info['color'][$i]['color'],
'opacity' => $gradient_info['color'][$i]['opacity'],
'offset' => $offset);
if ($gradient_info['color'][$i]['opacity']<1) { $trans = true; }
$grx1 = $x1 + ($x0-$x1)*$gradient_info['color'][0]['offset'];
$gry1 = $y1 + ($y0-$y1)*$gradient_info['color'][0]['offset'];
$grx2 = $x1 + ($x0-$x1)*$gradient_info['color'][count($gradient_info['color'])-1]['offset'];
$gry2 = $y1 + ($y0-$y1)*$gradient_info['color'][count($gradient_info['color'])-1]['offset'];
$grir = $r*$gradient_info['color'][0]['offset'];
$grr = $r*$gradient_info['color'][count($gradient_info['color'])-1]['offset'];
$this->mpdf_ref->gradients[$n]['coords']=array($grx1, $gry1, $grx2, $gry2, abs($grr), abs($grir) );
$grx1 = $x1 + ($x0-$x1)*$first_stop;
$gry1 = $y1 + ($y0-$y1)*$first_stop;
$grx2 = $x1 + ($x0-$x1)*$last_stop;
$gry2 = $y1 + ($y0-$y1)*$last_stop;
$grir = $r*$first_stop;
$grr = $r*$last_stop;
$this->mpdf_ref->gradients[$n]['colorspace'] = $gradient_info['colorspace']; // mPDF 5.0.051
$this->mpdf_ref->gradients[$n]['type'] = 3;
$this->mpdf_ref->gradients[$n]['fo'] = true;
if ($trans) {
$this->mpdf_ref->gradients[$n]['trans'] = true;
$return .= ' /TGS'.($n).' gs ';
$return .= ' /Sh'.($n).' sh ';
$return .= " Q\n";
return $return;
function svgOffset ($attribs){
// save all <svg> tag attributes
$this->svg_attribs = $attribs;
if(isset($this->svg_attribs['viewBox'])) {
$vb = preg_split('/\s+/is', trim($this->svg_attribs['viewBox']));
if (count($vb)==4) {
$this->svg_info['x'] = $vb[0];
$this->svg_info['y'] = $vb[1];
$this->svg_info['w'] = $vb[2];
$this->svg_info['h'] = $vb[3];
// return; // mPDF 5.0.005
$svg_w = $this->mpdf_ref->ConvertSize($attribs['width']); // mm (interprets numbers as pixels)
$svg_h = $this->mpdf_ref->ConvertSize($attribs['height']); // mm
// mPDF 5.0.005
if ($this->svg_info['w']) { // if 'w' set by viewBox
if ($svg_w) { // if width also set, use these values to determine to set size of "pixel"
$this->kp *= ($svg_w/0.2645) / $this->svg_info['w'];
$this->kf = ($svg_w/0.2645) / $this->svg_info['w']; // mPDF 5.0.039
else if ($svg_h) {
$this->kp *= ($svg_h/0.2645) / $this->svg_info['h'];
$this->kf = ($svg_h/0.2645) / $this->svg_info['h']; // mPDF 5.0.039
// Added to handle file without height or width specified
if (!$svg_w && !$svg_h) { $svg_w = $svg_h = $this->mpdf_ref->blk[$this->mpdf_ref->blklvl]['inner_width'] ; } // DEFAULT
if (!$svg_w) { $svg_w = $svg_h; }
if (!$svg_h) { $svg_h = $svg_w; }
$this->svg_info['x'] = 0;
$this->svg_info['y'] = 0;
$this->svg_info['w'] = $svg_w/0.2645; // mm->pixels
$this->svg_info['h'] = $svg_h/0.2645; // mm->pixels
// check if points are within svg, if not, set to max
function svg_overflow($x,$y)
$x2 = $x;
$y2 = $y;
if($this->svg_attribs['overflow'] == 'hidden')
// Not sure if this is supposed to strip off units, but since I dont use any I will omlt this step
$svg_w = preg_replace("/([0-9\.]*)(.*)/i","$1",$this->svg_attribs['width']);
$svg_h = preg_replace("/([0-9\.]*)(.*)/i","$1",$this->svg_attribs['height']);
// $xmax = floor($this->svg_attribs['width']);
$xmax = floor($svg_w);
$xmin = 0;
// $ymax = floor(($this->svg_attribs['height'] * -1));
$ymax = floor(($svg_h * -1));
$ymin = 0;
if($x > $xmax) $x2 = $xmax; // right edge
if($x < $xmin) $x2 = $xmin; // left edge
if($y < $ymax) $y2 = $ymax; // bottom
if($y > $ymin) $y2 = $ymin; // top
return array( 'x' => $x2, 'y' => $y2);
function svgDefineStyle($critere_style){
$tmp = count($this->svg_style)-1;
$current_style = $this->svg_style[$tmp];
$transformations = '';
if (isset($critere_style['transform'])){
if (count($m[0])) {
for($i=0; $i<count($m[0]); $i++) {
$c = strtolower($m[1][$i]);
$v = trim($m[2][$i]);
$vv = preg_split('/[ ,]+/',$v);
if ($c=='matrix' && count($vv)==6) {
// mPDF 5.0.039
// Note angle of rotation is reversed (from SVG to PDF), so vv[1] and vv[2] are negated
$transformations .= sprintf(' %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F cm ', $vv[0], -$vv[1], -$vv[2], $vv[3], $vv[4]*$this->kp, -$vv[5]*$this->kp);
// The long way of doing this??
// need to reverse angle of rotation from SVG to PDF
if ($vv[0] < 0) { $sx *= -1; } // change sign
if ($vv[3] < 0) { $sy *= -1; } // change sign
// rotation angle is
$t=atan2(-$vv[2],$vv[0]); // Should be the same value or skew has been applied
// Reverse angle
$t *= -1;
// Rebuild matrix
$ma = $sx * cos($t);
$mb = $sy * sin($t);
$mc = -$sx * sin($t);
$md = $sy * cos($t);
// $transformations .= sprintf(' %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F cm ', $ma, $mb, $mc, $md, $vv[4]*$this->kp, -$vv[5]*$this->kp);
else if ($c=='translate' && count($vv)) {
$tm[4] = $vv[0];
if (count($vv)==2) { $t_y = -$vv[1]; }
else { $t_y = 0; }
$tm[5] = $t_y;
$transformations .= sprintf(' 1 0 0 1 %.3F %.3F cm ', $tm[4]*$this->kp, $tm[5]*$this->kp);
else if ($c=='scale' && count($vv)) {
if (count($vv)==2) { $s_y = $vv[1]; }
else { $s_y = $vv[0]; }
$tm[0] = $vv[0];
$tm[3] = $s_y;
$transformations .= sprintf(' %.3F 0 0 %.3F 0 0 cm ', $tm[0], $tm[3]);
else if ($c=='rotate' && count($vv)) {
$tm[0] = cos(deg2rad(-$vv[0]));
$tm[1] = sin(deg2rad(-$vv[0]));
$tm[2] = -$tm[1];
$tm[3] = $tm[0];
if (count($vv)==3) {
$transformations .= sprintf(' 1 0 0 1 %.3F %.3F cm ', $vv[1]*$this->kp, -$vv[2]*$this->kp);
$transformations .= sprintf(' %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F 0 0 cm ', $tm[0], $tm[1], $tm[2], $tm[3]);
if (count($vv)==3) {
$transformations .= sprintf(' 1 0 0 1 %.3F %.3F cm ', -$vv[1]*$this->kp, $vv[2]*$this->kp);
else if ($c=='skewx' && count($vv)) {
$tm[2] = tan(deg2rad(-$vv[0]));
$transformations .= sprintf(' 1 0 %.3F 1 0 0 cm ', $tm[2]);
else if ($c=='skewy' && count($vv)) {
$tm[1] = tan(deg2rad(-$vv[0]));
$transformations .= sprintf(' 1 %.3F 0 1 0 0 cm ', $tm[1]);
$current_style['transformations'] = $transformations;
if (isset($critere_style['style'])){
if (preg_match('/fill:\s*rgb\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)/',$critere_style['style'], $m)) {
$current_style['fill'] = '#'.str_pad(dechex($m[1]), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(dechex($m[2]), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(dechex($m[3]), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
else { $tmp = preg_replace("/(.*)fill:\s*([a-z0-9#_()]*|none)(.*)/i","$2",$critere_style['style']); // mPDF 4.4.003
if ($tmp != $critere_style['style']){ $current_style['fill'] = $tmp; }
$tmp = preg_replace("/(.*)fill-opacity:\s*([a-z0-9.]*|none)(.*)/i","$2",$critere_style['style']);
if ($tmp != $critere_style['style']){ $current_style['fill-opacity'] = $tmp;}
$tmp = preg_replace("/(.*)fill-rule:\s*([a-z0-9#]*|none)(.*)/i","$2",$critere_style['style']);
if ($tmp != $critere_style['style']){ $current_style['fill-rule'] = $tmp;}
if (preg_match('/stroke:\s*rgb\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)/',$critere_style['style'], $m)) {
$current_style['stroke'] = '#'.str_pad(dechex($m[1]), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(dechex($m[2]), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(dechex($m[3]), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
else { $tmp = preg_replace("/(.*)stroke:\s*([a-z0-9#]*|none)(.*)/i","$2",$critere_style['style']);
if ($tmp != $critere_style['style']){ $current_style['stroke'] = $tmp; }
$tmp = preg_replace("/(.*)stroke-linecap:\s*([a-z0-9#]*|none)(.*)/i","$2",$critere_style['style']);
if ($tmp != $critere_style['style']){ $current_style['stroke-linecap'] = $tmp;}
$tmp = preg_replace("/(.*)stroke-linejoin:\s*([a-z0-9#]*|none)(.*)/i","$2",$critere_style['style']);
if ($tmp != $critere_style['style']){ $current_style['stroke-linejoin'] = $tmp;}
$tmp = preg_replace("/(.*)stroke-miterlimit:\s*([a-z0-9#]*|none)(.*)/i","$2",$critere_style['style']);
if ($tmp != $critere_style['style']){ $current_style['stroke-miterlimit'] = $tmp;}
$tmp = preg_replace("/(.*)stroke-opacity:\s*([a-z0-9.]*|none)(.*)/i","$2",$critere_style['style']);
if ($tmp != $critere_style['style']){ $current_style['stroke-opacity'] = $tmp; }
$tmp = preg_replace("/(.*)stroke-width:\s*([a-z0-9.]*|none)(.*)/i","$2",$critere_style['style']);
if ($tmp != $critere_style['style']){ $current_style['stroke-width'] = $tmp;}
// mPDF 4.4.003
$tmp = preg_replace("/(.*)stroke-dasharray:\s*([a-z0-9., ]*|none)(.*)/i","$2",$critere_style['style']);
if ($tmp != $critere_style['style']){ $current_style['stroke-dasharray'] = $tmp;}
// mPDF 4.4.003
$tmp = preg_replace("/(.*)stroke-dashoffset:\s*([a-z0-9.]*|none)(.*)/i","$2",$critere_style['style']);
if ($tmp != $critere_style['style']){ $current_style['stroke-dashoffset'] = $tmp;}
$current_style['fill'] = $critere_style['fill'];
$current_style['fill-opacity'] = $critere_style['fill-opacity'];
$current_style['fill-rule'] = $critere_style['fill-rule'];
$current_style['stroke'] = $critere_style['stroke'];
$current_style['stroke-linecap'] = $critere_style['stroke-linecap'];
$current_style['stroke-linejoin'] = $critere_style['stroke-linejoin'];
$current_style['stroke-miterlimit'] = $critere_style['stroke-miterlimit'];
$current_style['stroke-opacity'] = $critere_style['stroke-opacity'];
$current_style['stroke-width'] = $critere_style['stroke-width'];
// mPDF 4.4.003
$current_style['stroke-dasharray'] = $critere_style['stroke-dasharray'];
$current_style['stroke-dashoffset'] = $critere_style['stroke-dashoffset'];
// mPDF 4.4.005 Used as indirect setting for currentColor
if(isset($critere_style['color']) && $critere_style['color'] != 'inherit'){
$current_style['color'] = $critere_style['color'];
return $current_style;
// Cette fonction ecrit le style dans le stream svg.
