Kevin Decherf f4a1401de0 Reduce opacity of archived entries on tag view
Fixes #4466

Signed-off-by: Kevin Decherf <kevin@kdecherf.com>
2020-07-13 18:53:39 +02:00

18 lines
839 B

<div class="card{% if currentRoute == 'tag_entries' and entry.isArchived %} archived{% endif %}">
<div class="card-body">
<div class="card-fullimage">
<ul class="card-entry-labels">
{% for tag in entry.tags | slice(0, 3) %}
<li><a href="{{ path('tag_entries', {'slug': tag.slug}) }}">{{ tag.label }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
<a href="{{ path('view', { 'id': entry.id }) }}">
<span class="preview" style="background-image: url({{ entry.previewPicture }})"></span>
{% include "@WallabagCore/themes/material/Entry/Card/_content.html.twig" with {'entry': entry} only %}
{% include "@WallabagCore/themes/material/Entry/_card_actions.html.twig" with {'entry': entry} only %}