function svgStyle($critere_style, $attribs, $element){
$path_style = '';
if (substr_count($critere_style['fill'],'url')>0){
// couleur degradé
$id_gradient = preg_replace("/url\(#([\w_]*)\)/i","$1",$critere_style['fill']);
if ($id_gradient != $critere_style['fill']) {
if (isset($this->svg_gradient[$id_gradient])) {
$fill_gradient = $this->svgGradient($this->svg_gradient[$id_gradient], $attribs, $element);
if ($fill_gradient) { // mPDF 4.4.003
$path_style = "q ";
$w = "W";
$style .= 'N';
// mPDF 4.4.005 Used as indirect setting for currentColor
else if (strtolower($critere_style['fill']) == 'currentcolor'){
$col = $this->mpdf_ref->ConvertColor($critere_style['color']);
if ($col) {
// mPDF 5.0.051
// mPDF 5.3.74
if ($col{0}==5) { $critere_style['fill-opacity'] = ord($col{4}/100); } // RGBa
if ($col{0}==6) { $critere_style['fill-opacity'] = ord($col{5}/100); } // CMYKa
$path_style .= $this->mpdf_ref->SetFColor($col, true).' '; // mPDF 5.0.051
$style .= 'F';
else if ($critere_style['fill'] != 'none'){
$col = $this->mpdf_ref->ConvertColor($critere_style['fill']);
if ($col) {
// mPDF 5.0.051
// mPDF 5.3.74
if ($col{0}==5) { $critere_style['fill-opacity'] = ord($col{4}/100); } // RGBa
if ($col{0}==6) { $critere_style['fill-opacity'] = ord($col{5}/100); } // CMYKa
$path_style .= $this->mpdf_ref->SetFColor($col, true).' '; // mPDF 5.0.051
$style .= 'F';
// mPDF 5.0.040
if (substr_count($critere_style['stroke'],'url')>0){
// Cannot put a gradient on a "stroke" in PDF?
$id_gradient = preg_replace("/url\(#([\w_]*)\)/i","$1",$critere_style['stroke']);
if ($id_gradient != $critere_style['stroke']) {
if (isset($this->svg_gradient[$id_gradient])) {
$fill_gradient = $this->svgGradient($this->svg_gradient[$id_gradient], $attribs, $element);
if ($fill_gradient) {
$path_style = "q ";
$w = "W";
$style .= 'D';
// mPDF 4.4.005 Used as indirect setting for currentColor
else if (strtolower($critere_style['stroke']) == 'currentcolor'){
$col = $this->mpdf_ref->ConvertColor($critere_style['color']);
if ($col) {
// mPDF 5.0.051
// mPDF 5.3.74
if ($col{0}==5) { $critere_style['stroke-opacity'] = ord($col{4}/100); } // RGBa
if ($col{0}==6) { $critere_style['stroke-opacity'] = ord($col{5}/100); } // CMYKa
$path_style .= $this->mpdf_ref->SetDColor($col, true).' '; // mPDF 5.0.051
$style .= 'D';
$lw = $this->ConvertSVGSizePixels($critere_style['stroke-width']);
$path_style .= sprintf('%.3F w ',$lw*$this->kp);
else if ($critere_style['stroke'] != 'none'){
$col = $this->mpdf_ref->ConvertColor($critere_style['stroke']);
if ($col) {
// mPDF 5.0.051
// mPDF 5.3.74
if ($col{0}==5) { $critere_style['stroke-opacity'] = ord($col{4}/100); } // RGBa
if ($col{0}==6) { $critere_style['stroke-opacity'] = ord($col{5}/100); } // CMYKa
$path_style .= $this->mpdf_ref->SetDColor($col, true).' '; // mPDF 5.0.051
$style .= 'D';
$lw = $this->ConvertSVGSizePixels($critere_style['stroke-width']); // mPDF 4.4.003
$path_style .= sprintf('%.3F w ',$lw*$this->kp);
if ($critere_style['stroke'] != 'none'){
if ($critere_style['stroke-linejoin'] == 'miter'){
$path_style .= ' 0 j ';
else if ($critere_style['stroke-linejoin'] == 'round'){
$path_style .= ' 1 j ';
else if ($critere_style['stroke-linejoin'] == 'bevel'){
$path_style .= ' 2 j ';
if ($critere_style['stroke-linecap'] == 'butt'){
$path_style .= ' 0 J ';
else if ($critere_style['stroke-linecap'] == 'round'){
$path_style .= ' 1 J ';
else if ($critere_style['stroke-linecap'] == 'square'){
$path_style .= ' 2 J ';
if (isset($critere_style['stroke-miterlimit'])){
if ($critere_style['stroke-miterlimit'] == 'none'){
else if (preg_match('/^[\d.]+$/',$critere_style['stroke-miterlimit'])) {
$path_style .= sprintf('%.2F M ',$critere_style['stroke-miterlimit']);
// mPDF 4.4.003
if (isset($critere_style['stroke-dasharray'])){
$off = 0;
$d = preg_split('/[ ,]/',$critere_style['stroke-dasharray']);
if (count($d) == 1 && $d[0]==0) {
$path_style .= '[] 0 d ';
else {
if (count($d) % 2 == 1) { $d = array_merge($d, $d); } // 5, 3, 1 => 5,3,1,5,3,1 OR 3 => 3,3
$arr = '';
for($i=0; $i<count($d); $i+=2) {
$arr .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F ', $d[$i]*$this->kp, $d[$i+1]*$this->kp);
if (isset($critere_style['stroke-dashoffset'])){ $off = $critere_style['stroke-dashoffset'] + 0; }
$path_style .= sprintf('[%s] %.3F d ', $arr, $off*$this->kp);
// mPDF 4.4.003
if ($critere_style['fill-rule']=='evenodd') { $fr = '*'; }
else { $fr = ''; }
// mPDF 4.4.003
if (isset($critere_style['fill-opacity'])) {
$opacity = 1;
if ($critere_style['fill-opacity'] == 0) { $opacity = 0; }
else if ($critere_style['fill-opacity'] > 1) { $opacity = 1; }
else if ($critere_style['fill-opacity'] > 0) { $opacity = $critere_style['fill-opacity']; }
else if ($critere_style['fill-opacity'] < 0) { $opacity = 0; }
$gs = $this->mpdf_ref->AddExtGState(array('ca'=>$opacity, 'BM'=>'/Normal'));
$this->mpdf_ref->extgstates[$gs]['fo'] = true; // mPDF 5.0.039
$path_style .= sprintf(' /GS%d gs ', $gs);
// mPDF 4.4.003
if (isset($critere_style['stroke-opacity'])) {
$opacity = 1;
if ($critere_style['stroke-opacity'] == 0) { $opacity = 0; }
else if ($critere_style['stroke-opacity'] > 1) { $opacity = 1; }
else if ($critere_style['stroke-opacity'] > 0) { $opacity = $critere_style['stroke-opacity']; }
else if ($critere_style['stroke-opacity'] < 0) { $opacity = 0; }
$gs = $this->mpdf_ref->AddExtGState(array('CA'=>$opacity, 'BM'=>'/Normal'));
$this->mpdf_ref->extgstates[$gs]['fo'] = true; // mPDF 5.0.039
$path_style .= sprintf(' /GS%d gs ', $gs);
switch ($style){
case 'F':
$op = 'f';
case 'FD':
$op = 'B';
case 'ND':
$op = 'S';
case 'D':
$op = 'S';
$op = 'n';
// mPDF 5.0
$prestyle = $path_style.' ';
$poststyle = $w.' '. $op.$fr.' '.$fill_gradient."\n";
return array($prestyle,$poststyle);
// fonction retracant les <path />
function svgPath($command, $arguments){
$path_cmd = '';
$newsubpath = false; // mPDF 4.4.003
// mPDF 5.0.039
$minl = $this->pathBBox[0];
$mint = $this->pathBBox[1];
$maxr = $this->pathBBox[2]+$this->pathBBox[0];
$maxb = $this->pathBBox[3]+$this->pathBBox[1];
// mPDF 5.0.040
$start = array($this->xbase, -$this->ybase);
// mPDF 4.4.003
preg_match_all('/[\-^]?[\d.]+(e[\-]?[\d]+){0,1}/i', $arguments, $a, PREG_SET_ORDER);
// if the command is a capital letter, the coords go absolute, otherwise relative
if(strtolower($command) == $command) $relative = true;
else $relative = false;
$ile_argumentow = count($a);
// each command may have different needs for arguments [1 to 8]
case 'm': // move
for($i = 0; $i<$ile_argumentow; $i+=2){
$x = $a[$i][0];
$y = $a[$i+1][0];
$pdfx = ($this->xbase + $x);
$pdfy = ($this->ybase - $y);
$this->xbase += $x;
$this->ybase += -$y;
$pdfx = $x;
$pdfy = -$y ;
$this->xbase = $x;
$this->ybase = -$y;
$pdf_pt = $this->svg_overflow($pdfx,$pdfy);
// mPDF 5.0.039
$minl = min($minl,$pdf_pt['x']);
$maxr = max($maxr,$pdf_pt['x']);
$mint = min($mint,-$pdf_pt['y']);
$maxb = max($maxb,-$pdf_pt['y']);
if($i == 0) $path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', $pdf_pt['x']*$this->kp, $pdf_pt['y']*$this->kp);
else $path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', $pdf_pt['x']*$this->kp, $pdf_pt['y']*$this->kp);
// mPDF 4.4.003 Save start points of subpath
if ($this->subPathInit) {
$this->spxstart = $this->xbase;
$this->spystart = $this->ybase;
$this->subPathInit = false;
case 'l': // a simple line
for($i = 0; $i<$ile_argumentow; $i+=2){
$x = ($a[$i][0]);
$y = ($a[$i+1][0]);
$pdfx = ($this->xbase + $x);
$pdfy = ($this->ybase - $y);
$this->xbase += $x;
$this->ybase += -$y;
$pdfx = $x ;
$pdfy = -$y ;
$this->xbase = $x;
$this->ybase = -$y;
$pdf_pt = $this->svg_overflow($pdfx,$pdfy);
// mPDF 5.0.039
$minl = min($minl,$pdf_pt['x']);
$maxr = max($maxr,$pdf_pt['x']);
$mint = min($mint,-$pdf_pt['y']);
$maxb = max($maxb,-$pdf_pt['y']);
$path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', $pdf_pt['x']*$this->kp, $pdf_pt['y']*$this->kp);
case 'h': // a very simple horizontal line
for($i = 0; $i<$ile_argumentow; $i++){
$x = ($a[$i][0]);
$y = 0;
$pdfx = ($this->xbase + $x) ;
$pdfy = ($this->ybase - $y) ;
$this->xbase += $x;
$this->ybase += -$y;
$y = -$this->ybase;
$pdfx = $x;
$pdfy = -$y;
$this->xbase = $x;
$this->ybase = -$y;
$pdf_pt = $this->svg_overflow($pdfx,$pdfy);
// mPDF 5.0.039
$minl = min($minl,$pdf_pt['x']);
$maxr = max($maxr,$pdf_pt['x']);
$mint = min($mint,-$pdf_pt['y']);
$maxb = max($maxb,-$pdf_pt['y']);
$path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', $pdf_pt['x']*$this->kp, $pdf_pt['y']*$this->kp);
case 'v': // the simplest line, vertical
for($i = 0; $i<$ile_argumentow; $i++){
$y = ($a[$i][0]);
$x = 0;
$pdfx = ($this->xbase + $x);
$pdfy = ($this->ybase - $y);
$this->xbase += $x;
$this->ybase += -$y;
$x = $this->xbase;
$pdfx = $x;
$pdfy = -$y;
$this->xbase = $x;
$this->ybase = -$y;
$pdf_pt = $this->svg_overflow($pdfx,$pdfy);
// mPDF 5.0.039
$minl = min($minl,$pdf_pt['x']);
$maxr = max($maxr,$pdf_pt['x']);
$mint = min($mint,-$pdf_pt['y']);
$maxb = max($maxb,-$pdf_pt['y']);
$path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', $pdf_pt['x']*$this->kp, $pdf_pt['y']*$this->kp);
case 's': // bezier with first vertex equal first control
// mPDF 4.4.003
if (!($this->lastcommand == 'C' || $this->lastcommand == 'c' || $this->lastcommand == 'S' || $this->lastcommand == 's')) {
$this->lastcontrolpoints = array(0,0);
for($i = 0; $i<$ile_argumentow; $i += 4){
$x1 = $this->lastcontrolpoints[0];
$y1 = $this->lastcontrolpoints[1];
$x2 = ($a[$i][0]);
$y2 = ($a[$i+1][0]);
$x = ($a[$i+2][0]);
$y = ($a[$i+3][0]);
$pdfx1 = ($this->xbase + $x1);
$pdfy1 = ($this->ybase - $y1);
$pdfx2 = ($this->xbase + $x2);
$pdfy2 = ($this->ybase - $y2);
$pdfx = ($this->xbase + $x);
$pdfy = ($this->ybase - $y);
$this->xbase += $x;
$this->ybase += -$y;
$pdfx1 = $this->xbase + $x1;
$pdfy1 = $this->ybase -$y1;
$pdfx2 = $x2;
$pdfy2 = -$y2;
$pdfx = $x;
$pdfy = -$y;
$this->xbase = $x;
$this->ybase = -$y;
$this->lastcontrolpoints = array(($pdfx-$pdfx2),-($pdfy-$pdfy2)); // mPDF 4.4.003 always relative
$pdf_pt = $this->svg_overflow($pdfx,$pdfy);
// mPDF 5.0.040
$curves = array($pdfx1,-$pdfy1,$pdfx2,-$pdfy2,$pdfx,-$pdfy);
$bx = calc_bezier_bbox($start, $curves);
$minl = min($minl,$bx[0]);
$maxr = max($maxr,$bx[2]);
$mint = min($mint,$bx[1]);
$maxb = max($maxb,$bx[3]);
if( ($pdf_pt['x'] != $pdfx) || ($pdf_pt['y'] != $pdfy) )
$path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', $pdf_pt['x']*$this->kp, $pdf_pt['y']*$this->kp);
$path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c ', $pdfx1*$this->kp, $pdfy1*$this->kp, $pdfx2*$this->kp, $pdfy2*$this->kp, $pdfx*$this->kp, $pdfy*$this->kp);
case 'c': // bezier with second vertex equal second control
for($i = 0; $i<$ile_argumentow; $i += 6){
$x1 = ($a[$i][0]);
$y1 = ($a[$i+1][0]);
$x2 = ($a[$i+2][0]);
$y2 = ($a[$i+3][0]);
$x = ($a[$i+4][0]);
$y = ($a[$i+5][0]);
$pdfx1 = ($this->xbase + $x1);
$pdfy1 = ($this->ybase - $y1);
$pdfx2 = ($this->xbase + $x2);
$pdfy2 = ($this->ybase - $y2);
$pdfx = ($this->xbase + $x);
$pdfy = ($this->ybase - $y);
$this->xbase += $x;
$this->ybase += -$y;
$pdfx1 = $x1;
$pdfy1 = -$y1;
$pdfx2 = $x2;
$pdfy2 = -$y2;
$pdfx = $x;
$pdfy = -$y;
$this->xbase = $x;
$this->ybase = -$y;
$this->lastcontrolpoints = array(($pdfx-$pdfx2),-($pdfy-$pdfy2)); // mPDF 4.4.003 always relative
// $pdf_pt2 = $this->svg_overflow($pdfx2,$pdfy2);
// $pdf_pt1 = $this->svg_overflow($pdfx1,$pdfy1);
$pdf_pt = $this->svg_overflow($pdfx,$pdfy);
// mPDF 5.0.040
$curves = array($pdfx1,-$pdfy1,$pdfx2,-$pdfy2,$pdfx,-$pdfy);
$bx = calc_bezier_bbox($start, $curves);
$minl = min($minl,$bx[0]);
$maxr = max($maxr,$bx[2]);
$mint = min($mint,$bx[1]);
$maxb = max($maxb,$bx[3]);
if( ($pdf_pt['x'] != $pdfx) || ($pdf_pt['y'] != $pdfy) )
$path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', $pdf_pt['x']*$this->kp, $pdf_pt['y']*$this->kp);
$path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c ', $pdfx1*$this->kp, $pdfy1*$this->kp, $pdfx2*$this->kp, $pdfy2*$this->kp, $pdfx*$this->kp, $pdfy*$this->kp);
case 'q': // bezier quadratic avec point de control
for($i = 0; $i<$ile_argumentow; $i += 4){
$x1 = ($a[$i][0]);
$y1 = ($a[$i+1][0]);
$x = ($a[$i+2][0]);
$y = ($a[$i+3][0]);
$pdfx = ($this->xbase + $x);
$pdfy = ($this->ybase - $y);
$pdfx1 = ($this->xbase + ($x1*2/3));
$pdfy1 = ($this->ybase - ($y1*2/3));
// mPDF 4.4.003
$pdfx2 = $pdfx1 + 1/3 *($x);
$pdfy2 = $pdfy1 + 1/3 *(-$y) ;
$this->xbase += $x;
$this->ybase += -$y;
$pdfx = $x;
$pdfy = -$y;
$pdfx1 = ($this->xbase+(($x1-$this->xbase)*2/3));
$pdfy1 = ($this->ybase-(($y1+$this->ybase)*2/3));
$pdfx2 = ($x+(($x1-$x)*2/3));
$pdfy2 = (-$y-(($y1-$y)*2/3));
// mPDF 4.4.003
$pdfx2 = $pdfx1 + 1/3 *($x - $this->xbase);
$pdfy2 = $pdfy1 + 1/3 *(-$y - $this->ybase) ;
$this->xbase = $x;
$this->ybase = -$y;
$this->lastcontrolpoints = array(($pdfx-$pdfx2),-($pdfy-$pdfy2)); // mPDF 4.4.003 always relative
$pdf_pt = $this->svg_overflow($pdfx,$pdfy);
// mPDF 5.0.040
$curves = array($pdfx1,-$pdfy1,$pdfx2,-$pdfy2,$pdfx,-$pdfy);
$bx = calc_bezier_bbox($start, $curves);
$minl = min($minl,$bx[0]);
$maxr = max($maxr,$bx[2]);
$mint = min($mint,$bx[1]);
$maxb = max($maxb,$bx[3]);
if( ($pdf_pt['x'] != $pdfx) || ($pdf_pt['y'] != $pdfy) )
$path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', $pdf_pt['x']*$this->kp, $pdf_pt['y']*$this->kp);
$path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c ', $pdfx1*$this->kp, $pdfy1*$this->kp, $pdfx2*$this->kp, $pdfy2*$this->kp, $pdfx*$this->kp, $pdfy*$this->kp);
case 't': // bezier quadratic avec point de control simetrique a lancien point de control
// mPDF 4.4.003
if (!($this->lastcommand == 'Q' || $this->lastcommand == 'q' || $this->lastcommand == 'T' || $this->lastcommand == 't')) {
$this->lastcontrolpoints = array(0,0);
for($i = 0; $i<$ile_argumentow; $i += 2){
$x = ($a[$i][0]);
$y = ($a[$i+1][0]);
$x1 = $this->lastcontrolpoints[0];
$y1 = $this->lastcontrolpoints[1];
$pdfx = ($this->xbase + $x);
$pdfy = ($this->ybase - $y);
$pdfx1 = ($this->xbase + ($x1)); // mPDF 4.4.003
$pdfy1 = ($this->ybase - ($y1)); // mPDF 4.4.003
// mPDF 4.4.003
$pdfx2 = $pdfx1 + 1/3 *($x);
$pdfy2 = $pdfy1 + 1/3 *(-$y) ;
$this->xbase += $x;
$this->ybase += -$y;
$pdfx = $x;
$pdfy = -$y;
$pdfx1 = ($this->xbase + ($x1)); // mPDF 4.4.003
$pdfy1 = ($this->ybase - ($y1)); // mPDF 4.4.003
// mPDF 4.4.003
$pdfx2 = $pdfx1 + 1/3 *($x - $this->xbase);
$pdfy2 = $pdfy1 + 1/3 *(-$y - $this->ybase) ;
$this->xbase = $x;
$this->ybase = -$y;
$this->lastcontrolpoints = array(($pdfx-$pdfx2),-($pdfy-$pdfy2)); // mPDF 4.4.003 always relative
// mPDF 5.0.040
$curves = array($pdfx1,-$pdfy1,$pdfx2,-$pdfy2,$pdfx,-$pdfy);
$bx = calc_bezier_bbox($start, $curves);
$minl = min($minl,$bx[0]);
$maxr = max($maxr,$bx[2]);
$mint = min($mint,$bx[1]);
$maxb = max($maxb,$bx[3]);
$path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c ', $pdfx1*$this->kp, $pdfy1*$this->kp, $pdfx2*$this->kp, $pdfy2*$this->kp, $pdfx*$this->kp, $pdfy*$this->kp);
case 'a': // Elliptical arc
for($i = 0; $i<$ile_argumentow; $i += 7){
$rx = ($a[$i][0]);
$ry = ($a[$i+1][0]);
$angle = ($a[$i+2][0]); //x-axis-rotation
$largeArcFlag = ($a[$i+3][0]);
$sweepFlag = ($a[$i+4][0]);
$x2 = ($a[$i+5][0]);
$y2 = ($a[$i+6][0]);
$x1 = $this->xbase;
$y1 = -$this->ybase;
$x2 = $this->xbase + $x2;
$y2 = -$this->ybase + $y2;
$this->xbase += ($a[$i+5][0]);
$this->ybase += -($a[$i+6][0]);
$this->xbase = $x2;
$this->ybase = -$y2;
// mPDF 5.0.039 // mPDF 5.0.040
list($pcmd, $bounds) = $this->Arcto($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $rx, $ry, $angle, $largeArcFlag, $sweepFlag);
$minl = min($minl,$x2,min($bounds[0]));
$maxr = max($maxr,$x2,max($bounds[0]));
$mint = min($mint,$y2,min($bounds[1]));
$maxb = max($maxb,$y2,max($bounds[1]));
$path_cmd .= $pcmd;
$path_cmd .= 'h ';
// mPDF 4.4.003
$this->subPathInit = true;
$newsubpath = true;
$this->xbase = $this->spxstart;
$this->ybase = $this->spystart;
if (!$newsubpath) { $this->subPathInit = false; } // mPDF 4.4.003
$this->lastcommand = $command;
// mPDF 5.0.039
$this->pathBBox[0] = $minl;
$this->pathBBox[1] = $mint;
$this->pathBBox[2] = $maxr - $this->pathBBox[0];
$this->pathBBox[3] = $maxb - $this->pathBBox[1];
return $path_cmd;
function Arcto($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $rx, $ry, $angle, $largeArcFlag, $sweepFlag) {
// mPDF 5.0.040
$bounds = array(0=>array($x1,$x2),1=>array($y1,$y2));
// 1. Treat out-of-range parameters as described in
// http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/implnote.html#ArcImplementationNotes
// If the endpoints (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are identical, then this
// is equivalent to omitting the elliptical arc segment entirely
if ($x1 == $x2 && $y1 == $y2) return array('', $bounds); // mPD 5.0.040
// If rX = 0 or rY = 0 then this arc is treated as a straight line
// segment (a "lineto") joining the endpoints.
if ($rx == 0.0 || $ry == 0.0) {
// return array(Lineto(x2, y2), $bounds); // mPD 5.0.040
// If rX or rY have negative signs, these are dropped; the absolute
// value is used instead.
if ($rx<0.0) $rx = -$rx;
if ($ry<0.0) $ry = -$ry;
// 2. convert to center parameterization as shown in
// http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/implnote.html
$sinPhi = sin(deg2rad($angle));
$cosPhi = cos(deg2rad($angle));
$x1dash = $cosPhi * ($x1-$x2)/2.0 + $sinPhi * ($y1-$y2)/2.0;
$y1dash = -$sinPhi * ($x1-$x2)/2.0 + $cosPhi * ($y1-$y2)/2.0;
$numerator = $rx*$rx*$ry*$ry - $rx*$rx*$y1dash*$y1dash - $ry*$ry*$x1dash*$x1dash;
if ($numerator < 0.0) {
// If rX , rY and are such that there is no solution (basically,
// the ellipse is not big enough to reach from (x1, y1) to (x2,
// y2)) then the ellipse is scaled up uniformly until there is
// exactly one solution (until the ellipse is just big enough).
// -> find factor s, such that numerator' with rx'=s*rx and
// ry'=s*ry becomes 0 :
$s = sqrt(1.0 - $numerator/($rx*$rx*$ry*$ry));
$rx *= $s;
$ry *= $s;
$root = 0.0;
else {
$root = ($largeArcFlag == $sweepFlag ? -1.0 : 1.0) * sqrt( $numerator/($rx*$rx*$y1dash*$y1dash+$ry*$ry*$x1dash*$x1dash) );
$cxdash = $root*$rx*$y1dash/$ry;
$cydash = -$root*$ry*$x1dash/$rx;
$cx = $cosPhi * $cxdash - $sinPhi * $cydash + ($x1+$x2)/2.0;
$cy = $sinPhi * $cxdash + $cosPhi * $cydash + ($y1+$y2)/2.0;
$theta1 = $this->CalcVectorAngle(1.0, 0.0, ($x1dash-$cxdash)/$rx, ($y1dash-$cydash)/$ry);
$dtheta = $this->CalcVectorAngle(($x1dash-$cxdash)/$rx, ($y1dash-$cydash)/$ry, (-$x1dash-$cxdash)/$rx, (-$y1dash-$cydash)/$ry);
if (!$sweepFlag && $dtheta>0)
$dtheta -= 2.0*M_PI;
else if ($sweepFlag && $dtheta<0)
$dtheta += 2.0*M_PI;
// 3. convert into cubic bezier segments <= 90deg
$segments = ceil(abs($dtheta/(M_PI/2.0)));
$delta = $dtheta/$segments;
$t = 8.0/3.0 * sin($delta/4.0) * sin($delta/4.0) / sin($delta/2.0);
$coords = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $segments; $i++) {
$cosTheta1 = cos($theta1);
$sinTheta1 = sin($theta1);
$theta2 = $theta1 + $delta;
$cosTheta2 = cos($theta2);
$sinTheta2 = sin($theta2);
// a) calculate endpoint of the segment:
$xe = $cosPhi * $rx*$cosTheta2 - $sinPhi * $ry*$sinTheta2 + $cx;
$ye = $sinPhi * $rx*$cosTheta2 + $cosPhi * $ry*$sinTheta2 + $cy;
// b) calculate gradients at start/end points of segment:
$dx1 = $t * ( - $cosPhi * $rx*$sinTheta1 - $sinPhi * $ry*$cosTheta1);
$dy1 = $t * ( - $sinPhi * $rx*$sinTheta1 + $cosPhi * $ry*$cosTheta1);
$dxe = $t * ( $cosPhi * $rx*$sinTheta2 + $sinPhi * $ry*$cosTheta2);
$dye = $t * ( $sinPhi * $rx*$sinTheta2 - $cosPhi * $ry*$cosTheta2);
// c) draw the cubic bezier:
$coords[$i] = array(($x1+$dx1), ($y1+$dy1), ($xe+$dxe), ($ye+$dye), $xe, $ye);
// do next segment
$theta1 = $theta2;
$x1 = $xe;
$y1 = $ye;
$path = ' ';
foreach($coords AS $c) {
$cpx1 = $c[0];
$cpy1 = $c[1];
$cpx2 = $c[2];
$cpy2 = $c[3];
$x2 = $c[4];
$y2 = $c[5];
$path .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c ', $cpx1*$this->kp, -$cpy1*$this->kp, $cpx2*$this->kp, -$cpy2*$this->kp, $x2*$this->kp, -$y2*$this->kp) ."\n";
// mPDF 5.0.040
$bounds[0][] = $c[4];
$bounds[1][] = $c[5];
return array($path, $bounds); // mPD 5.0.040
function CalcVectorAngle($ux, $uy, $vx, $vy) {
$ta = atan2($uy, $ux);
$tb = atan2($vy, $vx);
if ($tb >= $ta)
return ($tb-$ta);
return (6.28318530718 - ($ta-$tb));
// mPDF 4.4.003
function ConvertSVGSizePixels($size=5,$maxsize='x'){
// maxsize in pixels (user units) or 'y' or 'x'
// e.g. $w = $this->ConvertSVGSizePixels($arguments['w'],$this->svg_info['w']*(25.4/$this->mpdf_ref->dpi));
// usefontsize - setfalse for e.g. margins - will ignore fontsize for % values
// Depends of maxsize value to make % work properly. Usually maxsize == pagewidth
// For text $maxsize = Fontsize
// Setting e.g. margin % will use maxsize (pagewidth) and em will use fontsize
if ($maxsize == 'y') { $maxsize = $this->svg_info['h']; }
else if ($maxsize == 'x') { $maxsize = $this->svg_info['w']; }
$maxsize *= (25.4/$this->mpdf_ref->dpi); // convert pixels to mm
//Return as pixels
$size = $this->mpdf_ref->ConvertSize($size,$maxsize,$fontsize,false) * 1/(25.4/$this->mpdf_ref->dpi);
return $size;
// mPDF 4.4.003
function ConvertSVGSizePts($size=5){
// usefontsize - setfalse for e.g. margins - will ignore fontsize for % values
// Depends of maxsize value to make % work properly. Usually maxsize == pagewidth
// For text $maxsize = Fontsize
// Setting e.g. margin % will use maxsize (pagewidth) and em will use fontsize
//Return as pts
$size = $this->mpdf_ref->ConvertSize($size,$maxsize,false,true) * 72/25.4;
return $size;
// fonction retracant les <rect />
function svgRect($arguments){
if ($arguments['h']==0 || $arguments['w']==0) { return ''; } // mPDF 4.4.003
$x = $this->ConvertSVGSizePixels($arguments['x'],'x'); // mPDF 4.4.003
$y = $this->ConvertSVGSizePixels($arguments['y'],'y'); // mPDF 4.4.003
$h = $this->ConvertSVGSizePixels($arguments['h'],'y'); // mPDF 4.4.003
$w = $this->ConvertSVGSizePixels($arguments['w'],'x'); // mPDF 4.4.003
$rx = $this->ConvertSVGSizePixels($arguments['rx'],'x'); // mPDF 4.4.003
$ry = $this->ConvertSVGSizePixels($arguments['ry'],'y'); // mPDF 4.4.003
if ($rx > $w/2) { $rx = $w/2; } // mPDF 4.4.003
if ($ry > $h/2) { $ry = $h/2; } // mPDF 4.4.003
if ($rx>0 and $ry == 0){$ry = $rx;}
if ($ry>0 and $rx == 0){$rx = $ry;}
if ($rx == 0 and $ry == 0){
// trace un rectangle sans angle arrondit
$path_cmd = sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($x*$this->kp), -($y*$this->kp));
$path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', (($x+$w)*$this->kp), -($y*$this->kp));
$path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', (($x+$w)*$this->kp), -(($y+$h)*$this->kp));
$path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x)*$this->kp, -(($y+$h)*$this->kp));
$path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l h ', ($x*$this->kp), -($y*$this->kp));
else {
// trace un rectangle avec les arrondit
// les points de controle du bezier sont deduis grace a la constante kappa
$kappa = 4*(sqrt(2)-1)/3;
$kx = $kappa*$rx;
$ky = $kappa*$ry;
$path_cmd = sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($x+$rx)*$this->kp, -$y*$this->kp);
$path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x+($w-$rx))*$this->kp, -$y*$this->kp);
$path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c ', ($x+($w-$rx+$kx))*$this->kp, -$y*$this->kp, ($x+$w)*$this->kp, (-$y+(-$ry+$ky))*$this->kp, ($x+$w)*$this->kp, (-$y+(-$ry))*$this->kp );
$path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x+$w)*$this->kp, (-$y+(-$h+$ry))*$this->kp);
$path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c ', ($x+$w)*$this->kp, (-$y+(-$h-$ky+$ry))*$this->kp, ($x+($w-$rx+$kx))*$this->kp, (-$y+(-$h))*$this->kp, ($x+($w-$rx))*$this->kp, (-$y+(-$h))*$this->kp );
$path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x+$rx)*$this->kp, (-$y+(-$h))*$this->kp);
$path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c ', ($x+($rx-$kx))*$this->kp, (-$y+(-$h))*$this->kp, $x*$this->kp, (-$y+(-$h-$ky+$ry))*$this->kp, $x*$this->kp, (-$y+(-$h+$ry))*$this->kp );
$path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', $x*$this->kp, (-$y+(-$ry))*$this->kp);
$path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c h ', $x*$this->kp, (-$y+(-$ry+$ky))*$this->kp, ($x+($rx-$kx))*$this->kp, -$y*$this->kp, ($x+$rx)*$this->kp, -$y*$this->kp );
return $path_cmd;
// fonction retracant les <ellipse /> et <circle />
// le cercle est tracé grave a 4 bezier cubic, les poitn de controles
// sont deduis grace a la constante kappa * rayon
function svgEllipse($arguments){
if ($arguments['rx']==0 || $arguments['ry']==0) { return ''; } // mPDF 4.4.003
$kappa = 4*(sqrt(2)-1)/3;
$cx = $this->ConvertSVGSizePixels($arguments['cx'],'x'); // mPDF 4.4.003
$cy = $this->ConvertSVGSizePixels($arguments['cy'],'y'); // mPDF 4.4.003
$rx = $this->ConvertSVGSizePixels($arguments['rx'],'x'); // mPDF 4.4.003
$ry = $this->ConvertSVGSizePixels($arguments['ry'],'y'); // mPDF 4.4.003
$x1 = $cx;
$y1 = -$cy+$ry;
$x2 = $cx+$rx;
$y2 = -$cy;
$x3 = $cx;
$y3 = -$cy-$ry;
$x4 = $cx-$rx;
$y4 = -$cy;
$path_cmd = sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', $x1*$this->kp, $y1*$this->kp);
$path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c ', ($x1+($rx*$kappa))*$this->kp, $y1*$this->kp, $x2*$this->kp, ($y2+($ry*$kappa))*$this->kp, $x2*$this->kp, $y2*$this->kp);
$path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c ', $x2*$this->kp, ($y2-($ry*$kappa))*$this->kp, ($x3+($rx*$kappa))*$this->kp, $y3*$this->kp, $x3*$this->kp, $y3*$this->kp);
$path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c ', ($x3-($rx*$kappa))*$this->kp, $y3*$this->kp, $x4*$this->kp, ($y4-($ry*$kappa))*$this->kp, $x4*$this->kp, $y4*$this->kp);
$path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c ', $x4*$this->kp, ($y4+($ry*$kappa))*$this->kp, ($x1-($rx*$kappa))*$this->kp, $y1*$this->kp, $x1*$this->kp, $y1*$this->kp);
$path_cmd .= 'h ';
return $path_cmd;
// fonction retracant les <polyline /> et les <line />
function svgPolyline($arguments,$ispolyline=true){
if ($ispolyline) {
$xbase = $arguments[0] ;
$ybase = - $arguments[1] ;
else {
if ($arguments[0]==$arguments[2] && $arguments[1]==$arguments[3]) { return ''; } // mPDF 4.4.003 Zero length line
$xbase = $this->ConvertSVGSizePixels($arguments[0],'x'); // mPDF 4.4.003
$ybase = - $this->ConvertSVGSizePixels($arguments[1],'y'); // mPDF 4.4.003
$path_cmd = sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', $xbase*$this->kp, $ybase*$this->kp);
for ($i = 2; $i<count($arguments);$i += 2) {
if ($ispolyline) {
$tmp_x = $arguments[$i] ;
$tmp_y = - $arguments[($i+1)] ;
else {
$tmp_x = $this->ConvertSVGSizePixels($arguments[$i],'x') ; // mPDF 4.4.003
$tmp_y = - $this->ConvertSVGSizePixels($arguments[($i+1)],'y') ; // mPDF 4.4.003
$path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', $tmp_x*$this->kp, $tmp_y*$this->kp);
// $path_cmd .= 'h '; // ?? In error - don't close subpath here
return $path_cmd;
// fonction retracant les <polygone />
function svgPolygon($arguments){
$xbase = $arguments[0] ;
$ybase = - $arguments[1] ;
$path_cmd = sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', $xbase*$this->kp, $ybase*$this->kp);
for ($i = 2; $i<count($arguments);$i += 2) {
$tmp_x = $arguments[$i] ;
$tmp_y = - $arguments[($i+1)] ;
$path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', $tmp_x*$this->kp, $tmp_y*$this->kp);
$path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', $xbase*$this->kp, $ybase*$this->kp);
$path_cmd .= 'h ';
return $path_cmd;
// write string to image
function svgText() {
// $tmp = count($this->txt_style)-1;
$current_style = array_pop($this->txt_style);
$style = '';
$render = -1;
// select font
$style .= ($current_style['font-weight'] == 'bold')?'B':'';
$style .= ($current_style['font-style'] == 'italic')?'I':'';
$size = $current_style['font-size']*$this->kf; // mPDF 5.0.039
// mPDF 5.0
$current_style['font-family'] = $this->mpdf_ref->SetFont($current_style['font-family'],$style,$size,false);
$this->mpdf_ref->CurrentFont['fo'] = true; // mPDF 5.0.039
// mPDF 5.0.041
$opacitystr = '';
$opacity = 1;
if (isset($current_style['fill-opacity'])) {
if ($current_style['fill-opacity'] == 0) { $opacity = 0; }
else if ($current_style['fill-opacity'] > 1) { $opacity = 1; }
else if ($current_style['fill-opacity'] > 0) { $opacity = $current_style['fill-opacity']; }
else if ($current_style['fill-opacity'] < 0) { $opacity = 0; }
$gs = $this->mpdf_ref->AddExtGState(array('ca'=>$opacity, 'BM'=>'/Normal'));
$this->mpdf_ref->extgstates[$gs]['fo'] = true; // mPDF 5.0.039
$opacitystr = sprintf(' /GS%d gs ', $gs);
// mPDF 5.0.051
$fillstr = '';
if (isset($current_style['fill']) && $current_style['fill']!='none') {
$col = $this->mpdf_ref->ConvertColor($current_style['fill']);
// mPDF 5.0.051
$fillstr = $this->mpdf_ref->SetFColor($col, true);
$render = "0"; // Fill (only)
$strokestr = '';
if (isset($current_style['stroke-width']) && $current_style['stroke-width']>0 && $current_style['stroke']!='none') {
$scol = $this->mpdf_ref->ConvertColor($current_style['stroke']);
if ($scol) {
$strokestr .= $this->mpdf_ref->SetDColor($scol, true).' '; // mPDF 5.0.051
$linewidth = $this->ConvertSVGSizePixels($current_style['stroke-width']);
if ($linewidth > 0) {
$strokestr .= sprintf('%.3F w 1 J 1 j ',$linewidth*$this->kp);
if ($render == -1) { $render = "1"; } // stroke only
else { $render = "2"; } // fill and stroke
if ($render == -1) { return ''; }
$x = $this->ConvertSVGSizePixels($this->txt_data[0],'x'); // mPDF 4.4.003
$y = $this->ConvertSVGSizePixels($this->txt_data[1],'y'); // mPDF 4.4.003
$txt = $this->txt_data[2];
// mPDF 4.4.003
$txt = preg_replace('/\f/','',$txt);
$txt = preg_replace('/\r/','',$txt);
$txt = preg_replace('/\n/',' ',$txt);
$txt = preg_replace('/\t/',' ',$txt);
$txt = preg_replace("/[ ]+/u",' ',$txt);
$txt = trim($txt);
$txt = $this->mpdf_ref->purify_utf8_text($txt);
if ($this->mpdf_ref->text_input_as_HTML) {
$txt = $this->mpdf_ref->all_entities_to_utf8($txt);
// mPDF 5.0
if ($this->mpdf_ref->usingCoreFont) { $txt = mb_convert_encoding($txt,$this->mpdf_ref->mb_enc,'UTF-8'); }
if (preg_match("/([".$this->mpdf_ref->pregRTLchars."])/u", $txt)) { $this->mpdf_ref->biDirectional = true; } // mPDF 4.4.003
$this->mpdf_ref->magic_reverse_dir($txt, true, 'ltr'); // mPDF 5.0.054
if ($current_style['text-anchor']=='middle') {
$tw = $this->mpdf_ref->GetStringWidth($txt)*_MPDFK/2; // mPDF 4.4.003 // mPDF 5.4.09
else if ($current_style['text-anchor']=='end') {
$tw = $this->mpdf_ref->GetStringWidth($txt)*_MPDFK; // mPDF 4.4.003 // mPDF 5.4.09
else $tw = 0;
if (!$this->mpdf_ref->usingCoreFont) {
$this->mpdf_ref->UTF8StringToArray($txt); // mPDF 5.0 adds chars to subset list
$txt= $this->mpdf_ref->UTF8ToUTF16BE($txt, false);
$this->mpdf_ref->CurrentFont['used']= true;
$pdfx = $x - $tw/$this->kp; // mPDF 4.4.009
$pdfy = -$y ;
$xbase = $x;
$ybase = -$y;
// mPDF 5.0.041
// mPDF 5.0.051
$path_cmd = sprintf('q BT /F%d %s %.3F Tf %.3F %.3F Td %s Tr %s %s %s Tj ET Q ',$this->mpdf_ref->CurrentFont['i'],$opacitystr, $this->mpdf_ref->FontSizePt,$pdfx*$this->kp,$pdfy*$this->kp,$render,$fillstr,$strokestr,$txt)."\n";
unset($this->txt_data[0], $this->txt_data[1],$this->txt_data[2]);
// mPDF 5.4.12
if (isset($current_style['font-size-parent'])) {
return ' ';
// $path_cmd .= 'h '; // mPDF 5.0
return $path_cmd;
function svgDefineTxtStyle($critere_style)
// get copy of current/default txt style, and modify it with supplied attributes
$tmp = count($this->txt_style)-1;
$current_style = $this->txt_style[$tmp];
if (isset($critere_style['style'])){
if (preg_match('/fill:\s*rgb\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)/',$critere_style['style'], $m)) {
$current_style['fill'] = '#'.str_pad(dechex($m[1]), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(dechex($m[2]), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(dechex($m[3]), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
else { $tmp = preg_replace("/(.*)fill:\s*([a-z0-9#_()]*|none)(.*)/i","$2",$critere_style['style']);
if ($tmp != $critere_style['style']){ $current_style['fill'] = $tmp; }
$tmp = preg_replace("/(.*)fill-opacity:\s*([a-z0-9.]*|none)(.*)/i","$2",$critere_style['style']);
if ($tmp != $critere_style['style']){ $current_style['fill-opacity'] = $tmp;}
$tmp = preg_replace("/(.*)fill-rule:\s*([a-z0-9#]*|none)(.*)/i","$2",$critere_style['style']);
if ($tmp != $critere_style['style']){ $current_style['fill-rule'] = $tmp;}
if (preg_match('/stroke:\s*rgb\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)/',$critere_style['style'], $m)) {
$current_style['stroke'] = '#'.str_pad(dechex($m[1]), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(dechex($m[2]), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(dechex($m[3]), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
else { $tmp = preg_replace("/(.*)stroke:\s*([a-z0-9#]*|none)(.*)/i","$2",$critere_style['style']);
if ($tmp != $critere_style['style']){ $current_style['stroke'] = $tmp; }
$tmp = preg_replace("/(.*)stroke-linecap:\s*([a-z0-9#]*|none)(.*)/i","$2",$critere_style['style']);
if ($tmp != $critere_style['style']){ $current_style['stroke-linecap'] = $tmp;}
$tmp = preg_replace("/(.*)stroke-linejoin:\s*([a-z0-9#]*|none)(.*)/i","$2",$critere_style['style']);
if ($tmp != $critere_style['style']){ $current_style['stroke-linejoin'] = $tmp;}
$tmp = preg_replace("/(.*)stroke-miterlimit:\s*([a-z0-9#]*|none)(.*)/i","$2",$critere_style['style']);
if ($tmp != $critere_style['style']){ $current_style['stroke-miterlimit'] = $tmp;}
$tmp = preg_replace("/(.*)stroke-opacity:\s*([a-z0-9.]*|none)(.*)/i","$2",$critere_style['style']);
if ($tmp != $critere_style['style']){ $current_style['stroke-opacity'] = $tmp; }
$tmp = preg_replace("/(.*)stroke-width:\s*([a-z0-9.]*|none)(.*)/i","$2",$critere_style['style']);
if ($tmp != $critere_style['style']){ $current_style['stroke-width'] = $tmp;}
$tmp = preg_replace("/(.*)stroke-dasharray:\s*([a-z0-9., ]*|none)(.*)/i","$2",$critere_style['style']);
if ($tmp != $critere_style['style']){ $current_style['stroke-dasharray'] = $tmp;}
$tmp = preg_replace("/(.*)stroke-dashoffset:\s*([a-z0-9.]*|none)(.*)/i","$2",$critere_style['style']);
if ($tmp != $critere_style['style']){ $current_style['stroke-dashoffset'] = $tmp;}
// mPDF 5.0.039
$tmp = preg_replace("/(.*)font-family:\s*([a-z0-9.]*|none)(.*)/i","$2",$critere_style['style']);
if ($tmp != $critere_style['style']){ $critere_style['font-family'] = $tmp;}
$tmp = preg_replace("/(.*)font-size:\s*([a-z0-9.]*|none)(.*)/i","$2",$critere_style['style']);
if ($tmp != $critere_style['style']){ $critere_style['font-size'] = $tmp;}
$tmp = preg_replace("/(.*)font-weight:\s*([a-z0-9.]*|none)(.*)/i","$2",$critere_style['style']);
if ($tmp != $critere_style['style']){ $critere_style['font-weight'] = $tmp;}
$tmp = preg_replace("/(.*)font-style:\s*([a-z0-9.]*|none)(.*)/i","$2",$critere_style['style']);
if ($tmp != $critere_style['style']){ $critere_style['font-style'] = $tmp;}
if (isset($critere_style['font'])){
// [ [ <'font-style'> || <'font-variant'> || <'font-weight'> ]?<'font-size'> [ / <'line-height'> ]? <'font-family'> ]
$tmp = preg_replace("/(.*)(italic|oblique)(.*)/i","$2",$critere_style['font']);
if ($tmp != $critere_style['font']){
if($tmp == 'oblique'){
$tmp = 'italic';
$current_style['font-style'] = $tmp;
$tmp = preg_replace("/(.*)(bold|bolder)(.*)/i","$2",$critere_style['font']);
if ($tmp != $critere_style['font']){
if($tmp == 'bolder'){
$tmp = 'bold';
$current_style['font-weight'] = $tmp;
// select digits not followed by percent sign nor preceeded by forward slash
$tmp = preg_replace("/(.*)\b(\d+)[\b|\/](.*)/i","$2",$critere_style['font']);
if ($tmp != $critere_style['font']){
$current_style['font-size'] = $this->ConvertSVGSizePts($tmp);
$current_style['fill'] = $critere_style['fill'];
$current_style['stroke'] = $critere_style['stroke'];
$current_style['stroke-width'] = $critere_style['stroke-width'];
if(strtolower($critere_style['font-style']) == 'oblique')
$critere_style['font-style'] = 'italic';
$current_style['font-style'] = $critere_style['font-style'];
if(strtolower($critere_style['font-weight']) == 'bolder')
$critere_style['font-weight'] = 'bold';
$current_style['font-weight'] = $critere_style['font-weight'];
// mPDF 5.4.12
if (strpos($critere_style['font-size'], '%')!==false) {
$current_style['font-size-parent'] = $current_style['font-size'];
$current_style['font-size'] = $this->ConvertSVGSizePts($critere_style['font-size']);
$v = $critere_style['font-family'];
$aux_fontlist = explode(",",$v);
$found = 0;
foreach($aux_fontlist AS $f) {
$fonttype = trim($f);
$fonttype = preg_replace('/["\']*(.*?)["\']*/','\\1',$fonttype);
$fonttype = preg_replace('/ /','',$fonttype);
$v = strtolower(trim($fonttype));
if (isset($this->mpdf_ref->fonttrans[$v]) && $this->mpdf_ref->fonttrans[$v]) { $v = $this->mpdf_ref->fonttrans[$v]; }
if ((!$this->mpdf_ref->usingCoreFont && in_array($v,$this->mpdf_ref->available_unifonts)) ||
($this->mpdf_ref->usingCoreFont && in_array($v,array('courier','times','helvetica','arial'))) ||
in_array($v, array('sjis','uhc','big5','gb'))) {
$current_style['font-family'] = $v;
$found = 1;
if (!$found) {
foreach($aux_fontlist AS $f) {
$fonttype = trim($f);
$fonttype = preg_replace('/["\']*(.*?)["\']*/','\\1',$fonttype);
$fonttype = preg_replace('/ /','',$fonttype);
$v = strtolower(trim($fonttype));
if (isset($this->mpdf_ref->fonttrans[$v]) && $this->mpdf_ref->fonttrans[$v]) { $v = $this->mpdf_ref->fonttrans[$v]; }
if (in_array($v,$this->mpdf_ref->sans_fonts) || in_array($v,$this->mpdf_ref->serif_fonts) || in_array($v,$this->mpdf_ref->mono_fonts) ) {
$current_style['font-family'] = $v;
$current_style['text-anchor'] = $critere_style['text-anchor'];
// add current style to text style array (will remove it later after writing text to svg_string)
// fonction ajoutant un gradient
function svgAddGradient($id,$array_gradient){
$this->svg_gradient[$id] = $array_gradient;
// Ajoute une couleur dans le gradient correspondant
// function ecrivant dans le svgstring
function svgWriteString($content){
$this->svg_string .= $content;
// analise le svg et renvoie aux fonctions precedente our le traitement
function ImageSVG($data){
$this->svg_info = array();
// mPDF 4.4.006
if (preg_match('/<!ENTITY/si',$data)) {
// Get User-defined entities
preg_match_all('/<!ENTITY\s+([a-z]+)\s+\"(.*?)\">/si',$data, $ent);
// Replace entities
for ($i=0; $i<count($ent[0]); $i++) {
$data = preg_replace('/&'.preg_quote($ent[1][$i],'/').';/is', $ent[2][$i], $data);
// mPDF 4.4.003
if (preg_match('/xlink:href=/si',$data)) {
// Get links
preg_match_all('/(<(linearGradient|radialgradient)[^>]*)xlink:href=["\']#(.*?)["\'](.*?)\/>/si',$data, $links);
if (count($links[0])) { $links[5] = array(); } // mPDF 4.5.010
// Delete links from data - keeping in $links
for ($i=0; $i<count($links[0]); $i++) {
$links[5][$i] = 'tmpLink'.RAND(100000,9999999); // mPDF 4.5.010
$data = preg_replace('/'.preg_quote($links[0][$i],'/').'/is', '<MYLINKS'.$links[5][$i].'>' , $data); // mPDF 4.5.010
// Get targets
preg_match_all('/<(linearGradient|radialgradient)([^>]*)id=["\'](.*?)["\'](.*?)>(.*?)<\/(linearGradient|radialgradient)>/si',$data, $m);
$targets = array();
$stops = array();
// keeping in $targets
for ($i=0; $i<count($m[0]); $i++) {
$stops[$m[3][$i]] = $m[5][$i];
// Add back links this time as targets (gradients)
for ($i=0; $i<count($links[0]); $i++) {
$def = $links[1][$i] .' '.$links[4][$i].'>'. $stops[$links[3][$i]].'</'.$links[2][$i] .'>' ; // mPDF 4.5.010
$data = preg_replace('/<MYLINKS'.$links[5][$i].'>/is', $def , $data); // mPDF 4.5.010
// mPDF 4.4.003 - Removes <pattern>
$data = preg_replace('/<pattern.*?<\/pattern>/is', '', $data);
// mPDF 4.4.003 - Removes <marker>
$data = preg_replace('/<marker.*?<\/marker>/is', '', $data);
$this->svg_info['data'] = $data;
$this->svg_string = '';
// chargement unique des fonctions
if(!function_exists("xml_svg2pdf_start")){ // mPDF 5.3.76
function xml_svg2pdf_start($parser, $name, $attribs){
// definition
global $svg_class, $last_gradid;
// mPDF 4.4.003
$svg_class->xbase = 0;
$svg_class->ybase = 0;
switch (strtolower($name)){
// mPDF 5.0.039 - Don't output stuff inside <defs>
case 'defs':
$svg_class->inDefs = true;
case 'svg':
case 'path':
$path = $attribs['d'];
// mPDF 5.6.65
preg_match_all('/([MZLHVCSQTAmzlhvcsqta])([eE ,\-.\d]+)*/', $path, $commands, PREG_SET_ORDER);
$path_cmd = '';
$svg_class->subPathInit = true;
// mPDF 5.0.039
$svg_class->pathBBox = array(999999,999999,-999999,-999999);
foreach($commands as $c){
if(count($c)==3 || $c[2]==''){
list($tmp, $command, $arguments) = $c;
list($tmp, $command) = $c;
$arguments = '';
$path_cmd .= $svg_class->svgPath($command, $arguments);
// mPDF 5.0.039
if ($svg_class->pathBBox[2]==-1999998) { $svg_class->pathBBox[2] = 100; }
if ($svg_class->pathBBox[3]==-1999998) { $svg_class->pathBBox[3] = 100; }
if ($svg_class->pathBBox[0]==999999) { $svg_class->pathBBox[0] = 0; }
if ($svg_class->pathBBox[1]==999999) { $svg_class->pathBBox[1] = 0; }
$critere_style = $attribs;
$path_style = $svg_class->svgDefineStyle($critere_style);
case 'rect':
if (!isset($attribs['x'])) {$attribs['x'] = 0;}
if (!isset($attribs['y'])) {$attribs['y'] = 0;}
if (!isset($attribs['rx'])) {$attribs['rx'] = 0;}
if (!isset($attribs['ry'])) {$attribs['ry'] = 0;}
$arguments = array(
'x' => $attribs['x'],
'y' => $attribs['y'],
'w' => $attribs['width'],
'h' => $attribs['height'],
'rx' => $attribs['rx'],
'ry' => $attribs['ry']
$path_cmd = $svg_class->svgRect($arguments);
$critere_style = $attribs;
$path_style = $svg_class->svgDefineStyle($critere_style);
case 'circle':
if (!isset($attribs['cx'])) {$attribs['cx'] = 0;}
if (!isset($attribs['cy'])) {$attribs['cy'] = 0;}
$arguments = array(
'cx' => $attribs['cx'],
'cy' => $attribs['cy'],
'rx' => $attribs['r'],
'ry' => $attribs['r']
$path_cmd = $svg_class->svgEllipse($arguments);
$critere_style = $attribs;
$path_style = $svg_class->svgDefineStyle($critere_style);
case 'ellipse':
if (!isset($attribs['cx'])) {$attribs['cx'] = 0;}
if (!isset($attribs['cy'])) {$attribs['cy'] = 0;}
$arguments = array(
'cx' => $attribs['cx'],
'cy' => $attribs['cy'],
'rx' => $attribs['rx'],
'ry' => $attribs['ry']
$path_cmd = $svg_class->svgEllipse($arguments);
$critere_style = $attribs;
$path_style = $svg_class->svgDefineStyle($critere_style);
case 'line':
$arguments = array($attribs['x1'],$attribs['y1'],$attribs['x2'],$attribs['y2']);
$path_cmd = $svg_class->svgPolyline($arguments,false); // mPDF 4.4.003
$critere_style = $attribs;
$path_style = $svg_class->svgDefineStyle($critere_style);
case 'polyline':
$path = $attribs['points'];
preg_match_all('/[0-9\-\.]*/',$path, $tmp, PREG_SET_ORDER);
$arguments = array();
for ($i=0;$i<count($tmp);$i++){
if ($tmp[$i][0] !=''){
array_push($arguments, $tmp[$i][0]);
$path_cmd = $svg_class->svgPolyline($arguments);
$critere_style = $attribs;
$path_style = $svg_class->svgDefineStyle($critere_style);
case 'polygon':
$path = $attribs['points'];
preg_match_all('/([\-]*[0-9\.]+)/',$path, $tmp);
$arguments = array();
for ($i=0;$i<count($tmp[0]);$i++){
if ($tmp[0][$i] !=''){
array_push($arguments, $tmp[0][$i]);
$path_cmd = $svg_class->svgPolygon($arguments);
// definition du style de la forme:
$critere_style = $attribs;
$path_style = $svg_class->svgDefineStyle($critere_style);
case 'lineargradient':
$tmp_gradient = array(
'type' => 'linear',
'info' => array(
'x1' => $attribs['x1'],
'y1' => $attribs['y1'],
'x2' => $attribs['x2'],
'y2' => $attribs['y2']
'transform' => $attribs['gradientTransform'],
'units' => $attribs['gradientUnits'], /* mPDF 4.4.003 */
'spread' => $attribs['spreadMethod'], /* mPDF 5.0.040 */
'color' => array()
$last_gradid = $attribs['id'];
case 'radialgradient':
$tmp_gradient = array(
'type' => 'radial',
'info' => array(
'x0' => $attribs['cx'],
'y0' => $attribs['cy'],
'x1' => $attribs['fx'],
'y1' => $attribs['fy'],
'r' => $attribs['r']
'transform' => $attribs['gradientTransform'],
'units' => $attribs['gradientUnits'], /* mPDF 4.4.003 */
'spread' => $attribs['spreadMethod'], /* mPDF 5.0.040 */
'color' => array()
$last_gradid = $attribs['id'];
case 'stop':
if (!$last_gradid) break;
// mPDF 4.4.003 // mPDF 5.0.040
if (isset($attribs['style']) AND preg_match('/stop-color:\s*([^;]*)/i',$attribs['style'],$m)) {
$color = trim($m[1]);
} else if (isset($attribs['stop-color'])) {
$color = $attribs['stop-color'];
$col = $svg_class->mpdf_ref->ConvertColor($color);
// mPDF 5.0.051
// mPDF 5.3.74
if ($col{0}==3 || $col{0}==5) { // RGB
$color_final = sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F',ord($col{1})/255,ord($col{2})/255,ord($col{3})/255);
else if ($col{0}==4 || $col{0}==6) { // CMYK
$color_final = sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F',ord($col{1})/100,ord($col{2})/100,ord($col{3})/100,ord($col{4})/100);
else if ($col{0}==1) { // Grayscale
$color_final = sprintf('%.3F',ord($col{1})/255);
// mPDF 5.0.020
$stop_opacity = 1;
// mPDF 4.4.003
if (isset($attribs['style']) AND preg_match('/stop-opacity:\s*([0-9.]*)/i',$attribs['style'],$m)) {
$stop_opacity = $m[1];
} else if (isset($attribs['stop-opacity'])) {
$stop_opacity = $attribs['stop-opacity'];
// mPDF 5.0.051
// mPDF 5.3.74
else if ($col{0}==5) { // RGBa
$stop_opacity = ord($col{4}/100);
else if ($col{0}==6) { // CMYKa
$stop_opacity = ord($col{5}/100);
$tmp_color = array(
'color' => $color_final,
'offset' => $attribs['offset'],
'opacity' => $stop_opacity
case 'a':
if (isset($attribs['xlink:href'])) {
unset($attribs['xlink:href']); // this should be a hyperlink
// not handled like a xlink:href in other elements
} // then continue like a <g>
case 'g':
$array_style = $svg_class->svgDefineStyle($attribs);
if ($array_style['transformations']) {
$svg_class->svgWriteString(' q '.$array_style['transformations']);
$svg_class->svgDefineTxtStyle($attribs); // mPDF 4.4.003
case 'text':
// mPDF 4.4.003
$array_style = $svg_class->svgDefineStyle($attribs);
if ($array_style['transformations']) {
$svg_class->svgWriteString(' q '.$array_style['transformations']);
$svg_class->txt_data = array();
$svg_class->txt_data[0] = $attribs['x'];
$svg_class->txt_data[1] = $attribs['y'];
$critere_style = $attribs;
unset($critere_style['x'], $critere_style['y']);
//insertion des path et du style dans le flux de donné general.
if (isset($path_cmd) && $path_cmd) { // mPDF 4.4.003
// mPDF 5.0
list($prestyle,$poststyle) = $svg_class->svgStyle($path_style, $attribs, strtolower($name));
if ($path_style['transformations']) { // transformation on an element
$svg_class->svgWriteString(" q ".$path_style['transformations']. " $prestyle $path_cmd $poststyle" . " Q\n");
else {
$svg_class->svgWriteString("$prestyle $path_cmd $poststyle\n");
function characterData($parser, $data)
global $svg_class;
if(isset($svg_class->txt_data[2])) {
$svg_class->txt_data[2] .= $data;
else {
$svg_class->txt_data[2] = $data;
function xml_svg2pdf_end($parser, $name){
global $svg_class;
case "g":
case "a":
$tmp = count($svg_class->svg_style)-1;
$current_style = $svg_class->svg_style[$tmp];
if ($current_style['transformations']) {
$svg_class->svgWriteString(" Q\n");
array_pop($svg_class->txt_style); // mPDF 4.4.003
case 'radialgradient':
case 'lineargradient':
$last_gradid = '';
case "text":
$path_cmd = $svg_class->svgText();
// echo 'path >> '.$path_cmd."<br><br>";
// echo "style >> ".$get_style[1]."<br><br>";
// mPDF 4.4.003
$tmp = count($svg_class->svg_style)-1;
$current_style = $svg_class->svg_style[$tmp];
if ($current_style['transformations']) {
$svg_class->svgWriteString(" Q\n");
// mPDF 5.0.039 - Don't output stuff inside <defs>
if ($name == 'defs') {
$svg_class->inDefs = false;
global $svg_class;
$svg_class = $this;
// mPDF 5.0.039 - Don't output stuff inside <defs>
$svg_class->inDefs = false;
$svg2pdf_xml_parser = xml_parser_create("utf-8");
xml_parser_set_option($svg2pdf_xml_parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, false);
xml_set_element_handler($svg2pdf_xml_parser, "xml_svg2pdf_start", "xml_svg2pdf_end");
xml_set_character_data_handler($svg2pdf_xml_parser, "characterData");
xml_parse($svg2pdf_xml_parser, $data);
// mPDF 4.4.003
if ($this->svg_error) { return false; }
else {
return array('x'=>$this->svg_info['x']*$this->kp,'y'=>-$this->svg_info['y']*$this->kp,'w'=>$this->svg_info['w']*$this->kp,'h'=>-$this->svg_info['h']*$this->kp,'data'=>$svg_class->svg_string);
// mPDF 5.0.040
function calc_bezier_bbox($start, $c) {
$P0 = array($start[0],$start[1]);
$P1 = array($c[0],$c[1]);
$P2 = array($c[2],$c[3]);
$P3 = array($c[4],$c[5]);
$bounds = array();
$bounds[0][] = $P0[0];
$bounds[1][] = $P0[1];
$bounds[0][] = $P3[0];
$bounds[1][] = $P3[1];
for ($i=0;$i<=1;$i++) {
$b = 6 * $P0[$i] - 12 * $P1[$i] + 6 * $P2[$i];
$a = -3 * $P0[$i] + 9 * $P1[$i] - 9 * $P2[$i] + 3 * $P3[$i];
$c = 3 * $P1[$i] - 3 * $P0[$i];
if ($a == 0) {
if ($b == 0) { continue; }
$t = -$c / $b;
if ($t>0 && $t<1) {
$bounds[$i][] = (pow((1-$t),3) * $P0[$i] + 3 * pow((1-$t),2) * $t * $P1[$i] + 3 * (1-$t) * pow($t,2) * $P2[$i] + pow($t,3) * $P3[$i]);
$b2ac = pow($b, 2) - 4 * $c * $a;
if ($b2ac < 0) { continue; }
$t1 = (-$b + sqrt($b2ac))/(2 * $a);
if ($t1>0 && $t1<1) {
$bounds[$i][] = (pow((1-$t1),3) * $P0[$i] + 3 * pow((1-$t1),2) * $t1 * $P1[$i] + 3 * (1-$t1) * pow($t1,2) * $P2[$i] + pow($t1,3) * $P3[$i]);
$t2 = (-$b - sqrt($b2ac))/(2 * $a);
if ($t2>0 && $t2<1) {
$bounds[$i][] = (pow((1-$t2),3) * $P0[$i] + 3 * pow((1-$t2),2) * $t2 * $P1[$i] + 3 * (1-$t2) * pow($t2,2) * $P2[$i] + pow($t2,3) * $P3[$i]);
$x = min($bounds[0]);
$x2 = max($bounds[0]);
$y = min($bounds[1]);
$y2 = max($bounds[1]);
return array($x, $y, $x2, $y2);
// mPDF 5.0.040
function _testIntersectCircle($cx, $cy, $cr) {
// Tests whether a circle fully encloses a rectangle 0,0,1,1
// to see if any further radial gradients need adding (SVG)
// If centre of circle is inside 0,0,1,1 square
if ($cx >= 0 && $cx <= 1 && $cy >= 0 && $cy <= 1) {
$maxd = 1.5;
// distance to four corners
else {
$d1 = sqrt(pow(($cy-0),2) + pow(($cx-0),2));
$d2 = sqrt(pow(($cy-1),2) + pow(($cx-0),2));
$d3 = sqrt(pow(($cy-0),2) + pow(($cx-1),2));
$d4 = sqrt(pow(($cy-1),2) + pow(($cx-1),2));
$maxd = max($d1,$d2,$d3,$d4);
if ($cr < $maxd) { return true; }
else { return false; }
// mPDF 5.0.040
function _testIntersect($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3, $x4, $y4) {
// Tests whether line (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) [a gradient axis (perpendicular)]
// intersects with a specific line segment (x3, y3) and (x4, y4)
$a1 = $y2-$y1;
$b1 = $x1-$x2;
$c1 = $a1*$x1+$b1*$y1;
$a2 = $y4-$y3;
$b2 = $x3-$x4;
$c2 = $a2*$x3+$b2*$y3;
$det = $a1*$b2 - $a2*$b1;
if($det == 0){ //Lines are parallel
return false;
$x = ($b2*$c1 - $b1*$c2)/$det;
$y = ($a1*$c2 - $a2*$c1)/$det;
if ($x >= $x3 && $x <= $x4 && $y >= $y3 && $y <= $y4) { return true; }
return false;